Left vs right, masculine vs feminine - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:Domestication is the product of survival so of course it leads to and results from survival...

This doesn't make sense, though you have managed to put "domestication" and "survival" into a sentence.

Rich wrote:The world dog population is 900 million and growing. Most of these dogs contribute squat zero to our economy...

Not only does the domestication-created dog create nothing of valuable to other species, but it has lost its ability to survive through the domestication process. Instead, it has been bred to "depend on" a host.

If humanity does (or perhaps already has done) the same thing to itself, our extinction clock is ticking...
Unthinking Majority wrote:The reality is that we need both a left and a right in politics.

No we don't. In purely linguistic terms the descriptiveness of right and left may be inevitable, but we don't need right wing thought at all. It's all very stupid and useless and premised on the idea that things can never get better, nor is any desire to make things better good.

And why families need both a masculine and feminine figure (e.g. mother and father). Even gay couples typically have a partner who is more masculine and the other partner who leans more feminine. It's nature's way.

"If I examine everything through this binary lens of masculinity/femininity, then every couple I examine will have a masculine and feminine." Yeah, duh, no shit.

Ok. What about a single parent? What about two transbians or two transmen in a relationship? How do I measure the masculinity of a virgin Bible nerd nun who is asexual? That nun is married to God, who I understand to be an aromantic asexual binary being of pure, unmitigated power. Or possibly gay, He made Adam first and Eve as an afterthought from some bio waste.

You're just cramming every wooden shape in the toddler's play bucket through the same two holes and saying it's natural.

And the reason is because the left is more feminized like a mother figure, they are more kind and compassionate and giving because sometimes when people are genuinely hurting they need that, and the right-wing is more masculine like a father figure. They deal more in tough love and teach personal responsibility and facing one's fears, and they're also the ones who are more assertive/aggressive and can often better protect the family from outside threats.

So the government is like a parent in many ways. We're forced to abide by their rules and they protect us from outside threats (military, police etc) like a father would, but they also can take care of us when we're vulnerable and/or hurting (unemployment insurance, welfare, healthcare, pensions etc) like a mother would. Too much or not enough of one or the other is harmful.

The far-left/communists are compassionate and well-meaning, but are like an overbearing mother who shelters their children, and the fascists and far-right are tough but far too much so, like an abusive father that lacks compassion. You need a balanced approach, and the left and right balance each other out and act as a check on each other so each isn't able to go to far.

*Note: Like in many families, sometimes the female behaves more "masculine" and provides the discipline and tough love, while the male is the kinder/gentler figure. So left-wing fellas don't worry, i'm not calling you women :lol:

What man-o-sphere influencer podcasts do you listen to? This is some Jordan Peterson waxing on the moral lessons of Disney movies surface level reading shit man.

These are pretty surface level takes on American politics. You know, in North Korea, Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il were typically depicted as motherly figures to the Korean peoples? You can find paintings of Kim Jong Un lovingly tying up the shoelaces of soldiers before they go off to kill the big nosed American invaders.
SpecialOlympian wrote:No we don't. In purely linguistic terms the descriptiveness of right and left may be inevitable, but we don't need right wing thought at all. It's all very stupid and useless and premised on the idea that things can never get better, nor is any desire to make things better good.

This is a very short-sighted and radically dangerous way to view politics. As Bill Maher commented the other day, the left puts on the gas pedal and the right puts on the brakes. They're both needed as a check on the other. Otherwise progress never happens or it does but sometimes with a lack of forethought to unintended consequences and a loss of things that already work well (throwing the baby out with the bathwater).

Similarly, a society too focused on compassion and helping people (though this is needed) while rarely demanding personal responsibility and self-sufficiency can become dysfunctional and filled with people overly dependent on government, similar to an unemployed 30 year old still living at home with their parents.

Virtually any society that is too left or too rightwing becomes dysfunctional for different reasons, and history bears this out.
Ok. What about a single parent? What about two transbians or two transmen in a relationship? How do I measure the masculinity of a virgin Bible nerd nun who is asexual? That nun is married to God, who I understand to be an aromantic asexual binary being of pure, unmitigated power. Or possibly gay, He made Adam first and Eve as an afterthought from some bio waste.

You're just cramming every wooden shape in the toddler's play bucket through the same two holes and saying it's natural.

A successful single parent often needs to assume both masculine and feminine roles: kindness and compassion combined with tough love, disciplining, and providing the physical/economic security of the family.

These are pretty surface level takes on American politics. You know, in North Korea, Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il were typically depicted as motherly figures to the Korean peoples? You can find paintings of Kim Jong Un lovingly tying up the shoelaces of soldiers before they go off to kill the big nosed American invaders.

I'm not commenting on American politics specifically. This is pretty universal.
Unthinking Majority wrote:This is a very short-sighted and radically dangerous way to view politics. As Bill Maher commented the other day,


They're both needed as a check on the other.

No. I don't care what an unfunny "comedian" who gets claughpter and whose stand up specials were mostly bitching about pot being illegal says. He sucks and he's an idiot.

Similarly, a society too focused on compassion and helping people (though this is needed) while rarely demanding personal responsibility and self-sufficiency can become dysfunctional and filled with people overly dependent on government, similar to an unemployed 30 year old still living at home with their parents.

The problem is your take is some kind of weird low-rent man-o-sphere podcast take where femininity/masculinity are applied to everything. Here is a more accurate version of the parental dynamic as applied to both parties based on the current Democrat/Republican politics:

Mom is an OCD Adderall addict with multiple Master's degrees. Instead of cooking dinner for her child, she has spent the last several weeks calculating exactly how much money they should give their progeny to pay for lunch at the school cafeteria every day. They've nearly perfected a means-tested approach that rewards good behavior and has phase outs for when the child's piggy bank is too full, as it's not fair for a child with a full piggy bank to receive full lunch subsidies. This is far more time consuming, inefficient, and neglectful than just giving the kid $5 a day. Something which all studies say is more effective and efficient than calculating out $3.27 one day and $3.26 the next. Also, they drug test their 7 year old.

Dad thinks 7 years old is about time to move out of the house and stop leaching off your parents. In fact, they should be taking care of their own kids now. He spends his time pressing ammo in the basement, exposing his child to dangerous levels of lead due to his poor safety procedures, while listening to Alex Jones. Whenever the child complains about not getting dinner he calls them gay whiners who want a handout. Also, they drug test their 7 year old but they like to watch in case their child is trying to "trans their gender." He's currently out on bail and awaiting trial for assaulting his car mechanic because they casually mentioned "your transmission is in perfect order."

I'm not commenting on American politics specifically. This is pretty universal.

No it's just grossly reductive and pointless. If you have a coherent political ideology you do not want a strong oppositional party. This is defeatist, stupid, and a tacit admission that you don't actually want to govern or enact the policies you sell to voters. As Nancy Pelosi has stated repeatedly throughout her career with: "We need a strong Republican party."
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lmao

No. I don't care what an unfunny "comedian" who gets claughpter and whose stand up specials were mostly bitching about pot being illegal says. He sucks and he's an idiot.

The problem is your take is some kind of weird low-rent man-o-sphere podcast take where femininity/masculinity are applied to everything. Here is a more accurate version of the parental dynamic as applied to both parties based on the current Democrat/Republican politics:

Mom is an OCD Adderall addict with multiple Master's degrees. Instead of cooking dinner for her child, she has spent the last several weeks calculating exactly how much money they should give their progeny to pay for lunch at the school cafeteria every day. They've nearly perfected a means-tested approach that rewards good behavior and has phase outs for when the child's piggy bank is too full, as it's not fair for a child with a full piggy bank to receive full lunch subsidies. This is far more time consuming, inefficient, and neglectful than just giving the kid $5 a day. Something which all studies say is more effective and efficient than calculating out $3.27 one day and $3.26 the next. Also, they drug test their 7 year old.

Dad thinks 7 years old is about time to move out of the house and stop leaching off your parents. In fact, they should be taking care of their own kids now. He spends his time pressing ammo in the basement, exposing his child to dangerous levels of lead due to his poor safety procedures, while listening to Alex Jones. Whenever the child complains about not getting dinner he calls them gay whiners who want a handout. Also, they drug test their 7 year old but they like to watch in case their child is trying to "trans their gender." He's currently out on bail and awaiting trial for assaulting his car mechanic because they casually mentioned "your transmission is in perfect order."

No it's just grossly reductive and pointless. If you have a coherent political ideology you do not want a strong oppositional party. This is defeatist, stupid, and a tacit admission that you don't actually want to govern or enact the policies you sell to voters. As Nancy Pelosi has stated repeatedly throughout her career with: "We need a strong Republican party."

Glad you are so empathetic and self-critical and have all the right answers. What could go wrong?
Unthinking Majority wrote:Glad you are so empathetic and self-critical and have all the right answers. What could go wrong?

You just do not understand what politics is. Politics is the opposite of empathy. Politics has absolutely nothing to do with who is 'correct',, lol. The goal of politics is to seize power and execute your enemies before they seize power and execute you. It is that simple.

As an American, you have been indoctrinated into believing that elections matter. The fact the loser is not killed is proof that they do not.
FiveofSwords wrote:You just do not understand what politics is. Politics is the opposite of empathy. Politics has absolutely nothing to do with who is 'correct',, lol. The goal of politics is to seize power and execute your enemies before they seize power and execute you. It is that simple.

As an American, you have been indoctrinated into believing that elections matter. The fact the loser is not killed is proof that they do not.

This reminds me of a Soviet diplomat who was once asked what he thought of the British Labour Party. He replied that he simply couldn’t take it seriously as a political party because whenever they lost an election “they do not immediately proceed to sabotage”. :lol:
Potemkin wrote:This reminds me of a Soviet diplomat who was once asked what he thought of the British Labour Party. He replied that he simply couldn’t take it seriously as a political party because whenever they lost an election “they do not immediately proceed to sabotage”. :lol:

That is because politicians actually weilded power in the ussr. In the west, power is invisible. Politicians are mainly just actors.
Unthinking Majority wrote:…. the left puts on the gas pedal and the right puts on the brakes.

This breaks down in many contexts,

In Canada, it is legal for a pregnant person to have an abortion at any stage of pregnancy. People who want to maintain this (as you say: put on the brakes) are “the left”. People who want to change this (i.e. put on the gas pedal) are “the right”.

This then exists as a real time example contradicting the idea that progressives are always seeking change.

Climate change is another, since it is progressives who are trying to slow the change.
FiveofSwords wrote:You just do not understand what politics is. Politics is the opposite of empathy. Politics has absolutely nothing to do with who is 'correct',, lol. The goal of politics is to seize power and execute your enemies before they seize power and execute you. It is that simple.

As an American, you have been indoctrinated into believing that elections matter. The fact the loser is not killed is proof that they do not.

I'm not American.

Politics is power relations between humans. That's all. "Executing your enemies" can be part of politics, but not necessarily. There's many ways to attain and retain power.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I'm not American.

Politics is power relations between humans. That's all. "Executing your enemies" can be part of politics, but not necessarily. There's many ways to attain and retain power.

If there is a civil war in the US you are going to see a lot of refugees from the states in your part of Canada. Buckle up. Hope there isn't a civil war brewing. Lol.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I'm not American.

Politics is power relations between humans. That's all. "Executing your enemies" can be part of politics, but not necessarily. There's many ways to attain and retain power.

There are intelligent and stupid ways to retain power. Only an idiot would not execute their enemy if they are able to. That sort of idiot was only able to acquire power in the era of monarchy. Certainly not today.
FiveofSwords wrote:There are intelligent and stupid ways to retain power. Only an idiot would not execute their enemy if they are able to. That sort of idiot was only able to acquire power in the era of monarchy. Certainly not today.

Most of us non- white men have found a different way to take power from the white race: we get white women pregnant and thereby reduce the number of white kids and increase the number of non-white kids.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Most of us non- white men have found a different way to take power from the white race: we get white women pregnant and thereby reduce the number of white kids and increase the number of non-white kids.


Well that doesn't acquire power. But good luck with that.
FiveofSwords wrote:Honestly I think you should give up on hoping to understand me or my concerns. There is no way you could comprehend any of my thoughts.

I was not discussing you.

You are aware of the Great Replacement Theory as espoused by white nationalists in the USA, right?

Since you are a white nationalist from the USA, you should know what this is and why white nationalists fear it.
FiveofSwords wrote:There are intelligent and stupid ways to retain power. Only an idiot would not execute their enemy if they are able to. That sort of idiot was only able to acquire power in the era of monarchy. Certainly not today.

Are you serious?

Potemkin wrote:This reminds me of a Soviet diplomat who was once asked what he thought of the British Labour Party. He replied that he simply couldn’t take it seriously as a political party because whenever they lost an election “they do not immediately proceed to sabotage”. :lol:

This sabotage is necessary because the 1% sabotage all elections by sabotaging the minds of the electorate.

The 1% will even resort to rigging elections as they have the means to do so.

Even femmy transvestites wearing pink spiked heels should support this as a kind of Praxis-equity.

After analyzing the identity of a poster, Pants-of-dog wrote:I was not discussing you.

This is your biggest debating gaffe. You frequently argue against the identity of a poster, rather than against the ideas that the poster expresses.

This is not very effective and allows you to avoid confronting the content (the ideas) of posts.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Most of us non- white men have found a different way to take power from the white race: we get white women pregnant and thereby reduce the number of white kids and increase the number of non-white kids.


I thought your partner was a first races person, a person of vagina, completely coincidentally to the last point I got the impression that she was currently identifying as a woman.

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