Where do you guys score on the Moral Foundations Test? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:If you care about people you would want to harm the other people who threaten them.

Threats are everywhere. Environmental threats, cars going too fast in the highway, diseases you might get from COVID, some food poisoning, lead in the water in Flint Michigan. Threat comes with living life in your everyday life.

Inventing threats that do not exist to create some fictional kumbaya moment is about political manipulations.

You failed to define whiteness. You failed to do a lot of work for your genetic explanations.

Then you tell Rancid he is what? Lol.

You need to face basic math.

Percentages of people in the world who are not from Europe?

What is the population of the human race on Earth?
Demographics of the world - Wikipedia
The overall population of the world is approximately 8 billion as of November 2022.

The Han Chinese
As of January 2024, there were about 5 billion global Internet users, constituting 66% of the world population. The Han Chinese are the world's largest single ethnic group, constituting over 19% of the global population in 2011.

if you do some math between Asia, Africa and Latin America the Europeans are a minority. Period. They always have been. Which means being afraid of being a minotiry or losing population is something that will always be true unless a big species extinction event happens and all humankind is collapsing and it won't matter which European ethnic group you are from. It will be a scramble for humankind's survival. Which is the most important concern if you care about human beings and their future. If any race can survive and you have thousands of more years to bounce back? You can get back to the white European genus in the beauty of variations and genetic mutation. In other words, in all of us, the gene as a genetic pool will pull the race from obscurity if the conditions are right for it.

You get a second chance at racial survival if all of the entire species makes it out of the collapse.

But if you are always worried about status and fake fear reptilian brain thinking....just hope you can allay a real fear or some other thing that is more likely to happen to your kids or yourself, like getting cancer, heart attacks, and the top five diseases and or crashing in a car on a road, or having a tree fall on your head if there is an ice storm in your rural town.

Worrying about boogie man victimhood is not for normal thinkers. Who says you can't move to the Idaho compound and do Heil Hitler salutes all day, and pop out tons of children to save your genes from genocide lows? It is reproducing to power. Do a Genghis Khan thing. Or some UAE polygamist sect thing. Hope the thing works out and you save money from raising dozens of kids and having to pay for a lot of their needs.

Sweat it out with expenses. Save your race! :lol:

We had an ancap in here who had similar views. He was making 50k a year on a Pennsylvania farm with 7 kids and counting. He was making sure whiteness did not disappear. He had to budget a lot. And worry about how to make more money when the kids keep coming.

Just pop out tons of kids. They are expensive I know. But that is what saving the race and culture is about. Spend the money. Save the race. The US sucks with the lack of family support structures.

But that is capitalism for you. Anti-family.

And white people still are a majority in the USA. According to the Census Bureau. So? Why worry about being wiped out if in the USA you are a majority? Paranoia I think. Or that the majority of the whites are not agreeing with the Nationalist Socialist agenda.

Why? That is the question you need to solve. It is not my problem.

It is your problem because you think 'race' is a naturally altruistic thing that brings togetherness. Despite wars in Europe and specifically in WWII where the German Hitler group lost that war. To mostly other white groups like England, the USA and Russians, and the resistance groups in many nations. Spain was out of it because Franco had just finished fighting a bloody Civil War and was tapped out and reached an agreement with Hitler.

The whites between themselves fought and the Germans emerged as the defeated. That is the end of that story.

How many of the population is white?
White Americans - Wikipedia
the U.S. the U.S. Source: United States census bureau. White Americans constitute the majority of the 332 million people living in the United States, with 71% of the population in the 2020 United States Census, including 61.6% who identified as 'white alone.'

You are a majority and you are not being genocided in the USA. Why keep up with that obvious lie?
Rancid wrote:I think my results say's I'm a piece of shit?

Seriously though, not really sure what this says.

Care: 90
Fairness: 81
Liberty: 65
In-group: 69
Purity: 62
Authority: 75

I was in the high nineties on caring. You and I would get along.

Hee hee.

My lowest score was on authority. No surprise there for me.
Tainari88 wrote:Threats are everywhere. Environmental threats, cars going too fast in the highway, diseases you might get from COVID, some food poisoning, lead in the water in Flint Michigan. Threat comes with living life in your everyday life.

Inventing threats that do not exist to create some fictional kumbaya moment is about political manipulations.

You failed to define whiteness. You failed to do a lot of work for your genetic explanations.

Then you tell Rancid he is what? Lol.

You need to face basic math.

Percentages of people in the world who are not from Europe?

if you do some math between Asia, Africa and Latin America the Europeans are a minority. Period. They always have been. Which means being afraid of being a minotiry or losing population is something that will always be true unless a big species extinction event happens and all humankind is collapsing and it won't matter which European ethnic group you are from. It will be a scramble for humankind's survival. Which is the most important concern if you care about human beings and their future. If any race can survive and you have thousands of more years to bounce back? You can get back to the white European genus in the beauty of variations and genetic mutation. In other words, in all of us, the gene as a genetic pool will pull the race from obscurity if the conditions are right for it.

You get a second chance at racial survival if all of the entire species makes it out of the collapse.

But if you are always worried about status and fake fear reptilian brain thinking....just hope you can allay a real fear or some other thing that is more likely to happen to your kids or yourself, like getting cancer, heart attacks, and the top five diseases and or crashing in a car on a road, or having a tree fall on your head if there is an ice storm in your rural town.

Worrying about boogie man victimhood is not for normal thinkers. Who says you can't move to the Idaho compound and do Heil Hitler salutes all day, and pop out tons of children to save your genes from genocide lows? It is reproducing to power. Do a Genghis Khan thing. Or some UAE polygamist sect thing. Hope the thing works out and you save money from raising dozens of kids and having to pay for a lot of their needs.

Sweat it out with expenses. Save your race! :lol:

We had an ancap in here who had similar views. He was making 50k a year on a Pennsylvania farm with 7 kids and counting. He was making sure whiteness did not disappear. He had to budget a lot. And worry about how to make more money when the kids keep coming.

Just pop out tons of kids. They are expensive I know. But that is what saving the race and culture is about. Spend the money. Save the race. The US sucks with the lack of family support structures.

But that is capitalism for you. Anti-family.

And white people still are a majority in the USA. According to the Census Bureau. So? Why worry about being wiped out if in the USA you are a majority? Paranoia I think. Or that the majority of the whites are not agreeing with the Nationalist Socialist agenda.

Why? That is the question you need to solve. It is not my problem.

It is your problem because you think 'race' is a naturally altruistic thing that brings togetherness. Despite wars in Europe and specifically in WWII where the German Hitler group lost that war. To mostly other white groups like England, the USA and Russians, and the resistance groups in many nations. Spain was out of it because Franco had just finished fighting a bloody Civil War and was tapped out and reached an agreement with Hitler.

The whites between themselves fought and the Germans emerged as the defeated. That is the end of that story.

You are a majority and you are not being genocided in the USA. Why keep up with that obvious lie?

I defined the white race just fine. You guys just cant figure out what a genetic cluster is. It is too difficult for you to comprehend. Not my problem.

Oh and I totally agree it is pointless to worry about things that aren't true. you are so clever for knowing that.
Skynet wrote:@FiveofSwords

Most of Europe has Haplotype R1a and its western Relative R1b. This genetics come from the Yamnaya culture.


Balkan and Northern Europe have majority old hunters and gatherers genetics.

Just Europeans have different haircolours (not just black) and different eye colours

Why are you telling me things I obviously know?

The problem is the common clustering validity techniques show 'biasness' toward a particular category of clustering technique to give them higher validity ratings, which consequently gives a false sense of clustering output.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

The problem is the common clustering validity techniques show 'biasness' toward a particular category of clustering technique to give them higher validity ratings, which consequently gives a false sense of clustering output.


We beat this horse to the point it was liquefied. I totally understand. You guys have psychological issues that prevent you from understanding that some people are more related than others. You want everyone to be exactly equally related. That way you don't have to worry about finding out who your dad was. I am sorry you have this issue, but it makes any productive discussion impossible. That has been quite proven.

Read the paper and you will see it is possible to get different clusters using different clustering techniques and clustering validity techniques show biases that give a false sense of clustering output.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Read the paper and you will see it is possible to get different clusters using different clustering techniques and clustering validity techniques show biases that give a false sense of clustering output.


I've read plenty of stuff critical of this or that aspect of pca analysis lol. Plenty. But it is stupid nitpicking over whether the error is .003 or .002 lol.it changes nothing about the meaningful content of the info. You are just a noob who Google 'criticism of pca' or something and know nothing about it so you don't even realize how trivial and irrelevant your objections are.

No geneticist is going to tell you that there is no clustering in the genetics of human populations. That simply will never happen.

They will just say something homosexual like 'we shouldn't use race because of the problematic history of that term'. It will just be retarded liberals desperate to redefine words again. It's dumb and irrelevant.
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 17 Apr 2024 21:31, edited 1 time in total.
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