Where do you guys score on the Moral Foundations Test? - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:@FiveofSwords, when do you plan to call for a race war?

You are already in one. He says his race is being genocided. Which means there are people who are not white going to his house and the homes of all the white people in the USA and firebombing them out of their homes and killing them in a mass way to make sure the entire group is dead.

And that right now it is happening all over the world.

Or only in the USA? Lol.

We ask for evidence. It is not produced.

Then anthropologists know nothing about human beings and their behavior even though anthropology is this:

the study of human societies and cultures and their development.
"they examine lesser-known findings in archeology and anthropology to highlight all that we don't know about human history"
the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution.
"I really loved psychology and anthropology and studying primate behavior and cognition"

What is the best definition of anthropology?
Anthropology | Definition, Meaning, Branches, History ...
anthropology, “the science of humanity,” which studies human beings in aspects ranging from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the features of society and culture that decisively distinguish humans from other animal species.Mar 29, 2024

Then talk about genetics.

The branches or fields of anthropology.

The four major fields of anthropology are cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology. These anthropologists study culture across time and space, human biology (past and present), ancient humans in relation to modern people, and communication and language, respectively.

un 16, 2023 — The American Anthropological Association defines anthropology simply by saying, “Anthropology is the study of what makes us human.”

None of this is important for a person claiming to know why their race is under attack and is somehow superior to other 'races'. No.

And the geneticists will be discarded. Molecular biologists. They too will be discarded. And everyone else who does not subscribe to the lack of real science that the Nazis want us to accept as truth.

All science is evolving along with the evidence presented. New evidence is presented you got to revisit theory and see if it holds up to scrutiny or it has to be discarded and a new theory explored. That is the nature of the scientific method.

What is the scientific method? This:

June 16, 2023 — The American Anthropological Association defines anthropology simply by saying, “Anthropology is the study of what makes us human.”

What are the 7 steps of the scientific method?
There are seven steps to the scientific method: Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication. Although scientists may modify, reorder, or revisit steps on occasion, scientists generally use this basic logical approach.

What is the definition of a scientific study?
Scientific study is a method of obtaining information in order to address a previously identified problem or question. This often involves forming and testing a hypothesis, or an explanation for something based on prior knowledge or research.

What are the 11 steps of the scientific method?
Step 1: Make an Observation (Theory Construction) ...
Step 2: Ask a Question. ...
Step 3: Form a Hypothesis (Make Predictions) ...
Step 4: Run an Experiment (Gather Data) ...
Step 5: Analyze the Data and Draw Conclusions. ...
Step 6: Share Your Results. ...
Step 7: Repeat the Scientific Method (Iteration)
Jul 31, 2023

Again, geneticists need to do that and so do all fields of science that is applied. Including anthropological theories. Which have changed over time.

But the race war is on @Rancid because that is reality for the Nazis.
Rancid wrote:How do you think society should be organized? Would you 100% kick out all non-whites, or exploit them in some way?

Well that depends on what you want to accomplish. I don't think a multiracial society can function so I am glad that the usa is multiracial because it will result in the usa collapsing, which is exactly what I want.
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 19 Apr 2024 00:33, edited 1 time in total.
Tainari88 wrote:You are already in one. He says his race is being genocided. Which means there are people who are not white going to his house and the homes of all the white people in the USA and firebombing them out of their homes and killing them in a mass way to make sure the entire group is dead.

And that right now it is happening all over the world.

Or only in the USA? Lol.

We ask for evidence. It is not produced.

Then anthropologists know nothing about human beings and their behavior even though anthropology is this:

the study of human societies and cultures and their development.
"they examine lesser-known findings in archeology and anthropology to highlight all that we don't know about human history"
the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution.
"I really loved psychology and anthropology and studying primate behavior and cognition"

What is the best definition of anthropology?
Anthropology | Definition, Meaning, Branches, History ...
anthropology, “the science of humanity,” which studies human beings in aspects ranging from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the features of society and culture that decisively distinguish humans from other animal species.Mar 29, 2024

Then talk about genetics.

The branches or fields of anthropology.

The four major fields of anthropology are cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology. These anthropologists study culture across time and space, human biology (past and present), ancient humans in relation to modern people, and communication and language, respectively.

un 16, 2023 — The American Anthropological Association defines anthropology simply by saying, “Anthropology is the study of what makes us human.”

None of this is important for a person claiming to know why their race is under attack and is somehow superior to other 'races'. No.

And the geneticists will be discarded. Molecular biologists. They too will be discarded. And everyone else who does not subscribe to the lack of real science that the Nazis want us to accept as truth.

All science is evolving along with the evidence presented. New evidence is presented you got to revisit theory and see if it holds up to scrutiny or it has to be discarded and a new theory explored. That is the nature of the scientific method.

Again, geneticists need to do that and so do all fields of science that is applied. Including anthropological theories. Which have changed over time.

But the race war is on @Rancid because that is reality for the Nazis.

Considering you have the intelligence of an oyster, I don't think you could successfully speak for me.
Rancid wrote:What else do you want?

I am thinking he is into suicide and not genocide.

Hoping for Russian nukes hitting major US cities is problematic.

You would think he would want to save the white people in those cities but he ain't happy with the white people in general either.

He needs to sing this song:

FiveofSwords wrote:Considering you have the intelligence of an oyster, I don't think you could successfully speak for me.

I do not care what you think about me Sword.

You got issues.

I still think you need to find some woman who puts up with your whining and negativity and once you have a child hopefully you change. If you do not?

Then you need to get some mental treatment. Hoping for nuclear war is not normal behavior.

Not even the worst warmongerers on the planet would want a total nuclear situation. That is truly suicidal.

Really these election years bring out the fringe in a big way.


Humans are 99.912% the same genetically.

The differences ...

Phenotypic Variation

6% of genetic variants are phenotypic.

6% (Lewontin,1972) of 0.88 in 1000 (Ning Yu et al. 2002) = 6% of 0.00088 = 0.00528%

Genotypic Variation

94% of genetic variants are genotypic.

94% of 0.88 in 1000 = 94% of 0.00088 = 0.08272%

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords


Humans are 99.912% the same genetically.

The differences ...

Phenotypic Variation

6% of genetic variants are phenotypic.

6% (Lewontin,1972) of 0.88 in 1000 (Ning Yu et al. 2002) = 6% of 0.00088 = 0.00528%

Genotypic Variation

94% of genetic variants are genotypic.

94% of 0.88 in 1000 = 94% of 0.00088 = 0.08272%


Lewontin literally has a logical fallacy named after him lol.

Anyway this post is very dumb and suggests you have no idea what a phenotype is lol. You can't just divide variation between genotype and phenotype and say what % is each lol...that isn't how phenotype works.

It's like saying a cake is 94% ingredients and 6% baking, lol. It's dumb and ignorant
Tainari88 wrote:I do not care what you think about me Sword.

You got issues.

I still think you need to find some woman who puts up with your whining and negativity and once you have a child hopefully you change. If you do not?

Then you need to get some mental treatment. Hoping for nuclear war is not normal behavior.

Not even the worst warmongerers on the planet would want a total nuclear situation. That is truly suicidal.

Really these election years bring out the fringe in a big way.


Edwards' critique does not contradict Lewontin's argument. A 2007 paper in Genetics by David J. Witherspoon et al. concluded that Lewontin's observation about the distribution of genetic differences across ancestral population groups applies even when the most distinct populations are considered and hundreds of loci are used.

Last edited by ingliz on 19 Apr 2024 15:45, edited 1 time in total.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Edwards' critique does not contradict Lewontin's argument. A 2007 paper in Genetics by David J. Witherspoon et al. concluded that Lewontin's observation about the distribution of genetic differences across ancestral population groups applies even when the most distinct populations are considered and hundreds of loci are used.


It's actually just a lie. Myself, and almost everyone on earth, can tell you with very high accuracy whether a person is black by simply looking at them. Everyone knows this from their personal experience. Likewise, I can tell you if someone is northeast Asian, or from India, etc. Everyone can. It amazes me how you guys try so hard to argue that what literally every human sees with their eyes is somehow wrong. And yes, if you sampled Morgan freeman's dna, I am sure you will find it is majority sub saharan African.

You cant use 'science' to try and refute what people see with their own eyeballs lol. That is totally unscientific.

What people like lewontin is TRYING to do is be sufficiently obscuratist that they hope people doubt what they see, by citing stuff that may technically be true but does not actually imply what the layperson thinks it should imply.

At the end of the day, Morgan Freeman is still black. So is DenzelWashington. So is Kaye west. Etc. What literally Everyone with functioning eyes and a functional brain knows is in fact correct.




The species Homo sapiens cannot be further subdivided into subspecies which are physically and genetically different. Thus, for H.sapiens, the species and subspecies are the same - H.sapiens sapiens.

Your examples fit into a social construction that is 'Blackness'.

Skynet wrote:The dominant race of the planet is still the White race since the Yamnaya conquered Europe and Iran and India....

Even the Arabs used Caucasian mercenaries the Mameluks...

but due to mixing this race will disappear...

I think the white race will give birth to the Übermensch/Superman

Lol. The dominant race according to numbers and math is not Europe Skynet. It never has been. In terms of ethnic groups like an entire ethnic group that has enormous numbers? The PRC with the Han population. Are they from Europe? No.

The issue for scientific racism is what percentages of white and from what white group is the hierarchy about? That is the issue with them.

In terms of making money the ethnic group with the highest incomes in the USA are Asians. Not White Americans. But Asians are not a majority of the USA. So a minority group is the group with the highest incomes in the USA. Statistically speaking.

Some groups suffer from certain diseases and others do not. Does this mean there are no white people with diabetes or heart attacks? Of course not. But it means that African Americans have higher BP problems and so on and it is analyzed for various environmental factors.

Most geneticists in the world and in the USA study genes to try to help cure diseases or manage hereditary illness or dysfunction in people from all ethnic groups in the USA. Ashkenazi Jewish women have a much higher probability of getting breast cancer for example than the general non Ashkenazi Jewish population. they found it had to do with a specific gene in Chromosome 14. I think they called it Brac1 and Brac2 and the woman geneticist who did the research was called Mary Claire King.

Here she is:


And she is not a neo nazi either. A leftist.

Surprise surprise.


Most of the geneticists in the world are not into the Neo Nazi thing. It is not scientific. No matter how much they cry about it.

Either do the work or be discarded for credibility. In fact MIT biology and genetics department is one of the most prestigious institutions on Earth. In terms of biological and genetic research. Who are they and what race on the eyeball are they? Can they work as a group without problems as one and get good results for their research questions? Hmmm. Looks like they got everyone in there working. Black, Asian, Latinos, White and everyone in between. Guess they got the best and the brightest because MIT Broad Institute is the most academically cited institution on genetics in the world.

https://biology.mit.edu/graduate/why-mi ... e-program/

Another great geneticist the top cited one in the world. This guy from NYC.


Most of the decent scientists are not wasting time on hoping nukes hit the US and destroy all life here...they are trying to see if they can save people from suffering cancers, illnesses, genetic defects and or create some CRISPR code that might be useful in modifying the possibility of dying early or painfully.

Trying to help. Not trying to harm. Like decent humans. Not psychos. ;)

Bamshad et al. (2004) showed, using multilocus statistics and nearly 400 polymorphic loci, that pairs of individuals from different populations are often more similar than pairs from the same population.

How are we to understand this finding?

p.s. 'polymorphic loci' defined:

A genetic loci with two or more alleles, at which the most common form has a frequency not exceeding 0.95 in a given population.

Polymorphism, as related to genomics, refers to the presence of two or more variant forms of a specific DNA sequence that can occur among different individuals or populations. The most common type of polymorphism involves variation at a single nucleotide (also called a single-nucleotide polymorphism, or SNP). Other polymorphisms can be much larger, involving longer stretches of DNA.
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