If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 28 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:Ridiculous. That is simple. A race is a population of people who have adapted to a particular way of life...and they can easily be identified by their sna...which is actually different precisely because they have adapted to a particular way of life.

Eurpeans are close related genetically but the greek, slavic and germanic gods have a similar pantheon a male father god who leads a clan. Since then the whites have converted to middle-eastern religions who were stronger. The Mormons who have plenty children will be the last represetants of the white race the old aryan pagan religions had the tradition to let disabled babies die in the forest which created a strong race... my grandma followed these old gods in a region who was 700 year christian and 700 year muslim... She was the toughest women I ever met

In Bosnia some women marry mid-eastern immigrants but when a bosnian man wants to marry a mid-eastern woman their parents do not accept a white...

@wat0n The Ashkenazi Jews have 20% R1a (Slavic) haplotype
They are by far smarter in IQ-tests then the Sephradim (Oriental). The cossacks the were allegedly mixed with tartars to get smaller but better on the horse...

White race will dissappear because to few children but at first the will be erased the South-Koreans... the modern society has created a Pornhub generation who has just virtual sex.

Under authoritarian rule Germany was able to fight 2 World Wars and to recover but wokeness will erase them like the Japanese who were badass Samurai and even Kamikaze marry now sex dolls : :lol:

I like the dark enlightment
FiveofSwords wrote:If it's so vague then why are you aware that white sub populations could say that? Just stop lying

Why the obsession with race? People can be grouped together in all sorts of different ways, by class, by nation, by religion, by language, even by what hobbies they pursue. All of these groupings are more or less artificial. But ‘race’ seems to be one of the most artificial and least effective ways of grouping people. The ‘white race’, for example, have always hated each other like poison from day one. The most destructive wars in human history started as European civil wars. Nation trumps ‘race’ every time. As @Rich pointed out, there has never been a race war, ever. Unlike nationality or religion, it simply doesn’t matter that much to people.
Potemkin wrote:Why the obsession with race? People can be grouped together in all sorts of different ways, by class, by nation, by religion, by language, even by what hobbies they pursue. All of these groupings are more or less artificial. But ‘race’ seems to be one of the most artificial and least effective ways of grouping people. The ‘white race’, for example, have always hated each other like poison from day one. The most destructive wars in human history started as European civil wars. Nation trumps ‘race’ every time. As @Rich pointed out, there has never been a race war, ever. Unlike nationality or religion, it simply doesn’t matter that much to people.

Dude. Your dna literally makes you what you are. This is like saying it is artificial to call us human. No, actually if there is a single real identity then it is race

And saying there was never a race war is just amazingly foolish. I mean come on...what do you even think colonialism was?
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 18 May 2024 02:50, edited 1 time in total.
wat0n wrote:Because we have a grasp on who's white.

I do too. In fact all white people lived fairly close to each other because Europe is a very small continent, and they shared a lot of history in common. Social revolutions that occurred in some part of Europe quickly spread to other parts. So we all basically adapted genetically to the same general civilization and it was even to the extent that we look similar to each other. That of course does not mean we are all the same and of course there exist differences between a French and a german...in fact the differences can be detected by a dna test. But anyway this is just evolutionary biology 101. And you are welcome to deny basic science all you like but it is goofy to pretend you are on the side of science in the process.
Skynet wrote:Different Races have a different mix of other humanoid species like Neanderthals, Dinesovans....

@FiveofSwords What is your ideology???

It is very unlikely that you have ever heard of the ideology that I would consider myself closest to. I would consider myself a national socialist. It is very racially focused, anti capitalist, and I believe the role of government should be to give humans a reason to live and to organize them in accomplishing great things
FiveofSwords wrote:Dude. Your dna literally makes you what you are. This is like saying it is artificial to call us human. No, actually if there is a single real identity then it is race

And saying there was never a race war is just amazingly foolish. I mean come on...what do you even think colonialism was?

The pursuit of profit by subjugating and exploiting other nations? That’s what I’ve always understood it to be.

And DNA does not literally make us what we are. Environmental effects can shape phenotype through epigenetics, and our cultural and linguistic inheritance shapes our identity far more than our phenotype. A black person born and brought up in the UK has far more in common with a white UK citizen that he has with, say, a black Nigerian citizen.
Potemkin wrote:The pursuit of profit by subjugating and exploiting other nations? That’s what I’ve always understood it to be.

And DNA does not literally make us what we are. Environmental effects can shape phenotype through epigenetics, and our cultural and linguistic inheritance shapes our identity far more than our phenotype. A black person born and brought up in the UK has far more in common with a white UK citizen that he has with, say, a black Nigerian citizen.

Well if you claim to be as intelligent as a banana I don't feel much of a need to argue
Potemkin wrote: A black person born and brought up in the UK has far more in common with a white UK citizen that he has with, say, a black Nigerian citizen.

I doubt this genetics makes 50% what we are.

My closest culture is Albania but I do much better get along with Slavs but also to Western European Nazis (they are no woke pussies), you have to be proud on your ancestry not hate anybody but proud on your stuff.

My family originated in Monte Negro (700 years ago), in this culture did women work and the man train hole day for war like some germanic tribes according Tacitus... we are therefore lazier as whites who survived the industrialisation.

Go once for some months in jail you will see how it is to be a minority and how racist other groups are towards whites. An Arab wanted to cut my throat with a selfmade knife, he cut himself the hole day he gave a fuck about prison...

Blacks think all they are rappers and Asians behave hyperintelectual, the middle easterners want any women and are without reason aggressive.

Unfortunately many whites are also degenerated like sex offenders and opioid-junkys
Fasces wrote:What gene makes people into "woke pussies" [or National Socialists]?

It's down to psychology, not genes; humans are herd animals.

The collective cognitive imperative ...

An internal command or obligation felt by suggestible people that often drives their joining some group. Besides requiring the person to accept the group’s belief system, it outlines culturally agreed behavioural constraints and roles to be acted out. The “collective cognitive” part of its name connects it to group decision-making. Rather than an individual internally and analytically weighing the merits of believing in something or acting a certain way, this imperative requires that he or she trust an external authority accepted by the group.

QatzelOk wrote:Image
"Oh really?"
Adolph Hitler, vegetarian of the year, 1935


And for @Skynet the woke pussy? I am one of the few that possess a real pussy in this forum and the men keep thinking it is easy to 'create' it and that it is not something truly miraculous to have. I do not understand why being a pussy is being passive. Lol.

I just explained why it is so hard to try to create one out of nothing.

Men have penises and testicles, and they produce sperm. Some of them anyway. Many are not producing much sperm because their diets and the environment are affecting their sperm count.

Hitler had only one ball and was a vegetarian. Yet he was the leader....of Germany. He never had kids, I guess he was a woke pussy Skynet.

This thread makes me laugh a lot sometimes.

@Skynet you really believe in a lot of stereotypes about a lot of people. Maybe it is about the prison experience.

Again, many people from a certain ethnic label do not fit the profile. they are outliers.

And for being a woman I have to say, men have serious issues with ego. :lol: :lol:
Skynet wrote:I doubt this genetics makes 50% what we are.

My closest culture is Albania but I do much better get along with Slavs but also to Western European Nazis (they are no woke pussies), you have to be proud on your ancestry not hate anybody but proud on your stuff.

My family originated in Monte Negro (700 years ago), in this culture did women work and the man train hole day for war like some germanic tribes according Tacitus... we are therefore lazier as whites who survived the industrialisation.

Go once for some months in jail you will see how it is to be a minority and how racist other groups are towards whites. An Arab wanted to cut my throat with a selfmade knife, he cut himself the hole day he gave a fuck about prison...

Blacks think all they are rappers and Asians behave hyperintelectual, the middle easterners want any women and are without reason aggressive.

Unfortunately many whites are also degenerated like sex offenders and opioid-junkys

Genes also help determine how environment affects us. For example a fish is happy underwater, humans not so much
QatzelOk wrote:Image
"Oh really?"
Adolph Hitler, vegetarian of the year, 1935

Hitler took anabolics and lot of drugs:

Hitler’s drug use was of epic proportions, Post said. In addition to cocaine, the German dictator also took amphetamines, sedatives, and hormones, prescribed by a doctor Post described as a “quack.”

https://medicine.yale.edu/news/yale-med ... o-cocaine/
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