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Sherlock Holmes wrote:No likely not, I suspect many of the hostages held by Hamas have better conditions than the hapless children suffering in Israeli concentration camps - sorry "prisons".

0 evidence of that nonsense too.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Indeed, like take up arms against the illegal occupiers.

These scum mistreat kids routinely, that's how sick in the head Zionists are, they think anything is justified by the Holocaust.


How would attacking civilians hundreds of kms away serve that goal, though? Certainly it's not the same as civilians getting killed in the course of the actual rescue.
wat0n wrote:0 evidence of that nonsense too.

How would attacking civilians hundreds of kms away serve that goal, though? Certainly it's not the same as civilians getting killed in the course of the actual rescue.

There is no rescue, the place is doomed some - like you - cannot see that, but you will at some point. The state is infected by a deeply ingrained racist ideology whenever this is pointed out to you you deny it, bury your head in the sand, pretend Israel is the victim. For far too long people have politely refrained from commenting about Israel, fearing they'd upset the poor victims, showing deference every time they wanted to speak out.

People have been brainwashed by the Zionist lobby to see every news item about Israel as somehow being the sad result of the Nazi Holocaust, Israel means well and just wants peace, but for the nasty Arabs and Muslims everything would be fine.

Those days are over, the days of showing unquestioned respect to Israel, the days of biting one's tongue to stay silent, the days of allowing Israel to define what is truth, what is good, what is right - those days are over and if anything good can be said to have come out of Oct 7th it is this new public awareness and a fearlessness to confront a sickening form of neo-Nazism.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:There is no rescue, the place is doomed some - like you - cannot see that, but you will at some point. The state is infected by a deeply ingrained racist ideology whenever this is pointed out to you you deny it, bury your head in the sand, pretend Israel is the victim. For far too long people have politely refrained from commenting about Israel, fearing they'd upset the poor victims, showing deference every time they wanted to speak out.

People have been brainwashed by the Zionist lobby to see every news item about Israel as somehow being the sad result of the Nazi Holocaust, Israel means well and just wants peace, but for the nasty Arabs and Muslims everything would be fine.

Those days are over, the days of showing unquestioned respect to Israel, the days of biting one's tongue to stay silent, the days of allowing Israel to define what is truth, what is good, what is right - those days are over and if anything good can be said to have come out of Oct 7th it is this new public awareness and a fearlessness to confront a sickening form of neo-Nazism.

There's no rescue, heh? So why are hostages like Noa Argamani back in Israel, then?

Have you seen the footage from the actual rescue operation?
wat0n wrote:There's no rescue, heh? So why are hostages like Noa Argamani back in Israel, then?

Have you seen the footage from the actual rescue operation?

It was a botched raid, several hostages were killed (sacrificed for the sake of a PR stunt) and hundreds of non-Jews (collateral damage) were murdered. As for Noa, she might be out of immediate danger but the entire region is destined to go up in smoke and if she has any sense she'll get the hell out of Israel after her experience, the place is not safe for anyone.

Don't talk to me about rescuing hostages, here's how it's done in the real world by real men:

About Israel, Sherlock Holmes wrote:...The state is infected by a deeply ingrained racist ideology.

This might be true of ALL settler-colonial states, and it might be the reason these states ONLY do well when they are killing other people. In times of peace, they fall apart because... they are built on hate and scapegoating.

People have been brainwashed by the Zionist lobby to see every news item about Israel as somehow being the sad result of the Nazi Holocaust...

Media ownership and media control... are powerful tools. To give them to banks will create fascism (the loss of all human rights for the masses). Why do so many people treat media monopolies as if they were benign? Why don't they realize that democracy and agency are NOT possible of a controlling minority controls all the information that gets into your suburban Skinner Box?

Those days are over, the days of showing unquestioned respect to Israel, the days of biting one's tongue to stay silent, the days of allowing Israel to define what is truth, what is good, what is right - those days are over and if anything good can be said to have come out of Oct 7th it is this new public awareness and a fearlessness to confront a sickening form of neo-Nazism.

Yes, but whenever the unwashed masses have risen up and protested their bankster tyrannies, they have been beaten down with wars. And our current bankster tyrannies seem to be itching to start a big one in Ukraine, Palestine, etc. This is the classic sign of an incoming bankster genocide.

Our countries are bankrupt like in the 30s... so the banks are trying to bring on the 40s....

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