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Have you read your holy book? And what is your relation to it?

Yes. I believe everything that said in it.
Yes, but my approach to it is purely scientific interest. I see it as a ancient history book with a bit of mythology.
I read it, but I think that it is one big non-sence. I don't think it has any value exept the spiritual one.
No, I didn't read it- but I want to, because I think it is an important sourse by wich we can learn at least a bit about the past.
No. I didn't read it and I don't want to- because I think it is pointless.
By Furious Angel
Alright, this is poll is about your relation towards the "holy books"- may it be Koran, Old testament("Tanach" in Judaism), New testament, Talmud or any other "holy text" of any religion that you belong to. The question is: Have you read your holy book? And if you did, what is your relation to it?

[Der Freiheitsucher Edit: I changed the title to remove the smiley and the pictures for they were visually pollutive.]

Why to change the title?
Last edited by Furious Angel on 02 Jul 2004 19:57, edited 1 time in total.
By RedStorm
I read most of the holy bible but I am atheist it was at the time I starting reading I became distanced from Chirstainity.
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By Vivisekt
I don't have a holy book. I have read several, including the bible, and was wholly unimpressed by each.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I choosed the option:

"I read it, but I think that it is one big non-sence. I don't think it has any value exept the spiritual one."

I read a lot of the Quran, I used to be very religious, but then I realized that there is immense obvious evidence to prove that there is no life after death, and then I realized that Islam like all religions uses fear of loosing consciousness through death as a means of easily exploiting that fear by making up sweet stories, and then even these stories are completely stupid in the face of science, because like in the Quran it says that in heaven there will be castles under which rivers flow, this is obviously reminiscent of the ignorance of the Arab nomads whom invented Islam and their lack of water in the hot desert, and thus they used such phrases as that there are castles in heaven awaiting the believers and that rivers flow beneath them. Also in Islam it says in the saying (Hadiths) of prophet Muhammad that when a Muslim dies in a battle in defense of Islam and or Muslims, he goes straight to heaven and "72 virgins" await him....How can you see 72 virgins when your eyes are eventually reduced to nothing through continous eating of the body by bacteria after death? How can you have sex with 72 virgins or even be able to touch them without functioning nerves and a brain and the rest of the body? How can the skeleton of a dead person move without the organs and etc. that were created with it in the mother's womb at birth? The belief in God, religion, soul, and etc. is infinitely stupid.
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By Visage of Glory
Well, I have read the Book of Mormon, and the rest of the Scriptures of my religion except for the Bible. I just started Isaiah in the Old Testament last night. And, yes, I believe what it says.
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By Noumenon
Don't belong to any religion, therefore I have no holy book. And I haven't read any either, I see no point in it. No offense to the religious people here, but I view it as mythology. And I don't have much interest in mythology.
By Jesse
I tried trudging through the Bible, but I found it as thoroughly uninteresting, and almost as hard to trudge through as Mein Kampf.
By Ocker
I haven't read any holy book, besides an illustrated children's bible a long time ago.

I would, but even browsing through it seems laborious enough.
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
I'm well, a Buddhist atheist. The Bible, pardon my French, is bullshit. They're not even good stories. They just moralise.
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By Tigerlily
I haven't read the Bible as a whole. I've read bits and parts because I was asked to (or whatever) during church or at those stupid teen meetings at church. I don't believe in it.

Interesting though, on your picture that you posted. You have the pentacle, there's no wiccan holy book.
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I've read the bible, well the good parts anyway. Alot of the stories really spoke to me, but I think it was revelations that kept me thinking the longest...

I'd really like to read the Koran but I don't have enough money or drive to go and buy it.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
TROI wrote:I've read the bible, well the good parts anyway. Alot of the stories really spoke to me, but I think it was revelations that kept me thinking the longest...

I'd really like to read the Koran but I don't have enough money or drive to go and buy it.

You can read the Koran in english translation on the internet, the same way you can read the Bible, Mein Kampf, and the Communist Manifesto on the internet.
By RedStorm
Most of Old Testament seemed to me to be no more than a histroy book but I do agree with the majority of the New Testament mainly becasue of most of it is common sense and humane but I dont belive that Jesus was the Son of God or that he perform mircales which is to farfetched for me to believe. The Book of Revelations just went by me couldnt believe a bit of it .
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By Blake
Yeah, and if you read the whole new testament you'd be the only person to do so in thousands of years. Religion must go soviet style. It is the PCP of the ignorant masses. It is jihad and "freedom" and paths to heaven through hell. Fuck their fear and self hatred.

Any religion that starts with a dude going to kill his own son because his CREATOR wants him to is fucking insane.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Yes. I believe everything that said in it.

The Bible is the foundation and the bedrock of civilization.
By ZenWilsonian
You didn't include the holy 'Hello Kitty' of Babyism! HEATHEN!

Well, yes, I read it, but I approached it for reasons of historical interest, and to better understand how Christians think. Plus, there's no harm in broadening one's knowledge when it is such a popular book. One must see the teachings of the enemy to know how to defeat them.
By Ixa
I read it at the age of five, thinking it was true, for my highly religious grandmother bought me an illustrated copy of the Bible; however, not soon after, I became quite sceptical of the claims made in that book, and appreciated it solely as a work of fiction, in the same way in which I appreciated the works of Homer, or Cinderella and Peter Pan for that matter. I thought it one of the most amazing stories ever written, a triumph of the human imagination, superior to all the other fairy tales with which I was then acquainted. But then as I matured, I noticed all the inconsistencies and contradictions (I was previously cognisant of the absurdities, but as a fantasy book - or so I then thought it - I did not care), and thereupon ceased to have such an high opinion of the Bible as I had hitherto had. Thence followed in my mental history a gradual shift from mild dislike to extreme hatred as regards the Bible, as I began reading the works of professional atheists anti-religious historians. Had my mental history been otherwise in these stages, I am afraid I would never have been a Marxist.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
What about people who only believe some things in their holy book?

What about them?

The Bible is clear that from the beginning humans have had selective hearing when it comes to the word of God. From the beginning and we have paid the price ever since.

"But of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil though shalt not eat"

From the beginning its been that way.
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By Attila The Nun
I don't believe the stuff incriminating women and gays. I like to think of Jesus as an equal oppritunity savior.

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