How the British took over India by Trevor Noah (Very Funny and Insightful) - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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All general discussion about politics that doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

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FiveofSwords wrote:A racist is just a white person who doesn't hate white people. So actually racism is necessary to avoid genocide.

Acquisition of money is actually anti racist...obviously. unless you think somehow that only white people can have money lol...which was never true. A person either cares about their race or they care about money...these are not the same thing. Quite often you will have to choose between them (for example, I don't hire cheap brown labor)

Tainari88 is right that this quote is political-spectrum-revealing. But unlike her, I welcome the opportunity to argue with someone who re-invents word-meanings as he goes along.

For the purposes of this thread, "a racist" is a person that thinks that particular physical features (or mythologically-endowed features) of his own race... give him a special place in the anthrosphere that allows him to dominated and cull other "races."

Racists are typically obsessed with keeping their own race "pure," and are always secretly at war with all the other races who they smile at (for commercial reasons) but secretly loathe (because "other race").

Your particular definition doesn't allow anyone to understand the injustice and harm that colonialism has produced.

You seem to believe that a "super-race" is just building a super-comfy nest of out of genocide.
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I think Q that Sword here is one of those they shall not replace us. The fear of losing a place they think exists.

Somehow other 'races' of people threaten his what?

He needs to be specific.

The brown hordes, etc are threatening what?

Let us look at the tangible acts that people complain about when they feel genocided or threatened. Gaza is being genocided and even the Israeli settler are under some kind of threat. Is @FiveofSwords under threat of losing something valuable?

1) Is he losing his business or his job? Is it due to brown people and so on? Yes or no?

2) Is the government freezing his bank accounts? Does he owe the IRS in back taxes and blames it on undocumented immigrants? Or is it Biden the Irish Catholic American guy in the White House? Who is not brown? Who does he blame?

3) He has to tolerate people walking around in public who might not be in agreement with him politically or culturally? How is this a threat to him directly?

He used a strong word. Genocide.

How is this threat group genociding him? He has to be specific. Otherwise we don't know his fear of having his white race wiped out.

Does he realize that the majority of Americans are white? And most of them vote against petty white nationalism? So is it his own 'race' that is oppressing him? Or is it some foreigners that can't vote because they are new arrivals from the border? None of those people can vote. Yet.

Who knows who gets to stay and who gets to go in the future?

He needs to sing kumbaya with everyone who is white. That includes white Communists, white socialists, white liberals like @late , and everyone else in PoFo who he thinks are his race. The issue becomes they disagree with his politics. So? We are back to square one. Race is not the unifying force in the world. What is?

He does not understand the economic system he lives under. They have to sell and consume and get people who are willing to pay taxes and be apathetic in politics and not take action. Just be some animal husbandry people. Cattle.

How can this happen if many people who are white do not back their own race and or choose money over race. Or put race above profit? It is difficult for him.

The disappointment is crushing. :D

He needs to take a deep breath and get over his paranoia.

QatzelOk wrote:Tainari88 is right that this quote is political-spectrum-revealing. But unlike her, I welcome the opportunity to argue with someone who re-invents word-meanings as he goes along.

For the purposes of this thread, "a racist" is a person that thinks that particular physical features (or mythologically-endowed features) of his own race... give him a special place in the anthrosphere that allows him to dominated and cull other "races."

Racists are typically obsessed with keeping their own race "pure," and are always secretly at war with all the other races who they smile at (for commercial reasons) but secretly loathe (because "other race").

Your particular definition doesn't allow anyone to understand the injustice and harm that colonialism has produced.

You seem to believe that a "super-race" is just building a super-comfy nest of out of genocide.

The word 'racist' that you are using would not apply to me, but I am regularly called racist because I don't like the idea of white people being genocided. Therefore, your definition is simply not the way most people use the word. They use the word I the way I defined it. Language is convention...regardless of what is in the dictionary. In this case the dictionary lies because it is politically forbidden to admit anyone is attacking white people or their culture
Tainari88 wrote:
► Show Spoiler

I think Q that Sword here is one of those they shall not replace us. The fear of losing a place they think exists.

Somehow other 'races' of people threaten his what?

He needs to be specific.

The brown hordes, etc are threatening what?

Let us look at the tangible acts that people complain about when they feel genocided or threatened. Gaza is being genocided and even the Israeli settler are under some kind of threat. Is @FiveofSwords under threat of losing something valuable?

1) Is he losing his business or his job? Is it due to brown people and so on? Yes or no?

2) Is the government freezing his bank accounts? Does he owe the IRS in back taxes and blames it on undocumented immigrants? Or is it Biden the Irish Catholic American guy in the White House? Who is not brown? Who does he blame?

3) He has to tolerate people walking around in public who might not be in agreement with him politically or culturally? How is this a threat to him directly?

He used a strong word. Genocide.

How is this threat group genociding him? He has to be specific. Otherwise we don't know his fear of having his white race wiped out.

Does he realize that the majority of Americans are white? And most of them vote against petty white nationalism? So is it his own 'race' that is oppressing him? Or is it some foreigners that can't vote because they are new arrivals from the border? None of those people can vote. Yet.

Who knows who gets to stay and who gets to go in the future?

He needs to sing kumbaya with everyone who is white. That includes white Communists, white socialists, white liberals like @late , and everyone else in PoFo who he thinks are his race. The issue becomes they disagree with his politics. So? We are back to square one. Race is not the unifying force in the world. What is?

He does not understand the economic system he lives under. They have to sell and consume and get people who are willing to pay taxes and be apathetic in politics and not take action. Just be some animal husbandry people. Cattle.

How can this happen if many people who are white do not back their own race and or choose money over race. Or put race above profit? It is difficult for him.

The disappointment is crushing. :D

He needs to take a deep breath and get over his paranoia.

You keep making really dumb assumptions about ehat I believe and what I know. But I know why you are doing it: you have been told 'people like this belive that's and you are simply parroting it. I actually know everything you believe because I have heard it a million times. You get all your opinions from movies.
FiveofSwords wrote:You keep making really dumb assumptions about ehat I believe and what I know. But I know why you are doing it: you have been told 'people like this belive that's and you are simply parroting it. I actually know everything you believe because I have heard it a million times. You get all your opinions from movies.

Look Mr. Sensitive about coming out and talking about Replacement theories. I know it is hard for you to defend it.

Most of the posters on here are not living in the USA FiveofSwords. This is an internationalist board. So if you are stuck on that paradigm that some White Nationalist movement is on the rise and they are gonna win or whatever? It is not going to happen.

You have heard it a million times?

You were very hesitant to talk about who is genociding you. Why?

Genocide is this from the dictionary:

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
"a campaign of genocide"
racial killing
wholesale slaughter
mass slaughter

In order to prove millions of white people are being wiped off the face of the Earth in the USA on purpose? You have to bring on the evidence. Where is the evidence of millions of mass killings because they are white people trying to live in peace in the fifty states but they are being fire bombed and massacred by angry people from other races and the world is uninformed about this? Give me a video. An article that says a genocide is taking place in the USA of white people.

Instead you got crazy ass white racists killing Jews in New Jersey, and Black and all kinds of shoppers in El Paso and in that TOPS food a low income neighborhood minding their own business getting shot by paranoid racists who think the threat is real.

So where is the evidence. I need evidence. Where are the mass killings of white people in the USA?

I am waiting.

So far, you have not reported me as an Anglo genocide advocate. The guy in charge here that is the owner of the website is a Greek immigrant man who moved to England a long time ago and is the owner of this place. All you got to do is press the button and say Tainari believes in genocide against white people.

You do not do it. Instead you get into a tit for tat with Late who finds you laughable. Why does he find you laughable?

because, you claim crazy stuff like knowing me better than I know myself.

I do not know who the fuck you are? You are a brand new poster. All of us are only what we write in this place. We do not have Psychic Network abilities. What you write and state is who you are in this place.

You need to have some cojones and state your business.

My political category does not back elitists or globalists or capitalist sellouts. Now if you are pissed at them? You state why you are pissed at them with examples of how they are cramping your style back at home.

You do not do that.

You literally have a very hard time just trying to state who is genociding you? With specific examples of what genociding means. Why can't you do that?

Because it is a lie. If it is not. Then bring on the evidence of white people in your specific state being genocided by other races? That is not hard to do. If it is true.

If it is not true? Then you believe a pack of lies.

End of the story.
Tainari88 wrote:Look Mr. Sensitive about coming out and talking about Replacement theories. I know it is hard for you to defend it.

Most of the posters on here are not living in the USA FiveofSwords. This is an internationalist board. So if you are stuck on that paradigm that some White Nationalist movement is on the rise and they are gonna win or whatever? It is not going to happen.

You have heard it a million times?

You were very hesitant to talk about who is genociding you. Why?

Genocide is this from the dictionary:

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
"a campaign of genocide"
racial killing
wholesale slaughter
mass slaughter

In order to prove millions of white people are being wiped off the face of the Earth in the USA on purpose? You have to bring on the evidence. Where is the evidence of millions of mass killings because they are white people trying to live in peace in the fifty states but they are being fire bombed and massacred by angry people from other races and the world is uninformed about this? Give me a video. An article that says a genocide is taking place in the USA of white people.

Instead you got crazy ass white racists killing Jews in New Jersey, and Black and all kinds of shoppers in El Paso and in that TOPS food a low income neighborhood minding their own business getting shot by paranoid racists who think the threat is real.

So where is the evidence. I need evidence. Where are the mass killings of white people in the USA?

I am waiting.

So far, you have not reported me as an Anglo genocide advocate. The guy in charge here that is the owner of the website is a Greek immigrant man who moved to England a long time ago and is the owner of this place. All you got to do is press the button and say Tainari believes in genocide against white people.

You do not do it. Instead you get into a tit for tat with Late who finds you laughable. Why does he find you laughable?

because, you claim crazy stuff like knowing me better than I know myself.

I do not know who the fuck you are? You are a brand new poster. All of us are only what we write in this place. We do not have Psychic Network abilities. What you write and state is who you are in this place.

You need to have some cojones and state your business.

My political category does not back elitists or globalists or capitalist sellouts. Now if you are pissed at them? You state why you are pissed at them with examples of how they are cramping your style back at home.

You do not do that.

You literally have a very hard time just trying to state who is genociding you? With specific examples of what genociding means. Why can't you do that?

Because it is a lie. If it is not. Then bring on the evidence of white people in your specific state being genocided by other races? That is not hard to do. If it is true.

If it is not true? Then you believe a pack of lies.

End of the story.

I will repeat myself: I am not going to discuss this subject with you because I know you are not trying to understand anything in good faith. I don't even really consider you to be sentient. I recognize your programming and it is all very predictable.
FiveofSwords wrote:
I will repeat myself: I am not going to discuss this subject with you because I know you are not trying to understand anything in good faith. I don't even really consider you to be sentient. I recognize your programming and it is all very predictable.

You don't have a coherent response, and you know it.

You are advocating White Supremacy, with all that implies..
late wrote:You don't have a coherent response, and you know it.

You are advocating White Supremacy, with all that implies..

He is definitely really hesitant to take a strong stance on his beliefs.

So what most of them do is dehumanize the people whom they have to feel superior to.

I am some generic brown person that hates white people and wants to wipe them out.

No way I can be intelligent or educated or able to put him on the spot.

Has to dehumanize and strip all of the OTHERS of their humanity.

It is ugly and it is a pack of lies.

But he clings to it because in reality he is just a small person that is nothing without his race to make him feel good.

It is like Toni Morrison said. If you take their race away? Who are you? Are you smart? Do you like yourself? Have you accomplished great things? Or did the system betray him and now he has to blame people and lacks the cojones to confront the capitalist globalists with BILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars, influence and power. Since those people are too difficult to plot against and take down?

He comes to a debate board to spread the magical word of Replacement Theories that have been debunked.

He can't report me to the board about advocating White Genocide. So he has to swallow his bullshit.

He can't find even a shred of evidence that in his state and town they are genociding white people on purpose.

The only evidence there is out there for his pack of lies is the opposite. Crazy white men with guns who go and kill random strangers they have never met before in their lives and have zero information on who those people are as individuals, and they just decide to destroy lives because they see us as brown dirt people who are worthless, black filthy people who are worthless, and so on.

All based on fear and unsubstantiated lies.

If they have a beef with the pro capitalist moderate and neoliberal and liberal classes in US society who are globalists and who's values are about PROFIT above what is good for the nation of the USA over the long run? You confront and pressure those people. Those are powerful people in the USA and around the world.

But since they are cowards and dumbells they go after vulnerable innocent people who are Jews, Hispanics, Blacks and anyone else that in their dumb minds do not respect the superiority of their race. A race that produced Bach, Beethoven, and European art.

They fail to realize the Europeans fight among themselves now for centuries. White on white crime and violence. For what? For POWER and GREED. And that is a human failure. Not about race.

But you are dealing with stupid thinkers Late. What else is there to say eh? :D
FiveofSwords wrote:The word 'racist' that you are using would not apply to me, but I am regularly called racist because I don't like the idea of white people being genocided. Therefore, your definition is simply not the way most people use the word. They use the word I the way I defined it. Language is convention...regardless of what is in the dictionary. In this case the dictionary lies because it is politically forbidden to admit anyone is attacking white people or their culture

The word "racist" has been re-defined by commercial media several times. And the latest definition that commercial media has contributed is, in fact, similar to the one you provieded earlier: "White male boomer."

This is not accurate, and re-defining this important concept was done for strategic reasons, by the 1%. They want to continue strip-mining and genociding the world, and to get away with it, they need "racism" re-defined to not be about them and their privileged positions in the economy.

So rich people have redefined "racism" (via their media control) to get everyone to dislike older white males from working class backgrounds. This group is the group that most threatens the supermacy of the 1% so, by getting all the other demographics to suspect and incriminate older white males (and other conservative normals), the elite are distracting from the real racism that they practice every day with their wars and sanctions and media lies.
QatzelOk wrote:The word "racist" has been re-defined by commercial media several times. And the latest definition that commercial media has contributed is, in fact, similar to the one you provieded earlier: "White male boomer."

This is not accurate, and re-defining this important concept was done for strategic reasons, by the 1%. They want to continue strip-mining and genociding the world, and to get away with it, they need "racism" re-defined to not be about them and their privileged positions in the economy.

So rich people have redefined "racism" (via their media control) to get everyone to dislike older white males from working class backgrounds. This group is the group that most threatens the supermacy of the 1% so, by getting all the other demographics to suspect and incriminate older white males (and other conservative normals), the elite are distracting from the real racism that they practice every day with their wars and sanctions and media lies.

It is actually a lot simpler than that. The ultra rich just actually hate white people. It is not merely a propaganda is based on authentic hatred.

Then anyone from an aspiration class like the Indian woman in this thread want to please the elite so they pick up on the idea of hating white people and try it themselves to fit in.
FiveofSwords wrote:It is actually a lot simpler than that. The ultra rich just actually hate white people. It is not merely a propaganda is based on authentic hatred.

Then anyone from an aspiration class like the Indian woman in this thread want to please the elite so they pick up on the idea of hating white people and try it themselves to fit in.

I am an Indian woman now? Lol.

From India? Who hates white people because I aspire to greatness of the 1%?

You really think the elite is about hating white people? The elite are about retaining power and expanding their influence.

Some of them are of European extraction and some are not. Some are Chinese, some are Mexican, some are this or that.

It is about international capitalism.

It is not based on race you foolish dude. Or hatred of working class white guys. You never got what Toni Morrison stated. Racism is used as a device. If they need an army united in the cause of invasions of other nations? They tell the soldiers that you have to respect your fellow soldiers in arms. If they are Black, Hispanic or Indigenous it does not take away their BROTHERHOOD from you. They do that to create unity because it serves their warmongering purposes.

Now, if they do not want white working class factory workers who used to have high wages at Chrysler etc in Detroit to be angry at job loss due to the international Capitalist investor class moving their factories to low wage nations outside the USA....they say, the illegals are the reason you are not paid well anymore. They lowered your wages and are to blame for your job loss. Not us. We are following the rules of capitalist survival. Instead of realizing it is a flaw of Capitalism to constantly have workers raise their own wages with hard work and strikes and struggle, to see it all go pissed down the toilet once the other workers in other extraction nations replace them in other countries...and realize the solution is to unite with many working class people and advocate for human rights and labor rights? Internationally. They instead blame the weakest links unjustifiably.

They fall into the divide and conquer device for racism that Toni Morrison again mentions as the usefulness of racism for the wealthy and powerful.

You fall for it like a very weak thinker too.

Mainly because you failed to understand the way international globalists pit working people against each other to be able to manipulate them.

One of the best explanations for why they do this is explained by Richard Wolff. An economy professor who has discussions about theories being circulated in the Right political scene. YOUR SCENE @FiveofSwords.

Argue against him on why your replacement theory is valid. If you can't do it?

You have to give it up as your main points on White Genocide.
Tainari88 wrote:I am an Indian woman now? Lol.

From India? Who hates white people because I aspire to greatness of the 1%?

You really think the elite is about hating white people? The elite are about retaining power and expanding their influence.

Some of them are of European extraction and some are not. Some are Chinese, some are Mexican, some are this or that.

It is about international capitalism.

It is not based on race you foolish dude. Or hatred of working class white guys. You never got what Toni Morrison stated. Racism is used as a device. If they need an army united in the cause of invasions of other nations? They tell the soldiers that you have to respect your fellow soldiers in arms. If they are Black, Hispanic or Indigenous it does not take away their BROTHERHOOD from you. They do that to create unity because it serves their warmongering purposes.

Now, if they do not want white working class factory workers who used to have high wages at Chrysler etc in Detroit to be angry at job loss due to the international Capitalist investor class moving their factories to low wage nations outside the USA....they say, the illegals are the reason you are not paid well anymore. They lowered your wages and are to blame for your job loss. Not us. We are following the rules of capitalist survival. Instead of realizing it is a flaw of Capitalism to constantly have workers raise their own wages with hard work and strikes and struggle, to see it all go pissed down the toilet once the other workers in other extraction nations replace them in other countries...and realize the solution is to unite with many working class people and advocate for human rights and labor rights? Internationally. They instead blame the weakest links unjustifiably.

They fall into the divide and conquer device for racism that Toni Morrison again mentions as the usefulness of racism for the wealthy and powerful.

You fall for it like a very weak thinker too.

Mainly because you failed to understand the way international globalists pit working people against each other to be able to manipulate them.

One of the best explanations for why they do this is explained by Richard Wolff. An economy professor who has discussions about theories being circulated in the Right political scene. YOUR SCENE @FiveofSwords.

Argue against him on why your replacement theory is valid. If you can't do it?

You have to give it up as your main points on White Genocide.

I love the way I inspire you to write these huge novels when it ought to be obvious to you that u am never going to bother to read all your squaking. Cry more about hoe my ancestors conquered and oppressed your weak and stupid ancestors.
FiveofSwords wrote:I love the way I inspire you to write these huge novels when it ought to be obvious to you that u am never going to bother to read all your squaking. Cry more about hoe my ancestors conquered and oppressed your weak and stupid ancestors.

The problem is how many intelligent posters are going to pay attention to your unsubstantiated lying and inability to get proof for you theories?

People are very prepared here Sword. Once they realize you are a foolish racist who runs like a coward from substantial debate points? You will become like the Dodo bird on this website. Extinct.

If you refuse to face the points made? What purpose do you have on a debate board?

Spreading lies you can't back up with evidence?

Where does that leave you?

Bored and lonely. There have been a lot of those in the past here.

No one with half a brain wanted to debate with them. Disrespectful and hurling insults and stupidities because they wanted to hold on to drivel with no truth.

No one cares about that in an international politics board.

You can go to some alt Right echo chamber. If you want to debate people on the Left here? You will have to do much better than you have demonstrated so far.

You have no cojones. All you got is crying like a Snowflake. Do you want some Kleenex? ;)
FiveofSwords wrote:It is actually a lot simpler than that. The ultra rich just actually hate white people.

This is far too simple. For example, most of the ultra-rich are "white males" themselves.

It is not merely a propaganda is based on authentic hatred.

No, it's definitely a propaganda device aimed at dividing the country in a way that makes its largest group of union organizers... hated by the population. "I hate my dad, I hate my brothers, I hate males with any power" is what is sought. Thing is, the most powerful "white males" are not even known by the general public, so this propagandized "general public" simply attacks the "white males" that are closest to themselves - their own family members and work associates.

Then anyone from an aspiration class like the Indian woman in this thread want to please the elite so they pick up on the idea of hating white people and try it themselves to fit in.

It's true that commercial media has provided "any male you can cut down to size" as a scapegoat for the atrocities and lack of any realy workable social project of the decadent Western elite.

While men (and women!) that you have never seen or heard of... continue to create pathogens in labs and discuss what Psy Ops can be used to overthrow foreign governments, modern people are busy attacking their own male family members and work associates as "aggressive patriarchs."

This keeps them too busy to notice that WESTERN MONEY-Makers are killing everything with their latest scams which may contain extinction-causing side effects.

But the public is encouraged - by left and right media - to ignore this elephant and concentrate on "why your brother got a larger birthday cake than you did last year."
QatzelOk wrote:This is far too simple. For example, most of the ultra-rich are "white males" themselves.

No, it's definitely a propaganda device aimed at dividing the country in a way that makes its largest group of union organizers... hated by the population. "I hate my dad, I hate my brothers, I hate males with any power" is what is sought. Thing is, the most powerful "white males" are not even known by the general public, so this propagandized "general public" simply attacks the "white males" that are closest to themselves - their own family members and work associates.

It's true that commercial media has provided "any male you can cut down to size" as a scapegoat for the atrocities and lack of any realy workable social project of the decadent Western elite.

While men (and women!) that you have never seen or heard of... continue to create pathogens in labs and discuss what Psy Ops can be used to overthrow foreign governments, modern people are busy attacking their own male family members and work associates as "aggressive patriarchs."

This keeps them too busy to notice that WESTERN MONEY-Makers are killing everything with their latest scams which may contain extinction-causing side effects.

But the public is encouraged - by left and right media - to ignore this elephant and concentrate on "why your brother got a larger birthday cake than you did last year."

Plenty of white people hate white people. There is no contradiction there. Indeed, just as I would predict, you see plenty of white people trying to fool themselves into thinking they are not white...such as Elizabeth Warren pretending to be native american or Rachel dolezal pretending to be trans black. That is the behavior of oppressed people.

White people are hard to completely keep down, though...because they tend to be good at doojg stuff. Just like jews excelled in global trade in the 17th and 18th centuries despite the many laws designed to prevent that outcome. They just figured out how to work around it.

But white people who do have money tend to be apolitical. Certainly none of them attempt to do anything for white people...unlike the insane proportion of jews (half of thr billionaires out of 2% of the total population) who actively advocate for jewish interests. Even if a wealthy white man does not hate white people, he knows to keep his head down and 'ride the tiger' as Julius evola put it.

An outlier I suppose could be elon musk, who seems to be actually displeased with where the world is headed...although what he actually believes is a bit inscrutable. But as a reaction to his engagement his companies are constantly attacked with lawsuits, he is constantly attacked by media, and he is sent on struggle sessions to auschwitz.. which he dutifully complies to. He openly states that he is 'aspirationally jewish'...basically wishing he were a jew (similar to Warren pretending to be native)...although it is clear that he would be forced to say this even if it were not true.

Certainly there could never be a white version of the world jewish congress or the naacp. It is laughable to consider that. And no number of wealthy white people could change that. Because power is fundamentally a collective effort. No individual can have power themselves. Having power requires that you have an army...made of many individuals...who will obey you. Wealth cannot do that.
FiveofSwords wrote:Plenty of white people hate white people.

One is allowed to hate members of one's own tribe. This is normal. see plenty of white people trying to fool themselves into thinking they are not white...such as Elizabeth Warren pretending to be native american or Rachel dolezal pretending to be trans black. That is the behavior of oppressed people.

Elizabeth Warren didn't pretend to be First Nations because she is oppressed. She pretended to be First Nation in order to signify to voters that the Democrat party "cares about the world's downtrodden" - not just their sponsors.

This fell apart about the same time that Obama (another Democrat Party savior) decided to destroy Libya "to protect the students."

People who still think there is a difference between the two main parties in the USA.... are not very well informed. "Not being well-informed" is the most important characteristic of the Western voter, and this means that democratic choices are impossible.

Ignorant people voting for all the lies they get in their commercial media... is not meaningful choice. It means that people who are made-ignorant by their censorship-oriented media... can never make good decisions. They are like serfs, hiding from lightning strikes and praying to rocks.
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