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By Godstud
late wrote:They aren't trying to take over the country, your rhetoric is overblown.
There are a lot of ways to take over a country, and storming the White House isn't necessarily one of them. Ideological and cultural ways are other avenues for change.

late wrote:The people you are complaining about are not Progressive..
They are, but their tactics aren't. These tactics are used by everyone seeking power.

late wrote:It's a commonplace for a person to drift to the Right as they age. You are using their language, and seem unaware of the depth of that mistake.
My stances on most things have not changed. Nice try, anyways. I'm 55 not 25. I just left the echo chamber to get a more balanced perspective.

You are using a tactic that the Left-wing uses. If even a single issue does not mesh with their list ideologies, then that person is considered Right-wing(eg. JK Rowling.). You know, most people are somewhere between the extremes.

I consider Trans women not to be real, biological women. I think we need women to have a fair and level playing field in women's sports, and it's been proven that Transwomen break this. Because I think that way and I think that children should not be given gender altering care/medical procedures, I am called "Right-wing". Never mind that I support most other things that make people Left-Wing. You only need one strike against you, to be considered the enemy.
By late
Godstud wrote:

You are using a tactic that the Left-wing uses. If even a single issue does not mesh with their list ideologies, then that person is considered Right-wing(eg. JK Rowling.). You know, most people are somewhere between the extremes.

You are using their language; that's Right wing. It's propaganda...

I have no doubt you are "between the extremes", but that's also my point.
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By ingliz
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By Godstud
@late I'm sorry. What terms should I be using instead that are acceptable and won't offend or trigger you? Can you please tell me which words are acceptable to you?

Or... are you going to attempt to do what Stanford University failed to do, and get Pofo to ban words you deem offensive?

Amid Backlash, Stanford Pulls ‘Harmful Language’ List
The 13-page guide contained more than 150 words and phrases organized into 10 categories of harmful language: ableist, ageism, colonialism, culturally appropriative, gender-based, imprecise language, institutionalized racism, person-first, and violent words and phrases. Words and phrases such as “brave,” “seminal,” “American,” “take a shot at,” “no can do” and “submit” were deemed harmful.

“Brave,” according to the guide, was deemed harmful for perpetuating stereotypes of the “noble courageous savage.” (The guide did not recommend a replacement for this word.) Instead of “seminal,” readers were encouraged to use “leading” or “groundbreaking,” so as not to reinforce male-dominated language. Instead of “American,” the guide recommended “U.S. citizen,” to avoid insinuating that the U.S. dominates the Americas. The guide also recommended that “give it a go” take the place of “take a shot at” to avoid violent imagery. “No can do,” per the guide, should be replaced by “I can’t do it,” since the former originated from stereotypes that mocked nonnative English speakers. The guide recommended replacing “submit” with “process,” as the latter “can imply allowing others to have power over you.”

https://www.insidehighered.com/news/202 ... 20entirely.
By late
Godstud wrote:
@late I'm sorry. What terms should I be using instead that are acceptable and won't offend or trigger you? Can you please tell me which words are acceptable to you?

If you don't know propaganda when you see it, it's time to do some homework to get up to speed...
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By Godstud
late wrote:If you don't know propaganda when you see it, it's time to do some homework to get up to speed...
No. Pathetic cop-out. You said I'm using the wrong terminology. What is the correct terminology to describe Woke/progressive counter-culture, where they push personal belief and delusion, in order to replace reality?

What Newspeak do you want me to use?
late wrote:They aren't trying to take over the country, your rhetoric is overblown.

It's interesting that the Right is giving it everything they have to overthrow the government and make an authoritarian state, or even install a dictator... And you throw the accusation in the wrong direction...

The people you are complaining about are not Progressive..

The large majority of people I interact with online or in person who call themselves progressive defend the woke stuff. I don't know your views exactly, but this is mainstream progressive stuff now. Labels can be confusing, maybe not all progressives are like this. Bill Maher isn't like this, he's 90's/2000's liberal. Any 2000's liberal who ie: supported Obama but didn't hop on the woke-train when it rolled out of the station 10 years ago is apparently a bigot racist transphobe white supremacist upholding the patriarchy now or something. The wokies call Bill Maher a boomer for calling them out on their BS.

It's a commonplace for a person to drift to the Right as they age. You are using their language, and seem unaware of the depth of that mistake.

Why is it a "mistake"? You're painting everyone who doesn't go along with the woke ideology stuff, or even all rightwingers, with the same brush. Are you claiming that @Godstud is an alt-right Trump supporter or something? Is he going to turn into an election denier and start watching Duck Dynasty? Oh my!

You're doing exactly what progressive do, which is shaming people into compliance when anyone doesn't agree with something from the accepted progressive agenda. This is when the left starts cancelling people. Most progressives are smug and think they are morally superior and more intelligent and everyone else is evil and stupid, and they do not accept any diversity in thought or morality. They're smug intolerant bullies. They will get on twitter and try to get you fired for saying what you believe if it doesn't align with their thoughts. There's a lot of idiots on the right, but its not like the shit of progressives don't stink sometimes too.

Most progressives are brainwashed sheep, they just are. They are typically well-educated and yet 90% of them think the same on almost every issue, and accept a lot of things blindly because that's what they're told to believe by the progressive hive-mind, because if they don't they'll just get shamed and bullied into compliance, lose friends, lose their job etc. I remember in my 4th year university classes virtually all the students had very similar opinions on all social, economic, and political issues we discussed, including myself, except this one conservative kid. So I started thinking about that, and why this was the case. I used to be a mainstream progressive most of my life so I know what I'm talking about. I have years of posts on PoFo to prove it.
late wrote:If you don't know propaganda when you see it, it's time to do some homework to get up to speed...

Careful, if you go on twitter with your real name and don't think children should be allowed to get their dongs cut off and take puberty blockers and artificial hormones you might get fired. Don't you dare use your real name and express your real thoughts!

Is groupthink that shames and coerces people into compliance propoganda? I think so.
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By Unthinking Majority
I once went out to dinner with my gf at the time and her super feminist university friend. We were watching a sporting event and something in the convo went somewhere where I made the statement that men are better athletes than women, which is an objective general fact (generally speaking, yes I do know some women are better athletes than some men). The feminist friend got super mad at me and hated me ever since. I should have lied to protect her feelings next time....not
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By Godstud
@Unthinking Majority Well said. I think you conveyed what I was thinking, in a far more eloquent manner.

I am on board with 90% of what Bill Maher says, and am probably about a 2000s Liberal.

Note: I still really dislike Trump. I think the election was legit. I will not watch Duck Dynasty.
Godstud wrote:@Unthinking Majority Well said. I think you conveyed what I was thinking, in a far more eloquent manner.

I am on board with 90% of what Bill Maher says, and am probably about a 2000s Liberal.

Note: I still really dislike Trump. I think the election was legit. I will not watch Duck Dynasty.

But you will comply with the progressive agenda or you're a racist, sexist, transphobic piece of shit. Just like that white supremacist Trump supporter Dave Chappelle.
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By Godstud
@Unthinking Majority I guess I am a racist, transphobic, fatphobic, misogynist, toxic white male.

I hopped off the band wagon when it started going to crazytown.
By late
Godstud wrote:

What Newspeak do you want me to use?

It's called English..
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By Godstud
:lol: I used English but you won't tell me what part you can't understand, because even you don't know.
By late
Godstud wrote:
I used English..

You have been using Right wing slang, which I've told you before.
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By Tainari88
Godstud wrote:There are a lot of ways to take over a country, and storming the White House isn't necessarily one of them. Ideological and cultural ways are other avenues for change.

They are, but their tactics aren't. These tactics are used by everyone seeking power.

My stances on most things have not changed. Nice try, anyways. I'm 55 not 25. I just left the echo chamber to get a more balanced perspective.

You are using a tactic that the Left-wing uses. If even a single issue does not mesh with their list ideologies, then that person is considered Right-wing(eg. JK Rowling.). You know, most people are somewhere between the extremes.

I consider Trans women not to be real, biological women. I think we need women to have a fair and level playing field in women's sports, and it's been proven that Transwomen break this. Because I think that way and I think that children should not be given gender altering care/medical procedures, I am called "Right-wing". Never mind that I support most other things that make people Left-Wing. You only need one strike against you, to be considered the enemy.

Godstud, I think the problem is that issues are not really right wing or left wing issues. They are just issues.

Also, who one is affects one's perspectives on life. That is just realism.

I am not a lesbian and have had relatives who are lesbians and one or two of them are extremely aggressive lesbians who see all issues through the reality of being lesbian. I tell them, I do not give a shit about lesbian issues that have nothing to do with sexual orientation issues. Not everything is a one trick pony in life.

I am not interested in watching men on the big screen kiss each other or have sex in a movie theater. I do not find it interesting, a turn on or a turn off. It bores me in general to be truthful. But if you are not up in arms about defending a gay guy's rights to have men having sex with men in some movie or in public discourse you are anti gay.

I am not anti gay. The reality is I am a straight, heterosexual married woman with children and never had a single lesbian relationship simply because licking a woman's vagina does not and never has interested me. Period. It is not some deep philosophical question. It is simple. I am not attracted to other women and never have been. Not even slightly. Accept that shit and move on to other topics.

It pisses me off that all aspects of a person is reduced to if I ever had sex with another woman. It is stupid in the extreme. Life is not that simplistic.

I had a lot of gay men on my case load as a medical case manager. All HIV positive. Some of them told me the risky practices they engaged in. I would tell them the truth. You run around with a high viral load in your bloodstream having anal sex with unknown men in public bathrooms you are going to become a public health hazard and have the public health authorities after you all the time. Promiscuous sex is not safe in this HIV world, STD world or anything else. Having a lot of unprotected sex with men who you have no real relationship with is really horrible behavior.

You need to get therapy. Work on that problem with a psychologist and a psychiatrist if it means spreading HIV to other people you fail to reveal your status to.

It is not about being free to be me. Heterosexual men who run around having unprotected sex with sex workers in some truck stop get the same advice. It is high risk behavior. Along with IV drug use of illicit drugs. It is logical. Avoid risk. Be safe.

Also another thing. No, I am not interested in gay topics. Why? because I am not gay. Now, do I think people being gay and having the right to marry and be in committed relationships and be free to be who they are with a partner who cares for them? Of course. Those are human rights.

People need to distinguish between human rights and being full of self absorbed shitty agendas that only alienate the majority of people trying to deal with issues that affects them in their daily lives.
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By Godstud
Tainari88 wrote:People need to distinguish between human rights and being full of self absorbed shitty agendas that only alienate the majority of people trying to deal with issues that affects them in their daily lives.
QFT. That does not mean trying to change how people refer to you in the 3rd person or trying to change speech so it makes you feel better.

99% of people don't care who or how you have sex.

Women are adult female humans. They are trying to change that so even women can have a penis. It's a clown world. This is how far the progressives have gone, and if you don't ascribe to absolutely everything they do, you are an enemy.
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By Deutschmania
late wrote:Actually, I meant wake the F up.

The Right is constantly changing slang. They do that most of the time because people figure out what they mean: the lies, the racism, the hatred, the lust for power.

Before woke was CRT and cancel culture before that.

How about we try a language called English?

There is illiberalism on the Left, and the Right. But the Right is trying to use the power of the government to achieve it's illiberal goals...

It's still a problem on the Left. But the centuries old tradition of freedom of expression should eventually win the day in academia, and most of the rest of the educated world.

It looks entirely different on the Right, where corrupt Supreme Court judges help corrupt governors try to push the country back to the 1800s (or maybe even earlier, which is a topic for another day).

What they are doing is what dictators do when they are working at becoming a dictator. I've actually visited countries with authoritarian governments, trust me, you want no part of that. Left or Right, the more the power gets concentrated into a few hands, the worse off it gets for everyone else.

But, in the meantime, have a cup of coffee, and wake up.

As I had pointed out in another thread the rhetoric that the cult like alt-right has been using is none other than loaded language. It simply serves to reduce complex issues into simplistic platitudes, and stifle dissenting narratives. This is true of all types of cults, religious and political cults alike. https://libertyforcaptives.com/2012/08/30/identifying-religious-brainwashing-loading-the-language-part-6-of-8/ , https://www.ft.com/content/35379998-a7b4-4dc5-95df-9affcd7fa60a , https://freedomofmind.com/use-of-words-loaded-language-and-thought-control-of-believers/
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By Godstud
@Deutschmania This happening with the Left-wing, as well, where all arguments are stifled by calling people who dissent or disagree: misogynist, fatphobic, racist, transphobic, fascist, etc. This actually STARTED on the Left and now the right is playing the same game. Go figure.

I use Left and Right as this:
Left= Progressive
Right = Conservative

They are not (Left)Communists vs (Right)Fascists. Both are terrible ends in their applications.

Left and Right can both be Fascist in their ideology, however, so we need to stifle the ideological extremists.

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