Nationalist Group - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Private discussion areas.
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By Cromwell
Interested parties:


annatar1914 (Absolutely Corrupt)

Political Interest (Absolutely Corrupt)


Quetzalcoatl (99% Corrupt)



Dystopian Darkness


Goldberk (Absolutely Corrupt)

Brisket (Red Carded)

Far-Right Sage (Absolutely Corrupt)


Dystopian Darkness wrote:Out of sheer curiosity - If we do create a nationalist group what would be the difference between arguing in a private space compared to a public one (me thinks sub-forums like "Paternalism & Corporatism" would suit nationalist debates pretty well)? Will we talk about how we are going to destroy liberalism and expose more extremist viewpoints?

Well, the various members of the SN-RF still engage with the "Socialism" and "Communism" sub-fora. Another thing, which has been highlighted, is that nationalism is not as narrow a form of political expression; it cuts across the spectrum.

Far-Right Sage said some good things, up-thread.

Quantum wrote:Anyway, Siberian Fox has been absent for a long time and any new clubs can't be approved until he returns.

We might as well get organised, nevertheless.
Despite SF's absence, the admins can create the group and make an exception if the new criteria is met (otherwise why would Demos have announced a revamp of private groups and mentioned there's now room for two new ones?). But if people on your list keep dropping like flies like some right wing nationalist posters have in the recent past it doesn't bode well.
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By Cromwell
Bulaba Jones wrote:Despite SF's absence, the admins can create the group and make an exception if the new criteria is met (otherwise why would Demos have announced a revamp of private groups and mentioned there's now room for two new ones?). But if people on your list keep dropping like flies like some right wing nationalist posters have in the recent past it doesn't bode well.

I'm conscious of this, too, which is why I took an interest in trying to solidify things. Ultimately, I think we've got a reliable enough bunch; most of the people on the list have been around long enough to know the rules.
I'm conscious of this, too, which is why I took an interest in trying to solidify things. Ultimately, I think we've got a reliable enough bunch; most of the people on the list have been around long enough to know the rules.

So when do we get started? I want to discuss ow much I hate liberalism in private
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By Rei Murasame
Dystopian Darkness wrote:Aren't people like Rei Musarame and Far Right Sage nationalists? they could join

I should say to be clear, that I would never join this group. I only have to look at the member roster so far to know what's going to happen here.
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By Azure Angel
Rei, what happend with Popular Front of Third Position?

I truly liked the idea behind that one.
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By Rei Murasame
Oh, that was abandoned because it's not possible to get people from different regions and backgrounds to unite on the membership criteria. I don't really think it's possible to have private groups for these kinds of ideologies because there aren't enough people who agree with each other to get past the threshold.

Also, if people already know enough to want to be interested in such a private group, then the odds are that they wouldn't be saying anything in private that they wouldn't have said in public anyway. So I think it's just completely pointless now.
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By Azure Angel
I agree with what you said, Rei.

One question though, SN-RF group stands for what?


I am honestly suprised by amount of people who share communist ideology here.
By Conscript
Socialist [something]- Revolutionary Front. Yes it's red. AFAIK PoFo years and years ago was dominated by leftists.

Then, idk, something happened. Rei came, I guess. haha

I do think around the time she joined though, this changed.

I am honestly suprised by amount of people who share communist ideology here.

Everyone is, I'm surprised by the amount of fascists there are. The political center and most liberals never really come back. Most members are either socialists of some sort, libertarian, or just brown. There's a few lost moderates, like John Rawls (social-democrat), DrLee (conservative but hates the current state of the republicans), and Atlantis (the dickless German we Slavs secretly laugh at, per Rei) but they're tragically few and far between.

There was a hardcore American conservative a few months ago that I think noticed this about PoFo and subsequently deemed it a Marxist forum. Haha

Rei wrote:Oh, that was abandoned because it's not possible to get people from different regions and backgrounds to unite on the membership criteria. I don't really think it's possible to have private groups for these kinds of ideologies because there aren't enough people who agree with each other to get past the threshold.

Also, if people already know enough to want to be interested in such a private group, then the odds are that they wouldn't be saying anything in private that they wouldn't have said in public anyway. So I think it's just completely pointless now.

You said it was because too many European far-rightists were anti-Atlantic, anti-neoliberal, and pro-Russian.
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By Rei Murasame
Conscript wrote:Lies, you said it was because too many European far-rightists were anti-Atlantic, anti-neoliberal, and pro-Russian.

Essentially the same point in different words. What's good strategy for one group of people is not good for another. I won't be a member of groups that have pro-Russian people in it. By setting that criteria, and removing the fakers, it means that such groups would never have enough people to pass the threshold.

Furthermore, private groups are actually a stupid idea because they only function as 'containment areas'. I won't be contained anywhere. This is why I didn't just go off and try to make an Asian-only group after the European posters refused to see it my way -- I don't approve of the concept of private groups anymore. Echo-chambers are difficult to create, and in the event that they are created, they become stupid.

If this 'nationalist group' is formed, it will either tear itself apart immediately after it is formed, or it will become an echo-chamber of Russia Today news articles and Russophilic social conservatism. There's no way I'd want to be anywhere near that.
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By Rejn
Nationalist groups with varying nationalities and allegiances can only work if the are already allies in a geopolitical context. What is the point in a debate with a Russian nationalist and an American nationalist? What can they talk about? And why do they need a private group to talk about it?

I think there is need for private groups sometimes though. For example, it doesn't seem like Theists can have a serious discussion without a non-Theist entering and derailing the thread, which is why I think The Perennial Society is a good idea.
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By Azure Angel
Conscript wrote:Everyone is, I'm surprised by the amount of fascists there are.

Is this supposed to be some shout out to me?

You said you live in America and that you are Slav?
From which Slavic country your roots come?

Also, so thus far there are only 3 established clubs?
The Centre Ground, SN-RF and Academics&Academia?
By Quantum
Rejn wrote:Nationalist groups with varying nationalities and allegiances can only work if the are already allies in a geopolitical context. What is the point in a debate with a Russian nationalist and an American nationalist? What can they talk about? And why do they need a private group to talk about it?

Nothing good could come out of it and it would immediately degenerate into a Rule 3 fest before cards come flying out at various members. Pan-nationalism is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard of. We want every little group to have their own fiefdom but we'll invade and occupy each other's fiefdom.

In America, they take this ridiculousness to its logical conclusion:

Nationalist group not pan nationalist group, so this particular group of Nay-sayers obviously have no reason to join. I thought this group would be good because there has always been a persistent request for a nationalist subforum. Azure if nationalism interests you as a topic you're welcome to join, the other two groups are soon to be disbanded and if the Nationalist subform has enough people (the list looks quite healthy already) it will likely be a replacement. (this is not a group about national socialism otherwise Rei would definitely want to join)
Should be fine, as has been noted in other threads the Admins aren't able to create new groups at the moment. You'll have plenty of time to get acclimated.
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By Bosnjak
I spent 4 Months in a Turkish jail with all non-turkish citizens who committed crimes...
I had to Join the Slavonic Nation to Survive and not gonna rapped by Indian Gay Gang...

as Bosnian we allways ask us are we white (purely white not like the Italians, Greeks or Portugese), or are we Europeans because Islam is our religion.

I think I am more white,

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