U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I don’t really understand the hullabaloo. If you’re a ‘friend of Israel’ and you recognise it as an officially legal state, then why would recognition of Jerusalem as its capital be so controversial?
Maybe someone more knowledgable could explain the practical implications of this apparent development to me instead of all the metaphoric Trump effigy burning :roll:
Oxymandias wrote:@noir

>"Sunni Shia World War"


>"Islamic lobby" "Islam control EU"

That's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Not the first time Arab apologists or EU adherents don't know about the history of the Arab lobby in Europe. Do you think the turn of policy after 1973 oil embargo and Palestine media obsession came out of the blue? Of course today there is free will in EU support for the Palestine cause (which lies on historical European ancient hatred) but historically speaking it was a policy adopted as a result of the Arab Lobby in EU in an agreements with the Arab states.

CAABU (The Council for Arab-British Understanding), LMEC (Labour Middle East Council) and after the 73 war and the oil crisis, PAEAC (the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation) founded in Paris, 23-24 March 1974, on the joint initiative of the French Gaullist MP (UDR) Raymond Offroy and the British Labor MP Christopher Mayhew, which will be instrumental in changing the European demography with millions of Arab immigrants.

PAEAC, EU Arab Lobby

The PAEAC comprised two hundred West European parliamentarians then representing the major trends of the political spectrum. Thus, the program of a Euro-Arab entente was approved by a broad consensus, covering the entire European political scene.

This policy was not limited to supporting the pro-Arab political movement officially initiated by President Charles de Gaulle after the June 1967 Six Day War. Its scope extended to a new policy which de Gaulle would most certainly have disapproved, as it innovated a strategy opening Europe’s doors to the aims of the OIC and sketched the outlines of Eurabia.Members of PAEAC belonged to the national parliaments of European Community member states and also countries outside the EC. 

As early as the 1970s its members had revived this platform within the new structure, PAEAC, with responsibility for standardizing the policies of the EC and the Arab League across various fields and in foreign policies, particularly against Israel.

Through the “Dialogue,” Arab League politicians and economists have gained a firm ascendancy over Europe’s policy and economy. There is no similar example of a foreign lobby infiltrating the parliamentary system of other countries as has the PAEAC, the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation, which has managed to impose Arab League policy toward Israel and America upon Europe, with European leaders’ full approval. This overwhelming Arab ascendancy, unparalleled anywhere in the world, is nevertheless brushed aside by Arab leaders—who never cease complaining about alleged EU sympathies for Israel.

Regarding Europe, the association called for news coverage more favorable to Arab causes, as well as special conditions for Arab immigrants:

Over the years, the legal instruments created by the many treaties binding the EC/EU member states established a juridical and political institutional structure that weighed heavily on Europeans. “Eurocrat” decisions micromanaged the economies and markets of EU states. The EU nations’ media and educational systems have been indoctrinating and conditioning Europeans to accept the new sociopolitical directives. The Euro-Arab Dialogue and its Arab lobby, the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC), were already interwoven within the European parliaments. They were also represented in the European Parliament and in the EC structures pre-dating the European Union. The combination of a powerful Eurabian lobby with compliant European political, media, and educational systems produced throughout the EU that uniform political thinking known as “political correctness,” so implacably opposed to any divergent opinion. Dissenters were harshly censured in universities, books and the media.

Last edited by noir on 08 Dec 2017 04:04, edited 3 times in total.
ness31 wrote:If you’re a ‘friend of Israel’ and you recognise it as an officially legal state, then why would recognition of Jerusalem as its capital be so controversial?

East Jerusalem is a part of the West Bank, which belongs to Palestinians according to international law. Israel has been violating international law by demolishing Palestinian homes and ethnically-cleansing Palestinians in East Jerusalem for a long time, committing war crimes and acting as savage as usual. The US position was to complain of settlements with strong words and no action, but it never endorsed any of these crimes committed in Occupied-Palestinian Territory. Trump just endorsed these crimes and further ethnic-cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland.

More here.
Millions where expelled by India and Pakistan follow partition yet the same people are happy with that. Only Arab "Palestinians" who at that time refuse to call themselves by this name (they saw themselves as Southern Syrians and Palestine was created by the British Mandate) are important.

Yes because 2001 is a very long time ago. Also you're more likely to be killed by a rightist than a Muslim in the US for Christ sake. Who the hell do you think you're fooling here?

There is nothing in the Zionist project that says "get recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital". It isn't even necessary. A declaration of power does not provide that power, in fact a declaration of power is merely a formality rather than a necessity.

Yes, because obviously they killed all the Christians which is why there is an entire nation of them in Lebanon and a large minority of them in Egypt. This is why there's an entire Islamo-Christian culture in the Middle East where both Muslims and Christians co-exist /s

You do realize that the Byzantines razed down a pagan temple and built the church over it's remains. The Byzantine Empire and the Caliph are no better than each other. Furthermore mosques at the time served double purposes so both Christians, Jews, and Muslims could practice their religions there. But I still disagree with the decision. Calling the church a mosque is a sign of dominance and a clear attempt at displaying who is the dominant political entity there and I absolutely despise such messages. It's such an immature and childish act from the rulers to do so and creates a tense and unstable atmosphere for what? For what reason? For what cost? Just to basically say "Ha ha ha! I'm better than you than every way and I can take anything I want from you!" it creates rebellions and tensions for such a stupid fucking reason. There's nothing efficient or traditional about these techniques, this is just a standard case of stupid governance.


Do you think the turn of policy after 1973 oil embargo and Palestine media obsession came out of the blue?

Noir, information about Palestine and Israel's atrocities didn't just come out of the blue and you'd have to be an idiot to believe that. Israel was committing atrocities since the 1950s and the EU was made in the 1970s. Only during the 2000s did anyone even know about Palestine which was after 9/11 when people wanted to learn about the Middle East and find out what the fuck was going on.

Of course today there is free will in EU support for the Palestine cause (which lies on historical European ancient hatred)

What even are you saying here? What "historical ancient hatred" even is there. If you're talking about the Crusades I highly doubt Arabs at the time gave a shit or cared about the Crusades or whatever. Most Muslims during that time would've never even heard of the Crusades, especially in Iran and Africa.

but historically speaking it was a policy adopted as a result of the Arab Lobby in EU with the Arab states.

And where the hell is the proof that this was the case? I swear everything that comes out of your mouth is a conspiracy theory and doesn't even have basis either in reality or hypothetically. There's literally no feasible reason for that to be the case at all. Why would the EU pass a law for a bunch of people that they know is not involved in European politics?

EU Arab lobby, PAEAC (the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation) and the native Arab lobby in Britain, CAABU (The Council for Arab-British Understanding) and LMEC (Labour Middle East Council) both founded by British Labor MP Christopher Mayhew.

Listing random organizations, some that didn't even exist when the policy was passed, that aren't even lobbies is not proof. Unless you have hard evidence you won't prove anything.
Random, ah. Yes, since 1973 war (oil embargo) the BBC started harping alleged Israel atrocities, just out of the blue. No one asked them to do it. The Palestibe cause objectively demanded it. All of these atrocities were not known before 1973, but till then same BBC was occupied by Israel achievements. What happened in 1973? Of course today it's done in free will. That's the power of propaganda after awhile it become self evident true.
Last edited by noir on 08 Dec 2017 02:41, edited 1 time in total.
I don't know why you keep harping on about the BBC. Anti-zionists don't trust it either, on its reporting on Palestine, since it's obviously sells a zionist position. I'd have thought your ilk would love the BBC for that reason, but I guess it's not zionist enough. That's amusing. :D

Intifada called for as over 100 Palestinians injured in clashes in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem
It sounded a lot like apologetics for war crimes, ethnic cleansing, ethnic superiority, concentration camps (including Gaza, the biggest open-air one), rape and murder, aggression against neighbors, colonization (still alive and well in this era), and territorial annexation (including Golan). Other than that, not sure about that either, @skinster.
Ter wrote:Of course you do. The chip on your shoulder about your skin colour is of Olympic proportions, there is no denying that.

So you are saying people didn't vote for trump on mass for racial interest? You know: stopping hordes of Brownies from coming to america? Again trump is killing the white working class, with the opioid crises, Ford is moving to Mexico; Tipping is going to bosses instead of the workers, which will make life harder for our white families.

Trump has ended Vet program that benefit soldiers, which will cause suicides upon whites. But again you and the 36% whites that still support him don't care. So again: Is it really OK to be white?

Everything is about race, I knew this in the 80s during the war on drugs and Reagan big government action, little government doublespeak. I knew it when one of my friends grew up with welfare and somehow became a "libertarian" when Welfare queens were mention.

Did you know that whites lived in welfare since 1930s, that they supported the democratic plantation(whatever that means, lol)? It gave them jobs, quality service and Affrima Action. Only when the Civil Rights act was pass and Blacks had access, now all of sudden they're republicans.

So that's reason this country is in shit, why healthcare is not universal, why Net Neutrality the southern strategy and racism. No more, no less. It's time you admit this.

Ter wrote:The democrats want to open up a path to citizenship for the illegals.

Yes like the republicans as well. Remember Reagan accepted illegals in as well. Also it take a 10 years waiting list, so I think that's fair amount of time.

https://nypost.com/2017/03/02/most-amer ... mmigrants/

Ter wrote: but Trump promised to deport them and he seems to be keeping his election promise.

He also forgets they are running the country economics, http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/ ... us-economy

And his business: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... story.html
Bulaba Jones wrote:It sounded a lot like apologetics for war crimes, ethnic cleansing, ethnic superiority, concentration camps (including Gaza, the biggest open-air one), rape and murder, aggression against neighbors, colonization (still alive and well in this era), and territorial annexation (including Golan). Other than that, not sure about that either, @skinster.

The phrase Open Jail was coined in the early 60's against Egyptian occupation in Gaza. If it's still open jail is because Egypt still close its border with them. Israel doesn't owe these jihadi lot anything.

The Gaza Strip, wrote Martha Gellhorn, "is not a hell-hole, not a visible disaster. It is worse. It is a jail." (Atlantic Monthly, October 1961).

Martha Gellhorn, One of the greatest 20th century American journalist, biography

The View From The Ground by Martha Gellhorn - 2015

Then I remarked that Gaza town was a beehive of activity, with all the UNEF soldiers, Danes, Norwegians, Indians, Canadians, ... It is worse; it is a jail—with a magical long white sand beach, and a breeze, and devoted welfare workers (UNRWA) to look after the prisoners.

Even Saudi Arabian radio, on March 10, 1962, likened Nasser's regime in Gaza to Hitler's regime in occupied territories in World War II. At that time Nasserite Egypt and Saudi Arabia were locked in a war.
Last edited by noir on 08 Dec 2017 03:16, edited 4 times in total.
To summarize, Trump is a great man, on par with FDR who stood alone against pro Nazi American elite. Yesterday a pro Pal protestor (incited by EU media) smashed a Jewish restraunt in Amsterdam. The owner said, if it's a reprisal for Trump historically move he's ready to pay much more.

This poster asked his followers to show solidarity and visit his restaurant

Last edited by noir on 08 Dec 2017 04:25, edited 1 time in total.
On Thursday, the White House said the vice-president planned to hold the meeting as planned.

Mr Pence "still intends to meet Mr Abbas and Palestinian leaders and thinks any decision to pull out of the meeting would be counterproductive," a White House official said.

Speaking of counterproductive...

Ballsy to do the Jerusalem thing then almost literally the next day meet with Palestinian leaders.
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