The story about 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi - Page 11 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Ter wrote:@alethea
As this is your first post on PoFo I extend my welcome to you.
And I thank you for being polite.

The Palestinians made a more than reasonable compromise in the Oslo agreements. They agreed to accept only 22% of historic Palestine and to recognise the State of Israel. Israel however never intended this to be so - Rabin may have, some Israelis may have. However extremists both in the US, the Christian Right and the Israeli Nationalist Religious right, both of whom seem to be working on a religious extremist way since 67, have made sure this is not true. It is not just Israel I will grant you that. More powerful is the American Christian Right and they now are in Government and cannot wait for Armageddon.
alethea wrote:However extremists both in the US, the Christian Right and the Israeli Nationalist Religious right, both of whom seem to be working on a religious extremist way since 67, have made sure this is not true. It is not just Israel I will grant you that. More powerful is the American Christian Right and they now are in Government and cannot wait for Armageddon.

What you wrote is not wrong but you mention only one side of the equation.. There are a lot of Arabs who are not willing to accept a Jewish State of Israel on any piece of land. They say it all belongs to them, from the river to the sea. Just look at the maps used by Fatah the PLO and of course Hezbollah and Hamas. An let's not forget those darlings in Iran.
The obstacles to peace are in my opinion mainly to be found on the Arab side.
Ter wrote:What you wrote is not wrong but you mention only one side of the equation.. There are a lot of Arabs who are not willing to accept a Jewish State of Israel on any piece of land. They say it all belongs to them, from the river to the sea. Just look at the maps used by Fatah the PLO and of course Hezbollah and Hamas. An let's not forget those darlings in Iran.
The obstacles to peace are in my opinion mainly to be found on the Arab side.

Most of my post was not quoted Hence you do not get things in context. I can't post in a forum that deletes 90% of your Post!! waste of time.
OK this is my previous reply which thankfully I could find by clicking back.

Ter wrote:@alethea
As this is your first post on PoFo I extend my welcome to you.
And I thank you for being polite.

The Palestinians made a more than reasonable compromise in the Oslo agreements. They agreed to accept only 22% of historic Palestine and to recognise the State of Israel. Israel however never intended this to be so - Rabin may have, some Israelis may have. However extremists both in the US, the Christian Right and the Israeli Nationalist Religious right, both of whom seem to be working on a religious extremist way since 67, have made sure this is not true. It is not just Israel I will grant you that. More powerful is the American Christian Right and they now are in Government and cannot wait for Armageddon.
I will have one last try. Apparently the problem may have been my accidentally omitting / at the end of quote I will also leave out the first and last bit as possibly the post will be deleted if they are in seen as a repeat post.

Ter's already posted bit

Thank you.

Ter wrote:@alethea
As to your post, you repeat the whole mantra of the Arab side, you talk about colonial, occupation, about that young woman being in prison for slapping a soldier...

Well if that is what they are saying, they are saying the truth.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
First of all, her court case will be most of all for the incitement to terrorism, i.e. calling for more stabbings and suicide bombings and rock throwing.

You are in Israel and preparing her trial. That is not what she was arrested for. I have heard some talk about that though Please give further details

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
Also, it cannot be denied that whatever the circumstances, there is a lot of provocation intended.

You believe it is not provocation to take a people's land and source of water but is to complain about it? Like I said you believe they must act subservient.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
An incident is created whilst filming the events.

No the incident happened. B'Tselem first gave the Palestinians cameras years ago so that they could film what the Israelis did to them. Of course they now all have phones. Filming of the incident just shows what has happened.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
If the soldiers react, it is oy vey how could they do that to that sweet innocent girl.

and what of the soldiers shooting in the head her 14 year old cousin and coming into her yard with no warrant - the very soldier she had just seen shooting her cousin. And what of the soldiers killing her 17 year old cousin this year. I guess you do not want them filmed. That you find it so strange that a 16 year old girl would feel traumatised and lash out when she is met with the very person who has done this, who may well have just killed her cousin, as I said indicates that you do not see Palestinians as human beings who would have the same emotions and reactions as we would expect of all people who we do believe are human.

Interestingly when the family was being interviewed by an Israeli German and they watched a video of Ahed in one of her altercations with soldiers who were harming someone, she put her hands over her face in embarrassment. Rather than act proud she acted embarrassed at her actions. May have a lot more to do with being a red head having been brought up not to believe she was an inferior human being who must bow to her masters.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
Now that the soldiers did not react, they make up a story saying how brave she was and rattatatatat.

She is brave. She has never allowed herself to be beaten. That is why Israel is so scared of her. However in this instance her reaction was far more because of her emotions in seeing her 14 year old cousin shot in the head and having the very soldier who did that come into her yard. Only if you believe that Palestinians are sub human can you ignore this.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
Posters are being made, people are being assembled,

Indeed and people make out again and again that Ahed stands for the hundreds of Palestinian children who are brought before military court, and henceforth into military detention. By International law children should only be held in custody if it is absolutely necessary and then for the very shortest time. It is right that any who believe in the rights of children and International Law use this to make the world aware of what the children of Palestine suffer.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]

it seems the Arabs need a new hero (the bearded men shouting death to Israel were not a big success, let's try a sweet white young girl for a change). And the anti Zionist zealots are keeping it in the news, inciting more protests.

You always ignore the issues. You believe it is correct that Israel is illegally taking these people's land and resources. One woman who used to report regularly from the village said watching what happened there, the shooting of the people and all the other aggression which happened and was not reported in Israel resulted in her giving up being a zionist.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
The long and the short of it is that Israel will not capitulate for this.

Oh I agree with you there. Just as Israel has never been able to handle non violent resistance she cannot tolerate a Palestinian not knowing her place and acting like a normal human being.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
They have nowhere to go

Exactly who has ever suggested they go anywhere except back to before 67 war lines? I do though accept that because of all the settlements a two state solution would be very difficult now and likely result in civil war in Israel. The only just possibility left is one state with citizenship and equal rights for everyone

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
and they have built a country since seventy years on a land that was allocated to them by the UN.

em no. First it isn't accurate to say the UN allocated land to them. After a break in proceedings where there was much black mail and bribery they did managed to get a suggestion of giving Israel who were 33% of the population 55% of the land. This was never made into anything legal. Israel simply declared her own state. The actually amount of land that Israel took in 48 however is much more than 55% - what you believed the UN gave them. What she took was 78% of the land. Jordan and Egypt took the rest but Israel took this back in her 67 expansionist war. In Oslo the Palestinians agreed to accept that there was now a State called Israel in 78% of their historic homeland. They agree to accept the 22% which was left as a viable congruous state and it is that that the current issues are about. Israel has been ignoring Oslo and International Law and settling the West Bank and Golan Heights. She now wants to take 62% of the West Bank and leave the Palestinians in tiny Bantustans with no rights of self determination for eternity. This goes totally against International and is itself bringing the world to a point where it is giving up the rule of law - Trump and Jerusalem for example. We have not had such a situation since the darkest ages.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
They have been attacked and their Arab and Persian neighbours want to eradicate them.

What! You are claiming that a young girl going ott after being confronted by the soldier who has just shot her 14 year old cousin in the head is an attack.

Israel from the time in 48 when there was a ceasefire and she went against that ceasefire and got more weapons, has always had military superiority over the rest of the Arab states. After the 67 war some of her top military asked people to stop with the line of poor little Israel, that really being an insult on their military who could deal with anything they met. She has had many opportunities to come to peace with the Arab States but could not accept them as she has not yet the amount of land she wants.

Ter wrote:[usermention=49930]
Until reasonable compromises are reached from both sides, with security guarantees, the situation will not improve.

My previous paragraph put in beginning 'The Palestinians made a more than reasonable compromise in the Oslo agreements. '

see if that works
alethea wrote: I have heard some talk about that though Please give further details

Your heroine called for more stone throwing, stabbings and suicide bombings during an interview. Inciting to terrorism is a punishable offence.

As for you other lengthy responses, you demonstrated that you took the side of the Arabs for a 100%.

On the one hand you keep on repeating that some of their land and water is taken (which is correct to a certain extent) but on the other side you do not blame the Arabs for anything that is happening.

The Arabs never accepted any compromise to have a peaceful solution (you ignored what I said earlier, take a look at the territory all of hem are claiming , hint, all of the territory).

You also repeat the fable that everything would be OK if Israel would retreat to the pre-1967 borders. That is a fable, the Arabs did also not recognise Israel before 1967.
The only result of a retreat of Israel would be a smaller and less defensible Israel.
You can love or hate the Israelis but they are not stupid.

For the record : I am neither an Israeli nor do I live there.
Ter wrote:Your heroine called for more stone throwing, stabbings and suicide bombings during an interview. Inciting to terrorism is a punishable offence.

Interesting I heard it was her mother who apparently said this. I was asking for more. Perhaps you can provide some proof or at least some link

Ter wrote:
I suggest if you have something you disagree with that you say what it is. This is the second post you have made to me and in both you have said I have presented 'arab' view I have expressed my own views.

Oh there entire source of water has been taken. In this instance that would be because Israel is the one in the wrong It is Israel who has taken these people's land and water which is a vital resource for life and it is Israel who is making their lives hell including making it extremely difficult for the children to get to school. The reason for this is because Israel wants them to move out and she can get total control of their land.

Israel is going against international law and because of her superior military position is harming these people. These practices do not meet with my approval.

well I am waiting your proof of this. Would you like me to start giving you some information of the heinous terrorism the Zionists carried out.
Lol @ Ter saying YOU ONLY SEE ONE SIDE OF THE EQUATION while only shilling for one side. What a weird thing to accuse others of. :lol:

As for evidence for anything, @alethea, I wouldn't hold your breath on that, Ter has a tendency to repeat lines that zionists said in the 90s, when that type of propaganda might have worked on people, before the age of alternative/social media.

Obviously now everyone knows zionists are talking shit, since the evidence for Israel being a settler-colonialist state in less time than the last century is well documented, and admitted by Israeli politicians themselves, but that's by the by...

Ter wrote:It is not possible to prove a negative.
I suspect your education was not complete before you entered the work force ?

In the meantime, feel free to continue your propaganda posts.

Ter is projecting again. And it is not possible for you to prove that Israel is an apartheid state? You can read the following article to see how you are wrong.

Israel Is an Apartheid State (Even if the UN Report Has Been Withdrawn)

My education was not complete when I entered the work force because I couldn't afford further education, but I learned to...learn, by myself, despite that. And I have posted enough links as evidence for my position. You can't do this because your position is the wrong one and to be frank, you are a liar. Whether you know this or not is another question, that I don't really care for.

Israel is an apartheid state since it has different laws based on whether you are Jewish or goy, where Palestinians live under military rule or imprisonment in a concentration camp while Israeli Jews live under civilian laws. I give you exhibit A since I try to stay on-topic here, even if you can't:

What Happened When a Jewish Settler Slapped an Israeli Soldier
Both Ahed Tamimi and Yifat Alkobi were questioned for slapping a soldier in the West Bank, but little else about their cases are similar — simply because one is Jewish, the other Palestinian

This slap didnt lead the nightly news. This slap, which landed on the cheek of a Nahal soldier in Hebron, did not lead to an indictment. The assailant, who slapped a soldier who was trying to stop her from throwing stones, was taken in for questioning but released on bail the same day and allowed to return home.

Prior to this incident, she had been convicted five times — for throwing rocks, for assaulting a police officer and for disorderly conduct, but was not jailed even once.

In one instance, she was sentenced to probation, and in the rest to a month of community service and practically a token fine, as compensation to the injured parties. The accused systematically failed to heed summonses for questioning or for legal proceedings, but soldiers did not come to drag her out of bed in the middle of the night, nor were any of her relatives arrested. Aside from a brief report by Chaim Levinson about the incident, on July 2, 2010, there were hardly any repercussions to the slap and scratches inflicted by Yifat Alkobi on the face of a soldier who caught her hurling rocks a Palestinians.

The Israel Defense Forces Spokespersons Unit said at the time that the army takes a grave view of any incidence of violence toward security forces, and yet the assailant goes on living peacefully at home. The education minister didnt demand that she sit in prison, social media have not exploded with calls for her to be raped or murdered, and columnist Ben Caspit didnt recommend that she punished to the full extent of the law in a dark place, without cameras.

Like Ahed Tamimi, Alkobi has been known for years to the military and police forces that surround her place of residence, and both are considered a nuisance and even a danger. The main difference between them is that Tamimi assaulted a soldier who was sent by a hostile government that does not recognize her existence, steals her land and kills and wounds her relatives, while Alkobi, a serial criminal, assaulted a soldier from her own people and her religion, who was sent by her nation to protect her, a nation in which she is a citizen with special privileges.

Jewish violence against soldiers in the territories has been a matter of routine for years. But even when it seems like theres no point asking that soldiers in the territories protect Palestinians from physical harassment and vandalism of their property by settlers, its hard to understand why the authorities continue to turn a blind eye, to cover up and close cases or not even open them, when the violators are Jews. There is plenty of evidence, some of it recorded on camera. And yet the offenders still sleep at home in their beds, emboldened by divine command and amply funded by organizations that receive state support.

In the winter its nice to get warm and cozy under these double standards, but theres one question that every Israeli should be asking himself: Tamimi and Alkobi committed the same offense. The punishment (or lack thereof) should be the same. If the choice is between freeing Tamimi or jailing Alkobi, which would you choose? Tamimi is to remain in custody for the duration of the proceedings — trial in a hostile military court — and is expected to receive a prison sentence. Alkobi, who was not prosecuted for this offense, and was tried in a civilian court for much more serious offenses, lived at home for the duration of the proceedings. She was represented by a lawyer who did not have to wait at a checkpoint in order to serve his client and her only punishment was community service.

The Likud and Habayit Hayehudi cabinet ministers have no reason to rush to pass a law that would apply Israeli law in the territories. Even without it, the only thing that matters is if you were born Jewish. Everything else is irrelevant. ... -1.5630408

More posters in London calling for the freedom of Ahed Tamimi
skinster wrote:Both Ahed Tamimi and Yifat Alkobi were questioned for slapping a soldier in the West Bank, but little else about their cases are similar — simply because one is Jewish, the other Palestinian

Ah yes, skinster desperately trying to make a point.
But those cases cannot be compared because Ahed is in legal trouble because she incited to terrorism. The other girl did not.
I have repeated this fact already three or four times but it does not fit the narrative of the anti-Zionist zealots, therefore that point is ignored, again and again.
Instead we get all kinds of biased texts reposted, re-tweeted, pure propaganda, hardly any word except rubbish coming out of skinster's own writings. She calls anything going against her narrative, and I quote "shit posts", like she does in many places, see for instance viewtopic.php?p=14890541#p14890541

Not that I expected more from uneducated posters but still, it makes for useless dialogues.

alethea wrote:Would you like me to start giving you some information of the heinous terrorism the Zionists carried out.

That is pretty loaded language, and it shows how desperate you are to accuse Israel of terrorism whilst you well know that the real terrorists are the child throat slitters, the suicide bombers, the stabbers of passers-by, the Arabs ramming cars into pedestrians, the organisers of suicide bombings, the parents who send their children to throw rocks at passing cars, the bastards throwing gays from rooftops, the tunnel builders that allow murderers to sneak into civilian places to kill families, the Arabs shooting rockets with explosive war heads into civilian areas, should I go on ?
@alethea you are just one more obsessed anti-Israel poster like skinster, discussing the issues with you can never be productive.
Shame on you to chose the side of the real terrorists with their backwards life style whilst you enjoy the freedom of western countries. You should go and live with the Arabs and experience first hand what your friends stand for.
Ter wrote:

That is pretty loaded language, and it shows how desperate you are to accuse Israel of terrorism whilst you well know that the real terrorists are the child throat slitters, the suicide bombers, the stabbers of passers-by, the Arabs ramming cars into pedestrians, the organisers of suicide bombings, the parents who send their children to throw rocks at passing cars, the bastards throwing gays from rooftops, the tunnel builders that allow murderers to sneak into civilian places to kill families, the Arabs shooting rockets with explosive war heads into civilian areas, should I go on ?
@alethea you are just one more obsessed anti-Israel poster like skinster, discussing the issues with you can never be productive.
Shame on you to chose the side of the real terrorists with their backwards life style whilst you enjoy the freedom of western countries. You should go and live with the Arabs and experience first hand what your friends stand for.

Well half my post disappeared again. It shows a) your ignorance and b) how you have one rule for Israel and another for the Palestinians. As such we would never agree. I believe in equal rights. You believe in Zionist supremacy.

From British, Israeli and American sources.

How terrorism created modern State of Israel

a selection of source docs
Ter wrote:Ah yes, skinster desperately trying to make a point.
But those cases cannot be compared because Ahed is in legal trouble because she incited to terrorism. The other girl did not.
I have repeated this fact already three or four times but it does not fit the narrative of the anti-Zionist zealots, therefore that point is ignored, again and again.

The reason why you are ignored in this regard is because international law or the geneva convention supports the rights of occupied people - like Ahed Tamimi and her family - to resist occupation, including with arms.

You're also ignored because you never post anything to support your position and so at least with me, you're ignored because your opinions are shit.

Instead we get all kinds of biased texts reposted, re-tweeted, pure propaganda, hardly any word except rubbish coming out of skinster's own writings. She calls anything going against her narrative, and I quote "shit posts", like she does in many places, see for instance viewtopic.php?p=14890541#p14890541

You call anything that calls out zionist supremacy as "biased" and then expect anyone to take you seriously. :lol:

Also :lol: at you defending Rich, who talks about as much shit as you.

Shame on you to chose the side of the real terrorists with their backwards life style whilst you enjoy the freedom of western countries. You should go and live with the Arabs and experience first hand what your friends stand for.

I'd much rather not live under military occupation based on whether I am Jewish or not. Like most people. Which is why Palestinians are supported worldwide and zionists are not, except of course by people with power, like the zionists running the show in Palestine (which btw is an Arab country).

India: 10 million for Ahed’s release


Why the Experience of Ahed Tamimi Matters So Much
Israel’s prosecution of Ahed Tamimi under an Israeli military court for putting up resistance to Israel’s occupation regime epitomizes the unspeakable inhumanity of holding a civilian population captive for generations.

It is now known by virtually everyone who follows the Palestinian struggle that a 16-year-old girl named Ahed Tamimi, who is now 17, confronted Israeli soldiers on her family’s land shortly after her cousin, Mohammed, was shot in the face with a rubber bullet, causing a coma. The video of her actions has gone viral, showing the world a courageous young woman engaging in nonviolent acts of resistance, and then a day later in the middle of the night being arrested in her home and then charged with a series of crimes; as is standard Israeli practice in the arrest of children, Aden was hauled off to an Israeli prison facility out of reach of her family and then denied bail.

As has been widely noted, Ahed Tamimi is a heroic victim for those in Palestine and elsewhere who approve of the Palestinian national struggle, and commend such symbolic acts of nonviolent resistance. Ahed has also been often called ‘iconic’ because her story, now and before, is so emblematic of the extraordinary perseverance of the Palestinian people who having endured fifty years of occupation, and seventy years since the mass dispossession of 1948 known to Palestinians as the Nakba.

This prolonged ordeal continues to unfold without a decent ending in sight. The fact that Ahed is a child and a girl reinforces the double image of courage, stubborn resistance, and victimization. It is also notable that as early as 2013 Ahed gained prominence when given The Handala Courage Award by a Turkish municipality in Istanbul, an occurrence given great attention due to a breakfast in her honor arranged by then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. While only 13, Ahed opened an art exhibit in Istanbul aptly titled “Being a Child in Palestine.”

The Israeli reaction, as might be expected, was as negative and denigrating as the Palestinian response was affirmative; maybe more so. Israel’s Minister of Culture, no less, Mira Regev referred to Ahed this way: “She is not a little girl, she is a terrorist. It about time they will understand that people like her have to be in jail and not allowed to incite racism and subversion against the state of Israel.”

The internationally known Minister of Education, Naftali Bennett, was more precise in describing the punishment that fit Ahed’s supposed crime: “Ahed Tamimi should serve a life sentence for her crime.”

More luridly, Ben Caspit, a prominent journalist, made a rather shocking assertion of how Ahed’s type of defiant behavior shockingly deserves to be addressed outside the framework of law: “In the case of girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark without witnesses or cameras.” Some critics have read this statement as advocacy of sexual abuse, even rape, but whatever its intention, the fact that such language can be used openly at the higher levels of Israeli discourse, without arousing an Israeli backlash is suggestive of a terroristic style of governance relied upon to break the will of Palestinian resistance.

Mira Regev’s reaction to the Tamimi video clip situates the Israeli reaction to Ahed Tamimi’s in ways that seem to reflect the dominant mood in the country that perversely reverses the realities of oppressor and oppressed, victimizers and victims: “When I watched that I felt humiliated. I felt crushed,” finding the incident “damaging to the honor of the military and the state of Israel.”

It is in this strange sense that it is Israelis, not Palestinians, who experience humiliation in the current situation—despite Israel being in total control of every aspect of the Palestinian life experience, which for Palestinians involves a daily encounter with oppressive policies designed to frighten, humiliate, and subjugate. In contrast, Israelis enjoy the benefit of urban freedom and prosperity in an atmosphere of normalcy with relatively high levels of security in recent years that has greatly diminished the security threat, and in the process, effectively erased Palestinian grievances and aspirations from public consciousness.

When Palestinians are noticed, as in this incident, it tends to be with derision, and expressions of a domineering Israeli political will that considers it entirely fitting to impose punishments on Palestinian children of a severity totally disproportionate to the gravity of the supposed crime. It is this disparity between the reality of Palestinian resistance and the rhetoric of Israeli oppressive options that gives Ahed Tamimi’s story such symbolic poignancy.

Of course, there are more sophisticated Israeli responses to Ahed’s challenge. Some commentators claim that what is disproportionate is the global attention devoted to the incident, even suggesting that it was a cynical ploy meant to distract world public opinion due to the failure of Hamas to deliver on its call for a third intifada in response to Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and so move the U.S. Embassy.

Other critics insist that the incident was staged by the Palestinians, with cameras at the ready, and not as spontaneous as the video wants us to believe. Such a contention seems irrelevant, even if correct, as Ahed’s defiance was prompted by the shooting and wounding of her cousin a short time before, which was certainly not staged, but rather a reflection of oppressive and violent Israeli responses to Palestinian demonstrations of resistance.

To belittle her acts as instruments of ‘infowar’ is also to ignore the uncertainty she faced when so strongly confronting Israeli soldiers and challenging their authority. She could not have known that these soldiers would not violently retaliate, as indeed some Israelis wished had happened to avoid ‘humiliation’ on the Israeli side.

Ahed’s bravery and dignified reaction seem to be authentic given the wider context, as does the resistance of the Tamimi family in the town of Nabi Saleh that undoubtedly socialized Ahed into a culture of nonviolent practice.

I think these polarized responses to the incident offer a defining metaphor for the current phase of Israel/Palestine relations. The metaphor is given a special vividness because Ahed Tamimi as a child epitomizes the mentality and tactics of an oppressive state: the prospect of Ahed’s case being heard by a military court that finds that more than 99% of defendants are guilty of the crimes of which they are accused. This is reminiscent of South African administration of criminal justice at the height of apartheid racism.

Beyond the legal fate of Ahed’s case is the unspeakable inhumanity of holding a civilian population captive generation after generation. ... s-so-much/
skinster wrote:Israel is now claiming that Ahed's cousin - who they shot in the face minutes before Ahed slapped IDF soldiers on her family's property - lost part of his skull not because they shot him in the face, but because he "fell off his bicycle".

The Tamimi family dealt with this bullshit by providing the hospital reports.

Israel is a sick country.

I was just coming on to make a post about that. The sheer brazenness of Israel and her supporters to lie illustrates how low the West has become through its support of Israel. It totally beggars belief.

At the link you can see Ahed's cousin ,shot in the head with a rubber bullet in December resulting in such swelling that he had to have part of his skull removed.


He had to be put in a coma for 4 days and it was very touch and go whether he would survive. It was this action against her cousin which upset Ahed so much that she let loose at the soldier responsible when he came into her yard not one hour later.

But oh no, Israel cannot have that. My God they have a girl people are beginning to call Joan of Arc. They have a girl in jail already for over two months because she was upset at the shooting of her cousin which had put him into a critical condition which he might not recover from.

Too much for Israel. Lets arrest him, force him to agree to what we say - and most confessions Israel has from children it arrests are forced - the UN and the British Parliament accepts that there is torture of Palestinian children - it has been debated in Parliament. So Palestinian children like Mohamed generally are not allowed anyone there to support them, not a parent, not a solicitor and they then have to sign a declaration written in Hebrew which they often do not understand.

The soldiers came for Mohammed Tamimi, the boy with half his head missing due to being shot by a rubber bullet, in the dead of night and arrested him - please look at the boy to see the state he is in. ... 1964109308

Along with Mohammed ten other children were arrested from the village. Living in Nabi Saleh is very like waiting at night to see if the Stasi are coming.

Mohammed unlike the other children was released the same day - no doubt Israel would have found it a bit embarrassing if he had died but no doubt that would have been a suicide.

That being said it appears his medical condition did not stop them roughing him up

He is still missing part of his skull, as the surgeons are waiting for the swelling of his brain to go down until they can replace it.

He is not able to be in sunlight and needs to be extra careful of anything touching his head.

The Israeli soldiers disregarded his unprotected brain. "They hit me on my legs, they slap my face and they didn't want to even notice what's going on with my head," Mohammed said.

"I tried my best to protect my head from them because they didn't care. They continued to hit me and kick me."


"They tried to put words in my mouth to confess names of people, because they knew I was scared of being kicked and them touching my head." ... 1964109308

so the day after his release Israel announces on facebook

The day following Mohammed’s release from detention, 27 February, Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), Major General Yoav Mordechai published an official Facebook post claiming Mohammed’s injury was "self inflicted."

Mordechai wrote; “the boy confessed himself to the police and to [COGAT] that in December when he was [riding] his bicycle and fell from it.”

He went on to say Mohammed had confessed while he was detained that his critical injury was “caused by a blow to the skull from the handle bars.”

Not only are there witnesses of Mohammed being shot by Israeli forces in December, a CT scan of his brain before undergoing surgery clearly shows the bullet lodged in the back of his skull. ... 1964109308

Israel's inhumanity knows no bounds. A woman once told me she had a recurring nightmare. She had told a lie and in order to stop the lie being discovered she had to continue doing things which made her feel bad about herself, tell more lies, be deceitful until in her dreams she had to result to killing people. Israel reminds me of that woman's dream.

Below is an excellent article by an Israeli who had been witnessing the protests at

Nabi Saleh is where I lost my Zionism ... sm/131818/

and was disgusted at the misinformation given to the Israeli public on what goes on at Nabi Saleh.

Nabi Saleh is where I lost my Zionism ... sm/131818/
skinster wrote:I do find it a little strange why Israelis are going to the lengths of lying about the Tamimi boy's head they shot, the cause of it, that is, since it's something they do every other day.

Journalist Ben White, made a thread about this:

That is a good little thread he has there.

I hadn't actually realised he had offered the tale himself. Certainly shows how when unprotected by parents or solicitor, children will say anything they think you want to hear if they are scared.

It is interesting that Major General Yoav Mordecha on Facebook described his injuries as 'self inflicted' as if, if he had indeed fallen off his bike rather than having his head shot at for peeping to see if there were soldiers around, it would have been a deliberate intent on self harm!!

I guess you need to wonder who they were trying to impress. I am guessing Israelis. I cannot imagine anyone else believing a word of it but I think most of them believe every word their army it is possibly to make sure Israelis stay onside. The army did nothing wrong. Falling off your bike nowadays results in you getting rubber coated bullets with steel inserts lodged in your brain resulting in needing to get part of your skull removed due to the swelling. Clearly bikes should be banned. You just wonder is there nothing too insane that some people will not believe it.

I see in the article below the Israelis tried to stop the Red Crescent getting him to hospital - another trick of the Israelis - given that the sooner you get someone to hospital after a serious injury such as a gun shot the more likely they are to survive, Israeli soldiers frequently will not allow those they have shot to be taken to hospital for some time, even several hours in the hope they will be dead. I notice Israel had injured 345 Palestinian children during the protests against Trump declaring that the US was no longer going to play at wanting a two state solution and instead would allow Israeli to illegally colonise all of Palestine with its blessing, otherwise known as his declaration on Jerusalem. ... -168461760
alethea wrote:I was just coming on to make a post about that. The sheer brazenness of Israel and her supporters to lie illustrates how low the West has become through its support of Israel. It totally beggars belief.

At the link you can see Ahed's cousin ,shot in the head with a rubber bullet in December resulting in such swelling that he had to have part of his skull removed.


He had to be put in a coma for 4 days and it was very touch and go whether he would survive. It was this action against her cousin which upset Ahed so much that she let loose at the soldier responsible when he came into her yard not one hour later.

But oh no, Israel cannot have that. My God they have a girl people are beginning to call Joan of Arc. They have a girl in jail already for over two months because she was upset at the shooting of her cousin which had put him into a critical condition which he might not recover from.

Too much for Israel. Lets arrest him, force him to agree to what we say - and most confessions Israel has from children it arrests are forced - the UN and the British Parliament accepts that there is torture of Palestinian children - it has been debated in Parliament. So Palestinian children like Mohamed generally are not allowed anyone there to support them, not a parent, not a solicitor and they then have to sign a declaration written in Hebrew which they often do not understand.

The soldiers came for Mohammed Tamimi, the boy with half his head missing due to being shot by a rubber bullet, in the dead of night and arrested him - please look at the boy to see the state he is in. ... 1964109308

Along with Mohammed ten other children were arrested from the village. Living in Nabi Saleh is very like waiting at night to see if the Stasi are coming.

Mohammed unlike the other children was released the same day - no doubt Israel would have found it a bit embarrassing if he had died but no doubt that would have been a suicide.

That being said it appears his medical condition did not stop them roughing him up ... 1964109308

so the day after his release Israel announces on facebook ... 1964109308

Israel's inhumanity knows no bounds. A woman once told me she had a recurring nightmare. She had told a lie and in order to stop the lie being discovered she had to continue doing things which made her feel bad about herself, tell more lies, be deceitful until in her dreams she had to result to killing people. Israel reminds me of that woman's dream.

Below is an excellent article by an Israeli who had been witnessing the protests at

Nabi Saleh is where I lost my Zionism ... sm/131818/

and was disgusted at the misinformation given to the Israeli public on what goes on at Nabi Saleh.

Nabi Saleh is where I lost my Zionism ... sm/131818/

Is he still able to throw rocks?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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And it was also debunked.

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