Heavily annotated Mein Kampf published in Germany - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Today, the state of Bavaria which had been given the copyright to Hitler's Mein Kampf by the Americans, published the book which had been banned there until now. But it is still illegal to publish the book in Germany without reams of commentary embedded in the text. Banning books has been familiar to Germans especially since the time of the Third Reich. It remains a crime to publish the book without the added textual spin. This is both patronizing and cowardly. It is about time the Germans grew up and permitted its citizens to make their own assessment of Mein Kampf without being told what to think.


The book is titled: Hitler: Mein Kampf: A Critical Edition, which is heavily annotated by liberal historians who corrected Hitler's statistical and historical mistakes. British Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw does not oppose the controversial move by the Bavarian government. What is ironic is that Hitler belonged to the African haplogroup E (Y-DNA) and its frequencies total 9% in Austria, where Hitler was born. Haplogroup E was introduced to Germany and Austria by ancient African migrants or recent Jewish migrants to Europe.

It was “high time for a rigorously academic edition of Mein Kampf," British Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw told the AP. “For years, I have considered the lifting of the ban on publication long overdue,” Kershaw said. “Censorship is almost always pointless in the long term in a free society, and only contributes to creating a negative myth, making a forbidden text more mysterious and awakening an inevitable fascination with the inaccessible.”
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/worl ... /78498676/

Retailing at €59 ($65), the book looks at key historical questions, the institute said, including: "How were his theses conceived? What objectives did he have? And most important: which counterarguments do we have, given our knowledge today of the countless claims, lies and assertions of Hitler?" Education Minister Johanna Wanka has argued that such a version should be introduced to all classrooms across Germany, saying it would serve to ensure that "Hitler's comments do not remain unchallenged". "Pupils will have questions and it is only right that these can be addressed in classes," she said.
http://www.thelocal.de/20160108/first-m ... er-germany
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 09 Jan 2016 01:17, edited 1 time in total.
Heinie calls the academic edition "cowardly" and "patronizing", as if in real time there were more than just few Germans who read this drivel in full. No one ever read the book in full. Even then. Same with the book of Alfred Rosenberg's Der Mythus Des 20 Jahrhunderts which was supposedly to be a "philosophical" book for the intellectuals.
ThirdTerm wrote:The book is titled: Hitler: Mein Kampf: A Critical Edition, which is heavily annotated by liberal historians who corrected Hitler's statistical and historical mistakes. British Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw does not oppose the controversial move by the Bavarian government. ...

This approved version is no longer Hitler's book.
Adolph Hitler I salute you.

You wrote a book so powerful, so eloquent, so persuasive that even now ninety odd years later, in utterly differnet circumstances where you'd have thought that your writing would no longer be relevant, your enemies dare not trust Germans with what you wrote. Amazing!
just out of interest does anyone know what the ratio was for 2015? How many people called out "Heil Hitler" in a terrorist attack compared to the number that called out Allahu Akbar?
Rancid wrote:So they actually edited Hitlers words? Or did they just riddle it up with notes?

They have included copious commentaries and interpretations in broad margins to make sure that the German readers will get the approved spin. They are petrified that Germans today might want to make up their own minds.
Germany appears to have never left its post-war era. The post-war Germany has always been Germany, since 1945. The whole German point of view appears to have been radically defined by those mere twelve years of the 20th century. It is amazing that even though it has been seventy years since the Nazi period there is still this tremendous mental wound. It is as though the Germans look back to the past and think that what happened from 1933 to 1945 was so horrible that they can never ever forgive themselves. We can compare this to a guilty person who has done something bad but not too bad and to someone who has done something utterly unforgivable. The first person moves on and regrets what they do but they can forgive themselves. The second never moves on and never forgives themselves. They spend the rest of their life feeling this tremendous shame, sadness and guilt. It appears that in Germany this has happened on a national and multi-generational scale. Other nations with histories of genocide do not appear to have embraced the total sense of guilt that the Germans have done. For example the colonial crimes committed in the British Empire do not create the same levels of all encompassing guilt among the British people.

Guilt on such a scale is not a productive force. It will not lead to any positive developments. Such guilt is a guilt without any hope for redemption. It will eventually lead either to Germans completely rejecting any sense of regret over the past and their re-adoption of far right and nationalist tendencies or the complete self-destruction of the German nation due to self-loathing.
Political Interest wrote:... Guilt on such a scale is not a productive force. It will not lead to any positive developments. Such guilt is a guilt without any hope for redemption. It will eventually lead either to Germans completely rejecting any sense of regret over the past and their re-adoption of far right and nationalist tendencies or the complete self-destruction of the German nation due to self-loathing.

I am not sure how this analysis fits-in to the publication of the approved version of Mein Kampf. The book remains banned. What does that tell you of the people in charge of this spectacle that they want to ban a book? The German people are intelligent enough to read it for themselves but are forbidden to do so. This whole exercise is a farce.

As for the guilt, this was the best thing that could have happened to the West Germans. Had the Bundesrepublik been permitted to wash its hands of the racism and brutality of the Third Reich, it would not have become the tolerant compassionate country it is today, the most generous state of the European Union, welcoming refugees fleeing from the horror of despotism and fanatical Islamism. Germany is a beacon of humanity in a world of misery and this is because it knows its recent past and turned its back on it never to allow racism, bigotry, and nationalism define who the German people are ever again. This is where your analysis is faulty. There is no room for racist fascism in today's Germany and that is the essence of the modern German nation, far from your prediction of its destruction.
Political Interest wrote:Other nations with histories of genocide do not appear to have embraced the total sense of guilt that the Germans have done. For example the colonial crimes committed in the British Empire do not create the same levels of all encompassing guilt among the British people.

Indeed. And despite that I'm sure you wrote that rhetorically, we both know Germany isn't alone in having a blood-soaked history. Every major Allied nation had histories involving atrocities, some even verging on genocide. Of course, the difference here is that Germany lost, while even today the Brits simply shrug at their imperial history, and Americans either don't really care or engage in justifications for widespread atrocities over the last century or so.

Guilt on such a scale is not a productive force. It will not lead to any positive developments. Such guilt is a guilt without any hope for redemption. It will eventually lead either to Germans completely rejecting any sense of regret over the past and their re-adoption of far right and nationalist tendencies or the complete self-destruction of the German nation due to self-loathing.

I agree with you PI. I also don't think it's healthy to instill racial guilt: it's important for these things to be known in the hopes we can try to avoid similar atrocities in the future, or a populace that is educated enough to not go along with these things (despite the fact people will largely go along with this sort of stuff regardless of whether they're German or any other ethnic group), but constantly drilling guilt into people who have done nothing wrong simply because some of their ancestors did unspeakable things is hypocritical.
Perhaps banning Hitler's autobiography was originally an American idea and the the state of Bavaria has finally lifted self-censorship which continued over 70 years. The censorship in the US zone was regulated by the occupation directive JCS 1067, which was valid in occupied Germany until 1950. Under Allied Control Authority Order No. 4 (Confiscation of Literature and Material of a Nazi and Militarist Nature), all confiscated books were destroyed by the Americans, including Hitler's Mein Kampf, which was in principle no different from the Nazi book burnings.

Clifford, R. (2004). Cleansing History, Cleansing Japan: Kobayashi Yoshinori's Analects of War and Japan's Revisionist Revival. wrote:Kobayashi traces the decline of Japanese patriotism to the policies and initiatives of the Allied Occupation government during the post-war period (1945- 1952), and to the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal in particular. He argues that the tribunal allowed the Allies to unilaterally impose punishment on Japan by denying the validity of Japanese participation in the war, thereby legitimizing their own war crimes (such as the dropping of the atomic bomb). The Occupation government, he continues, launched a concerted program of censorship to convince the Japanese that they had been slaves to militarism, and that the adoption of American ideals such as democracy and individualism was necessary to counteract this militaristic drive. He claims that the Japanese people were effectively brainwashed by this censorship, and remain so to this day. He concludes that modern Japanese citizens must shake themselves free of American-imposed mind control, and come to see the war as a justifiable and heroic endeavor, even if it was a failed one. Proceeding on a similar tack, Kobayashi locates the origins of postwar guilt in Occupation-era Allied policies. The Japanese themselves have no reason to feel guilty for their actions during the war, he claims; they persist in feeling guilty only because the Occupation government tricked them into doubting their innocence. In particular, Kobayashi traces the roots of Japan’s post-war fixation with guilt to the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal.
http://www.nissan.ox.ac.uk/sites/sias/f ... PS35_0.pdf
Heinie wrote:Today, the state of Bavaria which had been given the copyright to Hitler's Mein Kampf by the Americans, published the book which had been banned there until now.

Well, if the Quran if not banned from publishing, why should "Mein Kampf" be? I mean...

ISIS fighter executes own mother in Syria for 'apostasy,' rights groups say (CNN)
Bulaba Jones wrote:but constantly drilling guilt into people who have done nothing wrong simply because some of their ancestors did unspeakable things is hypocritical.
Unspeakable, why are they unspeakable? They killed a load of people, what's the big deal? My ancestors slaughtered countless people, and I'm glad they did, because I owe my existence to their slaughter. Given the technology at the time the Earth only had a limited carrying capacity, many had to die so others could live.

Since world war II, we've gone on slaughtering people, directly like in Korea and Vietnam, or more usually indirectly through our support for numerous regimes and non state actors. "preserving our humanity" don't you love that phrase, it usually means getting someone else to do your dirty work for you or at the very least bombing from attitude: Any children killed at Dresden were just a regrettable accident.

Look here Germans, the idea of German exceptionalism, of some unspeakable evil was a useful Cold War yarn, but really you don't have to take it seriously. We could hardly have mobilised against international Communism while agonsing over the morality of "terror bombing. Yes even hydrogen bombs can cause some collateral damage. Its like Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, a useful narrative, to mobilise for a necessary war, don't get hung up on the veracity of the details. At bottom, stripping away the uniforms, the "son et lumiere" and the fantastical conspiracy theories, the Nazis was nothing more than an equality movement that got out of hand. Its like bussing in America, the idea of bussing in America was to create equality by bringing White Schools down to the level of Black schools and it has to be said it was partially successful although at the cost of a lot resentment.

I guess you'd say that Nazism was also partially successful, but at the cost of even more resentment. The Nazis gave birth to Israel. Anyone who imagines that Israel would have got off the ground without the Nazis is delusional. Goy in Weimar Germany were at a huge socio economic disadvantage compared to Jews as they were in the rest of Christendom. Jews in Israel now have similar standards of living to Germans French, White Americans etc. Infidel, Goy in Israel seem to do better than Jews. No one could accuse Israel of discriminating against its minorities. Israel is a land of opportunity as America is a land of opportunity for East Asians. Of course there will always be haters who think the Jews of Israel have not been pulled low enough.
AFAIK wrote:Didn't the copyright recently expire? Or is it about to expire?

There should be many more publications in the near future.

Yes, the copyright has just expired but it remains against the law to publish Mein Kampf in the Bundesrepublik. The situation is an embarrassment in a free country.
Heinie wrote:Yes, the copyright has just expired but it remains against the law to publish Mein Kampf in the Bundesrepublik. The situation is an embarrassment in a free country.

Mein Kampf, it's a least of your problem. Much argent is that many youtube videos can't shown in Germany. It's the most frustrating thing to live in Germany.

And this one:

Subject: Germany: Refugees blamed for sexual assaults on NYE

layman wrote:But that’s not quite why it has taken nearly a week to piece together the story of a spate of muggings and sexual attacks carried out that night by seemingly organised gangs of young men. Many Germans are asking why politicians, police and broadcasters seem so reluctant to discuss what happened under cover of the crowds (the state broadcaster EZF apologised for not covering the attacks until Tuesday), and whether it’s because the attackers are widely described as looking Arab or north African. Which is why, of course, liberals like me are reluctant to talk about it.

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