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By Dempsey
Up to 1938's Czechoslovakia crisis, the policy making in Britain was dominant by appeasement toward the Nazis. Hitler was viewd as a reliable guardian against the bolsheviks (Jewish) menace.

Annie Homer’s article which appeared in the issues of The Catholic Herald (Oct.-Nov. 1933) was a Catholic salvo expressing joy over taking power by Hitler. From the pamphlet itself we learn: “The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not a Russian conception. It was forced on Russia from without, when in 1917, German and German-American -Jewish interests sent Lenin and his associates into Russia, furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection of the Russian armies.”

According to "The Rape of Palestine by William B. Ziff (1938)" this pro Nazi author was operated on behalf British goverment itself. "It was this same cabal and its reactionary allies in 'The City' who were largely responsible for the rise of Adolph Hitler on the Continent, financing him and preparing his way behind the scenes. To suspicious British Bureaucrats whose entire training in life lay in quiet conspiracy to gain hidden ends, no part of this sounded like an impossible hypothesis. Antipathy for the Jews assumed such proportions in whole sections of English society and Government as to become pathological. The basis, in fact, of their fanatic support of Hitler was the belief that he was the only man with the genius and courage to fight the vast unseen Jewish octopus which was draining the Empire's life blood and which was credited with instigating every misfortune and misadventure which befell England anywhere.

Quoting, printed from the Catholic Herald: of Oct. 21st, 28th, and Nov. 4th, 1933:]




by A. Homer, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., etc.

At a meeting held at St. Joseph’s Hall, Hanwell, in July last, to protest against the Bolshevik persecution

of Christianity, the speakers, inter alia, enlightened their audience as to the part played by certain

sections of Jewry in the establishment by terrorist methods of the Bolshevist system of Government which

is avowedly “Anti-God”, and, in its efforts to destroy the present social system of the world, is determined

to stamp out Christianity.

Mr. L. F. Hydleman, in letters written to the Editor of the Catholic Herald, has taken exception to the

statements made, by myself in particular, at the meeting. To him, and perhaps to many others who are

unaware of the facts, Bolshevism and Judaism would appear to be “contradictions in terms”: the associ4

ation of Capitalistic Jewry with anti-capitalist Bolshevism would seem to be absurd: and the use of Bolshevism,

Zionism and International Finance (The Money Power) by a small and powerful section of World

Jewry as a means of gaining world Domination are to be classed as “somewhat wild conclusions”.


Bolshevism is a Jewish conception based on the teachings of Karl Marx and other revolutionary

Socialists. It is characterized by destruction and chaos, and imposes its will and maintains

its power by terrorism and murder.

Bolshevism is, above all, Anti-Christian and Anti-Social, for, until the existing order has been

destroyed, the so-called “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” in a universal brotherhood of nations, cannot be

imposed upon the world.

There are many who would keep the public in ignorance of the part played by Jews, whether

Socialists, Communists, Zionists or Financiers,

in the events which have led to the destruction of Tzardom; to the enslavement of the Russian people by

terrorism, and to the imposition of the (Jewish-controlled) Bolshevik Regime; to the post-war “red” revolutions

in Europe and Asia; to the economic and industrial war on Capitalistic States conducted under “The

Five Year Plan”; to the unchecked persecution of Christians by Bolshevists in Russia, Spain, Mexico, and

elsewhere; and to the rapid spread of Bolshevik activities throughout the world, in particular in Palestine,

the Middle East, India and China.

Within the limits of a short article, it is only possible to give a fraction of the overwhelming amount of

evidence (from authoritative sources, both Gentile and Jew) in support of these facts. The following

instances, however, should serve to convince your readers that Bolshevism and Zionism are but means

to an end—weapons in the fight by Jewish World Power for supremacy in politics, economics and

religion—that is, the fight for Jewish Nationalism, posing as Internationalism, against Gentile nationalism.


The British Government published a White Paper (Russia No. 1, April 1919) in which was contained

a report from M. Oudendyk, the Netherlands Minister at St. Petersburg, who was watching British interests

during the Bolshevik Revolution. M. Oudendyk states:

“I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the

world, not even excluding the War which is still raging, and unless as above stated, Bolshevism is

nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread, in one form or another, over Europe and the

whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one

object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.”

This report, dated September 6th, 1918, was forwarded by Sir M. Findlay from Christiania to Mr.

(later Lord) Balfour. Incidentally, the above passage was then deleted from a subsequent abridged edition

of the said White Paper.


The following facts demonstrate the part played by Jewry in the furtherance of Bolshevist


1. The hostility of both Capitalistic and Socialistic Jews to the Tzarist Regime is a matter of


According to their own claims (The Maccabean, New York, 1905) the Jews were the most active

revolutionaries in the Tzar’s Empire. The Jewish Banker, the late Jacob Schiff, of the powerful banking

group, Kuhn Loeb and Co., aided Russian revolutionaries. According to the JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA,

1925, Jacob Schiff financed Japan against Russia in the war of 1904 to 1905.

2. Jews engineered the Russian Revolution of 1905 and 1917.

From statements made by Sokolow, the Zionist leader, in his book The History of Zionism, and by

other Jews, it is apparent that Organized Zionism played an important part in Bolshevik activities in


The success of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was made possible by the financial support and influence

of International (Jew) Financiers. (Vide: The Sisson Report, published by the American Committee

of Public Information, 1919. THE TIMES, February 9, 1918).

3. Statesmen representing the Allies, in 1919, endeavored to secure the recognition and

representation of the Bolshevik Government at the Peace Conference at Versailles.

Wickham Steed, Editor of The Times, at the period of which he wrote in his book, Through Thirty

Years, stated, regarding this move:

“The prime movers were Jacob Schiff, Warburg, and other International Financiers who wished,

above all, to bolster up the Jewish Bolshevists in order to secure a field for German and Jewish exploitation

of Russia.

4. International Finance (which is Jew-dominated) found abundant credits for the Five Year


Krassin served as one of the post-war links between Jewish and other finance and the Bolsheviks.

The intrigues by which financial credits apparently made to Germany reached Russia have been denounced

in the U.S.A. Congress and elsewhere. The statements have not been refuted by the German-

American-Jew Bankers thus implicated.

5. That there is some alliance between the Bolshevik leaders and the World’s Super-Capitalists

must be inferred from the fact that Felix Warburg, in 1927, was given a “Royal” welcome

to Russia, in spite of his association with the Federal Reserve Bank of America, and with the

Banking Group of Kuhn Loeb and Co.!





The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not a Russian conception. It was forced on Russia from

without, when, in 1917, German and German-American-Jew interests sent Lenin and his associates into

Russia, furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection of the Russian armies, and the overthrow

of the Kerensky Provisional Government, which was “pro-Allies”. Thus:

1. The movement has never been controlled by Russians. For,

(a) Of the 224 revolutionaries who in 1917 were despatched to Russia with Lenin to foment the

Bolshevik Revolution, 170 were Jews!

(b) According to The Times of 29th March, 1919, “of the 20 or 30 commissaries, or leaders who

provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75 per cent are Jews...

among the minor officials the number is legion.”

(c) According to official information from Russia, in 1920, out of 545 members of the Bolshevist

Administration, 447 were Jews!

2. The “benefits” of office under the Bolshevik regime have been reaped by Jews:

The number of official appointments that have been bestowed upon Jews during the Soviet Regime is

entirely out of proportion to their percentage in the State.

The population of Soviet Russia is officially given as 158,400,000; the Jewish section, according

to the Jewish Encyclopedia, being about 7,800,000. Yet according to The Jewish Chronicle of

6th January, 1933:

“Over one-third of the Jews in Russia have become officials.”

3. “Anti-Semitism” in Russia is now classed as counter-revolutionary and is punishable by


4. It is significant that the Red Five-Pointed Star, which in former time was the symbol of

Zionism and Jewry, is now the symbol of the Russian proletariat.


Bolshevism was enforced in Russia by means of confiscation, terrorism and murder on a scale of


unprecedented magnitude. According to Bolshevist figures and other estimates, in the Revolution some

20,000,000 lost their lives, either by violence or from starvation and disease. Of these people some

1,766,118 persons had been executed before February, 1922.

The “Terror” has become a permanent institution by which the Bolshevik (Jewish) Government

maintains its tyrannical power over the enslaved millions of Russia and pursues its

war on religion.

These statements may come as a shock to many readers, both Christian and Orthodox Jew, who may

have condemned the activities and actions of the Bolshevists without realizing where the true responsibility

lay. They will be further disturbed to read from The Jewish Chronicle of April 4, 1919:

“There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in

the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.”

And from the Jewish World of March 15, 1923:

“Fundamentally, Judaism is Anti-Christian,”

an expression of opinion which is by no means new to the Jewish World, for, in its issue of February 9,

1883, there appeared the following:

“The great ideal of Judaism is...that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings,

and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations—a greater Judaism—in fact, all the

separate races and religions shall disappear.”

Bernard Lazare (a Jew) in his book, “L’Antisemitisme, asserts (translation), p. 350:

“The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judaizes, he destroys Catholic or Protestant

faith; he provokes indifference but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals and of life upon

those whose faith he ruins: he works at his age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of


The wholesale persecution, torture and murder of Christians by Bolsheviks, in Russia and elsewhere,

would therefore appear to be the logical and practical application of the above “ideals” as foretold by

Wilhelm Marr in 1879 and by Dostoievsky in 1880.

Many Jews deplore the participation of members of their race, even though they may be professed

Atheists, in the unbridled acts of destruction, cruelty and deviltry which characterize Bolshevist tyranny.

In an attempt to explain away the fact that Jews play or played leading parts in the perpetration

of the hideous crimes of the Bolshevik Terror, Alfred Nossig, one of the spiritual leaders of Judaism,


“Socialism and the Mosaic code are not at all in opposition... all Jewish groups... have a vital


interest in the victory of Socialism; they must exact it not only on principle, not only because of its

identity with the Mosaic doctrine, but also on tactical grounds.... The Jewish Socialist is reproached

with playing a leading part... in the Communist terrorist party. This is only explained by two

reasons; the complete estrangement of the Jewish terrorists from the spirit of the Mosaic doctrine

and the strong mixture of Tartar and Cossack blood. That... has inculcated in them savage and

cruel principles.” (Vicompt Poncins, The Secret Forces Behind Revolution, pp. 158-160)

(The reader may not be aware that the Eastern European Jew, known as the Ashkenazim or “German

Jew”, is of Jewish-Mongolian-Turkish extraction. The Western European Jew, known as the

Sephardim, or Portuguese Jew, is regarded as purely Jewish in origin.)




The European War, and its aftermath, dealt staggering blows to Western (Christian) Civilization. By

contrast, however, International Jewry has emerged therefrom with enhanced financial and political power

in all parts of the world.

Through the use of the Money Power, International Jew Finance is now able to direct the

internal and external policies of the Governments of the impoverished States of Europe

and also of America.

By this power, it has forced Gentile Governments to further the political aspirations of Zionism, and to

refrain from protecting the interests of their own nationals from the activities of Bolshevists who are undermining

the economic, social, moral and religious systems of all States.

International Finance is not altruistic; it ever seeks its own material advancement and power. Europe

is exhausted as a profitable investment. But Russia, Siberia, the Far East, India, the Middle East are

awaiting exploitation, and would offer colossal gains to those who could superimpose upon them the massproduction

methods of modern machinery.

Bolshevism has opened the way to a Jewish Industrialization of Russia and Siberia; it may

deliver India and the Far East into the hands of International (Jew) finance; its part is to foster

World Revolution and the destruction of religion so that the present social systems may be swept away—

as in Russia.

International Finance, after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, which Zionists had

aided, realized that it stood greatly to gain by supporting the Zionist Movement, by forcing the Balfour

Declaration on a financially harassed British Government, and thereby consolidating world Jewry

into a powerful political factor for use in their own interests in world affairs.

The Zionists themselves later, in 1928, realized that their Movement had been exploited by International

Finance, and, in 1929, did not hesitate to say so. For, at the dictates of powerful Jew Financiers, the

Zionist organization, as the official liaison between world Jewry and the Mandatory Power for Palestine,

was superseded by the Jewish Agency, a body containing powerful non-Zionist elements:


International Finance, by its support of Zionism, has obtained the power to exploit the vast

resources of oil, chemicals and other substances in the lands to which Palestine is the

outlet. By the same means, it has dumped into Palestine, the most sacred country in the

world, thousands of Bolshevik Jews who would destroy all religions and who, from this

strategic center, are engaged in propaganda, designed to draw Palestine, Egypt, the Middle

East, India and the Far East, into the gigantic movement begun in Russia, and to destroy

British Imperialism. (Vide Eberlin).

The part played by INTERNATIONAL FINANCE in furthering Bolshevism is a source of bewilderment

to those who do not understand that the MONEY POWER, ZIONISM and BOLSHEVISM are

but weapons in the hands of INTERNATIONAL JEWRY. On the face of it, astute Jew Financiers, with

their knowledge of mankind, would not be so stupid or so insane as to pour vast amounts of capital into the

world-wide activities of Bolshevism, unless they were certain, in their own mind, that their own interests

and power were secure, whatever happened to the rest of humanity.

The alliance between Jewish Finance and Revolutionary Movements was no mystery to D’Israeli

(Lord Beaconsfield), for, just after the European Revolutionary upheaval of 1848, he wrote:

“The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principles in

Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. Destruction

of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the Mosaic or the Christian

form, the natural equality of man and the abrogation of property, are proclaimed by the secret societies

who form provisional governments, and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of

them. The people of God co-operated with Atheists; the most skilful accumulators of property ally

themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen race touch the hand of all the scum and low

castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes

to them even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure.” (Italics are mine—Homer)

Life of Lord George Bentinck, p. 497 (1852)

Similar statements have been made by many other writers of eminence and erudition.

History shows that the Jew has always been, by nature, a revolutionary and that, since the

dispersion of his race in the second century, he has either initiated or assisted revolutionary movements in

religion, politics and finance, which weakened the power of the State wherein he dwelt. On the other

hand, a few far-seeing members of the race have always been at hand to reap financial and

political advantage coincident with such upheavals.

In the present case, however, World Jewry may have let loose a force of destruction which International

Finance may find itself powerless to control—in fact, another Frankenstein monster.



Dr. Oscar Levy (a Jew) in 1920, in a letter which has been printed as a preface to a book, The World


Significance of the Russian Revolution, by G. Pitt Rivers, attributes the fact that:

“Jewish elements provide the driving force for both Communism and Capitalism for the material

as well as the spiritual ruin of this world... to the intense idealism of the Jew.”

However, as he points out, all Jews are not Financiers, Zionists or Bolshevists.

Dr. Levy considers that the Jews have most grievously erred:

“We who have promised to lead you to a new heaven, we have finally succeeded in landing

you into a new hell... I look at this world, and I shudder at the ghastliness, I shudder all the more as

I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness... But its authors themselves are unconscious in

this as in all they are doing.”

It may be true that the fanatics who have committed the many, and only too well-authenticated acts of

destruction and delivery are not fully aware of all that they are doing. For, Bolshevism is but one of the

several weapons employed by a small and very powerful group of men who lust for World Domination, to

whose prototypes Christ pronounced the following indictment:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer

from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When

he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (St. John,

chap. 8, verse 44),

and whose existence in these days has been referred to by Jews of such eminence in politics and finance as

Benjamin Disraeli and Walther Rathenau. This small group of men (Jews) has long exercised a

hidden dictatorship over the affairs of Europe, America, and, to some extent, in Asia, by means

of the enslavement of National Governments, to what Herzl, the first leader of the Zionist Organization,

called “our terrible power of the purse”. This method of control could not be applied to

Tsarist Russia, therefore the end was achieved by means of Bolshevism, a method which is also being used

to bring the East into subjection to them.

The machinations of this group of men have had the effrontery, in their recent representation of Britannia, to

attach the Seal of Solomon to her Shield and the Judaistic symbol of the Serpent around her Trident. And

the descendants of those who rejected Christ have not only joined hands with “Anti-Christ”, but also with

those who would expel God from His Universe and set up in His place Gold and the Machine as symbols

of their gross materialism.

Unless the power of this section of Jewry is checked by human or super-human means, the

peoples of the world, whether Gentile or Jew, are doomed to slavery of body and soul.


http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/UnP ... d/J239.pdf

The Rape of Palestine by William B. Ziff (1938)

http://ia331337.us.archive.org/0/items/ ... p_djvu.txt
Last edited by Dempsey on 14 Jul 2009 06:53, edited 3 times in total.
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By R_G
Well, Neville wasn't the best of leaders for a country at the time.

Then again Canada's Mackenzie King also loved Hitler.

Perception is everything.
By Dempsey
The question here why did the Jews tie their toe with Britain line, which was until late very pro German and anti Jewish? Eichmann said in his investigation that what led to the final solution is Chaim Weitzman, the Zionist leader, on behalf of Britain.

The Trial of Adolf Eichmann
Session 90

http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/e/eic ... 90-01.html

Session No. 90
26 Tammuz 5721 (10 July 1961)

Attorney General: Accused, when you joined the Nazi Party,
were you familiar with its slogans, such as "Awake, Germany,
Judea Perish!" and "When Jewish blood spurts from the
knife..." etc.?

Accused: In Austria, where I made my first contacts with
the Party, these songs were not...in any event, I did not
hear these songs in the mountain valley areas. And I have
already said that I did not join the Party because it may
have had the programme of combatting the Jews as its aim.
Rather, the thought that motivated me was that this Party
had inscribed on its banner the fight against Versailles.
That alone was decisive for me.

Q. But you will agree with me that at least from 1937 on,
the only front on which you were active was the front of the
fight against the Jews, and not against Versailles.

A. That is correct; when I joined the Security Service Head
Office, and then, actually, there was the fight against
Jewry. But efforts were being made to find a solution, in
different ways. I have already stated which direction I

Q. Do you know that your Fuehrer had declared, quite a long
time before the War, that if a war broke out....the
loser...whoever won the war, Jewry would be annihilated.

A. Yes, I am familiar with this statement. It is part of a
speech in the Reichstag. But the expression "annihilated"
was not seriously meant at that time. Rather, it was
believed that this was more or less a political matter. In
any event, at that time I did not think for a second that
this referred to physical annihilation, and many others
thought the same way.

Q. You told a story here to the effect that your hostility
towards Jewry began after the late Dr. Weizmann had declared
war against Germany. When did he make this declaration?

A. That is correct. From that moment on I, too, recognized
Jewry as, shall we say, a potential opponent which could
become dangerous to my fatherland. This declaration was made
public a few days after the outbreak of war, in 1939. And
that is, if I may say so, an understandable reaction on the
part of any person who loves his fatherland.

Presiding Judge: It is not necessary to add an explanation
to every answer. If an answer does require an explanation,
you may add an explanation. However, the answer to the
question "When was that?" must be brief. The explanation and
everything else, were unnecessary.

Attorney General: How do you know that such a statement has
ever been made? Who told you about it?

Accused: It was circulated in the Service at that time,
and if I am not mistaken, it was also published. This I am
not sure about, however. In any event, in the ranks of the
Service it was made public.

Q. And from then on you regarded the Jews as an enemy who
had to be liquidated, like any other enemy?

A. The word "liquidate" is not the right one here. An enemy
you do not always liquidate, an enemy you fight.

Q. I would like to draw your attention to what you have
written with your own hand, in what we refer to as File 17,
on page 734 - I will hand it to you, if you wish - that is
on pages 734-735. The motto is: "The enemies are to be
annihilated" (vernichtet).

A. Yes. I was writing here under the impression of the
saying: "Woe to the vanquished," as I have indicated here.
The motto on both sides was: "The enemy shall be

Q. And Jewry all over the world - through its leader Chaim
Weizmann - had evidently declared war on the German Reich.
Therefore, the motto is: "The Jews shall be annihilated."
Isn't that right?

A. But not the physical annihilation which Hitler later

Q. Ah, not the physical!

Attorney General: I shall do that.

Do you know of any annihilation that is not physical?

Accused: Oh, yes. Our struggle, for instance, against
France, against England, etc. This is a process of putting
the enemy out of action for the duration of the War, and
once the War is over, any feeling of enmity is once more put

Q. This is what you call annihilation (Vernichtung).

A. This was called annihilation during the War. One
annihilated England as well, one annihilated any enemy
within reach. This expression "annihilation" referred to the
disarming of the enemy at the time of the War, but not the
extermination or physical liquidation.

Q. You agree, don't you that you considered the Jew an
opponent, simply an opponent, a long time before the War?

A. From the point of view of information, that was correct.

Q. And the war which Chaim Weizmann declared on Germany,
was it, as you have stated here, also part of the war which
was forced on Germany?

A. This declaration of war against Germany, decided on by
Chaim Weizmann, is in my eyes part of a chain of mutual
misconceptions. To be more explicit - I think both sides are
to blame here.

Q. You have not answered my question. You have spoken here
of the war that had been forced on Germany and of the fact
that Chaim Weizmann, as it were, had declared war on

My question is this: Was the war which Weizmann had declared
part of that war which had been forced on Germany?

A. Globally seen, yes.

Q. And if I tell you that this is a lie and an invention;
that Weizmann never made any such declaration of war, and
you have never heard such a declaration, and you have never
in your war used this declaration as an argument - what is,
then, your reaction?

A. In that case I can only state again that we had heard
it, as it was officially dealt with. I personally actually
had files about it.

Q. Can you point to any document among the documents
concerning the annihilation and the discussions about
annihilation, in which you people referred to the so-called
declaration of war by Chaim Weizmann?

A. I must admit, as a matter of fact, that during the War I
no longer heard anything about it.

Presiding Judge: Quiet! If this goes on, I shall have the
court-room cleared. I am sorry, but I cannot allow this.

Last edited by Dempsey on 14 Jul 2009 06:42, edited 9 times in total.
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By albionfagan
Oh well if good ol' Eichman said it, it must be true.....The Jews commited the holocaust :roll:
By Smilin' Dave
Up to 1938's Czechoslovakia crisis, the policy making in Britain was dominant by appeasement toward the Nazis. Hitler was viewd as a reliable guardian against the bolsheviks (Jewish) menace.

That view of appeasement doesn't explain why the West would allow Czechoslovakia to be dismembered and destroyed. I've also yet to see much firmer evidence for this view in government.

Annie Homer’s article which appeared in the issues of The Catholic Herald (Oct.-Nov. 1933) was a Catholic salvo expressing joy over taking power by Hitler.

So that would be before Hitler's campaigns against the Catholic church, right?

Than how do you grasp how Nazi policy evolve to mass murder?

In past I have demonstrated you are not truely interested in 'coming to grips' with history. Instead you great desire is to find evidence of victims being responsible for their own suffering. Without drawing comparison, this is what Eichman has done, in his case probably to reduce his sense of guilt. Failing that you accuse the left, as it were a monolithic block, of supporting X or not supporting Y and some contradiction supposedly resulting from this.

On a more constructive note: I would recommend linking to long texts, and then only quoting the most interesting elements. If your post is overly long, people will naturally not want to read it. Also a title that better explains the content would be good.
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By QatzelOk
In past I have demonstrated you are not truely interested in 'coming to grips' with history. Instead you great desire is to find evidence of victims being responsible for their own suffering.

This thread doesn't demonstrate an inability to "come to grips" with history at all.

What's hard to stomach is the notion of the Axis powers as being more bloodthirsty or racist or lustful for power than our own side in that war. All the propaganda that was made (mostly after the war) that was designed to remove any guilt from the Allies... also served to allow the Allies to become exactly like the Nazi boogeyman their propaganda created.

Hitler was a bad guy because the winners of WW2 needed someone who looked more horrible than themselves for killing so many millions of people in order to hang onto colonies and economic hegemony.
By Dempsey
What Qatz said. What is the difference between Hitler's Mein Kampf and this British Empire pamphlet?

The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not a Russian conception. It was forced on Russia from without, when, in 1917, German and German-American-Jew interests sent Lenin and his associates into Russia, furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection of the Russian armies, and the overthrow of the Kerensky Provisional Government, which was “pro-Allies”.

The wholesale persecution, torture and murder of Christians by Bolsheviks, in Russia and elsewhere, would therefore appear to be the logical and practical application of the above “ideals” as foretold by Wilhelm Marr in 1879 and by Dostoievsky in 1880.

International Finance, after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, which Zionists had aided, realized that it stood greatly to gain by supporting the Zionist Movement, by forcing the Balfour Declaration on a financially harassed British Government, and thereby consolidating world Jewry into a powerful political factor for use in their own interests in world affairs.

International Finance, by its support of Zionism, has obtained the power to exploit the vast resources of oil, chemicals and other substances in the lands to which Palestine is the outlet. By the same means, it has dumped into Palestine, the most sacred country in the world, thousands of Bolshevik Jews who would destroy all religions and who, from this strategic centre, are engaged in propaganda, designed to draw Palestine, Egypt, the Middle East, India and the Far East, into the gigantic movement begun in Russia, and to destroy British Imperialism. (Vide Eberlin).

History shows that the Jew has always been, by nature, a revolutionary and that, since the dispersion of his race in the second century, he has either initiated or assisted revolutionary movements in religion, politics and finance, which weakened the power of the State wherein he dwelt. On the other hand, a few far-seeing members of the race have always been at hand to reap financial and political advantage coincident with such upheavals.

In the present case, however, World Jewry may have let loose a force of destruction which International Finance may find itself powerless to control—in fact, another Frankenstein monster.

This small group of men (Jews) has long exercised a hidden dictatorship over the affairs of Europe, America, and, to some extent, in Asia, by means of the enslavement of National Governments, to what Herzl, the first leader of the Zionist Organization, called “our terrible power of the purse”. This method of control could not be applied to Tsarist Russia, therefore the end was achieved by means of Bolshevism, a method which is also being used to bring the East into subjection to them.

Unless the power of this section of Jewry is checked by human or super-human means, the peoples of the world, whether Gentile or Jew, are doomed to slavery of body and soul.
By Smilin' Dave
This thread doesn't demonstrate an inability to "come to grips" with history at all.

Which is why I drew attention to Dempsey's past posts... deconstruct the narrative, don't ignore it :roll:

What's hard to stomach is the notion of the Axis powers as being more bloodthirsty or racist or lustful for power than our own side in that war.

I suppose if you were some kind of simpleton who had not heard of the Holocaust (or worse, denied it in the face of overwhelming evidence) this might be believable. However a deliberate plan for the mass extermination of whole races of innocent people is unique to the Nazis and some of their allies. Even some of their supporters found the practice extreme and unwarranted.

All the propaganda that was made (mostly after the war)

Got a statistic to prove that? I find it very hard to believe given how pervasive wartime propaganda was.

also served to allow the Allies to become exactly like the Nazi boogeyman their propaganda created.

For example? Now, before you answer, you said exactly like... I don't want to see any cheap moral relativism here, I want clear cut examples.

Hitler was a bad guy because the winners of WW2 needed someone who looked more horrible than themselves for killing so many millions of people in order to hang onto colonies and economic hegemony.

Or he invaded Poland without provocation and promoted genocide. YMMV.

What Qatz said.

As a negationist, you are in good company with Qatz.

and this British Empire pamphlet

I'm not familiar with this tract. What is its title?
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By Potemkin
Oh well if good ol' Eichman said it, it must be true.....The Jews commited the holocaust :roll:

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By Potemkin
I was merely pointing out that Eichmann's statement that he had read of the Zionists declaring war against Germany in the 1930s was factually correct, and was even reported at the time by the Daily Express in Britain. One can only imagine the propaganda mileage the Nazi government would have made from it.
By Dempsey
Daily Express headline talks about the economics boycott in 1933, Eichmann refers to Weizmann note in 1939 in his message to England's Prime Minister Chamberlain. And it's not just Eichmann who was the architect of the Final Solution after all, who said it, but Albert Speer too, Hitler closest ally, wrote it in his diary

Spandau: the Secret Diaries by Albert Speer (page 27)

By 1939 at the latest I might have foreseen their fate. After 1942 I ought to have been certain of it. In the months before the outbreak of the Second World War, which surely did not come at a convenient moment for him, his tirades increased. World Jewry was insisting on war, he obstinately repeated; and later he said that the Jews alone had instigated this war and were to blame for it. "They also saw to it that my peace offer of the autumn of 1939 was rejected. Their leader, Weizmann, openly said so at the time." Hitler spoke as plainly as possible at the Reichstag session of January 30, 1939 , when he asserted that if war came, not the Germans but the Jews would be annihilated. And years later, when everything was obviously lost, he used to remind his listeners of that statement.

It may be not justify by any mean the interpretation of the letter as "Declaration of War" ( as Irvine and Nolte do) but it gives history of the Holocaust into the general historical context. Hitler believed his peace offers are rejected because the Jewish efforts, as he said to Speer, so he took revange on them because they were the weakest ring. What so difficult to understand here?

The interpretation of the Weizmann note as a 'declaration of war' was first advanced by the Nazis themselves as a justification for their murderous conduct during the war. Thus Hitler declared on 24 July 1942 that:

"In this Second World War as a struggle for life and death it must never be forgotten that following the declaration of war of the World Zionist Congress and its leader Chaim Weizmann (in his message to England's Prime Minister Chamberlain), World Jewry is the unrelenting opponent of National Socialism, the enemy Number 1.

Weizmann's offer to use Jewish manpower and technical ability in the war effort, probably with the aim of forming a Jewish army, 'met with an icy response from the outset'. Chamberlain did not commit himself in his reply.

On 6 September, published in the Times:

In this hour of supreme crisis, the consciousness that the Jews have a contribution to make to the defence of sacred values impels me to write this letter. I wish to confirm, in the most explicit manner, the declaration which I and my colleagues have made during the last months, and especially in the last week: that the Jews "stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies."

Our urgent desire is to give effect to these declarations. We wish to do so in a way entirely consonant with the general scheme of British action, and therefore would place ourselves, in matters big and small, under the co-ordinating direction of His Majesty's Government. The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilising Jewish man-power, technical ability, resources etc.

The Jewish Agency has recently had differences in the political field with the Mandatory Power. We would like these differences to give way before the greater and more pressing necessities of the time.

We ask you to accept this declaration in the spirit in which it is made"

All this while the anti Jewish policy was in full swing during the war (McDonald's White Paper policy). A policy that actively contribute to the Holocaust more than anything else. It played on British selfish interest of the need to keep pro Nazi Arab support in the Middle East at all cost while Jewish support was taken for granted thus its needs were ignored.
By Smilin' Dave
I was merely pointing out that Eichmann's statement that he had read of the Zionists declaring war against Germany in the 1930s was factually correct, and was even reported at the time by the Daily Express in Britain.

The Daily Express... which denied there was a famine in Soviet Russia in 1921? Good source to start with, and one clearly not prone to partisan behaviour or exagerration.

It isn't really factually correct, because the group that 'declared war' through an economic boycott were not representative of all Zionists (IIRC it was a US based group), and only declared the boycott in reciprocation for Nazi economic and social measures against Jews. If that qualifies as declaring war, then the embargo against Japan in the lead up to Pearl Harbour is a declaration of war. Never mind the Japanese were already the aggressor in the piece.

If your point was that British newspapers were capable of carrying an anti-jewish agenda, you might have had a point. But apparently this was not your intent.

Dempsey, where's that source? I can't make a comparison between Mein Kampf and something of unknown origin.
By Dempsey
Weizmann didn't declare war on Germany, the Germans viewed his letter to Prime Minister Chamberlain as such. The letter apeared in the Times not Daily Express. I didn't raise the story of the boycott which has become a fixed part of the literature put out by revisionists and Holocaust deniers at all. Stop trolling


Dr. Weizmann to the Prime Minister.

29th August, 1939.

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

In this hour of supreme crisis, the consciousness that the Jews have a contribution to make to the defence of sacred values impels me to write this letter. I wish to confirm, in the most explicit manner, the declarations which I and my colleagues have made during the last months, and especially in the last week: that the Jews “stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies.”

Our urgent desire is to give effect to these declarations. We wish to do so in a way entirely consonant with the general scheme of British action, and therefore would place ourselves, in matters big and small, under the co-ordinating direction of His Majesty's Government. The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilising Jewish man-power, technical ability, resources, etc.

The Jewish Agency has recently had differences in the political field with the Mandatory Power. We would like these differences to give way before the greater and more pressing necessities of the time.

We ask you to accept this declaration in the spirit in which it is made.

I am, dear Mr. Prime Minister,

Yours sincerely,

(Signed) Ch. Weizmann.

The Prime Minister to Dr. Weizmann.

2nd September, 1939.

Dear Dr. Weizmann,

I should like to express my warm appreciation of the contents of your letter of August 29th, and of the spirit which prompted it. It is true that differences of opinion exist between the Mandatory Power and the Jewish Agency as regards policy in Palestine, but I gladly accept the assurance contained in your letter. I note with pleasure that in this time of supreme emergency, when those things which we hold dear are at stake, Britain can rely upon the whole-hearted co-operation of the Jewish Agency. You will not expect me to say more at this stage than that your public-spirited assurances are welcome and will be kept in mind.

Yours sincerely,

(Signed) Neville Chamberlain.

[23] Statement by the Executive of the Jewish Agency.

His Majesty's Government has today declared war against the Germany of Hitler.

At this fateful moment, the Jewish community has a threefold concern: the protection of the Jewish homeland, the welfare of the Jewish people, the victory of the British Empire.

The White Paper of May, 1939, was a grave blow to us. As heretofore, we shall defend to the utmost of our ability the right of the Jewish people in its National Home. Our opposition to the White Paper was, however, never directed against Great Britain or the British Empire.

The war which has now been forced upon Great Britain by Nazi Germany is our war, and all the assistance that we shall be able and permitted to give to the British Army and to the British People we shall render wholeheartedly,

We do not know what will be in store for our country in this war. Our first duty is to ensure the survival and the welfare of the Jewish community, to strengthen it materially and morally, and to prepare it for the great and difficult task which Jewish history has assigned to it.

We have to maintain and strengthen the positions and creative achievements built up by two generations of Jewish pioneers in our Homeland. During two generations we have devoted our forces to constructive effort. If need be, we shall now show our strength in war also.

Let us close our ranks, let us unite in a spirit of responsibility and mutual help, discipline and national devotion, and let us be prepared.


3rd September, 1939,

Registration for National Service.

A joint meeting of the Executive of the Jewish Agency and of the General Council of Palestine Jews (Vaad Leumi) was held yesterday at the offices of the Jewish Agency.

The meeting dealt with the emergency created by the declaration of war. Among other matters, it was decided to carry out a registration of volunteers (men and women) for national service during the period of the emergency. Volunteers will be registered:

(a) to serve the needs of the Jewish Community as regards security, economic life and other public requirements.

(b) to be at the disposal of the British military authorities in Palestine for such services as they may require.

All men and women between the ages of 18 and 50, who register [24] for such voluntary service, will be required to furnish, details of their technical qualifications and special experience, and to indicate the tasks in which they are prepared to serve the Jewish Community or the British Army in Palestine.

Details of the registration will shortly be announced.

It was further resolved to set up, under the auspices of the Jewish Agency, an Economic Council composed of prominent members of the Jewish Community whose function will be to deal with the requirements of the Jewish economy in Palestine, in the fields of agriculture, industry, labour, supplies; credit, transport; import; export, etc.

The committees previously established by the Jewish Agency for dealing with the question of supply, banking and transport will continue to function in cooperation with the central Economic Council now to be set up.

(“Palestine Post,” 4th September, 1939)

An analysis of the final figures of 136,000 Jewish men and women who registered for voluntary national service is of considerable interest. The relevant figures were:

Men . . . 85,781 63 per cent.

Women . . . 50,262 37 per cent.

136,043 100 per cent.

The registrations comprised 71 per cent of the men in the total age group eligible for service and 42 per cent of the women.

The enrolments encompassed all males and females between the ages of 18 and 50 years, divided into two age groups, the second over 35 years. Most of the volunteers were given a thorough medical examination, on the lines given to recruits joining the Army, and the relevant particulars were noted on their application forms. There are to be three categories:

(1) Men aged 18 to 35 who are capable of active service;

(2) Men over 35, who will be put into a reserve or for passive defence services;

(3) Women.

Courses in first aid and other duties are to be opened for the women volunteers. The men in the first category are now in training.

(“New Judaea,” October, 1939, p. 5)

Source - The Center for Online Judaic Studies (COJS)

http://cojs.org/cojswiki/Palestine_Duri ... _1940-1945

2.Documents and Correspondence Relating to Palestine – Aug. 1939-Mar. 1940.

Read further


This website, http://www.hdot.org, was created by Professor Deborah Lipstadt and colleagues and is a joint project of Emory University and Emory's Tam Institute for Jewish Studies.

David Irving, Hitler and Holocaust Denial: Electronic Edition, by Richard J. Evans

Chaim Weizmann's alleged 'declaration of war' on Germany in 1939
By Smilin' Dave
Weizmann didn't declare war on Germany, the Germans viewed his letter to Prime Minister Chamberlain as such. The letter apeared in the Times not Daily Express. I didn't raise the story of the boycott which has become a fixed part of the literature put out by revisionists and Holocaust deniers at all. Stop trolling

I was talking to Potemkin, pay attention.

Now, agan, where is the reference for the "british empire pamphlet"? Can I get a response that doesn't involve a long quote about something unrelated to my question? If you don't know where it came from, say so.
By Korchagin
Bolshevism is a Jewish conception based on the teachings of Karl Marx and other revolutionary Socialists.

Absolute rubbish. According to Lenin himself, the predecessors of Russian socialist democracy were the revolutionary democrats and the Russian utopian socialists, including Belinsky, Herzen, Chernyshevsky, and the Narodniks of the 1870s. Sections of the Narodnik movement in the mid-1870s became influenced by Marx and Engells, and especially the experience of the Paris Commune. The Union of Workers of South Russia, the very first proletarian group in Russia, frormed in 1875 in Odessa. In 1883, Plekhanov founded the first Russian Marxist group in Switzerland. In 1895, Lenin himself founded the St Petersburg League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class.

Bolshevism is, above all, Anti-Christian

That is not true. Many Russian Orthodox clerics such as from the Living Church, Renovated Church, and others supported the Russian Revolution. Metropolitan Vvedinsky preached what was dubbed "communist Christianity." Leaders of the Orthodox Church, Pimen and Alexy, also had good relations with the Soviet government. The claim that religion does not have a place in socialist society is contradicted by simple historical facts.

(c) According to official information from Russia, in 1920, out of 545 members of the Bolshevist

Administration, 447 were Jews!

Simply put, the data are fabricated. Research on the topic by scholars shows that of the 78 members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in the early years of the Soviet Republic, there were 37 Russians, 8 Ukrainians, 13 Jews, 8 Baltic peoples, 5 Caucasians, and six others. By no interpretation were Jews predominant in the leadership of the Communist Party. Some nationalities like Jews, Latvians, Poles, Georgians, and of course Russians were over-represented in the Social Democratic movement. Others like the Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Uzbeks, Tatars, etc were vastly under-represented.

Even those Communists who were Jewish such as Trotsky, Sverdlov, Yaroslavsky, etc were not culturally or socially Jewish, but were thoroughly Russified. Pretty much only Kaganovich, who frequently spoke Yiddish and grew up in the Pale, fit the definition of a Jew.
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By QatzelOk
Even those Communists who were Jewish such as Trotsky, Sverdlov, Yaroslavsky, etc were not culturally or socially Jewish, but were thoroughly Russified.

Those are the type of Jewish people the British pamphlet is talking about. Secular Jews who have thrown out the humility and discipline of the religion itself.

The Ukrainian Holodomor - which killed 20 million innocent people via organized famine - couldn't have been accomplished without the central planning that the Eurojews brought to Russia with Bolshevism.

And the region that was ethnic-cleansed is now full of Russian Jews, and is roughly in the historic region of what was the Jewish state of Kazharia. Imagine if the Jewish Holocaust was well-publicized in order to take attention away from the Jewish-Bolshevik atrocities that pre-date WW2.
By Smilin' Dave
The Ukrainian Holodomor - which killed 20 million innocent people via organized famine - couldn't have been accomplished without the central planning that the Eurojews brought to Russia with Bolshevism.

I can't even begin to tell you what's wrong with this statement, perhaps if I could take some time off work... Let's start with something really simple for you: Stalin wasn't Jewish.

And the region that was ethnic-cleansed is now full of Russian Jews

Khazkhstan is full of Russian Jews? Have you been watch Borat or something? Given a big chunk of the area covered by the famine included the old pale of settlement, it would be a wonder there weren't more Jews in the region. But I suppose the Nazis had a role to play in that too... you know, the Nazis whose atrocities you are at great pains to cover up for.

and is roughly in the historic region of what was the Jewish state of Kazharia

Ukraine is roughly where Khazaria was? Funny, I thought it was under the rule of the Kievan Rus during that period.

Imagine if the Jewish Holocaust was well-publicized in order to take attention away from the Jewish-Bolshevik atrocities that pre-date WW2.

Imagine if some clown said outrageous things on the internet to draw attention to himself.

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