Congratulations RT! - Politics | PoFo

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By monty1

“We proved that the mass YouTube audience isn’t just about kittens and Justin Bieber.

“Our viewers are people who think deeply about what is happening in the world today. The things that really matter. Those who get tired of, say, round-the-clock coverage of the Royals, or a celebrity death. They are people with a broad range of opinions,” says Karnovich-Valua.

And the most important thing about it is that the truth is getting through as the US propaganda media becomes more and more sidlined for it's biased pap.
By Rilzik
Yes unlike those bias American news

The creation of Russia Today was a part of larger effort by the Kremlin intended to improve the image of Russia abroad.[16] RT was conceived by former media minister Mikhail Lesin,[17] and Vladimir Putin’s press spokesperson Aleksei Gromov.[18] At the time of RT’s founding RIA Novosti director Svetlana Mironyuk stated: "Unfortunately, at the level of mass consciousness in the West, Russia is associated with three words: communism, snow and poverty," and added "We would like to present a more complete picture of life in our country."
By benpenguin
Although RT is in it's own way, a pro-russian, anti-US propaganda machine, I do like the fact that such thing exists.
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By Bounce
Donald wrote:I like RT

So do I. It always provides another viewpoint that you would rarely see on national TV.
Russia Today is a good station and overall valuable asset for many.

It is biased in the same sense that Western stations are biased (not all of this bias is deliberately malicious or conspiratorial, but reflects the mindset and ideology of those at the highest echelons of the station in question, along with that of the viewership which they help shape), so it is down at this stage to individuals of all backgrounds to take in a wide array of information from radio, television, newspapers, and the internet, and decide what suits them.

For example, Russia Today's overall position (or what many would perceive their position to be) on Syria is biased. I recognize that bias, and I also happen to support the Russian geopolitical position toward Syria which RT seems to closely mirror, so all is well and good.

There is no danger in bias, although there is in not recognizing such, as many of those, even young people, who follow CNN/FOX, BBC, France24, and Sky News religiously seem not to.
By layman
There is no danger in bias, although there is in not recognizing such, as many of those, even young people, who follow CNN/FOX, BBC, France24, and Sky News religiously seem not to.

I think young people are more savy than you think. Most do realise there is bias in media sources and using multiple sources to get your facts is more common and easier than ever,

The BBS often does have a left wing bias but they are probably towards the center of the British political scene. They are also reasonably good at admiting faults.

BBC director-general admits:
We DID fail to address 'taboo' subjects like immigration

Sensitive or ‘taboo’ subjects such as immigration were avoided by the BBC for fear of being too right-wing, the corporation’s director-general admitted yesterday.

Mark Thompson conceded that the broadcaster had been ‘anxious’ in the past about playing into what it may have perceived to be a Right-wing political agenda.

But he claimed it had now changed its position and was responsible for raising the topic of immigration during last year’s general election.

Mr Thompson added that the BBC had a duty to address ‘sensitive and difficult’ issues a ‘significant proportion’ of the public wanted to hear about.

In an article for the New Statesman magazine, he admitted: ‘There have been occasions, I believe, in the past, when the BBC has had limitations.

Read more: ... z2V9KWs65p
By Jihsan
The good thing about RT YouTube and RT website is that they do not censor comments. Complete Freedom of Speech. That's why people like Zionist Nationalist dislike them
By Jihsan
Poelmo wrote:I'm not aware of the pedophiles of the world being in a conspiracy to show only one side of the news, but we should be on the lookout for "pedophiles for Assad!" conventions nonetheless.

The BBC is Zionist controlled piece of crap. If you don't know this then you're living on another planet.


In November 2005, BBC Head Mark Thompson traveled with his Jewish wife to Israel,
where he held direct talks with Ariel Sharon, which were intended to let the
BBC 'build bridges with Israel'. Thompsons Wife Jane Blumberg is a Zionist, makes you wonder how easy the decision came to the BBC now right!

Watch this carefully. 1,010,829 views and 10,299 thumbs up.
By Buzz62

Some like RT...some do not.
Big surprise.

BTW people...EVERY news outlet has a bias.
The only way to find real truth is to learn to read/listen between the lines.
That is...assuming any of you are even remotely interesting in real truth.
Looks to me like the lot of you just like the news that strokes your personal bias.

...intellectual of you all...
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