Israel must retain the West Bank "forever" - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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The Israel Education Minister, Naftali Bennett, has stated that "Judea and Samaria" (the occupied West Bank to the rest of the world) must be considered part of Israel forever and that anyone who proposes differently is "out of his mind".
It is not that anyone ever believed the Israelis thought anything different. The Israelis have been there for five decades and no amount claptrap so-called negotiations will change that. There is no peace process, never was and never will be.

Naftali Bennett has a one-state solution and it is called "Israel"
I disagree that there never was a peace process. Many Israelis supported a peace process of some sort, and I think more did in the past. There is a hardline anti-peace process group of Israelis. Over the last what 15 years there has been more Israelis against the process, and the undecided have been more convinced by the Anti Camp than the Pro Camp. There had also been a significant shift in political leaders against the peace process.

The current peace process is a sham, where Israeli more or less mouths phrases of meaninglessness to shrug of the outside world while encouraging settlement of the wets bank. But it was not always so, there were once more Israelis he thought could work. I don't think they were ever a majority Israelis but many Israelis were more undecided. I think there was a chance it could have worked and pursed some sort of decent long term solution. It might have been a long shot but I think there was a chance. Now just cannot see anything good happening.
What can the Americans be thinking?
It seems the United States still believes that Palestine will one day be recognized by Israel which will give permission to the Americans to recognize it also. But they are publicly saying that the illegal settlement expansion will make the "two state solution" more difficult??? Not impossible, only more difficult.
"The US State Department on Friday condemned Israel’s decision to expand the boundary of an existing West Bank settlement bloc, saying it hinders attempts to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians. ... State Department John Kirby said Friday that "continued settlement activity and expansion raises honest questions about Israel’s long-term intentions and will only make achieving a two-state solution much more difficult."
The Americans must be the only ones who do not know "Israel's long-term intentions" include keeping control of occupied Palestine forever.
A courageous statement by the Education minster. He is to be commended. For far too long politicians both within Israel and without have hidden behind the ridiculous fiction of the "two state solution." Its time for some responsibility. Its time to start thinking bold, outside the box, if we are to have any hope of finding a final solution to the Palestinian Muslim problem. I see no reason why Palestinian Christians, Pagans and open and public Atheists shouldn't be given full citizenship of Israel.
Rich wrote:A courageous statement by the Education minster. He is to be commended. For far too long politicians both within Israel and without have hidden behind the ridiculous fiction of the "two state solution." Its time for some responsibility. Its time to start thinking bold, outside the box, if we are to have any hope of finding a final solution to the Palestinian Muslim problem. I see no reason why Palestinian Christians, West Bank Muslims, Pagans and open and public Atheists shouldn't be given full citizenship of Israel.

Rich wrote:... final solution to the Palestinian Muslim problem ...

The First Solution to the Palestinian problem was to make them second class citizens in a Jewish state.
The Second Solution was to displace Palestinians and transport them outside of the state.
The Final Solution is to create ghettos in the conquered Palestinian Territories.

Sounds familiar enough.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Well bennet is delusional

I cant trust people with religious agenda they think the Messiah will come and save them all

I think that there need to be a Palestinian state in the west bank but it must be done step by step

Wow, ZN, you're starting to sound reasonable all of a sudden. Have you been quiet of some opinions on this or that issue recently?
I always supported a Palestinian state a one that wont threaten Israel security

Im all for giving East Jerusalem its and many other parts of the west bank East Jerusalem is full of hostile population and its produce nothing but terrorist attacks
gush etzion is a bit problematic but Im sure its possible to find a solution to this

the only territory I strongly oppose of ever giving away is the Golan heights
pugsville wrote:I disagree that there never was a peace process. Many Israelis supported a peace process of some sort, and I think more did in the past. There is a hardline anti-peace process group of Israelis. Over the last what 15 years there has been more Israelis against the process, and the undecided have been more convinced by the Anti Camp than the Pro Camp. There had also been a significant shift in political leaders against the peace process.

Absolutely - and whats really interesting is that this Israeli anti-peace sentiment has risen pretty much exactly in proportion to the PA's abandonment of violence.

Remember when they used to tell us - 'oh if only the Palestinians would stop the terrorism - then the peace process will get back on track'?
wat0n wrote:The PA abandoned violence, but Hamas and other Palestinian militias have not and Israelis will naturally demand that any peace deal will include a halt of attacks by Hamas.

The Israelis cannot expect all Palestinians to be as supine as the collaborationist Palestinian Authority as long as they maintain effective occupation of Palestine. There will always be Palestinians with enough spirit to resist brutal occupation.
And the Palestinians can't expect the Israelis to just sit and pray that those who say they will not commit to a peace treaty even if the Israelis withdraw to the Green Line will suddenly stop attacking it for good. It most certainly did not happen with Hezbollah and there is no reason to assume it would happen with Hamas and other militias.

Quid pro quo, you know.
wat0n wrote:And the Palestinians can't expect the Israelis to just sit and pray that those who say they will not commit to a peace treaty even if the Israelis withdraw to the Green Line will suddenly stop attacking it for good. It most certainly did not happen with Hezbollah and there is no reason to assume it would happen with Hamas and other militias.

Quid pro quo, you know.

It is Israel which is constantly calling for war with other countries like a broken record. Arabs have a right to defend themselves from foreign occupation and invasion. In 2000 the Israelis were forced to leave Lebanon under persistent harassment by Hezbollah of Israeli military outposts in occupied Lebanese territory. The Israelis wanted revenge. War is the only language the Israelis understand and that has been its modus operandi since the founding of the Jewish state. In July 2006, after another try, the Israelis were defeated in Lebanon again by Hezbollah. As we approach the tenth anniversary, watch for the Israelis to try once more. War is all they think about. In December 2008/January 2009, the Israelis attacked defenseless Gaza. In 2014 they attacked Gaza again demonstrating that the prefer to launch missiles from the air force and navy, drop bombs and use artillery and infantry against a blockaded population of children and civilians with no means of defense except token ineffective firecrackers. Of late the Israelis have been calling for war against Iran. Someone, sometime, somehow, will need to deliver a wallop to Israel to stop them going to war every few years and heading for "national suicide", in the words of Nobel laureate, Paul Krugman.
Is that why Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan?

Why do you fail to mention that the Second Lebanon War started after Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers?

I mean, I know that facts aren't your strongest suit, but this is a ridiculous attempt to rewrite history.

Not that I'd expect any less from someone who believes it is normal for Muslims to kill Jews in Europe for wearing the kippah, however.
War is the only language the Israelis understand and that has been its modus operandi since the founding of the Jewish state.

When your adversaries only demand your death and destruction, the only language to peace is war.

But, as wat0n said, historical facts disprove your narrative.
wat0n wrote:The PA abandoned violence, but Hamas and other Palestinian militias have not and Israelis will naturally demand that any peace deal will include a halt of attacks by Hamas.

Textbook Israeli propaganda response wat0n - well done.

Naturally, its perfectly understandable that in response to rocket attacks from Gaza, Israel must "soldier on" and continue the land grabs in the West Bank - its only fair right?
Israel should stop settling the West Bank (even more so since it's in their long term interest), sure, but why would they remove their soldiers if the Palestinians won't offer any guarantees? Since when, exactly, can't Israel keep a military occupation without sending settlers to the occupied territory? The two issues are related but certainly different from each other.

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