Satire for 2017 - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Igor Antunov


Worthy mention; Portuguese statue of national hero holding severed muslim head; pertinent given the statue toppling climate in the pussified west. Portugal is still STRONG.

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By Beren
Igor Antunov wrote:Image

This is a fake news story because the two pictures were made in different places at different time. The first one was made when Sauron's army besieged Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor, whereas the second one was made in Edoras, Rohan, when King Théoden (king of Rohan, not Gondor) was making a decision whether they should go to Helm's Deep, which had happened way before the siege of Minas Tirith.

Different time, different place, different event.

By SolarCross



The Gospel According to Muhammad
The multiculturalised version of the gospel

A Marxist student group at Swarthmore College disbanded itself earlier this year after realizing that its members were too rich and too white to be real commies.

According to screenshots confidentially provided to Campus Reform by an individual with access to the group’s private Facebook page, the demise of the Swarthmore Anti-Capitalist Collective (SACC) came in the wake of a farewell letter from a member who had decided the group could never be an effective proponent of “unproblematized anticapitalist politics” due to its “history of abuse, racism, and even classism.”

“From my understanding SACC disbanded because they realized the makeup and tactics of their group was at odds with their espoused principles,” Swarthmore Conservative Society President Gilbert Guerra told Campus Reform. “Their main support base was middle-upper class white kids who enjoy jogging.”

The farewell letter corroborates Guerra’s understanding, asserting that “SACC’s fundamental failure” was that “at its formation, it was made up of entirely white, with the exception of one person of color*, students,” and to make matters worse, “not one of [the founding members] are from low-income and/or working class backgrounds.”

Arguing that “low-income people of color should never be an afterthought in a group whose politics supposedly focus on their liberation,” the author then went on to accuse SACC of having a “history of abuse, racism, and even classism that was never adequately addressed or recognized despite constantly being brought up as an issue.”



By mikema63
So I'm a young Alan or what? Maybe I'm Alan and Susan's baby.
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On Self Interest

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