Are the US gearing up to invade Iran? - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
John McCain and other neocons, who’ve spent a lifetime lobbying to nuke Iran back to the stone age, are suddenly filled with opportunistic concern for ordinary Iranians.

Protests against the Iranian regime have dragged on for almost a week now in every major city across the country. Over 20 people have been killed, mostly by the notoriously violent Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) who have been dispatched to deal with rioters, though President Rouhani at least verbally maintains that peaceful protestors have a right to publicly demonstrate.

It has prompted President Donald Trump, and other prominent US political figures to tacitly stoke the flames of revolution against the Iranian government that they despise under a thin veil of ‘humanitarian concern’.

It is difficult to take this at face value when looking at America’s approach to Iran since 1950s which shamelessly put the lives of ordinary Iranians at the bottom of a pile of exercises in extreme RealPolitik designed to grab Iranian resources and stifle any regional influence the country has built. Under Trump, concern for Iranians has plummeted even further as he promised to renegotiate the terms of the nuclear deal – which Iran have always complied with – and possibly bring back sanctions.

Trump, perhaps hoping that everyone has forgotten about the pledge to reintroduce sanctions made just months ago which caused the economic strife that kick-started this political unrest, still managed put on his best ‘sincere concern for human rights’ mask and switch his usual Twitter points of interest, from Rosie O’Donnell’s weight and global warming being a hoax, to foment anger against the Iranian regime on Twitter. John McCain, who in 2007 famously remixed a Beach Boys’ hit to incorporate the lyrics ‘bomb, bomb Iran’, was also recently filled with a profound heartache for the citizenry of Iran which definitely wasn’t fuelled by any sort of personal agenda.

The Iranian regime, whilst at least vaguely democratic and far more liberal than every other nation it borders, is certainly authoritarian with a particularly terrible record towards minority rights and freedom of speech. The violence towards protestors coupled with the shutdown of social media avenues used by dissidents should certainly be investigated by the UN Human Rights Council. However, it is a country capable of reform; indeed, over 28% of the popular vote and 8 out of 18 Ministers represent the Reformist party that call for a rerun of the 1979 referendum which established the Islamic Republic, with the view to move toward secularisation.

The US continue to vehemently back their Saudi allies across the Persian Gulf – who, on the face of it, trail Iranian humanitarian progress in democracy, gender/racial equality and workers’ rights by several hundreds of years – because of the apparent ‘stability’ that the Saudi leadership brings to the region (forgetting the famine they are imposing on their neighbours in Yemen). The contrast of US approach between these two nations dissolves any facade of ‘humanitarian concerns’; Iranian dissent is encouraged because the Iranian government hate the US, Saudi dissent is very quickly stifled because the Saudi government are endlessly loyal to the US.

Western media outlets have ridiculed President Rouhani’s ‘conspiracy theories’ of covert Western intervention whilst contradicting this stance by endlessly parroting uncharacteristically bipartisan Washington support for radical regime change in Iran. Clintons, Trumps, McCains etc. all took to Twitter this week to voice their support for a potential uprising. The irony that this all occurs during a Watergate-scale investigation into foreign ‘meddling’ in US democracy to rob Hillary Clinton of the Presidency is notably lost on Clinton herself, who Tweeted in support of the protestors.

In further evidence of Rouhani’s supposed conspiracy theories, various Wikileaks cables have documented intense Western efforts to incite past dissident movements in Iran. A January 2010 cable from Dubai to Washington claimed that UK and US agents were ‘guiding’ the ‘rioters’ (the cable uses quote marks for the word rioters) and colluded with the BBC and Voice of America to spread the contrived call for regime change to the rest of the world.

A lot has changed since 2010, but the studied effort by Western voices to manufacture consent for a war on the Iranian bogeyman has only grown stronger, especially with a new President at the helm who unashamedly wishes to roll back any basic diplomatic avenues to prevent conflict and promote dialogue between Iran and the West. It would be naive to assume that the kind of manipulation documented in the 2010 Wikileaks cables is not goading the riots taking place today.

Iranians are exercising the right to protest their government, and we should all wish them the best of luck in doing so. However, there is clearly a laboured interest by Western (predominantly US) forces to take advantage of political dissidence within the country to achieve their long-held geopolitical aims towards the ‘rogue nation’ of Iran. It does no favours to Iranians to allow McCain, Trump, Clinton et al. to have the final say on the future of Iran. That right belongs exclusively to Iranians through their democratic process.

You know Americans are the first people I ever met who actually like high taxes, bad infrastructure, and wasting resources to meddle in a country that will probably cause problems for them in the future. Probably because they're also very, very impulsive, like you are right now.
Oxymandias wrote:@Oxymoron

You know Americans are the first people I ever met who actually like high taxes, bad infrastructure, and wasting resources to meddle in a country that will probably cause problems for them in the future. Probably because they're also very, very impulsive, like you are right now.

I like my level of lifestyle, which in large part has to do with the dominance of America and the petro dollar.

That's not relevant to anything said...

Ok listen. You like your lifestyle then why do you want to deteriorate it? Even if America is dominant and the petro dollar system still is put into place that won't matter if you're sitting around in a shack with no food and a dirty water supply. America can be dominant but that doesn't effect your lifestyle.

A lifestyle doesn't revolve around a concept. A lifestyle is a real and physical thing.
Oxymandias wrote:@Oxymoron

That's not relevant to anything said...

Ok listen. You like your lifestyle then why do you want to deteriorate it? Even if America is dominant and the petro dollar system still is put into place that won't matter if you're sitting around in a shack with no food and a dirty water supply. America can be dominant but that doesn't effect your lifestyle.

A lifestyle doesn't revolve around a concept. A lifestyle is a real and physical thing.

Why is it so difficult to understand the concept of dominance. Once you dominate the trade routes, the energy and the currency people use to trade you control the world..meaning you control the wealth. thus the American people enjoy high life styles, and why millions try to run to our country.
@Victoribus Spolia

I'm 50 pages in so my post will be a PDF. I have a question for you regarding the Anglo-Saxon Union government that you need to answer. Will. It. Use. Bitcoins.


GDP is different from per capita income. You may have wealth but that does not guarantee it's fair distribution.

Also the idea that America is dominating is ridiculous. Read Victoribus's stuff on the Anglo-Saxon Union. You see that? That is domination. America now is the complete opposite of domination. Millions flock to your country to get money not for the living standards.
Oxymandias wrote:Read Victoribus's stuff on the Anglo-Saxon Union. You see that? That is domination.

best compliment i've gotten all year.
Oxymandias wrote:Also answer my question.

My thread assumes a Petro-Dollar arrangement of sorts, which partly explains the formation of the Anglo-Persian Petroleum Export Company and its importance.

i am a little skeptical of bitcoin and predicted that it will be overtaken by Etherium before the close of 2018. Ultimately I am a fan of tangible currencies, but I wrote a defense of the Petrodollar not long after joining POFO: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=171373

Though i'm sure that you, as a technocrat of sort, will disagree with my criticism of crypto-currencies, I am ultimately quite the opposite of a technocrat. I tend to think technology ruins the quality of human existence and that our current information age of technological achievement will one day be looked upon as an odd anomaly in human history. I believe that in my lifetime I will see the peak of our technological society preceding its steep decline that will be inherited by my children's children.
Oxymandias wrote:@Oxymoron
You know Americans are the first people I ever met who actually like high taxes, bad infrastructure, and wasting resources to meddle in a country that will probably cause problems for them in the future. Probably because they're also very, very impulsive, like you are right now.

Americans have comparatively low taxes, great infrastructure and the tax dollars pay for the neocon industries. The neocons work for the military-industrial complex and no matter how many wars are lost, they always win.

Oxymoron wrote:Why is it so difficult to understand the concept of dominance. Once you dominate the trade routes, the energy and the currency people use to trade you control the world..meaning you control the wealth. thus the American people enjoy high life styles, and why millions try to run to our country.

This concept of dominance is correct, but America is not the dominating country. America is Israel's German shepherd. All the US politicians are servants of AIPAC. The wars in the middle east are not fought for oil, because the US is the largest producer of it. These wars support the Yinon plan for a Greater Israel. The 1% who own most of the wealth in the US and pull all the strings are an international elite. They have no loyalty to any country, and prefer that everyone else (including the neocons) remain as servants and peasants.

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