Stephen Hawking Has Died - Politics | PoFo

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By Drlee
One of the great minds of our time.

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By Drlee
Don't know yet. Just heard the breaking news.
I hope he is feasting in the halls of Valhalla.

He had a great run- 76 years.

Yes, he died.

Physicist Stephen Hawking dies aged 76
The British theoretical physicist was known for his groundbreaking work with black holes and relativity, and was the author of several popular science books including A Brief History of Time.

His children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today.

"He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years."

They praised his "courage and persistence" and said his "brilliance and humour" inspired people across the world.

"He once said, 'It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.' We will miss him forever," they said.
I liked his theories and humour, but not his lack of Religious beliefs.

Also again this is in the wrong section of the forum.
It is Todays News, so it's in the right place, for now.

I like you, but not your religious beliefs, Colliric. :D
The value of Stephen Hawking's contributions to science is immense. It is not merely one's hypotheses that determine their contributions. He inspired a great many people. ... atest-hits ... ing-famous
Yeah but some of his theories are just plain scientifically wrong psudoscience mumbo jumbo.

I mean the guy believed in Multiverses.

Umm, no. And Certainly not without the existence of God somehow magically holding the Multiverses together, whom he of cause apparently didn't believe in. Isaac Newton did, so his own multiverse theory makes sense from that view that God can do anything, so probably created multiple creations full of life.

Hawking's multiverse theories are just plain bullshit. Reminds me of the final camera shot of Men In Black... Which is pure fantasy.
Last edited by colliric on 14 Mar 2018 04:53, edited 1 time in total.
Colliric wrote:Umm, no. And Certainly not without the existence of God somehow magically holding the Multiverses together, whom he of cause apparently didn't believe in.
Fuck God. You talk of science but mention a god in the same sentence? BUAHAHAH!!! :lol:

Why does the universe need a god or gods holding things together? That makes no sense in any scientific way, so don't mention "mumbo jumbo" and then go and spout your religious claptrap.
Godstud wrote:Fuck God. You talk of science but mention a god in the same sentence? BUAHAHAH!!! :lol:

Why does the universe need a god or gods holding things together? That makes no sense in any scientific way, so don't mention "mumbo jumbo" and then go and spout your religious claptrap.

Sir I am arguing the Newton Multiverse Theory... Regardless of weather or not it is "religious claptrap" the fact is it is an alternative (and much superior to me) theory postulated by a scientist concerning the possible existence of multiple dimensions and the need for the existence of some intelligence force keeping it all in order.
Belittling a renowned scientist in his obituary was your goal, was it not? This is not the place for it, in my opinion.

I don't care if you liked his theories. Postulate your own if you are so knowledgeable. Somewhere else, preferably.
A great scientist, a great man. Considering his health problems its a miracle he lasted as long as he did. He is gone now but he enriched us all while he was here.
Godstud wrote:Belittling a renowned scientist in his obituary was your goal, was it not? This is not the place for it, in my opinion.

I don't care if you liked his theories. Postulate your own if you are so knowledgeable. Somewhere else, preferably.

No. Of course not. Not in the least

His theory concerning black holes is sound. I think he was the preeminent scientist when it comes to black holes describing with accuracy what they do and are.

But on Multiverse theory he is not as smart as people think he was. Makes no sense for an atheist to be discussing the existence of multiple levels to the universe, as if they did exist, that would be proof of God's existence, or at least proof that the universe was intricately designed and is singularly alive.
layman wrote:RIP

Now let’s wait for smart ass pofo trolls say oh how so overrated he was.

He was flawed, not overrated or underrated.....

Like every other human being on the planet Earth.
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By Ter
A monument of a man.
It is always sad to lose a person with such high intellect.

I do have questions:

1. Why did they never give him a Nobel for his work ?

2. How did he manage to survive fifty years with ALS?
Normal people die after three to five years.

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