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By fuser

I can say with pride that I lived in an era when men like Stephan Hawking lived amongst us.


1. I can possibly answer your first question. For Nobel in any of the science field your theories must be validated through an experiment where your theory can correctly predict the result of the said experiment, in a nutshell it should be verified by an actual experiment.

This is the reason why Einstein got his Nobel for photoelectric effect and not much celebrated his relativity theory.
Its fitting that in 2018 both Stephen Hawking and Billy Graham would pass away. Its almost as if to officially mark the end of a previous era in western history where the theoretical physicists, evolutionary biologists, and anti-theists warred with pastors, apologists, evangelicals, and exegetical scholars. Ah, the days when things were so black and white, atheists v. theists, democrats v. republicans......

Hence we can now officially declare all of us entering the post-western world with the death of those two men. A post-Christian and post-scientific age, an age of moral and intellectual confusion, apathy, and agnosticism.....of decadence, decay, decline and death.


I would probably break up my epochs into smaller bits than that. But sure?
His statement sounds nice.....

.....until you realise that he immediately implies the universe was designed(can't have a Grand design without an intelligent designer) immediately after saying it wasn't. The statements are contradictory. Also who is he grateful to? If nothing controls our fate then there is nothing to need to be grateful to.

His Atheism was a small flaw. Dude wasn't perfect.
By noir
Ter wrote:
1. Why did they never give him a Nobel for his work ?

2. How did he manage to survive fifty years with ALS?
Normal people die after three to five years.

1. Probably because the science world knew, he wasn't original. He was a cause celebre who popularized the studies of the Jewish scientist, Jacob Bekenstein.

2. He had a special computer that was developed and adjusted to his needs in Israel. Only with this computer he could comunicate with the world.
colliric wrote:His statement sounds nice.....

.....until you realise that he immediately implies the universe was designed(can't have a Grand design without an intelligent designer) immediately after saying it wasn't. The statements are contradictory. Also who is he grateful to? If nothing controls our fate then there is nothing to need to be grateful to.

His Atheism was a small flaw. Dude wasn't perfect.

Because he (thankfully) didn't agree with your preferred superstition, he was flawed only in your own narrow-minded prejudicial estimation.

It's a good thing your opinion counts for as little as it does.
colliric wrote:His statement sounds nice.....

.....until you realise that he immediately implies the universe was designed(can't have a Grand design without an intelligent designer) immediately after saying it wasn't. The statements are contradictory. Also who is he grateful to? If nothing controls our fate then there is nothing to need to be grateful to.

His Atheism was a small flaw. Dude wasn't perfect.

"The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired."

He does not claim to know whether there's an all powerfull creator of things or not. I guess he was an agnostic.
He got to see his own lifestyle turned into a movie: The Theory Of Everything.

Hollywood star Eddie Redmayne, who received an Oscar for his portrayal of scientist Stephen Hawking in the 2014 film "The Theory of Everything," has paid tribute to "the funniest man" he ever met.
Hawking, known for explaining the Big Bang and black holes in his book "A Brief History of Time," died at the age of 76 on Wednesday morning.
Despite having amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease that impaired his motor functions, confined him to a wheelchair, and made him dependent on a computerised voice system in order to communicate, he went on to become a mathematics professor, and eventually the director of research at the University of Cambridge's Center for Theoretical Cosmology.
According to The Telegraph, Redmayne, who met Hawking while preparing for his Oscar-winning role, said: "We have lost a truly beautiful mind, an astonishing scientist and the funniest man I have ever had the pleasure to meet.
"My love and thoughts are with his extraordinary family."

Tim P. Whitby / Getty

Redmayne had previously said that meeting Hawking was "one of the great moments of [his] life."
"When Stephen saw the film, I was rehearsing so I couldn't see him beforehand but I saw him just after he went in and I said 'hey Stephen I'm very nervous, but please do let me know what you think,'" he said.
"He took a while to respond and said in his iconic voice: 'I will let you know what I think, good or otherwise.'"
Luckily, he said Hawking was "so nice" after viewing the film.
In a post on his Facebook page, the scientist even commended the actor.
"I thought Eddie Redmayne portrayed me very well in The Theory of Everything Movie," he wrote. "He spent time with ALS sufferers so he could be authentic. At times, I thought he was me.
"Seeing the film has given me the opportunity to reflect on my life. Although I'm severely disabled, I have been successful in my scientific work. I travel widely and have been to Antarctica and Easter Island, down in a submarine and up on a zero gravity flight. One day I hope to go into space.
He concluded: "I've been privileged to gain some understanding of the way the universe operates through my work. But it would be an empty universe indeed without the people that I love."


Colliric wrote:His Atheism was a small flaw.
That's not a flaw. That's called a strength. Religion is for the weak-willed. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere.

RIP Stephen Hawking. You will be remembered for the good things you did, and not your "flaws".
colliric wrote:His statement sounds nice.....

His statement is just his personal non-expert opinion, it's not authoritative or anything.

His Atheism was a small flaw. Dude wasn't perfect.

As is your theism. It's all just speculation. Anyone who believes their views on the ultimate nature of reality are based on anything more than their own non-rational biases is either ignorant or confused. Science hasn't ruled out God and natural theology doesn't prove God's existence.
RIP, Stephen Hawkings.

He had great politics; he spoke out against the Iraq war pre and post it, was a supporter of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and freedom and endorsed the academic boycott of Israel, hated capitalism (he was a socialist, which shows how smart he really was :D ) and pushed hard for the NHS, to save it from the ruin imposed on it by the last two governments. He was pretty funny too.
Godstud wrote:That's not a flaw. That's called a strength. Religion is for the weak-willed. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere.

RIP Stephen Hawking. You will be remembered for the good things you did, and not your "flaws".

There are two sides to an arguement. I could say, Science is for Nerds and uncool geeks. Peddle your "belittle" nonsense elsewhere.
Last edited by colliric on 15 Mar 2018 01:22, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:Yeah but some of his theories are just plain scientifically wrong psudoscience mumbo jumbo.

I mean the guy believed in Multiverses.

Umm, no. And Certainly not without the existence of God somehow magically holding the Multiverses together, whom he of cause apparently didn't believe in. Isaac Newton did, so his own multiverse theory makes sense from that view that God can do anything, so probably created multiple creations full of life.

Hawking's multiverse theories are just plain bullshit. Reminds me of the final camera shot of Men In Black... Which is pure fantasy.

This is, of course, an incredible science fail.

There are certain methodological assumptions in science. Of course, one of these assumptions is that the all phenomena studied by science have natural causes (i.e. not supernatural causes).

Now Newton lived in the 17th century, so of course he did not have the same rigour when it comes to science as compared to Hawkins.

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