Ideology Update - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Crantag
Victoribus Spolia wrote:You still going on about that shitty concoction? I thought we settled that your peasant tastes were abhorrent on the drinking thread. :eh:

That looks like a double post to me, fascist sympathizer.

I don't get the premise of this thread much. But I'm an anarchist who now lives in China. Communism is okay in some ways. And Karl Marx is the preeminent social scientist of all time.

I think what most doesn't withstand scrutiny of today respective of Marx is the role of energy in production and life. But he couldn't have foreseen the petro age. And shoveling coal was labor intensive. Ignoring energy inputs was a very mild short coming of Marx (given context), but not really an oversight.

Why this in a thread on ideology? I just work with what I have and in this thread that isn't much.

'Hello sirs. Strangers, tell me what I am.'
Crantag wrote:That looks like a double post to me

Thanks, Mom.

Crantag wrote:fascist sympathizer.


You cut me deep here. I don't know how I can go on.

AnCap = Fascism?



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By Crantag
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Thanks, Mom.


You cut me deep here. I don't know how I can go on.

AnCap = Fascism?




Really sorry. I mistook you for that guy with the pinochet avatar. I was being tongue in cheak about the double posting due to a like recent admonishment from said fascist sympathizer.
Crantag wrote:Really sorry. I mistook you for that guy with the pinochet avatar. I was being tongue in cheak about the double posting due to a like recent admonishment from said fascist sympathizer.

No harm, no foul.

fuser wrote:Well someone got triggered. Note to self : profile's ideology is perfect.

Are you trying to fit the caricature of cliche teenage forum troll, or was that just a happy accident?

But yes, displaying inaccurate information regarding your views is perfect for someone at your level.

When you raise the bar so high, how could the rest of us hope to compete? :lol:
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By fuser
Too much trigger, so sad.

By the way crantag yes ancaps are fascists sympathizers as you can see in my profile, I am ancap and I sympathize with the fascists.
fuser wrote:Too much trigger, so sad.

Projection can be a symptom of a deeper neurosis. Treatments are available.

fuser wrote:yes ancaps are fascists sympathizers as you can see in my profile, I am ancap and I sympathize with the fascists.

Fuser's Logic: AnCaps (Opposed To A State) sympathize with Fascism (The Belief in An Absolute State).

If you buy into that claim @Crantag you are beyond help.

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By fuser
Our Lord and Saviour Ludwig Von Mises (pbuh) wrote:It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.

Beware my fellow ancap brethrens, this so called ancap Victoribus is a traitor amongst our ranks, a very very triggered traitor whose comebacks are literally I am not x, you are x. :lol:
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By Crantag
Fuser and I go back. He dragged me from a couple ledges so I can't hold anything against that guy. As a matter of happenstance, I don't even understand what he's talking about in the last post, or you for that matter :lol:

I understood the Mises expose though and that receives my seal of approval.
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By fuser
Obviously I am just joking as is my profile page, no need to take me seriously. :D
fuser wrote:Obviously I am just joking as is my profile page, no need to take me seriously.

Oh, good. So glad we got that out of the way.

Ludwig Von Mises wrote:
It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.

Your forgot this important bit:

...But though its policy has brought salvation for the moment, it is not of the kind which could promise continued success. Fascism was an emergency makeshift. To view it as something more would be a fatal error.

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By fuser
So as I said a sympathizer not an actual fascist.

Also if anyone thought that I was not joking, they should get out more often. :)
fuser wrote:So as I said a sympathizer not an actual fascist.

That is even a stretch, he sympathized with the ends, not the means, but in the case of fascism's rise in Europe, he considered it a flawed and dangerous means to accomplish what he viewed as a noble end: the preservation of European Civilization.

Ultimately, as with socialism, no AnCap believes that statism could ever actually save civilization, it could only ever serve as an emergency stop-gap. Which was all that Mises was saying.

fuser wrote:Also if anyone thought that I was not joking, they should get out more.

I just wanted the satisfaction of seeing you utter those sweet words.

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By fuser
lol indeed you did. Nice attempt at face saving although I heard the sound whoosh too many times in this thread specially around a very triggered person.

Anyway that's a lot of words to just say, yes Mises sympathized with Fascism and yes he did, be brave and suck it up.
fuser wrote:Nice attempt at face saving although I heard the sound whoosh too many times in this thread specially around a very triggered person.

Anyway that's a lot of words to just say, yes Mises sympathized with Fascism and yes he did, be brave and suck it up.

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By Zamuel
Victoribus Spolia wrote:You still going on about that shitty concoction? I thought we settled that your peasant tastes were abhorrent on the drinking thread. :eh:

No, we established that you are incapable of appreciating an essence and devoted to preconceived notions of taste implanted by advertising.

Zam :eek:
Zamuel wrote:implanted by advertising.

Yes because single-malt scotch and a properly made martini ARE SOOO over advertised. :eh:

And are you insinuating that flavored vodkas aren't mainstream?! :lol:

Thats funny.
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By Zamuel
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Yes because single-malt scotch and a properly made martini ARE SOOO over advertised. :eh:

Now that you mention it, yeah ... Single Malt Scotch is basically the stuff that is so far off the taste profile that blenders won't buy it. So hey call a FLAW a FEATURE and charge more for it ... the snobs love it.

Martini's are a similar Fluke, courtesy of Frank Sinatra and James bond, watered down gin with an olive ... Minus the olive this is what the whores drank during Victoria's reign.

As I've mentioned, you're a sucker for anything advertised / fictionalized as an elitist perk. Image reinforcement.

And are you insinuating that flavored vodkas aren't mainstream?! :lol:

Flavored Vodkas were a recent fad and are thankfully on the way out ... check the inventory reduction bins. Peppered Vodka on the other hand goes WAY back, it was favored by Peter the great. It's a manly drink, not for little girls.

Zam 8)
Zamuel wrote:Single Malt Scotch is basically the stuff that is so far off the taste profile that blenders won't buy it. So hey call a FLAW a FEATURE and charge more for it ... the snobs love it.

@Potemkin, ^^ This blasphemy should be addressed by the one greater than myself. Aid me 'O Master!

Zamuel wrote:Martini's are a similar Fluke, courtesy of Frank Sinatra and James bond, watered down gin with an olive ...


Your Point? :lol:

Zamuel wrote:you're a sucker for anything advertised / fictionalized as an elitist perk. Image reinforcement.


Zamuel wrote: Peppered Vodka on the other hand goes WAY back, it was favored by Peter the great. It's a manly drink, not for little girls.

Whats with you and the Ruskis anyway? You into heavy-set hairy chicks that serve cold beet soup or what? Fuck i'd probably drink petroleum under those circumstances.
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By Potemkin
@Potemkin, ^^ This blasphemy should be addressed by the one greater than myself. Aid me 'O Master!

As I once said of another lost soul, VS - some people are beyond redemption. All we can do is remember them in our prayers.... :*(
Potemkin wrote:As I once said of another lost soul, VS - some people are beyond redemption. All we can do is remember them in our prayers...


In other more noble cultures, people would have known when they committed a shameful act with their words and would have acted appropriately.


In other news, have you checked out Saeko and I's debate in the Agora?


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