What Do You Think My Ideology Is? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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Religion - Religion should be banned because it can make some people ignorant, and can destroy some of the personal freedoms people have, such as the right to masturbate or curse. Religion promotes people to think in a non realistic way, motivating them to do good only so that their religion can reward them (if you are good, you go to Heaven, etc.).

Feminism - Women can do anything that a man can do, but a man can NOT do everything that a woman can do, and that is to give birth to people. Women should be viewed the same as men. Women should work hard, be strong, independent, smart, and be reliable to society. Women should be in the military, and live the lives that they want to live. Women should only have one partner (or at least have the least as possible) because I think it's disgusting for women to have a lot of partners in her life. It also makes her a physical slave to men because men would use her like a rag. Freedom for women!

Sex - People should be free for sex. Sex should not be restricted nor shamed. But, hyper sexualization is just as bad because it makes women look like sex objects rather than human beings. I also think that women should be dominant in sexual activities (I love Femdom), and that prostitution should be banned because prostitution is slavery.

Drugs - Drugs should be banned unless for medical purposes. Drugs can mess people up if not used properly. Drugs can also keep people from rebelling. Instead of rebelling, people would use drugs to cope with oppression, and that is slavery.

Social Media - Websites such as Facebook and Instagram alienate the people because it makes them compete against each other. People now value each other according to how many friends, followers, and likes they get on their accounts. Those who have no likes are labeled "losers" while those who get hundreds of likes are highly respected. People take pictures of themselves wearing expensive clothes to look cool, and that society wants people to think that and take pictures of them wearing expensive clothes, so that clothing companies can make more money.

Family - Family rules people. Drama, shaming relatives who are different, arranged marriages, stressful holidays and ceremonies, having to act different around different relatives, and talking to your parents like you worship them while they talk down on you is oppression. People with bigger families live shorter lives and have more heart problems. The family institution is created to stress out people with drama, so they can be distracted from realizing that they are being ruled by capitalists, and that them dealing with family won't give them enough time or energy to rebel against their owners. Family also alienates people because what if you love someone, but you can't be with them because of you and/or their families? Another problem is stress. Family for many people is usually the number one cause of stress.

Lifestyle - People should live individualistic lives. Everyone should be able to live their own destiny. People should realize that humans use each other to survive, and that some need nurturement to motivate them to work, which can oppress those who rely on them, such as women needing to be submissive to their husbands.

Economics - There should be no currency, and that everyone should work for free, and live for free (terms that are understandable in these times). The concept of value should not exist. Debt should not exist. Wealth would be determined by the amount of natural or artificial resources, and the amount of available labour. The more resources and labour, the more potential wealth.

Money - The love of money is the root of all evil. Loving money can make one's mind corrupt.

State - The state should be a coordinator that coordinates productivity and wealth handling. Every human is a little different at least, so there needs to be a state to defend each person's individuality, so that chaos and dispute can be prevented. This kind of relates to the statement "Without law there is NO freedom." There should be a big law enforcement to ensure maximum safety and stability. Crime can never be stopped 100%, so there needs to be law enforcement.

Culture - Cultures are and were used to control people, and/or to motivate them to work. Culture is rather a distraction than a motivator. No person should identify with any extreme, separatist culture. Cultures that have imperialist roots (such as Turkish culture in the Balkans, Americanization of the world, or Zionism) should all be banned. I do think that the German culture is the most advanced and respectful, and should be the world dominator. Clean living, general efficiency, and contemporary modernist and futurist German architecture is all very progressive and efficient.

Hippies - I dislike hippies because they started to ruin social liberalism. They promote dirty living, degeneracy, drug usage, hyper sexuality, excessive partying, and sloppy fashion. They are immoral, and re-enslave women as sex objects. Hippies are a symbol of Americana. Hippies are also a bourgeoisie culture, because many hippies came from upper middle class, educated families who were right wing conservatives.

Nations And The World - The world should not have any states. The world should be "one nation" or in other terms, a nationless world. But, the world should be lead by the German people.

Environment - Industry is very important, so on a collective scale, the more factories the better. But on an individual scale, people should use as least amount of non renewable stuff as possible. Recycling should be common place. And public transportation should be used a lot to maintain as much efficiency as possible. There should be no residential SUV's or pick up trucks.

Celebrities - There should be no celebrities, and that every human should get the same amount of attention regardless of who they are.

Alcohol - There should be No age limit on alcohol. The only time that alcohol should not be allowed or used is if one is working, or if they are operating something, such as a car or a machine.
SSDR wrote:@One Degree, How?

It seems you want strong individual rights in a Communist state with a mixture of Christian/atheist beliefs.
You don’t want anyone to tell you what to do, but you want to be cared for by the state.
Well in a pure communist society, society would be extremely individualistic, while economically, it is very collective. This is so that no one's life is determined by their families or employers, since they wouldn't be instituted to exist in a communist society.

What Christian values am I promoting?

The state protects one's rights. The state would "care" for you economically, so that you wouldn't have to individually rely on someone else.

In a pure society, people who rely on each other realize that they are only using each other, and that they don't need nurturement to motivate them to work. When you are lifting a heavy box and you need help, the person that is helping you is helping you because in this case, there is no technology that can help you lift, so you would have to use another human to help you. Society cannot be 100% individualistic unless if technology is so advanced that no human would need to use each other.
SSDR wrote:Well in a pure communist society, society would be extremely individualistic, while economically, it is very collective. This is so that no one's life is determined by their families or employers, since they wouldn't be instituted to exist in a communist society.

What Christian values am I promoting?

The state protects one's rights. The state would "care" for you economically, so that you wouldn't have to individually rely on someone else.

In a pure society, people who rely on each other realize that they are only using each other, and that they don't need nurturement to motivate them to work. When you are lifting a heavy box and you need help, the person that is helping you is helping you because in this case, there is no technology that can help you lift, so you would have to use another human to help you. Society cannot be 100% individualistic unless if technology is so advanced that no human would need to use each other.

May I ask how old you are?
SSDR wrote:@One Degree, I am 26 years of age. Does it seem like my beliefs don't add up?

The nicest way I can think to say it is there is too much you in your ideology to be acceptable to me.
SSDR wrote:@One Degree, Maybe I sound like a narcissist?

Marx version...
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Western liberalism version...
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need want.

I posted this in another thread. I believe it is applicable here. Keep in mind my views are opposed to yours so others here may have more sympathy for your views.
@One Degree, Yes, each person should do according to their ability. Everyone should contribute and work as much as they can.

When Marx talked about "Needs" he met that family values and sexist roles were not needed to ensure the survival of humanity. Does one need to have an arranged marriage to harvest crops? No. That was what Marx was talking about.
SSDR wrote:@One Degree, Yes, each person should do according to their ability. Everyone should contribute and work as much as they can.

When Marx talked about "Needs" he met that family values and sexist roles were not needed to ensure the survival of humanity. Does one need to have an arranged marriage to harvest crops? No. That was what Marx was talking about.

This forum has Marxist scholars who can educate you. I am not one, but you seem to have a distorted view of Marx. Let me guess, your belief world communism should be controlled by Germany is because of Marx?
SSDR wrote:@One Degree, I am no Marxist, nor am I a follower of Marx, or anybody.

I think Germany should have the global leadership because Germans are the most advanced, intelligent people.

Now we are back to my original comment that your ideology is just ‘confused’. You want a superior race with a world government based upon individual rights and everything state controlled?
Welcome aboard. They can no longer accuse me of having the weirdest ideology.
@One Degree, Well socialism is a scientific system. And eugenics (race, IQ, geography, etc.) does determine the process. A global society will unite the world, and will allow all people to get resources that they need (isolated nations tend to be poor because they don't have access to all of the world's potential resources). And socialism is individualistic because YOU determine your destiny, NOT your family or money. Since the family institution would not Need to exist in a socialist society, and that currency would not exist.
@SolarCross, Well, I am strongly against the Antifa. I am against Hollywood. I am against hip hop, pop music, and midnight dance stuff. I am also against the Americanization of the world. And no non-European (and even Balkan or Gypsy) culture should be promoted under any circumstance.

You are very close to being an old-school and orthodox Marxist, a Pre-1960s communist. (depending on your views on firearms of course).

I have been reading your posts and think you will be a good contributor to the forum even if I view your ilk as the enemy of mankind.

Of course, @B0ycey still thinks i'm a super leftist because of my desire for world peace and order. :excited:

Everything in my profile is accurate, but if you have additional questions just ask. I am sure we will be crossing swords in the future.

@Victoribus Spolia, Yes, I am somewhat a "pre-1960's communist" to some extent because for one, I am one of those people who are "stuck back in time," meaning I want to live in a different time period somewhat for some reasons. I strongly dislike Zionism, hippie values, electronic dance shit, and midnight partying. By modern standards, I am more socially conservative. For two, I have socialists and communists in my ancestry that were communist guerrillas during the Second World War, and I have a lot of atheists and socialists in my ancestry. Two of my grand uncles were socialists who were guerrillas during the Second World War. And my grandfather and both of his brothers were Marxists. One of my uncles is a communist. And some of my other relatives who are not socialists tend to have socialist leanings, and support some socialists such as Fidel Castro or Stalin. I don't really talk to any relatives for various reasons, so I live my own life and live my destiny as much as I can.

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