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By Godstud
@Suntzu The NFL is nothing like the NHL, since real men play hockey or rugby, not silly football(both types).
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By Godstud
Oilers have been building for the last 12 years.... :(

Real men lift, too, @Red_Army :D
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By Red_Army
My Stars are similar in the standings, but we don't have a generational talent like McDavid. I'd say we are under-performing with the likes off Benn, Seguin, and Radulov, not to mention Klingberg and Heiskanen, but none of them are on McDavid's level. There isn't an excuse for how shitty the Oilers are and Hitchcock will not solve it.

As far as lifting I'm lifting the most I ever have! I'm sure you're kicking ass too bud. I just want to shit on your hockey team ;)
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By Godstud
:lol: My team's so low in the standings that you'd have to squat pretty low to shit on them.
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By Victoribus Spolia
Red_Army wrote:Your tone has really changed from before the game

Has it really?

Its not like I ever came on here saying that the Steelers were going to fucking annihilate the Saints.

I said that if we could beat the pats with this team (our personal demon) we could beat the saints.

From watching that game, I have good reason to believe in that possibility still.

So no, my tone has not changed and its not like I fucking hate the saints, they too are sort of a family team for me.
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By Red_Army
I guess you have a different assessment of the tone of that statement. I interpreted "if we can beat the Pats we can beat the Saints" as your assumption that the Saints were going to get steamrolled. Fair enough if that's not what you meant, but I think its reasonable to make that interpretation.

Anyway I don't actually have a problem with the Steelers - although I don't like Ben. Juju looks like a badass and a great guy.
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By Victoribus Spolia
Red_Army wrote:I guess you have a different assessment of the tone of that statement. I interpreted "if we can beat the Pats we can beat the Saints" as your assumption that the Saints were going to get steamrolled. Fair enough if that's not what you meant, but I think its reasonable to make that interpretation.

Cool fuckin name too. Dude sounds like an evil witchdoctor.
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By Victoribus Spolia
Red_Army wrote:Haha Steelers! Ah well, now we can both root for the Saints!

Leave it to the Browns to shit the bed......apt name after all.

Oh Well.

Yeah...I suppose I'd pull for the Saints over most others in the AFC or NFC right now.
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By Godstud
NHL Rules! NFL drools!!!

Get your shitty foozball talk off this thread!!!
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By Red_Army
I made the thread so I decide it's trajectory. Plus the Stars are shitty.

I guess we can talk about how one of the owners just shit all over our two best players for underperforming :lol:

Or how Milan Lucic has 1 goal in 38 games for the Oilers and is on a $24mil contract :lol:
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By Godstud
Lucic.... don't get me started on Edmonton's bad picks. :(
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By Red_Army
Haha @Godstud Canada got knocked out of the world juniors :lol: I want to drink the tears of all the dirty canucks who bought tickets to the semis and finals :lol: :lol:

Also @Heisenberg fuck the devils! GO STARS! Heiskanen got 2 goals! WOOOO
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By Godstud
We lost out on the Juniors? :*( I'll still try to catch the games, as it's good hockey. Sweden's always a good contender.

I like the Stars. My old Pee Wee hockey coach was Ken Hitchcock(old Stars coach). He's now with the Oilers, so that's good. Our last few coaches were.... sub par, to say the least.
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By Godstud
Oh man... :hmm:

Finland? Russia? Anyone but USA... ;)

I'll go with Finland, since they're the ones who knocked out Canada.

I can catch up on my hockey again. Phuket's great, but the late nights are not conducive to seeing early morning games...

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