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In the US context, it certainly seems that conservatives are trying to conserve racism.

Based upon what? All we hear is how racist everyone is suppose to be and not a single recommendation what should be done about it. It is the Democrats who are keeping racism alive. If not, they would be offering solutions instead of baseless accusations. They aren’t because their party dies without racism being sensationalized.

Which is why a lot of conservatives are considered progressive, since many of them do not actually support racism.

You still thinking we are at the stage where it is progressive not to be racist demonstrates the rhetoric is based upon keeping the past alive. As stated, Democrats must keep this past alive for their survival. They are the conservative racists. They want things to stay the same. A country not divided by race is their worst nightmare.
Minorities are very slowly waking up to this, which is why every one who speaks out as a conservative must be crucified. Name one Black Conservative the Democrats and MSM hasn’t tried to destroy? Look at the media reaction to Kanye West based upon his political leanings of the moment. It is ridiculous his treatment by the media changes based upon his political utterances. He switches from villain to hero back to villain overnight.
Name one Black Conservative the Democrats and MSM hasn’t tried to destroy? Look at the media reaction to Kanye West based upon his political leanings of the moment.

Really? You are upset because democrats attack republicans? Or only when the republican is black?

Kayne West is not an idiot because he is black. He is just an idiot.
Drlee wrote:Really? You are upset because democrats attack republicans? Or only when the republican is black?

Kayne West is not an idiot because he is black. He is just an idiot.

No it upsets me when they attack women and minorities for being Republican. Their arrogance and hypocrisy is repulsive.
I don’t know Kayne West, but he just sounds like a guy trying to figure out things to me. I admire anyone who tries to do their own thinking rather than being a puppet.
None of the divides make much sense anymore. People just jump on bandwagons.
No, the divisions make perfect sense if you pay attention.

Conservatives are not technically conservatives, but right-wingers pretending that they are. Conservativism has been hijacked by idiotic right-wing agendas and most actual Conservatives no longer associate with their agenda, as @Drlee has pointed out.
Pants-of-dog wrote:In the US context, it certainly seems that conservatives are trying to conserve racism.

Which is why a lot of conservatives are considered progressive, since many of them do not actually support racism.

Actually, you have that backward. Many of the Democrats today call themselves "progressive" to avoid the "liberal" label. Abraham Lincoln was from the Republican party that set the black slaves free. The Democrat opposition party were the supporters of Black slavery and racism until the discrimination law was enacted by Congress. However, the Democrats, liberal and progressive, now constantly call anyone that has a different opinion by the name "racist" regardless of the truth.
Last edited by Hindsite on 13 Jan 2019 03:36, edited 1 time in total.
@Hindsite The Democrats used to be the Conservative party. It changed, over time.

Just to educate you, too...
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.

Being called a liberal is hardly an insult. :lol:

Modern right-wingers are not actually conservative, and really mostly just racist, uneducated regressives. You, like @One Degree, don't have a fucking clue what racism means. Poor education on your part, or simple willful ignorance? Pick one.

If you act racist, support racists, and say racist shit, then you are racist.
American conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, republicanism, support for Judeo-Christian values, moral absolutism, free markets and free trade, anti-communism, individualism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from the perceived threats posed by socialism, authoritarianism, and moral relativism. American conservatives consider individual liberty—within the bounds of conformity to conservative American values—as the fundamental trait of democracy; this perspective contrasts with that of modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality and social justice than on social order and tradition.

American conservatism originates from republicanism, which rejected aristocratic and monarchical government and upheld the principles of the United States Declaration of Independence ("All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness") and the United States Constitution (which established a federal republic under the rule of law). Conservative philosophy is also derived in part from the classical liberal tradition of the 18th and 19th centuries, which advocated for laissez-faire economics (also called economic freedom and deregulation).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservat ... ted_States

Just because I believe in law and order and stopping people from disobeying our laws by illegally entering our country does not mean I am racist. It means I am conservative.
Praise the Lord.
No it upsets me when they attack women and minorities for being Republican.

But it doesn't bother you when the POTUS attacks everyone who disagrees with him, calls Mexicans rapists and insults opposition leaders in the most childish way. Good boy. Trump is counting on people just like you. :roll:

Hindsite said: American conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, republicanism, support for Judeo-Christian values, moral absolutism, free markets and free trade, anti-communism, individualism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from the perceived threats posed by socialism, authoritarianism, and moral relativism.

And it doesn't bother you that Trump violates every one of these political beliefs? You follow him anyway? Good boy. Here is a cracker. :roll:
Drlee wrote:But it doesn't bother you when the POTUS attacks everyone who disagrees with him, calls Mexicans rapists and insults opposition leaders in the most childish way. Good boy. Trump is counting on people just like you. :roll:

No, I like it very much. It is about time they receive some of their own awful medicine. Trump has said he likes the majority of Mexicans. It is those Mexicans and others that come across our southern border and commit rape, murder, thief, human and drug trafficking, and other crimes that he is trying to stop.

Drlee wrote:And it doesn't bother you that Trump violates every one of these political beliefs? You follow him anyway? Good boy. Here is a cracker. :roll:

Trump is not violating any of my political beliefs, because I am not a liberal or "progressive" Democrat. It is those liberal politicians that have been violating the conservative Republican political beliefs whenever they are in power. I am happy Trump is trying to change thinks back to the way they should be before the communists and socialists in our country destroys the United States.
Pants-of-dog wrote:In the US context, it certainly seems that conservatives are trying to conserve racism.

What does the word "racism" mean in the US context?

Is supporting Zionism not racism?

BTW, there is an UNO - resolution that condemns Zionism as racism.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 was revoked only in 1991, under the pressure of the Israel Lobby: they played the Holocaust card.

In a Nutshell: All these "anti-racists" (be they progressives or conservatives) are dishonest virtue signalling shills, because they apply the term "racism" very selectively in a psychological war against Whites with a Christian background.

White Ashkenazi are never called racists.

This selective use of the term "racism" is itself a good example of anti-White racism, according to the definition of this term.
ArtAllm wrote:White Ashkenazi are never called racists.

They might be called racists by some people, if they had the opposite political view.
Racism has nothing to do with political views. it has to do with discrimination, antagonism, and prejudice aimed at a race. You saying it's political shows your colossal ignorance of what racism is.

Stop being so absolutely clueless.
Godstud wrote:Racism has nothing to do with political views. it has to do with discrimination, antagonism, and prejudice aimed at a race. You saying it's political shows your colossal ignorance of what racism is.

Stop being so absolutely clueless.

I am not clueless. I know what real racism is about. However, some liberal Democrats will call someone racist in an attempt to discredit an opposite opinion.
Very very few people call people racist without it being well deserved and it's not limited to democrat liberals, either. Your knowledge of labels is fucking abysmal, too.
Godstud wrote:Very very few people call people racist without it being well deserved and it's not limited to democrat liberals, either. Your knowledge of labels is fucking abysmal, too.

It appears that that there are a huge number of people on the left that believe anyone that disagrees with their political views deserves to be called racists or some other deplorable name.
Certain conservatives always accuse progressives of calling them racists.

It seems like a way to deflect from debate.

Instead of discussing the actual topic, they focus on this supposed attack and how they are a victim of “political correctness”.
Hindsite wrote:It appears that that there are a huge number of people on the left that believe anyone that disagrees with their political views deserves to be called racists or some other deplorable name.
Lying and making false claims are rife among the right-wing twits on this forum. No one on this forum gets called a racist, unless it's supported by what they say. If you don't like that, then avoid saying stupid racist things. :knife:
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