Jussie Smollett: Life and Death of an MSM Hate Hoax - Page 12 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:It's good to be rich.

It's incredible that a C-list actor on a local Fox affiliate show aimed at the large, profitable, black television market can buy off the CPD. If you can do that, I'm gonna drop some cash and turn Chicago into my own real life GTA game.

This was, supposedly, a slam dunk case. The fact that the judge sealed the record forever makes things look really shady for the notoriously honest CPD.

This thread is going to be hilarious now because it's going to be nothing but old white men crying because, in their mind, a black man (a C-list actor, at that) was able to purchase the same level of treatment that any rich, white, financier could afford if he got caught getting a handy in a sex slave "massage" parlor. Nevermind the fact that the charges were dropped because there was no crime that could actually be prosecuted. No, it must be Soros pulling his Jewish strings.

And the saddest part is they're pissed off because, again, they have mistakenly perceived that a black man was able to buy something that they could never afford: the actual privilege that they thought racism would give them. They were too stupid to realize they would never have it because they were poor.
SpecialOlympian wrote:As an SJW who lusts for white genocide, I am proud to report that people who are black and gay are now treated better by the media, the courts, and the police than degenerate cis-hetero whites.

We did it guys. We toppled the white patriarchy.

It took a gay Jewish mulatto drama queen hoaxer along with tribal ethnic networking to do it. It almost sounds like something racialists or nationalists would try to do. So much for white privilege the eh?
Keep going maz you're totally relatable right now. The "tribal ethnic networking" part makes you seem really normal. All normal people think all blacks are aligned with each other in conspiracy against the white man.

You're really reaching people Maz, now is the time to educate everyone on black crime.

Also why did you change your avatar to a picture of Jussie crying with laughter at the weakness of the white man and how easily they are defeated within their own power structures?
Well, this is what a team of famous lawyers can do for you. The police are taking the unusual step of saying that they believe he's guilty but his plea bargain was so good that he can continue claiming he was innocent, even though no one will buy it. It's kind of like people who are still trying to split hairs about the Mueller report really; no one believes it but no one can stop them from saying it either.
His "plea bargain" was so good all charges were dropped and he's innocent because he's no longer being charged with a crime. Why are all the weirdo /pol/ posters insisting that he's somehow still guilty?

Even Hong Wu, as a failed lawyer, should know that it's better than a "plea bargain" when the prosecutor admits total defeat and tries to bury the case like a cat burying its turds.

Hong Wu, as a person who claims to have a law degree, would you please explain to us what a plea bargain is? You seem to have a strong grasp on the subject. Perhaps through your explanation we gain a worse understanding of what a plea bargain is and a better understanding of why you didn't pass the bar.
SpecialOlympian wrote:His "plea bargain" was so good all charges were dropped and he's innocent because he's no longer being charged with a crime. Why are all the weirdo /pol/ posters insisting that he's somehow still guilty?


On March 26, 2019, all charges filed against Smollett were dropped, with Judge Steven Watkins ordering the public court file sealed.[7][93] First Assistant State's Attorney Joseph Magats said the office reached a deal with Smollett's defense team in which prosecutors would drop the charges if Smollett performed community service and forfeited his $10,000 bond.[94][95][96] Magats made a statement saying that the decision was not an exoneration of Smollett, "we stand behind the investigation, we stand behind the decision to charge him [...] The fact that [Smollett] feels that we have exonerated him, we have not. I can’t make it any clearer than that". Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel strongly criticized the decision saying it was a "whitewash of justice" and that "From top to bottom, this is not on the level". Police superintendent Eddie Johnson said that justice was not served.
Charges against Smollett were dropped because the evidence was weak without CCTV footage of the incident and prosecutors didn't feel they could prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Smollett's willingness to forfeit his $10,000 bond was another reason why his charges were dropped. Without the large amount of money he donated to Chicago, he would not have been freed without charges.

Police in Chicago found several pieces of evidence that led them to believe that Smollett orchestrated the attack.

Investigators had footage of the men involved in the alleged assault buying a ski mask, sunglasses and other items. They also had a check that Smollett used to pay one of them.

But no surveillance cameras captured the incident and one of the men was actually Smollett's personal trainer, the actor's attorneys said.

If prosecutors saw holes in their case, they had to do the "best they could do in the interest of justice."
"I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they looked at the evidence and didn't feel they could prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt," said Sara Azari, a criminal defense attorney.

https://edition.cnn.com/2019/03/27/ente ... index.html
SpecialOlympian wrote:It's incredible that a C-list actor on a local Fox affiliate show aimed at the large, profitable, black television market can buy off the CPD. If you can do that, I'm gonna drop some cash and turn Chicago into my own real life GTA game.

I was not implying he paid anyone off. Perhaps I should have said "it's good to be famous".

If he weren't a notable figure, I think they would have thrown the book at him. Even if the case is full of holes and full of shit. After all, people (especially poor people) get thrown in prison on e flimsiest of cases. However, when it's someone that is garnering media attention, the courts and police will think twice about going after them.

For example, I'm sure Aunt Becky is gonna get off nice and easy too. However, if it were me caught up in that scandal, i'd be doing hard prison time.
Wow, a black journalist finally acknowledges black privilege in the US! Cold day in hell, pigs flying and all that.

NYT columnist explains exactly why the Jussie Smollett case is so infuriating


New York Times columnist Charles Blow said that it wasn’t a surprise that Jussie Smollett, like a lot of wealthy people caught a break from the justice system — what’s ‘ticking people off” is the fact that this time it’s a black man with privilege.

“The Chicago police department has a lot to answer for in cases other than this, so it is hard to be sympathetic to their case,” Blow said. “I think that all of us, including the mayor, have to acknowledge something, which is that people get breaks all the time, and it is very often people who are wealthy or powerful. That is very often correlated to race in America.”

“What’s happened here is that the glove was turned inside out, and the person with the wealth and the power was black,” Blow continued. “It was ticking people off for that reason.”

Blow noted that “there are hundreds of thousands of people right now in local jails” who have never been convicted of a crime, simply because they can’t pay bail.

“Jussie has the privilege of being able to say ‘I have $10,000, I’m going home’ and also the privilege of being able to say, ‘the case is over, you keep it, I don’t even need it,'” Blow added. “So the whole system is a kind of a mockery because it is corrupted by money and power.”

“We have to just step back and at least acknowledge that fact. This is not a Jussie corruption,” he said. Blow said the entire system of justice is corrupt, “where you have enough power, you enough money, you can fight hard enough and you might catch a break that poor people often black and brown will never, ever catch.”

SpecialOlympian wrote:Keep going maz you're totally relatable right now. The "tribal ethnic networking" part makes you seem really normal. All normal people think all blacks are aligned with each other in conspiracy against the white man?

A lot of black everyday people wanted to see Jussie go down, but the blacks in this colluded to make sure Jussie got off. There's no doubt about it. They did exactly what they've been accusing whites of doing all along which is to use their privilege as an undue advantage.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Also why did you change your avatar to a picture of Jussie crying with laughter at the weakness of the white man and how easily they are defeated within their own power structures?

Because it is a funny photo of the drama queen?

Chicago isn't a white power structure LOL.

You have a black police chief, a black district attorney who has close ties to the black American elite (Obama's, Hollywood ect), Jewish mayor and only 12 of 50 city council members are white men and one of the blacks on the council just had to resign over corruption charges.
maz wrote:Chicago isn't a white power structure LOL.

You have a black police chief, a black district attorney who has close ties to the black American elite (Obama's, Hollywood ect), Jewish mayor and only 12 of 50 city council members are white men

That's all cosmetic, money runs that city and white people have the money.

Chicago's racial wealth gap far worse than U.S. average, report finds
https://www.chicagotribune.com/business ... story.html
Sivad wrote:That's all cosmetic, money runs that city and white people have the money.

Chicago's racial wealth gap far worse than U.S. average, report finds
https://www.chicagotribune.com/business ... story.html

Yes, but I was referring to the small people individuals making the everyday day to decisions. I think the big money that runs the city don't care to much about those decisions as long as they don't step out of line.

The aldermans and people on the local level are certainly going to make some decisions based on their ethnicity or whatever their identity is.
Sivad wrote::knife:

On March 26, 2019, all charges filed against Smollett were dropped, with Judge Steven Watkins ordering the public court file sealed.[7][93] First Assistant State's Attorney Joseph Magats said the office reached a deal with Smollett's defense team in which prosecutors would drop the charges if Smollett performed community service and forfeited his $10,000 bond.[94][95][96] Magats made a statement saying that the decision was not an exoneration of Smollett, "we stand behind the investigation, we stand behind the decision to charge him [...] The fact that [Smollett] feels that we have exonerated him, we have not. I can’t make it any clearer than that". Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel strongly criticized the decision saying it was a "whitewash of justice" and that "From top to bottom, this is not on the level". Police superintendent Eddie Johnson said that justice was not served.

He's right. He wasn't exonerated. Because he was never convicted of a crime, nor did he plead guilty to one.

You have to be proven guilty before you can be exonerated.

Smollett was never proven guilty :lol:

In fact, the prosecutors had to walk away from a nationally visible case because they didn't want it to go to court lmao. The fact that the prosecutors, the CPD, and Rahm Emanuel are throwing giant hissy fits doesn't change the fact that they fucked up so bad that they felt they couldn't prove, or didn't want to go to court over, what they claimed was a slam dunk case.

Smollett is better than exonerated: all charges were dropped because the prosecutors realized it was a very, very bad idea to bring them forth.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 27 Mar 2019 15:47, edited 1 time in total.
maz wrote:He's still fake and ghey in the court of public opinion and the jig is up with hate crime hoaxes :lol:

This is the only reason you ever cared about the case: using it as a bludgeon to advance your nazi ideas on race.

You're a terrible person Maz. You're somehow even worse at pretending to be a normal person.

Hong Wu wrote:Apparently he forfeited his bond money and agreed to do community service, which is a pretty good deal when you were staring down 16 felonies.

Someone doesn't want to explain what a plea bargain is. Or they can't, which is why they failed the bar.

Since Hong Wu is incapable of making use of his law degree: a plea bargain is when you plead guilty to a lesser crime. Smollett pleads to: nothing, the CPD fucked up big time and shit their pants in front of the entire nation.
SpecialOlympian wrote:He's right. He wasn't exonerated. Because he was never convicted of a crime, nor did he plead guilty to one.

You have to be proven guilty before you can be exonerated.

Smollett was never proven guilty :lol:


He forfeited his bond and took community service, that's a tacit admission of guilt right there. The guy definitely did it and they had him dead to rights, they didn't take it to trial because if even one black person was on the jury a not guilty verdict was guaranteed. Prosecutors don't like to lose big national cases and there's also the fact that Smollett had benefactors way up in the political establishment throwing their weight around on his behalf. There's no doubt that he did it and trying to pretend otherwise is just lame.
Sivad wrote::knife:

He forfeited his bond and took community service, that's a tacit admission of guilt right there.

Please tell us all what crime he pleaded guilty to then?

Oh. Was it none?

Yes, it was 0 crimes.

Also just lmfao that posters like Sivad can not imagine a world where any black man is innocent, ever. Obviously he must be guilty and only a vast conspiracy of blacks, Jews, or Jews working with blacks can explain this. It's a black and gay man's world now, the CPD and the attorney general just live in it.
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