Donald's Election Year War With Iran - Politics | PoFo

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Is Donald drumming up an election year war with Iran in an effort to create a patriotic flag waving environment that would enhance his re election chances and, in the bargain, fulfill possible promises to his Mid East buddy Netanyahu? He has been moving American military forces around the world wide devil's chessboard and issuing the usual pre war jingoism that has entertained the world for centuries. He has ordered a partial evacuation of the American embassy in Iraq due to "Iranian activity" that allegedly put Americans at "substantial risk". Iraqi officials said they were skeptical of the American intelligence that Mr. Pompeo presented last week on a surprise trip to Baghdad. Additionally, this has been disputed by the leader of British forces in the area Major General Chris Ghika who stated, " “No, there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria.”

One American official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential internal planning, said the new intelligence of an increased Iranian threat was “small stuff” and did not merit the military planning being driven by Mr. Bolton. The official also said the ultimate goal of the yearlong economic sanctions campaign by the Trump administration was to draw Iran into an armed conflict with the United States.

Critics of the Trump administration, and of Mr. John Bolton the national security advisor in particular, have suggested that American officials are presenting faulty intelligence to make a case for war against Iran, as the administration of President George W. Bush did in 2002 to justify the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Bolton was the under secretary of state for arms control and international security then, and he asserted that Saddam Hussein, the longtime ruler of Iraq, was trying to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Let us hope and pray that thousands of people do not die, as they did in Bolton's ill advised Iraqi war. Perhaps someone should remind Donald that he has an 18 year old war in Afghanistan that, perhaps, needs to be dealt with first.

BTW, does anyone know what, if anything, has happened with the Mid East Peace Plan that was assigned to America's favorite spoiled brat Jared Kushner some months back ( :lol: ).
Bolton will need a sufficiently convincing casus belli to prevent a revolt in Congress. The old WMD scam won't work anymore. Bolton might go behind Trump's back to make a back-channel deal with Israel. Israel has the technical means to stage a stealth sub attack on a US carrier. As long as it's guaranteed non-traceable, they'd get away with it easily. Israel would get the US-Iran war they've been lusting for.
jimjam wrote:Is Donald drumming up an election year war with Iran in an effort to create a patriotic flag waving environment that would enhance his re election chances and, in the bargain, fulfill possible promises to his Mid East buddy Netanyahu? He has been moving American military forces around the world wide devil's chessboard and issuing the usual pre war jingoism that has entertained the world for centuries. He has ordered a partial evacuation of the American embassy in Iraq due to "Iranian activity" that allegedly put Americans at "substantial risk". Iraqi officials said they were skeptical of the American intelligence that Mr. Pompeo presented last week on a surprise trip to Baghdad. Additionally, this has been disputed by the leader of British forces in the area Major General Chris Ghika who stated, " “No, there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria.”

One American official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential internal planning, said the new intelligence of an increased Iranian threat was “small stuff” and did not merit the military planning being driven by Mr. Bolton. The official also said the ultimate goal of the yearlong economic sanctions campaign by the Trump administration was to draw Iran into an armed conflict with the United States.

Critics of the Trump administration, and of Mr. John Bolton the national security advisor in particular, have suggested that American officials are presenting faulty intelligence to make a case for war against Iran, as the administration of President George W. Bush did in 2002 to justify the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Bolton was the under secretary of state for arms control and international security then, and he asserted that Saddam Hussein, the longtime ruler of Iraq, was trying to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Let us hope and pray that thousands of people do not die, as they did in Bolton's ill advised Iraqi war. Perhaps someone should remind Donald that he has an 18 year old war in Afghanistan that, perhaps, needs to be dealt with first.

BTW, does anyone know what, if anything, has happened with the Mid East Peace Plan that was assigned to America's favorite spoiled brat Jared Kushner some months back ( :lol: ).

Limited war perhaps. Full blown out war is unlikely because there is no easy way to occupy Iran. You don't simply occupy a country with 82 million people. Especially in the middle east.
jimjam wrote:Is Donald drumming up an election year war with Iran in an effort to create a patriotic flag waving environment that would enhance his re election chances and, in the bargain, fulfill possible promises to his Mid East buddy Netanyahu?....

Are you saying that Donald is starting a war just so he can prevent it? And in doing so is just a tactic for getting votes?

Come on man....
Gravy wrote:Are you saying that Donald is starting a war just so he can prevent it? And in doing so is just a tactic for getting votes?

Gravy wrote:So he's just "Drumming one up" then? Please explain.

My post was self explanatory. If, then, you still don't understand, rather than put words into my mouth ……. study history for a few years.
Gravy wrote:So he's just "Drumming one up" then? Please explain.

What other possible explanation could there be for hiring Bolton in the first place? Bolton is the go-to guy if you need to scratch the war-fever itch. Dude, Bolton doesn't even have an elaborate Kissinger-style historical justification - he just wants to let loose some bombs.


Okay, I'm just now seeing Trump's approved "sources" are floating stories that Trump is annoyed with Bolton and "frustrated." That's usually the shape-up or ship-out notice.
jimjam wrote:My post was self explanatory. If, then, you still don't understand, rather than put words into my mouth ……. study history for a few years.

Fair enough.

But when you say "Is Donald drumming up an election year war with Iran................that would enhance his re election chances" it does suggest the notion that Donald's actions towards Iran is being done merely to get reelected.

It could be however, that Donald is looking for a reason for war. If he sends troops, the thing to keep an eye on is if Donald utilizes the services of Erik Prince.
Finfinder wrote:Maybe Trump plans on airdropping pallets of cash over Tehran.

Hi Pal! I'm now next to the ocean up here in Maine. Maybe Donald wants to open a golf course on an oasis in the desert.
We have a number of things to consider here.

First, there's what President of the United States of America Donald Trump says about the subject. Then we have what members of his entourage such as Mr. John Bolton say about it. The top military brass can also weigh in. Then there's any number of spook organizations, both home and abroad. Foreign governments may dip their oar in the water. Spokesperson Mrs. Sarah Sanders may have yet another comment to add to the pile.

Finally, there's the next thing that President Donald Trump might say, more often than seldom at odds with what he's already said.

'Is a puzzlement.' [Quoted from 'The King And I'.]

John "Blood On His Hands" Bolton ^

Bolton has been successful in moving the United States toward his desired outcome with Iran – if getting the Pentagon to draw up plans to send 120,000 US troops to the region to confront Iran is any indication. There are hopeful signs that we can avoid war, as US officials and our European allies, seemingly alarmed by what Bolton is up to, are sounding the alarm about the Trump administration skewing intelligence on Iran. Bolton is on a fast track, seemingly aware that Trump’s time in office may be limited. The question, ultimately, is whether the president can stick to his instincts of avoiding more military conflict, or acquiesce to a man hellbent on boxing him into a corner with no way out other than war with Iran.
John Bolton: the man driving the US towards war … any war
Donald Trump’s national security adviser is stoking tensions with North Korea, Iran and Venezuela, in line with decades of taking the most hawkish position on any given issue.. ... SApp_Other
With tensions in the region high, Saudi Arabia is now encouraging the United States to escalate the hostilities and order a military strike on Iran. “They must be hit hard,” Arab News, a newspaper with ties to the Saudi government, declared on Thursday.

Beware. That was the Saudi line as well in 2015 when Obese Donald's friend Mad Prince, Mr. Bone Saw intervened in Yemen. He wanted to show his toughness and assumed that his armed forces would crush an Iran-backed faction there called the Houthis.

We are drifting toward an increased risk of a collision with Iran, and the U.S. Navy in particular worries about an accident in the Persian Gulf that escalates. In 1988, in a similar period of tensions, the United States mistakenly shot down an Iranian passenger plane, killing 290 people on board.
War is fun when it's a video game, or maybe when you have all the weapons and all the allies. I hope it never happens, but if one day, war is fought on American soil - maybe Americans won't be so keen on telling the rest of the world they must do what the US wants or they will bring them 'democracy'.

And maybe the one good thing about President Trump is, despite being a terrible 'bossy boots', he is not such a war-monger as previous presidents.
Trump doesn't need anything dramatic to win at this point. The Dems and MSM are already caught in a perfect triangle, I'm calling it now.

1. MSM wants Biden to win the nomination.
2. Biden wants to say that China is no economic threat because his son took tons of money from them.
3. MSM wants to present China as an economic threat because Trump is tangling with them.

The way this triangulates is that the leftist MSM has to push a candidate they're undermining. Lol!
The Donald's approval ratings should be lifted somehow, but I wonder how a war with Iran would do the job for him, maybe he should ask Bibi to explain it to Congress and the American people how it is a good thing (but he definitely shouldn't ask MBS because he's a complete embarrassment even in America anyway). I also wonder if the majority in America would ever believe the Iranians attacked an American warship (Gulf of Tonkin incident). And how would he explain it to Putin who generously called him a genius? On a personal level, he's addicted to cable news and wouldn't like to see images on TV that would haunt him in his death bed.
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