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By jimjam
Donald's life long M.O. which he took with him to the White House is, essentially, that he is above the law. Laws are for other people, losers like you and I.


Donald got his early training from Roy Cohn ^. From him, Trump learned how, when he was in trouble, to change the subject by acting outrageously, to never apologize and always stay on the offense. Later, Cohn became a consigliere to New York’s mafia families, some of whom also had ties to Trump, even as he ranted about law and order.

During his time as a real estate developer/con artist who left a trail of broken contracts, under payments, non payments and too much more to enumerate Donald maintained a stable of dozens of lawyers who, effectively, saw to it that Donald was above the law. Donald's attack lawyer brigade would sue, sue, delay and sue again to assure that their paymaster never had to answer to the law.

Donald's most recent cover up appears to involve a whistleblower’s complaint that included a private conversation between the US president and a foreign leader. Some of the allegations appear to center on Ukraine. Trump spoke with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, on 25 July, about two weeks before the complaint was filed. Washington is rife with speculation that the US president may have been pressuring Zelensky to provide damaging information about former vice-president Joe Biden, his potential opponent in the 2020 election.

Trump offered a characteristically pugnacious defense against what he called a “partisan” whistleblower. He told reporters in the Oval Office that it was “a ridiculous story” and “just another political hack job” and that his conversations with foreign leaders were “totally appropriate”.

Asked about whether he discussed Biden, Trump insisted: “It doesn’t matter what I discussed.” (Trump speak for "yes" :eek: ) But he added “someone ought to look into” the Democrat, who is currently leading opinion polls against rivals for the party’s nomination in 2020.

But during a three-hour closed-door briefing on Thursday, the I.G. of the intelligence community Michael Atkinson told the House intelligence committee that the acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, barred him from providing details of the complaint to Congress.

The law is “very clear” that the whistle-blower complaint must be handed over to Congress, said Senator Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats.

“The inspector general determines what level of concern it is,” Mr. King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in an interview. “Once the determination is made,” he added, the director of national intelligence “has a ministerial responsibility to share that with Congress — it is not discretionary.”

Here we go again kids. It may be time to invade Iran.
Last edited by jimjam on 21 Sep 2019 02:34, edited 1 time in total.
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By Rancid
The US is most definitely becoming more like a developing country. The levels of corruption are getting higher.

This is something anti-US types should be happy about. It's getting easier for other nations to interfere with domestic affairs. Perhaps the US will become a Banana republic.
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By JohnRawls
jimjam wrote:Donald's life long M.O. which he took with him to the White House is, essentially, that he is above the law. Laws are for other people, losers like you and I.


Donald got his early training from Roy Cohn ^. From him, Trump learned how, when he was in trouble, to change the subject by acting outrageously, to never apologize and always stay on the offense. Later, Cohn became a consigliere to New York’s mafia families, some of whom also had ties to Trump, even as he ranted about law and order.

During his time as a real estate developer/con artist who left a trail of broken contracts, under payments, non payments and too much more to enumerate Donald maintained a stable of dozens of lawyers who, effectively, saw to it that Donald was above the law. Donald's attack lawyer brigade would sue, sue, delay and sue again to assure that their paymaster never had to answer to the law.

Donald's most recent cover up appears to involve a whistleblower’s complaint that included a private conversation between the US president and a foreign leader. Some of the allegations appear to center on Ukraine. Trump spoke with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, on 25 July, about two weeks before the complaint was filed. Washington is rife with speculation that the US president may have been pressuring Zelensky to provide damaging information about former vice-president Joe Biden, his potential opponent in the 2020 election.

Trump offered a characteristically pugnacious defense against what he called a “partisan” whistleblower. He told reporters in the Oval Office that it was “a ridiculous story” and “just another political hack job” and that his conversations with foreign leaders were “totally appropriate”.

Asked about whether he discussed Biden, Trump insisted: “It doesn’t matter what I discussed.” (Trump speak for "yes":eek: ) But he added “someone ought to look into” the Democrat, who is currently leading opinion polls against rivals for the party’s nomination in 2020.

But during a three-hour closed-door briefing on Thursday, the I.G. of the intelligence community Michael Atkinson told the House intelligence committee that the acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, barred him from providing details of the complaint to Congress.

The law is “very clear” that the whistle-blower complaint must be handed over to Congress, said Senator Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats.

“The inspector general determines what level of concern it is,” Mr. King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in an interview. “Once the determination is made,” he added, the director of national intelligence “has a ministerial responsibility to share that with Congress — it is not discretionary.”

Here we go again kids. It may be time to invade Iran.

The dirt that you are talking about is about Bidens son who was put in charge of making deals between Ukraine-US companies for oil shale. I am not sure if Bidens son is involved in any corruption but its pretty weird non the less that he was put in charge of such an important post out of nowhere. At best this is either Nepotism or Imperialism and at worst this will also involve corruption and bribes.

By the way, don't worry. The Russians probably have this information already and will release everything when the time comes if they consider it necessary.
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By blackjack21
jimjam wrote:Here we go again kids. It may be time to invade Iran.

I think Sleepy Joe's memory may start failing him much faster now.

Rancid wrote:It's getting easier for other nations to interfere with domestic affairs.

Maybe the Democrats are hoping they can make some hay out of it. However, Biden himself bragged about withholding funds for loan guarantees to Ukraine if they didn't fire a prosecutor who was investigating a company for corruption where his son was on the board of directors. That's not exactly something Joe Biden wants in the news, which is why he has been loath to comment on the story.

JohnRawls wrote:The dirt that you are talking about is about Bidens son who was put in charge of making deals between Ukraine-US companies for oil shale.

The issue is more specific than that: a prosecutor was looking into Hunter Biden for corruption. Joe Biden stepped in and withheld US loan guarantees in exchange for firing the prosecutor looking into his son. Later, Hunter Biden flew with his Vice President Father to China where he secured $1B for his son's hedge fund, his son having no prior investing experience with hedge funds.

JohnRawls wrote:The Russians probably have this information already and will release everything when the time comes if they consider it necessary.

Biden actually bragged about doing this, which if he did is a bribe--offering something of value in exchange for changing official policy. Democrats run with this story at their peril, because all it does is highlight Biden's corruption and their tolerance of it. It wouldn't surprise me if the whistleblower is actually a Trump supporter and this is just another ruse to get the story front and center, because in spite of audio/visual footage of Biden claiming to have done this, only FoxNews has put it front and center. One of Trump's MOs is to get the media to cover things it otherwise wouldn't cover. There has been some interesting press coverage, but TV coverage outside of FoxNews has been nil until now.

VanityFair has an interesting piece on it: HUNTER BIDEN’S WORK IN UKRAINE EMERGES AS A POTENTIAL 2020 SCANDAL
In short, the story is this: in the final year of the Obama presidency, Vice President Joe Biden “threatened to withhold $1 billion in United States loan guarantees if Ukraine’s leaders did not dismiss the country’s top prosecutor”—Viktor Shokin—“who had been accused of turning a blind eye to corruption in his own office and among the political elite.” The pressure campaign also just so happened to benefit Biden’s younger son, Hunter, who was then getting paid as much as $50,000 to sit on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that was in Shokin’s sights. The question the Times raises, but does not answer, is: were Joe’s and Hunter’s overlapping interests in Ukraine coincidental, or corrupt?

So that's the story.

I think the Democrats may think they can make some "collusion" hay here, but there are clear ties between the Bidens and Ukraine, which is not something I think they are going to want to highlight.
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By JohnRawls
blackjack21 wrote:I think Sleepy Joe's memory may start failing him much faster now.

Maybe the Democrats are hoping they can make some hay out of it. However, Biden himself bragged about withholding funds for loan guarantees to Ukraine if they didn't fire a prosecutor who was investigating a company for corruption where his son was on the board of directors. That's not exactly something Joe Biden wants in the news, which is why he has been loath to comment on the story.

The issue is more specific than that: a prosecutor was looking into Hunter Biden for corruption. Joe Biden stepped in and withheld US loan guarantees in exchange for firing the prosecutor looking into his son. Later, Hunter Biden flew with his Vice President Father to China where he secured $1B for his son's hedge fund, his son having no prior investing experience with hedge funds.

Biden actually bragged about doing this, which if he did is a bribe--offering something of value in exchange for changing official policy. Democrats run with this story at their peril, because all it does is highlight Biden's corruption and their tolerance of it. It wouldn't surprise me if the whistleblower is actually a Trump supporter and this is just another ruse to get the story front and center, because in spite of audio/visual footage of Biden claiming to have done this, only FoxNews has put it front and center. One of Trump's MOs is to get the media to cover things it otherwise wouldn't cover. There has been some interesting press coverage, but TV coverage outside of FoxNews has been nil until now.

VanityFair has an interesting piece on it: HUNTER BIDEN’S WORK IN UKRAINE EMERGES AS A POTENTIAL 2020 SCANDAL

So that's the story.

I think the Democrats may think they can make some "collusion" hay here, but there are clear ties between the Bidens and Ukraine, which is not something I think they are going to want to highlight.

Yeah, i know. It is not exactly secret information if we know about this. I actually pay attention to what is happening in Ukraine and the Bidens son issue is old kind off. There is no angle from which Biden comes out unscaved from this. Because there is just too many suspicious things in this story knowing Ukraine and the such.

As for Trump asking Zelensky to speed up the process is kinda meh obviously. From a morality standpoint it seems dubious BUT this is something that just happens in US politics. People had been trying to figure an outragouse story after story about Bush, Obama, Hillary etc and Trump is just the current target. So when he fights back in a similar manner then its wrong? Nobody will care unless he did more than just ask. Its not Trumps problem that the story this time is probably credible. Its Bidens own fault.
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By jimjam
JohnRawls wrote: I am not sure if Bidens son is involved in any corruption but its pretty weird non the less that he was put in charge of such an important post out of nowhere.

not to worry. Donald's son in law was put in charge of making peace in the Middle East :lol: . sorry about the "gate" J.R., I guess I am not as serious minded as you. I use "gate" strictly as a goof.

Personally I could care less about Biden & Co. I would prefer that he simply leave the stage. If Trump was trying to abuse his power of the presidency to solicit foreign help for his campaign, it’s hard to imagine a more impeachable offense.
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By JohnRawls
jimjam wrote:not to worry. Donald's son in law was put in charge of making peace in the Middle East :lol: . sorry about the "gate" J.R., I guess I am not as serious minded as you. I use "gate" strictly as a goof.

Personally I could care less about Biden & Co. I would prefer that he simply leave the stage. If Trump was trying to abuse his power of the presidency to solicit foreign help for his campaign, it’s hard to imagine a more impeachable offense.

So you just want to get rid of Trump? That is hardly fair and honest.
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By jimjam
JohnRawls wrote:So you just want to get rid of Trump? That is hardly fair and honest.

did I say that? well, that would be a good start. not so much as get rid of him but I would like to see that he is not above the law. If that were to happen, he would be gone as a matter of course. I would like to see a government that, from top down, represents the will of the people rather that the will of the lobbyists and plutocracy.

Just like Nixon before him, Trump has shown the whole world he'll stop at nothing, though it means breaking the law, to destroy his enemies. Unlike Nixon, Trump hardly makes a secret of his wrongdoing because according to his twisted logic the more blatant his lawlessness and the longer he avoids the proper natural consequences of his actions, the more indomitable and untouchable and miraculous he appears to his base.
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By blackjack21
jimjam wrote:well, that would be a good start. not so much as get rid of him but I would like to see that he is not above the law.

Would you like to see that Biden is not above the law? Or just Trump? What about Hillary? Should she face consequences? Or Obama? All that fake Russiagate stuff is criminal you know...
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:Would you like to see that Biden is not above the law? Or just Trump? What about Hillary? Should she face consequences? Or Obama? All that fake Russiagate stuff is criminal you know...

you have been worshiping Obese Donald for so long that you are starting to sound like him. I am referring to the current potus …… Obese Donald. Not Obama, Biden, Hillary, Mitch, Giuseppe Giorgi, Lamont Stephenson, or Mickey Mouse.

I would like to know that the current serving POTUS is not above the law just like losers like you and I are not.

And, in the birds of a feather flock together department, here's another pic of Obese Donald's mentor: Roy Piece Of Shit Cohn: Image

And Donald's current "lawyer" (not counting America's pretend Attorney General Barr) Rudi The Ukraine errand boy:


Damn straight Russiagate was criminal: 34 people and 3 companies from the Trump swamp were indicted or pleaded guilty to various crimes.
By late
At the time this happened, the IMF, the EU, and America were all pressuring Ukraine to clean up their corruption. Firing the prosecutor was part of that effort.

That, of course, was in the real world.

What is amazing, is that the Trump crowd is blindly projecting. That is, they are projecting their crime onto someone else. It's a common tactic criminals use.

What makes it significant, and damning, is that Trump was trying to extort cooperation to help himself, at the expense of the national interest.

That's what the Founding Fathers called High Crime.
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By BigSteve
jimjam wrote:you have been worshiping Obese Donald for so long that you are starting to sound like him. I am referring to the current potus …… Obese Donald. Not Obama, Biden, Hillary, Mitch, Giuseppe Giorgi, Lamont Stephenson, or Mickey Mouse.

So, once he's out of office he should be left alone? That's fine with me. After all, those other folks you named are no longer in office and you're making it clear that you don't think theyt should be investigated. It's refreshing to see you express the same opinion about your President.

Trump is going to spend his entire Presidency under investigation by Democratic shitbags who just can't wrap their pointed little heads around the fact that their would-be queen lost.

I would like to know that the current serving POTUS is not above the law just like losers like you and I are not.

What about a former President? A former Secretary of State? Should they be above the law?

Damn straight Russiagate was criminal: 34 people and 3 companies from the Trump swamp were indicted or pleaded guilty to various crimes.

And how many of those directly involved Trump? Keep in mind that "guilt by association" really isn't a thing...
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By blackjack21
jimjam wrote:If Trump was trying to abuse his power of the presidency to solicit foreign help for his campaign, it’s hard to imagine a more impeachable offense.

How about treason, bribery, a capital offense or a misdemeanor? So far, we don't even have a statute or regulation he's violated yet. We just have Democrats pissed off that he's pointing out that Biden used his position to line the pockets of his son rather than himself, thereby bypassing the terms of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act much the way the Clintons did with the Clinton Foundation.

jimjam wrote:you have been worshiping Obese Donald for so long that you are starting to sound like him.

You can hear me? Wow! I still don't like "Obese Donald." You're a dyed in the wool Democrat. Can't you just make up alliterative phrases or rhymes like Dumpy Donald, Tubby Trump, or Plump Trump? C'mon. Step up your game here. Obese Donald is too clinical.

jimjam wrote:I would like to know that the current serving POTUS is not above the law just like losers like you and I are not.

Yet, you are claiming that he uses lawyers, legal process and the courts to be "above the law." He wins some cases and loses others. Don't you have faith in the system to sort that out?

jimjam wrote:And, in the birds of a feather flock together department, here's another pic of Obese Donald's mentor: Roy Piece Of Shit Cohn:

Quite a handsome guy. I'll bet the ladies fawned all over him!

jimjam wrote:Damn straight Russiagate was criminal: 34 people and 3 companies from the Trump swamp were indicted or pleaded guilty to various crimes.

Yes, but not one of them establishing links between Trump and the government of Russia to cause Hillary Clinton to lose spectacularly to a political neophyte, because she was such a shrill lazy bitch that didn't even bother to campaign in Wisconsin.

late wrote:At the time this happened, the IMF, the EU, and America were all pressuring Ukraine to clean up their corruption. Firing the prosecutor was part of that effort.

The prosecutor was investigating corruption, including Joe Biden's son. That's why it's newsworthy.

late wrote:What is amazing, is that the Trump crowd is blindly projecting. That is, they are projecting their crime onto someone else.

What crime is that?

late wrote:What makes it significant, and damning, is that Trump was trying to extort cooperation to help himself, at the expense of the national interest.

As far as we know, Trump did not offer anything of value. How would Trump--the chief law enforcement officer of the United States--harm the national interest (which he determines) by his interest in the machinations of Biden and his son? Biden himself is probably not guilty of a crime in the same way the Clintons sold the State Department to the highest bidder via the Clinton Foundation. However, it's possible they could hang something on Hunter Biden, since he does seem to hang out in some rather shady places--Cyprus for example.

late wrote:That's what the Founding Fathers called High Crime.

They were talking about treason and bribery. Biden's son actually has ties to Ukraine unlike all the fanciful and utterly uncorroborated allegations against Trump.

BigSteve wrote:Trump is going to spend his entire Presidency under investigation by Democratic shitbags who just can't wrap their pointed little heads around the fact that their would-be queen lost.

Hillary Clinton losing is, I think, the greatest upset in modern political history. I relish the thought.
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By Stormsmith
What is amazing, is that the Trump crowd is blindly projecting. That is, they are projecting their crime onto someone else. It's a common tactic criminals use

Ah, yes. The much venerated "I'm rubber, you're glue" defence.
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By jimjam
President Trump personally ordered his staff to freeze more than $391 million in aid to Ukraine in the days before he pressed the new Ukrainian president to investigate the Democrats’ leading presidential candidate.
Mr. Trump issued his directive to Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, who conveyed it through the budget office to the Pentagon and the State Department.

Mr. Trump issued his directive to Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, who conveyed it through the budget office to the Pentagon and the State Department. “No, I didn’t — I didn’t do it,” Mr. Trump told reporters. But just moments before, he suggested that there would be nothing wrong with linking American funding for Ukraine, a former Soviet republic that is fighting Russian-backed separatists, to a corruption inquiry about Mr. Biden and his family.

We have reached a tipping point. A new low. If there is any shred of checks and balances left, Congress needs to at least tame or better take this wannabe tyrant down. America's freedom and future deserves no less. Even if the GOP-infested Senate votes to acquit, this rogue regime needs to be exposed in all its corruption and utter incompetence.

The best, it seems, that pofo Obese Donald apologists seem to be able to offer in defense of the Fat Guy is something along the lines of "Hillary is worse" or "(insert name here) also was a lying piece of jet trash."

The readout of the call to Ukraine’s president will be written in Sharpie. no doubt :lol:
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By blackjack21
jimjam wrote:The best, it seems, that pofo Obese Donald apologists seem to be able to offer in defense of the Fat Guy is something along the lines of "Hillary is worse" or "(insert name here) also was a lying piece of jet trash."

We still don't have a definitive violation of the United States Code outlined here. What law do you think he broke? Do you think the President is not allowed to investigate violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by a former VP? If so, why?

Ukraine is not an enemy of the United States. We have been supplying them with military aid. So the "treason" mantra doesn't make sense either.
By annatar1914
jimjam wrote: But just moments before, he suggested that there would be nothing wrong with linking American funding for Ukraine, a former Soviet republic that is fighting Russian-backed separatists, to a corruption inquiry about Mr. Biden and his family.

@jimjam ;

Seriously, JJ? The Ukrainian government is a Fascist regime that has basically been trying since the coup in 2013 to ethnically cleanse the Donbass region of it's Russian population. I take this shit seriously because I know people involved in that slaughter, and your quote here without the true context implies the usual bullshit liberal mantra of ''Russian aggression against the Ukraine'' when almost the reverse is true, and American backed provocation against Russia. And the fact of Biden and company being involved with the same bunch of Oligarchs and Neo-Nazi Fascistic bastards in Kiev should be setting off your own alarms, if it weren't for your TDS.
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By jimjam
annatar1914 wrote:The Ukrainian government is a Fascist regime

I'll leave Ukraine shit up to you to ferret out. You are the expert here. I am concerned with the 11,000 lies told by Obese Donald and his Mafioso/dictator style that puts him above the law. If this concern is in your mind "deranged" ……….. you got issues Bud. The Fat Guy is simply reaping the crap that he has sowed all of his life.
By annatar1914

I'll leave Ukraine shit up to you to ferret out. You are the expert here.

Let's just say I know enough, and I kind of wish I didn't. One thing I do know that I can see definitely becoming universal in the not too distant future is this; the Ukraine is a failed State run by Oligarchs who rule the puppet ''government'' like a Mafia, who hate Russia, Orthodox Christianity, and Non-Fascists in general with a passion. These people someday hope to export their way of life to the rest of us. These are America's new friends in the region (and that their figurehead President happens to be a Jewish Comedian is a real inside joke of the kind only a Nazi would appreciate), friends of Obama, Clinton, and Trump it seems too.

I am concerned with the 11,000 lies told by Obese Donald and his Mafioso/dictator style that puts him above the law. If this concern is in your mind "deranged" ……….. you got issues Bud. The Fat Guy is simply reaping the crap that he has sowed all of his life.

You should know by now I'm no supporter of President Trump. But I think you better get used to these Oligarchs and their power struggles, because President Trump and his family are in the White House, and they're there to stay for good.
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