Blackface: Canada's Racist PM - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:Your kind of racism is worse. It's blatant, obvious and you try to conceal it behind pseudoscience.

You just echoed my thoughts to a tee..

Next he'll break out the bell(end) curve to 'prove' that racial intelligence is a thing...
This is a very telling response by @Julian658:

A person that claims to be a conservative would never yell racism to try to win an argument. Your cover has been blown.

So you double down on the notion that being conservative these days is racist? I disagree. There is nothing conservative about racism though I freely admit that many of the Trump coalition are racist. Extremely. Sorta; like you

Yes, we humans are more advanced because we have a well developed frontal lobe to control the primitive drive of tribalism. HOwever, that does not change evolution. Like every SJW out there you are very weak in logic and science.

Nice try at an insult. And, of course, you are rejecting the science. But if you want to post some drivel about how people "evolved" to be racist you can. Here is an easy to read article that pretty much shows how your fringe "science" is simply wrong.

I said: What is not rocket science ought to be that your whole argument is nonsense. Lots of people were passed by who are male even though they were the "most qualified" as were many highly qualified women.

@Julian658 said: Fighting racism, sexism, or discrimination with racism, sexism, and discrimination is not the answer. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Thanks for admitting that you do not understand the argument. Let me just say two things about why this racist argument fails on the face of it.

First you have yet to show that efforts to achieve equal representation are a "wrong". You seem to ask us to simply admit it. I am happy to debate you on this subject. It should not take long at all.

Then you simply pronounce, without evidence, that attempts to fight racism are inherently racist. Presumably relying on your argument that political decisions ought to be completely merit based you call any attempt to do otherwise racist. I would like to see your evidence of the intention of any government anywhere to make this a political reality.

I said: Reason three. Trudeau ran on a party platform where he said he would make the cabinet more inclusive. And he got elected. The people who elected him should expect him to make good on this promise. So should you.

@Julian658 replied: SOcialism does not work. Racism of low expectation is on the long run evil.

Nice try at arguing "facts" not in evidence. Where is your evidence that "socialism does not work"? The "low expectations" thing is a racist talking point but again, you are assuming a fact not in evidence.

A form of racial discrimination where certain racial groups are offered benefits and assistance because of an implicit belief that they are less able.

I love this. So when a government requires that all elevators should have Braille floor numbers, you are saying that they are being "offered benefits and assistance because of an implicit belief that they are less able". They sure are. And you are when you get a scholarship based upon need.

I would tell you that the conservative way to look at assistance in (since you wish to make this about race rather than gender) achieving more equality in our culture is simply a good business decision. I would tell you that achieving racial and gender equality simply makes good business sense. Then, of course, I am a Christian so I believe in doing the right and kind thing in general. Few modern conservatives embrace this idea and the churches are filled with them.

I suspected you and Godstud are clones. I am all for equal opportunity.

Godstud and I are on opposite sides of the world. :roll:

And you are not for equal opportunity. You just posted beaucoup words showing us that.

But, to seek equal results is evil to the core.

Can you introduce some evidence that this is true. I would say two things about it:

First, if you are talking about achieving a society where someone can achieve based upon their own abilities and desires, you have to remove traditional and irrational barriers to doing it. Like the entrenched racial barriers in US society. Like the traditional discrimination of women in the marketplace.

Second, your argument that this is about "equal results" is just wrong. This is not about getting everyone to get an A in math. To attempt to devolve the argument to that is absurd and childish. Oh yea. And racist.

When I set out to teach a class at the University it should be my goal that every student get the information at the A level. That is seeking equal results. It should never be the goal of a teacher to look at his/her class as a competition. There is no desire to crown a winner. It should be to impart the information to each student knowing that some will get more than others. But the goal should still be that they all get "it". That is the conservative way.

Why do you think MAO ordered men and women to dress the same way? He was looking for an equality that does not exist. There is no way you are a conservative dude.

I was a soldier for 20 years. We dressed the same way everyday. ( But then the military is the very definition of a socialist society using your definition of socialism.)

There is the N word and then there is the M word. SJWs like you fear the M word. You are a racist of low expectations.

What is the "M" word you seem to expect me to fear. I have no idea what you are talking about. Your attempt at a final zinger fails though. You have yet to point to a single thing that I said which supports I have "low expectations" of a single person. If you want to argue about whether, in the face of traditional gender and racial discrimination going back generations, it is wrong for me to have lowered expectations of their groups I would tell you to bring it on. The problem with your argument is that you want to argue generalities on moment and specifics another. Do blacks and women face baked in societal impairments to success in the US and Canada? Of course they do. Is it right to try to tear these down? IMO yes. Does that make me a "liberal" or "socialist"? Only to people who do not understand what either term means.
Godstud wrote:Yeah, he was 30 years old when he did that stupid shit, and became Prime Minister in 2015 at the age of 44. You don't think 14 years makes a difference? :roll:

Anyways, I don't care what you think, since you know squat about Canada, and live in some Floridian shit-hole. :p

Hypocrisy much?? LOL
Godstud wrote:So I guess I can call you a racist Nazi then, since I see nothing wrong with those terms when used to describe you(the far right)? :D

SJW is a derogatory term, and you know that. "Lefty" is, as well. I am only surprised that you forgot "libtard" and "liberal". Feel free to edit your post so that you can include all the ad hominems that you forgot. :lol:

Nazism is repulsive and not tolerated in society. OTOH, many are proud to be called SJW and lefty. IF you feel you are close to the center you need to review your position more carefully.

Both sexes deserve equal representation in government.

You cannot construct a world with that sort of equality without severe discrimination. At some point qualified men and women will be discriminated because of the 50/50 quota. You are not using your head. IF you do not want to be call an SJW then do not act like one.

Your feelings about Trudeau are not relevant, and you cannot prove your accusation of racism, because it's imaginary.

Black face is always racist. You are so entrenched into the left that you defend racism on the left.

Irrelevant, and nonsensical. Women are not a minority.

That is the first intelligent thing you have said. Then why do we treat them as such? Sexism of low expectations?

Your kind of racism is worse. It's blatant, obvious and you try to conceal it behind pseudoscience.

I simply describe reality. BTW, you have accepted there is racism of low expectations with the above statement.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:It's absolutely priceless that this is happening to one of the spearheads of progressivism. Nobody could be more deserving of outrage archeology.

Just wait until Trump picks the next supreme court justice.
You cannot construct a world with that sort of equality without severe discrimination. At some point qualified men and women will be discriminated because of the 50/50 quota. You are not using your head. IF you do not want to be call an SJW then do not act like one.

Show me where anyone said that. You can't. There is no "quota".

Then tell me why it is unreasonable for a woman to want equal representation. Besides. Women are 50+% of voters. They can insist if push comes to shove and there is nothing men can do about it.

You are the one not using your head. You are a Fox News talking point. SJW indeed. Just a made up so-called conservative talking point. Tell me sport. Why do you reject democracy and with what would you replace it.
Drlee wrote:Show me where anyone said that. You can't. There is no "quota".

Then tell me why it is unreasonable for a woman to want equal representation. Besides. Women are 50+% of voters. They can insist if push comes to shove and there is nothing men can do about it.

You are the one not using your head. You are a Fox News talking point. SJW indeed. Just a made up so-called conservative talking point. Tell me sport. Why do you reject democracy and with what would you replace it.

There are many jobs that are nearly 100% male. What is the plan to achieve parity? How would you do it?
Pants-of-dog wrote:I hope Bernier’s party gets a lot of popularity and votes.

This would draw off the racist vote from the Conservatives, splitting the right wing vote.

Here in Ontario the Liberals had moved pretty hard Left. I dont know how many votes they actually gained but they lost some of the centre to the Progressive Conservatives/Ford/Ford. If Berniers' party.. or any fringe right party grabs the racists while the Liberals stay in the left, it might motivate the PC/Cons. to moderate themselves and occupy the centre. Its not possible with the current line up -Scheer is too religious to be a Centrist party Face/Leader while Bernier is too Liberal/Libertarian/odd, while moderate conservatives have no reason to believe in Bernier over the Cons to really invigorate that new party.
There are many jobs that are nearly 100% male. What is the plan to achieve parity? How would you do it?

You answer my questions before I waste any more time on you. I don't think you can.

You seem to be unable to understand this discussion.
Yes, a lot of the fight against racism happens within the soul, so to speak. Even if one grows up in a household where racism is deplored, you still absorb a lot of racist stuff unconsciously from school, friends, media, politicians, and other parts of society.

So we all end up believing racist things even if it is on a subconscious level. And we have to examine our own behaviour and thoughts in order to get rid of that stuff.
Beren wrote:And the course of this whole blackface thing, which was supposed to be a game changing September surprise I guess, was predictable too.

Canadians are secretly racist, so I'm sure many of them applaud Justin Trudeau's blackface fetish.

Presvias wrote:That's actually more of a policy of the right btw, ie Reagan-Thaycher's 'care in the community'/put a sticking plaster on it type approach.

De-institutionalization started before the Reagan/Thatcher era. In California, it was Democratic party legislation, which Reagan signed into law. It had the effect of closing mental hospitals, because they were funded on a capitation basis. With fewer heads, there was less funding and they could not afford to stay open. So we ended up with crazies running around on the streets instead. I think some sort of institutionalization system would be a better solution for non-violent drug offenders who need a thorough rehabilitation program.

Presvias wrote:So you do want to live in a society like that.

In my view, it's a function of nature. Government can blunt its effects a bit, but it cannot change human nature.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:There are so many images now of him doing this, it actually comes across as an odd obsession. Weird.

Given his behavior in India last year, I think he's just a weird dude.

Julian658 wrote:Most my friends are right of center and none ever did black face growing up.

That's what I mean that the political left is attacking the right for the things people on the political left did in the past, as though it had been done by the right. That is also quite weird, because when you dig up the past, you frequently find the political left of the past is the guilty party of the accusations of the political left of the present.

Godstud wrote:The situations in which he went 'blackface'(18 years ago) were in bad taste and stupid, but not relevant to the person he is now, or what he's doing now.

When you attack people for doing things you have done yourself, it is relevant to the person you are now.

Julian658 wrote:He named his cabinet 50% female whether they were qualified or not.

Yes, and it is one of those females that threw him under the bus.

Godstud wrote:His record, since then, would indicate that he is NOT a racist, as he has the most diverse cabinet in Canadian history, and that fact erases any doubt that this is false.

It still suggests an obsession with race. It wouldn't surprise me if he dresses up to look like them in his off time.

Godstud wrote:Yes, it can be a cause of racism, as racism is LEARNED.

There is an innate quality to racism too, which the left does not want to address.

Julian658 wrote:Most humans are biologically conditioned to be racists. As they grow up they actually learn not to be racist.

That's correct. This is where the political left ditches science in further of ideology. Darwinian sexual selection means that recessive traits necessarily must prefer their own recessive traits in order to survive. Blue-eyed people have two parents with blue-eyed genes. I have blue eyes.

Presvias wrote:Is this still news?

Mod necroposting...yawn.

It's part of the Canadian election cycle which ends in about two weeks.

B0ycey wrote:Trudeau did this when it was mildly acceptable and people are starting to get more educated today.

You think people were poorly educated in 2000? Trudeau was a school teacher at the time. He was educating people!

Beren wrote:And the course of this whole blackface thing, which was supposed to be a game changing September surprise I guess, was predictable too.

Canadians are kind of fraudulent in their self-image as paragons of virtue. It's quite funny that Trudeau's credibility is shattered for corruption, but it rebounds nicely when he's shown to have a significant history of racial insults.

Rich wrote:Its part learned but speciesism, racism and tribalism are all instinctive human traits.

Right. Globalist imperialist ideology deliberately clouds science in furtherance of their political/economic objectives.

Godstud wrote:Race isn't as big an issue in Canada, and someone who knows even a little bit about Canada knows that.

How long since you've been back? There are definitely increased issues with Islam now, which the left regularly conflates with racism.

Drlee wrote:There is nothing conservative about racism though I freely admit that many of the Trump coalition are racist.

In the American sense or the ancien regime? No True Scotsman fallacies can run wild with that sort of definition. Racism afflicts all political ideologies except anti-racism from what I can tell.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, a lot of the fight against racism happens within the soul, so to speak. Even if one grows up in a household where racism is deplored, you still absorb a lot of racist stuff unconsciously from school, friends, media, politicians, and other parts of society.

So we all end up believing racist things even if it is on a subconscious level. And we have to examine our own behaviour and thoughts in order to get rid of that stuff.


I'm also finding it odd that I've been agreeing with you a lot lately..... . :hmm: :x :lol:
Your usual load of shit. From the Wiki article.

The second allegation caused a wave of calls for Fairfax to resign from politicians including many Democrats in the General Assembly; most of Virginia's Democratic members of Congress, including Tim Kaine; former Governor Terry McAuliffe; and multiple nationally prominent Democrats, including several running for president in 2020.[60][43] Delegate Patrick Hope, also a Democrat, announced that he would introduce articles of impeachment against Fairfax within three days if Fairfax had not resigned.[66] The Virginia legislature's Black Caucus asked Fairfax to resign.[6
Drlee wrote:You answer my questions before I waste any more time on you. I don't think you can.

You seem to be unable to understand this discussion.

OK, among all the left wing rhetoric I missed the question. Please ask again. I assume you will then answer my question.
blackjack21 wrote:Canadians are secretly racist, so I'm sure many of them applaud Justin Trudeau's blackface fetish.

It's really a secret then since the blackface scandal actually hurt him. However, Trudeau is a real political genius, not just some overrated conman and demagogue whose approval ratings simply cannot improve.

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