UK Grooming Gangs - girls raped and sold for sex - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Truth To Power wrote:No, it only means "Asians" -- i.e., South Asian Muslims -- can't be convicted.
Asians also include Chinese and Japanese. At least the latter is known to be quite "creative" on sex.

I agree that the proportions can be explained by a variety of reasons, but the quoted one is very specific and I think proof is necessary.
Patrickov wrote:Asians also include Chinese and Japanese. At least the latter is known to be quite "creative" on sex.

I agree that the proportions can be explained by a variety of reasons, but the quoted one is very specific and I think proof is necessary.

In Britain, the term 'Asian' is usually used to refer to South Asians. This is because of the legacy of the British Raj in what is now India and Pakistan - in the post-War period, there was a large influx of immigrants from India and Pakistan, whereas immigration from China and Japan is negligible. South Asians, in general, tend to be very strict on sexual propriety, especially the Muslims. They also tend to be strongly misogynistic.
Red_Army wrote:Again I refuse to read this thread, but I must assume the gang in the thread title refers to the British royal family.

IMHO the word "because" describes what happened here more accurately than "but".

Had it been the case that the video refers the Royal Family as the said gang, they would have had made a big deal of it, one way or another. This is not something to be brushed off easily, and there are always people who are much more eager to pursue the Royal Family.
Sometimes I suspect the term "Asian" is used as a deliberate attempt to try to obscure who they are talking about. It's as if they're trying to lump Pakistan with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean to try to average things out and make the statistics look better.

For an American, the word "Asian" is synonymous with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. Mainly referring to East Asians. Also Thailand for example.

In the UK, the term has mainly come to refer to Pakistan and the Middle East that happens to be on the Asian continent, because that is who most of the immigrants are that the UK has been getting.

Somewhat confusing, since words can carry different meanings and different connotations in different places, and we have people in this forum from different parts of the English-speaking world.

I hate that things are so complicated that this always requires an explanation in these threads.
Puffer Fish wrote:I hate that things are so complicated that this always requires an explanation in these threads.

I admit that it was not my main point, and I apologise for causing unnecessary frustration.
Code: Select all[quote="Patrickov"]IMHO the word "because" describes what happened here more accurately than "but".

Had it been the case that the video refers the Royal Family as the said gang, they would have had made a big deal of it, one way or another. This is not something to be brushed off easily, and there are always people who are much more eager to pursue the Royal Family.

You don't think "gang" is a word that's made a big deal of and is supposed to elicit a specific response? I don't think it should be brushed off easily.
Red_Army wrote:
Code: Select all[quote="Patrickov"]IMHO the word "because" describes what happened here more accurately than "but".

Had it been the case that the video refers the Royal Family as the said gang, they would have had made a big deal of it, one way or another. This is not something to be brushed off easily, and there are always people who are much more eager to pursue the Royal Family.

You don't think "gang" is a word that's made a big deal of and is supposed to elicit a specific response? I don't think it should be brushed off easily.
Which means the reports in the OP must be not referring to the Royal Family, otherwise it wouldn't have only caught so little attention.
Truth To Power wrote:almost exclusively Asian adult males

Grooming gangs...

In 2011 CEOP published an analysis of possible offenders who had been reported to it for “street grooming and child sexual exploitation”

Of those whose ethnicity was known 38% were white, 26% were Asian and 3% were black.

32% were unknown

Anyone would think only 'Asians' abused children reading the comments in this thread. Grooming gangs are a only small subset of a much more extensive set of abusers, 90% of whom are white men.

... sexual assault by rape or penetration (including attempts) during childhood. This equates to an estimated 567,000 adult women aged 16 to 59 having experienced this type of abuse during their childhood compared with an estimated 102,000 adult men aged 16 to 59.

Abuse during childhood - Office of National Statistics 4 August 2016
Sivad wrote:Isn't the UK basically run by pedophiles? From what I can tell most of your elites over there are either fucking kids or covering up for kid fuckers. You Brits got a diseased little freak show of a society going on, don't ya?

Yes, true.
That's what you get when you have to eat boiled vegetables and beans in tomato sauce :(
I can hardly believe the outraged lefties on this forum who seem to be of the opinion that gangs of Pakistani men who for decades have raped, trafficked, and sold children for sex on an industrial scale in this country, are no more of a threat than gangs of white English men who rape, traffic and sell children for sex.

Can anyone furnish me with details of the last gang of white English men who were charged with raping, trafficking and selling children in this country?

FYI, this month a gang of 16 Pakistani paedophiles were jailed in Halifax, the gang included police constable Amjad Ditta. No doubt he was fast tracked into the police for no other reason than he was Pakistani. In another case a few days earlier four Pakistani paedophiles were jailed in Telford, one of them was Mohammed Ali Sultan, it was his third conviction for child sex offences.

The list of towns below have all been blessed with the multiculturally diverse cancer of Pakistani child rape gangs:

Halifax (Twice)
High Wycombe
Keighley (Twice)
Manchester (Twice)
Telford (Three times)

And the sad thing is, even though outraged lefties insist it's racist to talk about this abhorrent crime, we all know this list is not exhaustive and will be added to very shortly.
Red Rackham wrote:I can hardly believe the outraged lefties on this forum who seem to be of the opinion that gangs of Pakistani men who for decades have raped, trafficked, and sold children for sex on an industrial scale in this country, are no more of a threat than gangs of white English men who rape, traffic and sell children for sex.

Can anyone furnish me with details of the last gang of white English men who were charged with raping, trafficking and selling children in this country?

FYI, this month a gang of 16 Pakistani paedophiles were jailed in Halifax, the gang included police constable Amjad Ditta. No doubt he was fast tracked into the police for no other reason than he was Pakistani. In another case a few days earlier four Pakistani paedophiles were jailed in Telford, one of them was Mohammed Ali Sultan, it was his third conviction for child sex offences.

The list of towns below have all been blessed with the multiculturally diverse cancer of Pakistani child rape gangs:

Halifax (Twice)
High Wycombe
Keighley (Twice)
Manchester (Twice)
Telford (Three times)

And the sad thing is, even though outraged lefties insist it's racist to talk about this abhorrent crime, we all know this list is not exhaustive and will be added to very shortly.
Given the numbers in previous posts seem suggesting otherwise, is it possible that some British media purposefully report crimes committed by immigrants, and stir up a sentiment that "foreigners are uncontrollable thugs"? (To ba fair, locals generally know each other's manners and language well, so are much easier to control should problems arise)

I am trying to be a right-wing, but at the same time I do not think Leftists are pushing for a dubious agenda more than the Rightists. Most probably they are about equal in strength.
Red Rackham wrote:
Can anyone furnish me with details of the last gang of white English men who were charged with raping, trafficking and selling children in this country?

There were whispers of a pedophile ring at the highest levels of British government. Revelations suggest those rumors had substance and that a culture of deference helped hide child abuse for decades.

For decades, there were whispers of a pedophile ring operating at the highest levels of British society. Yesterday, British police announced results of an investigation that reveal those rumors to be an understatement. We should note, this story might be disturbing to some listeners. Vicki Barker reports from London.

VICKI BARKER, BYLINE: The tally of abuse seems to embrace virtually every British institution. Of the 1,433 suspects, 261 are considered people of public prominence - entertainers, athletes and politicians. Hundreds more held responsible positions at schools, orphanages, hospitals prisons, the military. Some 200 are now dead. Chief Constable Simon Bailey is leading the inquiry code-named Operation Hydrant.

CHIEF CONSTABLE SIMON BAILEY: It gives you some idea of the scale of the challenge that we're facing because this simply cannot be simply about the police service. It is far, far broader than that.

BARKER: The police haven't always been part of the solution. There are allegations that senior officers helped quash previous investigations.

BARKER: Three bronze dolphins cavort in the courtyard fountain at Dolphin Square, a stone's throw from Parliament and the government ministries of Whitehall. This vast 1930s apartment complex has long been a bolt-hole for the British establishment, but Dolphin Square is also one of several addresses across London where one pedophile ring, comprising some of Britain's most powerful men, allegedly abused underage boys in the 1960s, '70s and '80s, boys as young as 6 bused in from care homes or the slums. There are tales of orgies and even one allegation of murder.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Why would the state chose systematically to protect VIP pedophiles?

BARKER: In March, the BBC reported that an undercover police team investigating the ring in the early 1980s was ordered to hand over all of its evidence and the officers threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act. James Badenoch is a senior British lawyer who has handled a number of cases involving the sexual abuse of children.

JAMES BADENOCH: The idea that they were terrorized in the way alleged doesn't surprise me at all. What surprises me, like so many other citizens of this country, is the idea that people so high up would have been, A, involved in it and, B, willing to cover it up.

BARKER: Those trying to parse these new allegations of that long-ago abuse speak of a different time and age of a white, male British elite largely educated at boarding schools where bullies and pedophiles found fertile ground, of a culture of deference and an establishment that instinctively protected itself.

BARKER: Jon Bird helps run the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, or NAPAC. For decades, he says, its hotline has been hearing from men who say they were abused as children at Dolphin Square and elsewhere. The few who went to the police at the time got nowhere. ... se-reports
There is nothing 'alleged' about the 36 (So far) gangs of Pakistani men in this country who have been convicted of rape, trafficking, and selling children for sex.

I ask again, and this time, please read the question:

Q. Can anyone furnish me with details of the last gang of white English men who were charged with raping, trafficking and selling children for sex in this country?

Red Rackham wrote:There is nothing 'alleged' about the 36 (So far) gangs of Pakistani men in this country who have been convicted of rape, trafficking, and selling children for sex.

I ask again, and this time, please read the question:

Q. Can anyone furnish me with details of the last gang of white English men who were charged with raping, trafficking and selling children for sex in this country?

The question itself is biased. If the media purposefully omits local perpetrations then it is natural that no one can answer.
Patrickov wrote:The question itself is biased. If the media purposefully omits local perpetrations then it is natural that no one can answer.

Your response is not even funny, it's pathetic. It's people with your politically correct attitude who have ensured this abhorrent crime has continued for so long.
Red Rackham wrote:Your response is not even funny, it's pathetic. It's people with your politically correct attitude who have ensured this abhorrent crime has continued for so long.

No, they should be stopped no less, but I doubt that blaming it on a certain racial group is constructive.

Or I should ask this question instead: What should be the solution if we assume this hypothesis to be true?
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