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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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By Big Steve-1
Hello, everyone. My name's Harley. Okay, so that's a nickname, but no one has called me "Robert" in years.

Yes, I ride Harley Davidsons (I have two). I love "wind therapy" and putting my knees in the breeze. Yes, I wear a helmet.

I'm probably more conservative than anything else, but there are a lot of things for which I adopt a "live and let live" approach. After all, at the end of the day we're all in this together.

I have a couple of things I try to keep in mind to help guide me through life.

1- Dream like you'll live forever. Live like you'll die tomorrow.

2 - There are a thousand ways to die. You're going to escape all but one of them.

3 - The brave don't live forever. The cautious don't live at all.

Since adopting these three idea into my life, I've been a lot happier and easier to be around. I look forward to enjoying my time here.

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By noemon
Hello Harley,

Nice to meet you and hope that you enjoy the forum.

I like your philosophy.

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By Stormsmith
Hi Harley

I like your philosphy, too. I'm left of you. I also have an sharp minded mom who's getting up there in age. Wish I could have seen your youtube video, but youtube is at war with me.

Enjoy yourself here. It's good fun to start the day conversing with the world, and I don't have to tidy the snug to do it, :lol:

Stormsmith, Canada
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By Stormsmith
British Columbia. Do you know it?
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By Godstud
Hi @Harley. Great attitude! Happiness is a choice.

I love "wind therapy", as well.

"Live and let live" is what most Liberals do. You aren't as conservative as you think. ;)

Where abouts do you live? I cruise Thailand's roads on my bikes, but I am misplaced Canuck.
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By Big Steve-1
Stormsmith wrote:British Columbia. Do you know it?

Very well. I used to spend a lot of time in Kelowna and, to a lesser extent, Kamloops but Victoria is a sentimental favorite, as it's the first place I ever visited outside the United States (and The Empress is amazing!). I used to love taking the ferry over to Victoria from Vancouver.
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By Big Steve-1
Godstud wrote:Hi @Harley. Great attitude! Happiness is a choice.

I love "wind therapy", as well.

"Live and let live" is what most Liberals do. You aren't as conservative as you think. ;)

Where abouts do you live? I cruise Thailand's roads on my bikes, but I am misplaced Canuck.

I'm getting ready to move my primary residence to New York. I bought the house I grew up in on Long Island (Suffolk County). Best we can tell the house was built in 1858. My Mom and Dad bought it in 1960 for $14,000. The people they sold it to did a ton of renovations and improvements. The biggest thing was that the house never had air conditioning. Well, that was the fist thing the new owners (who are friends of the family) took care of. They knocked down some walls here and there, removed the old gas heating system (central heat and air now) and built a three car garage which, while separate from the main house, has a covered walkway to the house. They put a new roof on the house about five years ago.

The house had 16 rooms when I lived there as a kid, but the renovations brought that down to 14. The place is about 4,400 square feet and has a dock, although I don't have a boat. It used to have only one bathroom, and even then it didn't have that until the early 1900's. My understanding is that there was a two stall outhouse. The house has 3-1/2 bathrooms now. I hardly need a house so big (I'm divorced an my daughter is grown), but I'm eager to get up there and see what I can do with the place.

Suffice it to say, I paid a tad more for the place than my parents did, but the place is grand (and haunted as Hell!) The owners wanted to sell and they gave me the right to fist refusal. I never figured I would move back, but this was difficult to pass up. Mom hasn't been in the house since 1996. I can't wait for her first visit.

I have a small 3br/2ba house here in Merritt Island, Florida that I'll keep. I bought it when I was 22; It's been paid off for years. This will be my "winter home" when me and all he other "snow birds" come south in November!
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By Stormsmith
Harley wrote:Very well. I used to spend a lot of time in Kelowna and, to a lesser extent, Kamloops but Victoria is a sentimental favorite, as it's the first place I ever visited outside the United States (and The Empress is amazing!). I used to love taking the ferry over to Victoria from Vancouver.

I should be fed up with the ferry ride, but it's so lovely, I just can't be. :) The islands are wonderful. Ganges on Salt Spring Island is fun, and there are amazing beaches and parks, everywhere. Prince Harry and his family are thought to be living just outside of Victoria.

Good luck with your move to NYC. Especially with the vacuuming. That's a big house.
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By Big Steve-1
Stormsmith wrote:I should be fed up with the ferry ride, but it's so lovely, I just can't be. :) The islands are wonderful. Ganges on Salt Spring Island is fun, and there are amazing beaches and parks, everywhere. Prince Harry and his family are thought to be living just outside of Victoria.

Good luck with your move to NYC. Especially with the vacuuming. That's a big house.


No, not moving to New York City. A place this big in the city would be tens of millions of dollars. I'm doing okay, but damn!

Everyone say I'm crazy to do it. Then again, it's big enough that I can host however many people I want for however long. My daughter is pretty excited about it, too. She was only 10 the last time she was in that house.

Maybe I'll tell her I'll trade her lodging for some vacuuming!
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By Stormsmith
That could work for you and your daughter. What does she do?

My nephew is expanding his home. His teenaged daughter just had a baby, and she, the baby, and her lovie will move into the mini suite asap. Nephew decided to give his other daughter a comparable amount of space. Housing prices on the island and Vancouver are just nuts, and kids have a rough time with it
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By Big Steve-1
Stormsmith wrote:That could work for you and your daughter. What does she do?

She's battled with her weight her entire life, so she decided to make it work for her.

She's a very successful "plus size" model now. She attended a convention called "Curvy Con" in New York during New York Fashion Week. She met with heavy hitters from various companies, and now models for Kohl's and Target. When she told me what she makes per day, I was floored. She can work for a week and make as much as some folks do in a year.

She's got over 30,000 followers on Instagram. I think I have 11.
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By Stormsmith
She's got over 30,000 followers on Instagram. I think I have 11.

Written like a proud dad!

I'm pleased to hear she's doing so well, but if she ever wants to lose weight, suggest eating the peel off of an apple, maybe even two a day. If I want to drop a couple of pounds that's what I do, and it's gone in just a couple of days. Works like a charm. I give the apples to my horses.
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By Big Steve-1
Stormsmith wrote:Written like a proud dad!

I'm pleased to hear she's doing so well, but if she ever wants to lose weight, suggest eating the peel off of an apple, maybe even two a day. If I want to drop a couple of pounds that's what I do, and it's gone in just a couple of days. Works like a charm. I give the apples to my horses.

Her boyfriend works at Amazon in Seattle. I don't exactly know what he does there, but they pay him a lot of money. He also has great insurance, and because they're "domestic partners" she's on his insurance. She's looking at all options because, yes, she wants to lose weight.
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By Stormsmith
That would be a tough caĺl. If she's young and independent, making a ton of cash for a year or two would be tempting. When I was in my twenty's, houses were more affordable than they are today (pricier that the rest of the country, but still doable) and a house was at the top of my want list. Maybe she could just try it for a week or so, then decide.

Here's a link:

She can opt to model a while longer, then make the switch.

I never had much of an issue with weight until a few years ago. My doctor prescribed a drug for peripheral nerve pain. Said it was safe. Suddenly, my boots felt snug. Then everything else seemed too tight. I weighed myself


And I couldn't seem to shake it off. Then I googled, and found the above link, or one v similar. Within a month, I was fine. No dieting, no exercise

Seattle. That's a marvelous city. Loads of funky little night club/restaurants around Rainere Square. It was my second US city. Port Angeles was number 1.
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By MistyTiger

I like your mantras.

One thing I try to do is find humor in life. I can say silly things or act silly. I love to laugh. I like comedy. I like sitcoms. I like quirky people. Life without laughter is dull and empty.

@Stormsmith I love Seattle. My hometown is nearby, Bellevue.
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By Stormsmith
I think I remember that. It's a nice town, but I haven't been there in a while. The Clipper sails into Seatle's harbour, V convenient
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By Big Steve-1
Stormsmith wrote:Then I googled, and found the above link, or one v similar. Within a month, I was fine. No dieting, no exercise

You eat just apple peel?

Seattle. That's a marvelous city. Loads of funky little night club/restaurants around Rainere Square. It was my second US city. Port Angeles was number 1.

They live in the Capitol Hill area. Very hip.
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By Stormsmith
Harley wrote:You eat just apple peel? .

Just to be clear, I eat the 2 apple peels, plus whatever else I would normally eat. I'm not an excessive eater. I don't usually hork down a box of cookies, although we all have our moments....

If I gain weight, I think it's most likely due to a lessening of physical activity. I put on 3 lbs over the holidays, but it's rained for two soggy months, (sun's out today :D ). It's hard for me to get motivated to spend time outside mucking about when the damp, the drizzle, and the cold chill me to the bone. Much easier to stay warm indoors and putter about, with generous PoFo breaks. And that's when I normally put on weight.

I've been through Capital Hill, but couldn't remember it, so I googled mapped it. It seems to have grown or been redeveloped over the last 20 years. I wonder if that's accurate

Those guys that throw salmon at Pike Place Market caught my eye as a kid. Now, decades later, it's nice to see they are still doing their thing. And I want go back to Rainier Sq for a Cajun dinner.

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