Palestinian Muslim mother wants her daughters to commit suicide bombings against Jews - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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Patrickov wrote:To Palestinians, Netanyahu is probably worse than what Xi Jinping is to Hongkongers, Taiwanese or many Uighurs and Southeast Asians.

If they are having to kill anyways why not suggest something to minimise the damage?

Because it's morally wrong?

And it wouldn't minimize the damage either. Recall the murder of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo in 1914, what that started?
annatar1914 wrote:
Because it's morally wrong?

And it wouldn't minimize the damage either. Recall the murder of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo in 1914, what that started?

Archduke Ferdinand did not wield actual power, nor Kaiser Joseph in that matter. The Serbians had a harder problem than Palestinians now.

And for the war thing, the Palestinians are being cleansed or even killed en masse already, why deny them of the few things they can do?

I start to question who is the real immoral one here.

EDIT: What I mean is that continuing the current situation means innocent people are killed instead of those more responsible for this peril, so assasination of Bibi might, to Palestinians, be some kind necessary evil. If a better solution is presented I stand corrected.
To the frandly mod team, is it possible to merge these posts into the BDS thread?

JohnRawls wrote:The question is not about BDS, the question is about what the Palestinians are doing. As I said before, BDS has little chance of being succesful as it is right now, well at least if you measure success in terms of resolving the conflict or not.

Actually the subject is BDS. Whatever you think about BDS is not interesting, the fact is it's a peaceful movement demanding Israel abide by international law and allow Palestinians civil rights.

With violence continuing from both sides the Israel will never accept what the BDS stands for.

The only "both sides" there are is that of the oppressor (Israelis) and the oppressed (Palestinians).

Still, Israel doesn't accept BDS so I'm not sure what you're babbling about (it criminalizes it) and supporters of the BDS movement are not allowed to visit Palestine/Israel.

Palestinians then on the other hand will not be able to solve the issue with military means nor should they even be allowed to do this.

Palestinians don't have a military. They're not allowed weapons.

Actually, a lot of the time my answer is that i don't see a way out. I guess my previous post is a way out but it is VERY unlikely that it will happen.

You don't see a way out because you support the side of the oppressor which is unwilling to make peace. It is only one side that can make it because it is only one side that has all the power, but that side doesn't want peace, it only wants land. As can be seen by its ongoing expansion into what world laws accept as Palestinian territory, as well as in neighbouring countries.

Would you ever advocate for Palestinian surrender and disarmament as a stepping stone to resolve the conflict? Would BDS be able to stand for this?

Again, Palestinians don't have a military. They don't have a single tank. Israel on the other hand is the 5th most powerful army in the world and has all the snazzy old weapons and new, courtesy of Uncle Sam, which gives the state 10 million per day and absolute political support.

annatar1914 wrote:But anyways aside from that, @Zionist Nationalist was talking about being able to deal with them without them injuring others as the main priority, and I agree.

Lol, anyone can read what ZN posted. It is not much different to his general psychopathy displayed on these boards. And again why I enjoy him, because he's the honest face of Zionism.

Mockery doesn't make the statement you refuse to answer go away.

Your opinion is noted and still laughed at, because it really is the first I've heard anyone refer to BDS, a peaceful political movement that aligns with international law, as "incremental genocide". See, the only time "incremental genocide" was stated in the context of Palestine is when an Israeli Historian, Ilan Pappe, referred to it as what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. He was a Zionist like you once upon a time too, but then read some books (that weren't the bible).

Subjecting a population to economic pressure as one of the means of disposing of them is indeed a form of incremental genocide.

Remind me when Israel ever had sanctions. Israel has absolute immunity for its ongoing war crimes. It has committed more violations of UN resolutions than any other state, and has never been punished. Iraq got destroyed for violating 2. Israel hasn't been punished for its 50+ violations (probably more by now but I can't be bothered to check unless you demand I do). Israel is never punished for its crimes even when bombing children playing football on a beach right in front of the world's eyes, meanwhile a lot of dupes (like you) walk around considering Israel as some kind of victim state. Propaganda works.

A nation has the right to expect a loyal citizen and subject population anywhere in the world, and if that can't or won't be done removal is the next best option.

I'll put your totalitarianism aside and remind you Palestinians are not citizens, a million are second-class citizens at best, and the rest are living in segregation under a military occupation or inside a concentration camp. They have no rights. They don't live under civic rule, they live under a military boot. Zionists stole what was meant to be their state in less than 45% of historic Palestine and have forced them under a vicious occupation ever since.

As for removal, a lot of Palestinians have already been ethnically cleansed (something ongoing). There are millions of Palestinian in the diaspora who are not allowed to return home, or even visit. Meanwhile, Jewish immigrants from all over the world are allowed to settle in the natives homeland and often bribed to do. And not even Jewish in some cases, e.g. Zionist Nationalist is a non-Jewish immigrant who settled in Palestine, coming from Ukraine. Isn't it funny when he/Zionists complains about immigration? :D

There was no ''country'' for the Israelis to steal, and many of the non-Jewish population is against their rule, so here we have the problem.

Yeah, there was "no country" like there are "no words" that you're reading right now. But if you mean there was no "Israel", that is a fact. Your first one, well done!

As for the opposition to Israeli rule, anyone (including you) would oppose living under a racist military occupation or inside a concentration camp, by the people who stole your homes and country within living memory. And some of us would resist.

There's a principle in law that an unjust law is no law, and a ''law'' that amounts to an agreement to destroy your own country is no law at all.

More shit falling out of your mouth. Nonsensical shit at that. Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with the fact that people who live under colonial oppression are offered legal rights to resist their occupations, including with the use of arms.

See above for my answer.

That wasn't an answer, it was the ravings of a madman, because this fact remains: people living under colonial oppression are offered a legal right to resist, including with arms.

As well as a moral right, but that's by the by.

Besides, the UN is dominated by the OIC as I'm sure you know, and that wasn't the case when Israel began it's existence, isn't that so? But today there is Barbarism and not Law.

Lol, typical Zionist: supports laws except when they don't support Israel.

The part where it's bullshit, that is, all of it.

That's not an answer. If you're saying I'm using words incorrectly, explain how. "it's bullshit" is not an answer. But I don't expect one from you because I am using language correctly and you are using it weakly, offering an opinion at best. A shit one, I might add. :D

Yes, the bravery of randomly firing into known civilian areas is awe-inspiring :roll:

Palestinians have not always responded with shitty fireworks that make barely a dent on their oppressors and when these shitty fireworks became a thing, was decades after living under Israel's boot, whereas Israelis treat the millions of Palestinians with carpet-bombing of homes and infrastructure such as schools and hospitals, kill thousands every few years and a few literally every week. But it's the Jewish immigrants we should only sympathize with, not the natives who live under their boot and are denied rights and freedom like what you enjoy.

Look what Israel did to Gaza a few years ago.

I'm still the guy supporting Syria's struggle against the Sunni Jihadis.

You're all over the place. Syria is struggling against Zionists too, you know the ones who occupy part of Syria. Which side were you supporting when Israel was medically treating and arming Jihadists in Zionist-occupied-Syria to fight the SAA? Which side do you support when Israel has bombed Syria over 300 times throughout the war on Syria?

Wrong. The early Zionists knew the truth, that assimilation and destruction awaited World Jewry if there was not a Return from the Exile. This is still valid today. True Anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, and I don't have much hope for Jewish populations outside of Israel in the long run.

I'm just going to go with this bit of rambling that has nothing to do with what I said by figuring English might not be your first language.

But as I said, conflating Judaism with Zionism is antisemitic. Not to mention, most Jews are not Zionists. If they were, there wouldn't be more outside of Israel than there is in.

Self-hatred is inverted racism,

As I said, they're not self-hating Jews (you racist), they're Zionist-hating Jews, mainly because Israel is a racist endeavor and they don't want to be associated with racism. Some oppose Israel for religious reasons too.

and to deny these people their home after all these centuries decades is what is racist and anti-semitic.

Agreed, on behalf of Palestinians. They should be allowed to go back to their homes. International law supports this idea too.

I think I'm starting to understand you though, you're one of those religious freaks that believes a country called Israel existed somewhere outside of the some mythical past, yes?

Not odd at all. Most human beings are cowards who avoid a fight even for survival.

Anti-Zionist Jews who write in opposition to Israel are not cowards for opposing a racist ideology (Zionism). You should read their arguments, instead of offering crappy ad-homs.

You've got your script down pretty good, a good example of the confluence of the fake liberal left and militant Islam that can be found at this juncture.

Is this your way of saying you don't want a list of anti-Zionist writers? Because if so, fine, I hate lists. :D
@skinster ; wow, it's like the difference between night and day, your transformation when it comes to my coming down on the side of the Israelis;

Lol, anyone can read what ZN posted. It is not much different to his general psychopathy displayed on these boards. And again why I enjoy him, because he's the honest face of Zionism.

Anyone can read what he says, and what he says is what you get, a man who represents those like him who are focused on and fighting for survival. They don't have time for nonsense.

Your opinion is noted and still laughed at, because it really is the first I've heard anyone refer to BDS, a peaceful political movement that aligns with international law, as "incremental genocide". See, the only time "incremental genocide" was stated in the context of Palestine is when an Israeli Historian, Ilan Pappe, referred to it as what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. He was a Zionist like you once upon a time too, but then read some books (that weren't the bible).

Self-hating Jews who have a nervous breakdown because they can't seem to square the circle of holding to Western style liberalism and support for Israel at the same time... They have zero credibility with me.

Remind me when Israel ever had sanctions. Israel has absolute immunity for its ongoing war crimes. It has committed more violations of UN resolutions than any other state, and has never been punished.

The General Assembly is controlled by the OIC for obvious domestic and geopolitical reasons and only the Security Council has kept the UN from becoming a total zoo.

Iraq got destroyed for violating 2. Israel hasn't been punished for its 50+ violations (probably more by now but I can't be bothered to check unless you demand I do). Israel is never punished for its crimes even when bombing children playing football on a beach right in front of the world's eyes, meanwhile a lot of dupes (like you) walk around considering Israel as some kind of victim state. Propaganda works.

''Dupes''? Hardly. It is possible to support the existence of a Nation while not giving mental carte blanche for whatever they do or fail to do.

I'll put your totalitarianism aside

''Totalitarianism''? Can you provide any examples of my ''Totalitarianism''?

and remind you Palestinians are not citizens, a million are second-class citizens at best, and the rest are living in segregation under a military occupation or inside a concentration camp. They have no rights. They don't live under civic rule, they live under a military boot. Zionists stole what was meant to be their state in less than 45% of historic Palestine and have forced them under a vicious occupation ever since.

What a load of bathetic crap.

As for removal, a lot of Palestinians have already been ethnically cleansed (something ongoing). There are millions of Palestinian in the diaspora who are not allowed to return home, or even visit. Meanwhile, Jewish immigrants from all over the world are allowed to settle in the natives homeland and often bribed to do. And not even Jewish in some cases, e.g. Zionist Nationalist is a non-Jewish immigrant who settled in Palestine, coming from Ukraine. Isn't it funny when he/Zionists complains about immigration? :D

I really don't care anymore. Your ''Palestinians'' themselves drove any sympathy I might have had for them initially right out of my heart.

Yeah, there was "no country" like there are "no words" that you're reading right now. But if you mean there was no "Israel", that is a fact. Your first one, well done!

Yes, before 1948, no Israel and no Palestine and the latter still doesn't exist.

As for the opposition to Israeli rule, anyone (including you) would oppose living under a racist military occupation or inside a concentration camp, by the people who stole your homes and country within living memory. And some of us would resist.

If that's what it was, but it isn't.

More shit falling out of your mouth. Nonsensical shit at that. Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with the fact that people who live under colonial oppression are offered legal rights to resist their occupations, including with the use of arms.

The only right they should have is to leave. Most of them are descendants of migrant labor attracted to the region in the 1920's and 30's to begin with. Funny thing that the longer ago one's 'Palestinian'' ancestors settled the region, the more peaceful and accepting they are of the Israeli State...

That wasn't an answer, it was the ravings of a madman, because this fact remains: people living under colonial oppression are offered a legal right to resist, including with arms.

Not under the commonly and universally accepted rules around the conduct of ''Just War''.

As well as a moral right, but that's by the by.

The Moral is what's most important.

Lol, typical Zionist: supports laws except when they don't support Israel.

Hardly the case.

That's not an answer. If you're saying I'm using words incorrectly, explain how. "it's bullshit" is not an answer. But I don't expect one from you because I am using language correctly and you are using it weakly, offering an opinion at best. A shit one, I might add. :D


Palestinians have not always responded with shitty fireworks that make barely a dent on their oppressors and when these shitty fireworks became a thing, was decades after living under Israel's boot, whereas Israelis treat the millions of Palestinians with carpet-bombing of homes and infrastructure such as schools and hospitals, kill thousands every few years and a few literally every week. But it's the Jewish immigrants we should only sympathize with, not the natives who live under their boot and are denied rights and freedom like what you enjoy.

Look what Israel did to Gaza a few years ago.

See? I knew that you would deftly try to sidestep the issue of rocket attacks on random innocents!

You're all over the place. Syria is struggling against Zionists too, you know the ones who occupy part of Syria. Which side were you supporting when Israel was medically treating and arming Jihadists in Zionist-occupied-Syria to fight the SAA? Which side do you support when Israel has bombed Syria over 300 times throughout the war on Syria?

I support the side of truth, whereever and with whoever it lies. Funny thing, I don't support Iran's attempts to expand it's power base in the region, at Syria's expense. I expected it, but it's still wrong.

I'm just going to go with this bit of rambling that has nothing to do with what I said by figuring English might not be your first language.

It is. I do quite well with it, thank you very much :excited:

But as I said, conflating Judaism with Zionism is antisemitic. Not to mention, most Jews are not Zionists. If they were, there wouldn't be more outside of Israel than there is in.


As I said, they're not self-hating Jews (you racist), they're Zionist-hating Jews, mainly because Israel is a racist endeavor and they don't want to be associated with racism. Some oppose Israel for religious reasons too.

Says you, the one intent on Israel's destruction.

Agreed, on behalf of Palestinians. They should be allowed to go back to their homes. International law supports this idea too.

What ''home''? Gaive me a break. Even if these people had a claim they lost it when they decided not to live under an Israeli government, and made a bad bet on pushing the Jews into the sea and exterminating them in 1948.

I think I'm starting to understand you though, you're one of those religious freaks that believes a country called Israel existed somewhere outside of the some mythical past, yes?

No, you don't understand a great deal at all, unfortunately. Are you a Muslim by any chance?

Anti-Zionist Jews who write in opposition to Israel are not cowards for opposing a racist ideology (Zionism). You should read their arguments, instead of offering crappy ad-homs.

I've read all of them, supported them even. Now I don't because I see them for what and who they really are.

Is this your way of saying you don't want a list of anti-Zionist writers? Because if so, fine, I hate lists. :D

Yeah, we don't want to get bogged down with lists.

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