Israel's 2008 Massacre in Gaza - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Too long, didn't watch.
Pure propaganda anyway.

Executive summary:
- Arabs angry that Israel destroys one of their attack tunnels hidden in a residential house 300 meters from the Israeli border.
- Arabs shoot 576 rockets and hundreds of mortar shells into Israeli civilian areas
- Israel warned them several times to stop, to no avail.
- Arabs get their asses handed to them
- The rocket attacks stop

That's basically it.
Gaza got what it deserved and it will happen again if its required
before the 2008 operation majority of Gazans supported rocket fire and rocket attacks were happening almost every day and big clashes happening every week I remember all of that. than they got rolled over and suddenly the majority switched to opposing the rocket fire
Those people are not peaceful and I have zero sympathy for them
skinster wrote:Weird that Oxy is calling the natives of Palestine the squatters. He was never that bright. His break away from PoFo shows nowt changed in that regard.

Natives of Israel are Jews, not the later Arab invaders from Saudia Arabia who are today's so called "Palestinians"....Funny enough the name the Romans put on the land after conquering it and ethnically cleansing the Jewish populations. They must be proud to be associated with kliling Jews.
Discourse on Israel should move away from the sectarian nonsense of the 2000s started by Samuel Huntington. It's a white supremacist nation where all people of color are oppressed, including POC who identify as Jews.
Donna wrote:Discourse on Israel should move away from the sectarian nonsense of the 2000s started by Samuel Huntington. It's a white supremacist nation where all people of color are oppressed, including POC who identify as Jews.

What utter nonsense, People are oppressed in Saudia Arabia.... 99% of Arabs would love to live in Israel rather then their shithole Islamic countries.
Oxymoron wrote:Natives of Israel are Jews

Natives of "Israel" are Palestinians, which include a small percentage of Jews, Christians, Druze etc. They all referred to themselves as "Palestinian" back then, pre 1948.

Those who came over from Europe, Russia, America and parts of the ME are not native to the land, they moved over after Palestine got invaded and stolen and re-named "Israel" in 1948.

As for Saudi Arabia, it's another fake extremist state propped up by the West like Israel. Weird you're complaining about Saudi Arabia when your government and Israel love and get all kissy with the dictators there.
skinster wrote:Natives of "Israel" are Palestinians, which include a small percentage of Jews, Christians, Druze etc. They all referred to themselves as "Palestinian" back then, pre 1948.

Those who came over from Europe, Russia, America and parts of the ME are not native to the land, they moved over after Palestine got invaded and stolen and re-named "Israel" in 1948.

As for Saudi Arabia, it's another fake extremist state propped up by the West like Israel. Weird you're complaining about Saudi Arabia when your government and Israel love and get all kissy with the dictators there.

Natives of Israel are Jews, who were systematically killed, enslaved and ethnically cleansed by the Romans the same people who named the land Palestine. So again I am not surprised you support the killing and ethinic cleansing of Jews, and continue using the Roman colonial name for the territory.
Oxymoron wrote:Natives of Israel are Jews, who were systematically killed, enslaved and ethnically cleansed by the Romans the same people who named the land Palestine. So again I am not surprised you support the killing and ethinic cleansing of Jews, and continue using the Roman colonial name for the territory.

Philistine. It has always been called Philistine. That name was NOT from the Romans, that is what the Philistines called it, and the Romans restored the original name. Yes it originally referenced the area specifically known as the Gaza Strip, but the Jews did the same thing with Judea too. Originally refered to the region around Jerusalem, then later the whole country.

Also the Roman-Jewish wars was started by the Jewish Sanhedrin who supported Terrorist organisations called the Zealots and the Sicarii which killed Romans living there(was already in the Roman Empire), Jews sympathetic to non-Jews, Samaritans and Greeks living in that land.

The Talmud BLAMES THEM, not the Romans, for the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the expulsion from Judea, and is supported in this assertion by Josephus AND surprisingly by the Christian New Testament. But you've obviously never read any of those three. When was the last time you opened the Talmud???
colliric wrote:Correction:
Philistine. It has always been called Philistine. That name was NOT from the Romans, that is what the Philistines called it, and the Romans restored the original name. Yes it originally referenced the area specifically known as the Gaza Strip, but the Jews did the same thing with Judea too. Originally refered to the region around Jerusalem, then later the whole country.

Also the Roman-Jewish wars was started by the Jewish Sanhedrin who supported Terrorist organisations called the Zealots and the Sicarii which killed Romans living there(was already in the Roman Empire), Jews sympathetic to non-Jews, Samaritans and Greeks living in that land.

The Talmud BLAMES THEM, not the Romans, for the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the expulsion from Judea, and is supported in this assertion by Josephus AND surprisingly by the Christian New Testament. But you've obviously never read any of those three. When was the last time you opened the Talmud???

No Philistines came later, and only lived in Northern Israel and what is not Lebanon. So perhaps the Arabs can go live in Philistine proper : Lebanon.
colliric wrote:Correction:
Philistine. It has always been called Philistine. That name was NOT from the Romans, that is what the Philistines called it, and the Romans restored the original name. Yes it originally referenced the area specifically known as the Gaza Strip, but the Jews did the same thing with Judea too. Originally refered to the region around Jerusalem, then later the whole country.

Yes…and no… Yes, the Philistines called it that, - Philistia, but…no, - no Philistines were left around by the time the Romans got around to rename Judea. All Philistines disappeared at the time of David, about a 1000 years before Jesus. Therefore, it was a political ploy on the part of the Romans, - rename the land and exile the people was their common practice, - they did this often.

I hope you see that your assertion that “It has always been called Philistine” is absolutely wrong! Judea was an established kingdom at the TIME when Philistines were around. The Jews, or shall we call them Israelites, fought Philistines and defeated them and then absorbed those who survived. Philistine culture, language, customs, - all disappeared 3000 years ago. Modern day Arabs have nothing to do with ancient Philistines. Romans knew that by their own assertions (Josephus) and they renamed Judea for political expediency. All historians agree here.

colliric wrote:Also the Roman-Jewish wars was started by the Jewish Sanhedrin who supported Terrorist organisations called the Zealots and the Sicarii which killed Romans living there(was already in the Roman Empire), Jews sympathetic to non-Jews, Samaritans and Greeks living in that land.

You are wrong. Talmud (Sanhedrin) does mention Zealots and Sicarii, but not in the context that you are making out. Talmud is critical of them due to the fear of antagonizing Romans. There is a debate in the Talmud reading which way to proceed, - to fight the Romans or not. The Roman-Jewish wars were never started by the Jews.

The Jews were never strong enough to start the war. Yes, there were rebellions, with Simon bar Kokhba being the most successful one, but ultimately they were short lived. The Romans rolled over Judea in the same manner they rolled over the local tribes in Britain or Gal or Germania. Roman-Judean wars were what Josephus called it, because he was ‘speaking’ to the Roman audience! The Rabbis in the Talmud never called those event wars, - they called them uprisings.

Again, the Jews did not start the war, although many wanted to do it, Rabbi Akiva comes to mind, but they never physically could.

I can see plainly that you never studied Talmud in a proper setting. You might have read some of it, very little really, it in translation, but you never studied it. Sanhedrin alone are many books! At the minimum I suggest a university course. If you are in the States, it is Brandeis or Colombia. It would take a minimum of 5 years. Good luck!

colliric wrote:The Talmud BLAMES THEM, not the Romans, for the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the expulsion from Judea, and is supported in this assertion by Josephus AND surprisingly by the Christian New Testament.

You are wrong! The Talmud does not blame them. Those are untutored Christian interpretations. They are untutored, because the Church fathers worked from translations and had an agenda! We both know what that agenda was!

The Talmud in many places emphasis that the temple fell due the ‘brotherly hatred’, implying that the Jews could not unite against common enemy and hated each other in a Monty Python style (Life of Brian). Zealots and Sicarii were blamed for inciting the ‘brotherly hatred’. Their numbers were small, less than a hundred, but they did a lot... and killed a good number of people!

You can’t read Talmud! You must study it! You clearly do not know the subject matter, and, believe me, if you ever say what you are saying in a polite company of a University setting, you’d be ridiculed.

colliric wrote:When was the last time you opened the Talmud???

Once a week, for the past 30 years and still barely scratched the surface. With others. ‘Hevruta’ style, like it’s been done since 9th century, with a scholar of significant reputation leading the class. No translation, - we read the original.

How do you do it?
Your argument isn't with me, I gave you the Anti-zionist view espoused by Satmar, Neturei Karta and other Hasidic anti-zionist groups. You know that already.

Take it up with them, it's their interpretation of what the Talmud says.

So I like listening to Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta and Rabbi Yaahov Shapiro of "True Torah Jews"(Satmar front organisation, lol!). So what?

Those are untutored Christian interpretations. They are untutored, because the Church fathers worked from translations and had an agenda! We both know what that agenda was!

It's the Anti-zionist Hasidic "we must destroy the State of Israel from within" Jewish interpretation and you already know that. Not just "Christian interpretations". Yes I like anti-zionist Jews, so?

I'll accept it if you say "Rabbi Shapiro is a Satmar nutcase, stop listening to him and parroting his views".

You clearly do not know the subject matter, and, believe me, if you ever say what you are saying in a polite company of a University setting, you’d be ridiculed

Unless I was attending a lecture run by Anti-zionist ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jews. But I digress.

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