Is White Guilt Destroying the Promise of Civil Rights? (Shelby Steele) - Politics | PoFo

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Shelby Steele is the Robert J. and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. He was appointed a Hoover fellow in 1994. Steele has written widely on race in American society and the consequences of contemporary social programs on race relations. Steele holds a PhD in English from the University of Utah, an MA in sociology from Southern Illinois University, and a BA in political science from Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

In this presentation Shelby Steele addresses the historical changes in society since abolishing the creed of 'white supremacy' in the 20th century. He says that Western institutions have lost moral authority in our culture and this moral authority has 'shifted' to minorities. Now whites and Western institutions are living in fear of stigmatization - they constantly have to prove a negative: that they're not racist. They seek to dissociate themselves from this stigma by giving in to the demands of minorities. This reflexive dissociation has since turned into a cottage industry for race hustlers. 'Civil rights leaders' have increasingly become specialized in the exploitation of white guilt and some have exclusively devoted themselves to the exploitation of this, e.g. Rev. Al Sharpton. (You probably saw him at George Floyd's funeral, running the entire show.)

Shelbe Steele argues that this doting and placating larger white society has set back black Americans for decades. He lists the steep decline in academic accomplishments of black Americans. (You need only look at the George Floyd protests to see white people literally kneeling and washing the feet of black people to see his point.) He says that this process is nurturing a form of black pride that is solely defined by a dependence on larger society. They're the victims, and everyone else (white) is the culprit.

In reality, white people and Western societies have made one of the biggest leaps in changing themselves for the better, with many Western countries being the most anti-racist on this planet. He says that white people have nothing to feel ashamed about and that they should take pride and be confident in their own morality.

White guilt means that you have to prove that you're not guilty. Examples of this cultural pathology:

Note how the black people in these videos think that this is perfectly normal and even justified. These people are so far gone that they assume that this is what they're entitled to.

Similar scenes were found on this forum. Some of the most cringeworthy behaviour and statements were seen in this forum in the last couple of weeks. It's almost as if these users wanted to join the white people in these videos in their obsequious and sickening displays of deference and submission.

In reality, white people and Western societies have made one of the biggest leaps in changing themselves for the better, with many Western countries being the most anti-racist on this planet. He says that white people have nothing to feel ashamed about and that they should take pride and be confident in their anti-racist views.
Last edited by The Sabbaticus on 13 Jun 2020 11:47, edited 1 time in total.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Some of the most cringeworthy behaviour and statements were seen in this forum in the last couple of weeks. It's almost as if these users wanted to join the white people in these videos in their obsequious and sickening displays of deference and submission.

I wouldn't doubt that some of the White posters here on PoFo would also do the same or at least like to join the BLM and Antifa protesters to wreck havoc over America.
Hindsite wrote:I wouldn't doubt that some of the White posters here on PoFo would also do the same or at least like to join the BLM and Antifa protesters to wreck havoc over America.

They want to start a new America by erasing American history. The Freemasons and Jewish radicals have their useful idiots to put the old America to bed. At least anything that has happened before the 60's is racist and must be destroyed and/or hidden. So that means a new constitution as well. And who knows what else they want. What are they going to do to people who won't feel at home in the new America or simply aren't extreme enough? The Jacobins (basically the original Communists) started beheading people during the French revolution. The Bolsheviks in Russia went after the Christians.

Let the examples of France and Russia be a lesson for the Americans. This spirit of mass hysteria has been roaming throughout the USA freely for quite some time now, and it's ready to reveal itself.

The 2020's is going to be a wild and chaotic decade. The end result of this lawless and extremely degenerate decade is going to be a dictatorship in the early 2030's. Perhaps they decide to install a dicatorship even earlier, because things are going so fast nowadays. There's only one difference though. It's not just going to be a dictatorship this time, it's going to be a technocratic dictatorship. AI and robotics are coming. How can they roll out their new system without some distraction and chaos? They have to rip things apart before they can bring it together. This always has to happen first. History doesn't exactly repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes.

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