Candace Owens: Election Time - The Media is Trying To Start A Race War - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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The Sabbaticus wrote:Candace Owens explains that in every election cycle there is a spike in media sensationalized racial incidents in the run up to the presidential elections.

The media is just trying to report stories they think people want to hear, ie: when police brutality happens. The media is in the business of attracting eyeballs for ad money.

I don't think they're trying to start any race war, but i think they're inadvertently fueling it simply by the coverage. Ultimately the cops are to blame for doing dumb shit, not the media who keep reporting it.
blackjack21 wrote:An interesting choice of words. It's an excuse for destroying the livelihoods of working class people. Remember a month ago when I said this would lead to violence? Here we are now...

A lot of things have led to violence Senor Relampaguito. I would say the stagnation and the corruption of the government and the lack of real progress. The Pandemic CoronaVirus19 problem has just got the water boiling is all. I think all of this was waiting to happen. There has been a lack of real action for along time. Lame congress and lame senate and lame courts and so on.

True, but 100 years ago the ruling class' reaction wasn't to destroy the livelihood of the working class and tell lies about masks, etc. because they had outsourced the medical supply chain to China.

They are globalist capitalist sellouts Relampagazo. What else do you expect out of those people HOMBRE?

I didn't say it was. In fact, it's why I do not labor under the illusion of egalitarianism.

Relampago hombre, let us get down to the nitty of the gritty of this pity of the city...difference doesn't translate into inequality of innate human value. What does that mean Senor?That every single human being alive and breathing on Earth is their own person and they are who they are. They might be bad or flawed, virtuous or pitted with failures at everything they ever tried to accomplish. It doesn't diminish what nature has done making them human beings. All that struggle that makes them present today. Their value system is what needs to be judged and categorized but their innate value as human beings raised in a human culture and a human society regardless of their defective parts is what makes them EQUAL in consideration. Under the law and with a socialist framework. What does that mean? To each according to their ability. You let people do what is their absolute best of their abilities. Let them stretch to their full potential without being severely impeded and dragged down by a bunch of capitalistic bullshit that has to do with class systems that are artificially limiting their maximum potential to learn and to be productive, and to contribute and give back to society. Educate people, give them opportunities and support them with fidelity. People have a right to be educated and supported. Period. That is socialism. To each according to their ability, and to each according to their need. Don't let people be wasted by not meeting basic needs.

I can't get you a wife BJ. Only you can decide that. Socialism can't get you one you fall in love with and are willing to work your ass off to support. No. :D But we can make sure you are able to get your health needs taken care of, get you employed, help you to gain an education and give you lots of opportunities to practice your interests and hobbies, etc. Round you out in your self-realization. That is what is in our sphere. Not be nosy and interfere as a gov't in your private life and try to coerce you into compromising your human dignity. That is the point of my bringing up believing in equality. Period. If you keep insisting on because that person is this or that they don't have innate value? A baby can't vote. WTF BJ? No one expects a baby to vote.They expect the parents to be responsible and love and care for their own child. To give them a good start in life and make sure he or she is dry and the diaper changed, no diaper rash, that a pediatrician is called if they are with a fever, etc and to be dressed in clean clothes, have a warm blanket, etc in winter and be fed nutritious food or appropriate milk and so on...not vote, speak well a human language,, read or write. But the baby does have rights. To live, to be loved, to be cared for and considered. EQUALITY in that baby's human innate dignity and being respected. Not to be mistreated and abused because they are innocent and vulnerable. That is Equality for the Baby! No more of these lack of awareness statements from you Senor!

Oh I agree. That's why I don't think this really has all that much to do with George Floyd or police violence against blacks, anymore than I would say that Gavrilo Princip was responsible for starting WWI. For a lot of Democrats, political membership is more like a religious conviction than a series of policy positions and choices. Many people will not leave the Democratic party under any circumstances--slavery, segregation, police brutality, stealing elections, etc. They have no political independence whatsoever.

Ok Azuquita. I have friends coming over soon, so I will re-engage later. :D

I have a computer acting up. It is disappearing replies. I have no idea why it is acting badly. Well, you want to blame who? The Democratic party for everything? it is the way humanity has chosen a path for itself and learns from abysmal failures. Has pressure for change exerted by people on governments and on the ruling classes and voila! the forces of change.

Now you call me Azuquita. I might as well play for you the song I danced to that gave me that nickname.

Here it is:

Play it at 1:46 minute. It says "Yo tengo azuquita en la cintura" "I have a little sugar in the waist" It means I dance well BJ. If you have sugar in the waist it means you dance well. I used to hear that song when I was very little and would shake the hips as a little girl and my family would smile and say, "Azuquita en la cintura" Azuquita. That was my nickname. The phrase is "Ya yo se que le ve." Which means "I know you can see it" It meant I had a strong spirit Senor Blackjack21 and even at a very young age I was not going to stop...dancing and loving. Azuquita was about my spirit.

Tengo azuquita en la cintura. I grew up with the congas Senor. :)
annatar1914 wrote:Wrong. By definition, a country that has a mixed system combining some aspects of Socialism and some aspects of Capitalism would not be a Communist country. The PRC is no longer Communist, it is now a primarily National Socialist blood and soil Ethnostate.

Okay, fine, but the point I was trying to make is that the Chinese Communist Party is still communist regardless of what the PRC as a nation has become.
Tainari88 wrote:I can't get you a wife BJ. Only you can decide that.

Whew! What makes you think I want to get married?

Tainari88 wrote:I have a computer acting up. It is disappearing replies. I have no idea why it is acting badly.

Try using a text editor. Save your work to a file, and come back to it as you please. Then paste the result into PoFo. Maybe the browser is screwing it up. Maybe you're not that slick with bbcode. I find long replies in a browser is next to impossible.

I use It's free. Developers all over the world use it. It would be good for your son to learn to use it too.

I use the dark scheme, because white text on a black background reduces eyestrain. Of course, for software development, I use a lot of linter stuff that you'd never use, but it's a great text editor.

I just installed the language-bbcode package. It helps with the highlighting, but not much else. You still need to know the bbcode markup language.

Not sure how much of an open source person you are, but you can get a lot of the basic office-type apps you need for free at:

Regrettably, the bitmap editing stuff like is nowhere near as good as Adobe. is okay for vector art. All that stuff is free.
blackjack21 wrote:I use It's free. Developers all over the world use it. It would be good for your son to learn to use it too.

Although I don't doubt that BJ is way, way more experienced than me in the use of (straight) text editors, I must beg to differ and recommend starting with Visual Studio Code. It has way more use these days, its released under the same MIT permissive open-source licence, as Atom. Atom was developed by Github rather Microsoft, but seeing as Microsoft now own Github, even that advantage has gone.
blackjack21 wrote:Whew! What makes you think I want to get married?

Try using a text editor. Save your work to a file, and come back to it as you please. Then paste the result into PoFo. Maybe the browser is screwing it up. Maybe you're not that slick with bbcode. I find long replies in a browser is next to impossible.

I use It's free. Developers all over the world use it. It would be good for your son to learn to use it too.

I use the dark scheme, because white text on a black background reduces eyestrain. Of course, for software development, I use a lot of linter stuff that you'd never use, but it's a great text editor.

I just installed the language-bbcode package. It helps with the highlighting, but not much else. You still need to know the bbcode markup language.

Not sure how much of an open source person you are, but you can get a lot of the basic office-type apps you need for free at:

Regrettably, the bitmap editing stuff like is nowhere near as good as Adobe. is okay for vector art. All that stuff is free.

Thanks Blackjack. I have a tiny and limited Chromebook. I let my son use the Asus Laptop for his schoolwork. This Chromebook is not really set up for a lot of writing. It is a very basic little thing. It was super cheap. I don't generally like technology BJ. I only used it when I had to. I prefer to work with history and writing. But thank you again for your suggestions.

Why did I say marriage? For you? I thought you wanted a traditional life. And the liberals made it impossible with their lack of respect for your old fashioned values? Now, I realize? You don't want that do you?

Don't blame the liberals BJ. You don't want to be married at all. The state can't solve that issue. I say if someone wants to get married? Don't think e-harmony will do it for you? It won't. Talk for a very very long time. Talk and find out if your values match and see if you get along and feel comfortable with a person. And then don't get involved unless you love them more than anything. More than anything.

That stuff is complicated. Lol. I am older. I realize? it is all about the love you make is the love you take. It you love really well? You wind up in a good place.

Enough advice Blackjack.

I had so many fine replies that were well thought out and I found sound and interesting and they were poofed out of the universe by technology.

Ay BJ, I am one of the few people who still write beautiful personal handwritten letters that worry about pretty handwriting and presentation. My mother taught me how to write that way. I have only written those for Potemkin. He loves them.

I wish I could still write with a pen and paper my nice handwritten letters. But your technology has taken over the world BJ.

I have to regroup and try to see if I can type a reply again without feeling frustrated.

I will be back.
Hindsite wrote:Okay, fine, but the point I was trying to make is that the Chinese Communist Party is still communist regardless of what the PRC as a nation has become.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, sorry. The CCP runs the PRC, it wouldn't be what it is without the rule of the CCP. So no, China may have the name of being ruled by a ''Communist'' party, but it isn't really Communist anymore despite the lack of desire to change the names.
annatar1914 wrote:That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, sorry. The CCP runs the PRC, it wouldn't be what it is without the rule of the CCP. So no, China may have the name of being ruled by a ''Communist'' party, but it isn't really Communist anymore despite the lack of desire to change the names.

It makes a lot of sense to me. The Chinese Communist Party has allowed socialist and capitalist policies because they have realized that total communism does not work economically throughout the entire nation, yet they wish to maintain some communism within the party rule.
@Hindsite ;

It makes a lot of sense to me. The Chinese Communist Party has allowed socialist and capitalist policies because they have realized that total communism does not work economically throughout the entire nation, yet they wish to maintain some communism within the party rule.

No, just no. What China is operating is something called ''State Capitalism'' . There's nothing ''Communist'' or ''Socialist'' about what China is doing besides the words. State Capitalism is where the State allows the economy to be generated by privately owned enterprises, but they tell the owners to operate under guidelines set by the government. South Korea had such a system for many years, and nobody confused South Korea with being ''Communist'' or ''Socialist''.
annatar1914 wrote:@Hindsite ;

No, just no. What China is operating is something called ''State Capitalism'' . There's nothing ''Communist'' or ''Socialist'' about what China is doing besides the words. State Capitalism is where the State allows the economy to be generated by privately owned enterprises, but they tell the owners to operate under guidelines set by the government. South Korea had such a system for many years, and nobody confused South Korea with being ''Communist'' or ''Socialist''.

Pleas don't try to insult my intelligence with this nonsense. CCP stands for Chinese Communist Party, not Chinese Capitalist Party.
Hindsite wrote:Pleas don't try to insult my intelligence with this nonsense. CCP stands for Chinese Communist Party, not Chinese Capitalist Party.

I am not insulting your intelligence, I'm asking you to kindly actually use the intelligence you have, for the purposes of reading comprehension. You and I and everyone else knows what the name of the ''CCP'' means, what it doesn't indicate is whether the CCP still follows a true Communist doctrinal ideology. It does not.
annatar1914 wrote:I am not insulting your intelligence, I'm asking you to kindly actually use the intelligence you have, for the purposes of reading comprehension. You and I and everyone else knows what the name of the ''CCP'' means, what it doesn't indicate is whether the CCP still follows a true Communist doctrinal ideology. It does not.

Okay. Here is some of what Wikipedia says:

Communist Party of China

According to the party constitution, the CPC adheres to Marxism–Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, socialism with Chinese characteristics, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought. The official explanation for China's economic reforms is that the country is in the primary stage of socialism, a developmental stage similar to the capitalist mode of production. The command economy established under Mao Zedong was replaced by the socialist market economy under Deng Xiaoping, the current economic system, on the basis that "Practice is the Sole Criterion for the Truth".

The Communist Youth League (CYL) is the CPC's youth wing, and the largest mass organization for youth in China. According to the CPC's constitution the CYL is a "mass organization of advanced young people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; it functions as a party school where a large number of young people learn about socialism with Chinese characteristics and about communism through practice; it is the Party's assistant and reserve force.

To the CPC, Marxism–Leninism provides a "vision of the contradictions in capitalist society and of the inevitability of a future socialist and communist societies". Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is said to be a continuation of previous party ideologies as part of a series of guiding ideologies that embody "Marxism adapted to Chinese conditions" and contemporary considerations.

The CPC views the world as organized into two opposing camps; socialist and capitalist. They insist that socialism, on the basis of historical materialism, will eventually triumph over capitalism.

There is a considerable degree of interest in Cuba within the CPC. Fidel Castro, the former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), is greatly admired, and books have been written focusing on the successes of the Cuban Revolution. Communication between the CPC and the PCC has increased considerably since the 1990s, hardly a month going by without a diplomatic exchange.
Hindsite wrote:Okay. Here is some of what Wikipedia says:

Communist Party of China

According to the party constitution, the CPC adheres to Marxism–Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, socialism with Chinese characteristics, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought. The official explanation for China's economic reforms is that the country is in the primary stage of socialism, a developmental stage similar to the capitalist mode of production. The command economy established under Mao Zedong was replaced by the socialist market economy under Deng Xiaoping, the current economic system, on the basis that "Practice is the Sole Criterion for the Truth".

The Communist Youth League (CYL) is the CPC's youth wing, and the largest mass organization for youth in China. According to the CPC's constitution the CYL is a "mass organization of advanced young people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; it functions as a party school where a large number of young people learn about socialism with Chinese characteristics and about communism through practice; it is the Party's assistant and reserve force.

To the CPC, Marxism–Leninism provides a "vision of the contradictions in capitalist society and of the inevitability of a future socialist and communist societies". Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is said to be a continuation of previous party ideologies as part of a series of guiding ideologies that embody "Marxism adapted to Chinese conditions" and contemporary considerations.

The CPC views the world as organized into two opposing camps; socialist and capitalist. They insist that socialism, on the basis of historical materialism, will eventually triumph over capitalism.

There is a considerable degree of interest in Cuba within the CPC. Fidel Castro, the former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), is greatly admired, and books have been written focusing on the successes of the Cuban Revolution. Communication between the CPC and the PCC has increased considerably since the 1990s, hardly a month going by without a diplomatic exchange.

In other words, bullshit.

Deng, who was imprisoned under Mao for a while, overthrew the government from within but didn't bother changing the outward forms and symbols of the earlier and actually Communist regime. Pretty smart.

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