SHOCKING: Tucker Carlson's head writer outed as unfuckable racist & mysoginist discussion thread - Politics | PoFo

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In a shocking twist that will surprise no one, the head writer for Tucker Carlson's Fox News show, The White Power Hour with Tucker Carlson, is a massive racist, misogynist, and unfuckable loser.

Behold, the defender of the Western culture and the White Male:

Spoiler: show

He is 29 years old, and it's clear that his superior genes must not be diluted by inferior races.

From CNN:

New York (CNN Business) Editor's note: This article quotes racist, homophobic and sexist language, much of which has not been censored.

The top writer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson has for years been using a pseudonym to post bigoted remarks on an online forum that is a hotbed for racist, sexist, and other offensive content, CNN Business learned this week.

Just this week, the writer, Blake Neff, responded to a thread started by another user in 2018 with the subject line, "Would u let a JET BLACK congo n****er do lasik eye surgery on u for 50% off?" Neff wrote, "I wouldn't get LASIK from an Asian for free, so no." (The subject line was not censored on the forum.) On June 5, Neff wrote, "Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down." On June 24, Neff commented, "Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep." On June 26, Neff wrote that the only people who care about changing the name of the NFL's Washington Redskins are "white libs and their university-'educated' pets."

And over the course of five years, Neff has maintained a lengthy thread in which he has derided a woman and posted information about her dating life that has invited other users to mock her and invade her privacy. There has at times also been overlap between some material he posted or saw on the forum and Carlson's show.

CNN Business contacted Neff for comment Thursday night. After he or someone acting on his behalf passed that email to Fox News spokespeople, a network spokesperson on Friday morning told CNN Business that Neff had resigned. A Fox News spokesperson said Carlson could not be reached for comment. Neff did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Neff worked at Fox News for nearly four years and was Carlson's top writer. Previously, he was a reporter at The Daily Caller, a conservative news outlet that Carlson co-founded. In a recent article in the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Neff said, "Anything [Carlson is] reading off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me." He also acknowledged the show's influence, telling the magazine, "We're very aware that we do have that power to sway the conversation, so we try to use it responsibly."

[Further details in article, linked above]

But that's not all, folks. As you can imagine, someone who shares the exact same beliefs of our resident Trump supporters is also a sexual dynamo. Women quiver at his gaze and long for his touch. No woman can resist the siren's call of his sexy comb-forward hairstyle.

From Slate, which I have chosen because of WaPo's paywall:

The Washington Post is taking its motto very seriously these days. Because “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” even the paper’s famously weird matchmaking section is shedding some disinfecting sunlight on one of the bleakest segments of contemporary humanity: the D.C. dating scene.

Last week’s Date Lab entry featured Blake Neff, a “proud Trump voter” and writer at an unnamed cable news station. Neff’s Twitter profile reveals that, unsurprisingly, that station is Fox, and the show is Tucker Carlson’s. Neff sounds like a real charmer: He told Date Lab that he would “not necessarily oppose [Washington’s] destruction by nuclear fireball, even if I am in it at the time” and likes “virtuous” women who value their families over “ambitious career goals.” He also says he doesn’t date much. Strange!

Date Lab writer Michelle Cottle deserves credit for facing Neff’s relationship challenges head-on in the nicest possible way. Neff required “a bit more care than others when being matched,” she writes, because he “can come across as a wee bit defensive.” He hates the city he lives in and the things people do in it, such as using dating apps and bragging about their “B.S. master’s degrees.” When Date Lab asked about his interests, Neff replied that “most of my hobbies allow me to escape women.”

Some singles might balk at a guy who says he doesn’t like socializing with women and works for a man who thought it was funny to joke about ejaculating on women in work emails. Date Lab had the unenviable task of finding a woman mature enough to look past those slight blemishes on Neff’s dating profile to see the true gem (?) underneath. The lucky guinea pig was McKenzie Smith, a “traditional conservative” and “die-hard Southerner” who likes “frat boy types.” She was “fascinated” by Neff’s conspicuous brandishing of a book on Catherine the Great at their date; Neff was impressed by how “genuinely well-read” Smith appeared to be.

But Neff squandered any benefit of the doubt Smith gave him when he continued opening his mouth. When faced with her blond hair, he told her he preferred brown locks. When he was late to the restaurant and walked in to find her sipping a drink at the bar, he informed her that alcohol is “poison.” Yet Neff told Date Lab that when Smith said she wasn’t sure if she wanted to pursue a relationship, he thought, “If I were Brad Pitt, you would be”—a classic case of a man blaming a woman’s romantic disinterest on something wrong with her (in this case, her imagined superficiality) instead of his own bad personality.

Though both parties inexplicably rated the outing a four out of five, they haven’t gone on a second date. Poor McKenzie told Date Lab that she was scared Neff would “trash” her in his postdate interview. Looks like Neff is still on the lookout for a woman with a “willingness to see the ironies and oddities in anything, even if it’s dark or mundane.” One supposes that includes the irony of a 27-year-old who detests braggarts of educational pedigrees putting his undergraduate alma mater (Dartmouth!) in his Twitter profile, and the irony of a man who uses his hobbies to “escape women” asking a newspaper to set him up with one.

Are Trump supporters and other reactionaries as awful in spirit and appearance as their beliefs? What do you think?
blackjack21 wrote:Oh no! A racist! A sexist! A homophobe! Moral panic! :lol: :roll:

racism, sexism, homophobia are all LA finance yuppie problems. Massive douchebags started feeling uneasy about their privileged douchebag existences but they didn't want to give up their privilege or stop being douchebags so they started a quasi-religious social justice crusade that ironically is backed by the most abusive and exploitative corporations on the planet and ultimately aims to strip black people, trans people, gay people, and women people of their most fundamental human rights and force them into a fucked off progressive control grid where everybody is dominated by yuppie PMC technocrats.

It's hilarious that a Tucker and a Blake, a couple of WASP establishment dildos, are the least repugnant entities on the corporate airwaves. The corporate woke chuds make even a total shithead like Tucker Carlson look like an enlightened defender of human freedom in comparison, that's how fucking retarded shit has gotten.
I don’t care. I will still go out of my way to watch Tucker Carlson. I guess that’s because he reinforces my racist, misogynistic, black hearted yet white privileged view of the world.

If you need me, I will be in my Winnebago.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Go jerk off to black people being murdered blackjack.

You mean like these people being murdered during Black Lives Matter protests?

Riot Death Toll Now Higher Than Total Deaths of Unarmed Black People For Whole of 2019

You're right. That's no big deal. What's a big deal is that a writer for Tucker Carlson posted controversial comments on the internet. That's terrible! Really, really bad. It's even worse than a black man being charged with vehicular manslaughter for running over a white BLM protester wearing all black in the dead of night running around on the freeway. How is it that a white guy who didn't break any laws only loses his job, but a black guy is going to prison for running over a white Black Lives Matter rioter? No justice, no peace!

Sivad wrote:racism, sexism, homophobia are all LA finance yuppie problems. Massive douchebags started feeling uneasy about their privileged douchebag existences but they didn't want to give up their privilege or stop being douchebags so they started a quasi-religious social justice crusade that ironically is backed by the most abusive and exploitative corporations on the planet and ultimately aims to strip black people, trans people, gay people, and women people of their most fundamental human rights and force them into a fucked off progressive control grid where everybody is dominated by yuppie PMC technocrats.

It is crazy isn't it? Their "peaceful protests" have already killed more people in three months than all "unarmed" people killed by the police in 2019. That, of course, is no big deal though. :roll:

Sivad wrote:It's hilarious that a Tucker and a Blake, a couple of WASP establishment dildos, are the least repugnant entities on the corporate airwaves. The corporate woke chuds make even a total shithead like Tucker Carlson look like an enlightened defender of human freedom in comparison, that's how fucking retarded shit has gotten.

In this environment, Tucker Carlson is literally the voice of reason. One of the things Carlson is spot on about is criticizing the Republican establishment basically saying and doing nothing about this, with the exception of Trump.
The top writer for Fox News host Tucker Carlson has for years been using a pseudonym to post bigoted remarks on an online forum that is a hotbed for racist, sexist, and other offensive content, CNN Business learned this week.

CNN received an anonymous tip that he was posting as CharlesXII on the message board and his racist posts were exposed by the media, which is why he was fired. It is entertaining to think that he is just like one of us.
ThirdTerm wrote:It is entertaining to think that he is just like one of us.

I think it's where they go to get ideas. Conservative pundits didn't pick up that these riots ostensibly inspired by police violence invariably occur in places controlled politically by Democrats for ages until people like me started pushing it not just repeatedly, but statistically. I haven't heard anyone repeat my point that Atlanta has been run by Democrats for 141 years continuously--twice as long as the communist party controlled Russia via the Soviet Union. Yet, we're meant to believe there is absolutely no voter fraud in Atlanta. Not even a "smidgen" as Obama might put it.
Wow I wonder why the guy who posts racist shit on the internet all the time and loves jerking off to videos of black people being murdered feels some kind of angst seeing a man who posted racist shit online lose his racism job.

It's a real head scratcher. Also I don't read your posts you boring old boomer lmfao shut the fuck up.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Wow I wonder why the guy who posts racist shit on the internet all the time and loves jerking off to videos of black people being murdered feels some kind of angst seeing a man who posted racist shit online lose his racism job.

It's a real head scratcher. Also I don't read your posts you boring old boomer lmfao shut the fuck up.

Apparently, it is not one of your strong points to allow freedom of speech for those with viewpoints contrary to your own.
SpecialOlympian wrote:What part of this was in any way related to freedom of speech Hindsite? Google us up something and copy/paste it without sources like you normally do.

You wrote to blackjack21, "I don't read your posts you boring old boomer lmfao shut the fuck up." That looks like the cancel culture act to deny freedom of speech. :lol:
SpecialOlympian wrote:He is 29 years old, and it's clear that his superior genes must not be diluted by inferior races.

It should be your first clue that 22 years of brainwashing by the media and academia accomplished exactly nothing.

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter is out there getting people killed--literally getting people killed. Yet, they claim moral superiority over a guy who makes edgy comments on the internet? Leftists are so twisted and deranged.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Wow I wonder why the guy who posts racist shit on the internet all the time and loves jerking off to videos of black people being murdered feels some kind of angst seeing a man who posted racist shit online lose his racism job.

What angst? I think it's funny that FoxNews fell for cancel culture.

By the way, I don't post videos of black people being murdered. I post pictures of people charging police officers with machetes and getting shot and killed, because the funny part of it is your over-the-top emotional reaction and complete disregard as to why these events happen--blaming it all on the cops. I also don't make assertions that white people are superior. I never have, because I don't think white people are superior. You just interpret discussions of IQ difference or crime rates by race as somehow supporting race-based policies, which I do not support and never have. Maybe you should take your cause up with the government to stop recording crime statistics by race if it upsets you so much.

SpecialOlympian wrote:It's a real head scratcher.

What's a head scratcher is someone like you calling for the genocide of white people, yet you remain utterly silent when a black man gets arrested and charged with vehicular assault and vehicular manslaughter for inadvertently running over a white girl who was dressed in all black running around unlawfully on a freeway at night ostensibly campaigning on behalf of black people. Where is your defense of unfairly charged black people now? I don't think Davit Kelete should be facing criminal prosecution. So help me understand how my defense of an innocent black man is racist?

SpecialOlympian wrote:What part of this was in any way related to freedom of speech Hindsite?

Doxxing a writer for Tucker Carlson to get him fired.

Hindsite wrote:You wrote to blackjack21, "I don't read your posts you boring old boomer lmfao shut the fuck up."

He reads what I write. He just can't deal with it emotionally, because I don't subscribe to left wing ideology. He likes calling everyone who doesn't subscribe to it "racist." He also can't deal with the irony that BLM has got more black people killed in the last few months than unarmed people killed by the cops in the entire year of 2019. Even little kids have been shot and killed, and neither @SpecialOlympian, nor the entire left wing news media for that matter, seems to care at all. Personally, I think Black Lives Matter is a fraud.

Unthinking Majority wrote:Woke people hate:

boomers, white people, rich people, people who don't think like them.

Yeah, and if you don't think like them, then you are automatically a racist for reasons which have nothing to do with race.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Tucker Carlson's show is straight up racism and pro-fash

He has black guests on all the time. Where do you come up with this?

SpecialOlympian wrote:all the dorks stepping up to defend the unfuckable incel who even Fox News found so toxic they made him "resign."

Who's defending the guy? By the way, what law did he break? I think his posts were somewhat tasteless, but it isn't clear to me how his personal posting hobbies impacts the work he was doing for FoxNews. So FoxNews embraces cancel culture, while Carlson campaigns against it. It's kind of ironic.
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