WTF FBI - Politics | PoFo

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By skinster
For people who don't understand the tweet, the FBI on its official Twitter page posted the antisemitic conspiracy known as the Protocols of Elders of Zion.

What is going on in America? :lol:
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By Rancid
wat0n wrote:Could it be an automated account? I'm guessing it's a bot that tweets historical files at random.

You are correct, that account tweets out things that are added to the FBI's public records. This was added to their records (as they tend to record just about anything to catalog its existence), and thus tweeted.

In other words, it's just a tweet of one of their records, and it's not a specific message they are trying to send.

It does appear odd though.
By skinster
Rancid wrote:In other words, it's just a tweet of one of their records, and it's not a specific message they are trying to send.

Could it be a nod to their neonazi mates. :?:
By Sivad
What's kooky about QAnon isn't the elite pedophile networks, that's been pretty well established at this point. It's the belief that Trump and a high military cabal are gonna save the world from the pedophiles is what makes QAnon so kooky.

And btw, commie kids who think the chicoms are the saviors of civilization are every bit as ridiculous as any QAnon kook so I don't what they think they're laughing at.
By skinster
I was ignoring the QAnon shit for so long because it always sounded kind of insane. For anyone interested on what that whole thing is, this podcast explained it well to me:

That woman recently arrested for throwing masks around in an American store claims she was acting on behalf of QAnon and Trump. :|

Sivad wrote:And btw, commie kids who think the chicoms are the saviors of civilization are every bit as ridiculous as any QAnon kook so I don't what they think they're laughing at.

Who called China "saviors of civilization"? Opposing your fucked up country's warmongering on China isn't the same as saying they are <3 the bestest state ever <3.

Everyone should oppose attacks coming from your psychopathic state given what it's done and continues to do around the world.

You think you're impervious to propaganda and neutral or some shit, but here you are doing exactly what Mike Pompeo and John Bolton do. :D
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By colliric
Lol, a shitload of Conspiracy Theory nuts are going to take this publication to mean it's all legit, for decades on end. The "FBI published it!".


Reminiscent of the time Coca-Cola auto-published Mein Kampf because of their stupid competition being trolled. Lol.

This is an obvious "document request" trolling.
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By Rancid
Unthinking Majority wrote:Seems very obviously the FBI is a neo-nazi front organization controlled by the New World Order which is headed by a genetic clone of Hitler.

Which is hilarious because I thought leftist complain that that US is Zionist. Which is it? Are they Nazis or Zionist?
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By maz
A most epic tweet from the FBI :lol:

They even posted the entire book on their website :lol:

Could it be a secret Russian plot to interfere with the 2020 election?
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By Rancid
maz wrote:Could it be a secret Russian plot to interfere with the 2020 election?

This is Trump asking Russia for help! I know it!

Or maybe it's Biden pushing is Neonazi ties?

Or maybe it's Kamala's Zionists tendencies.
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By Oxymoron
Jews are both superior and inferior, we are also globalist and fascists .

We are so special we can even be matter and anti matter at the same time :lol:
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By Skynet
"A conspiracy against the state works seldom " this wrote Machiavelli. So I do not believe in conspiracy theories the AIPAC is powerfull enough

But J street represents the Jews better
By skinster
colliric wrote:Lol, a shitload of Conspiracy Theory nuts are going to take this publication to mean it's all legit, for decades on end. The "FBI published it!".


Rancid wrote:Which is hilarious because I thought leftist complain that that US is Zionist. Which is it? Are they Nazis or Zionist?

1. The U.S. has a Zionist government, still.
2. Lots of neonazis hate Jews and a) ascribe Zionism to all Jews despite many being anti-Zionist and b) support Zionism because it means getting rid of Jews from Western countries.
3. Zionists can be and are Nazis and the reverse is true (see number 2.) You have learned nothing about Zionism despite me posting about the supremacist and fascist nature of Zionism. Here's a podcast that might educate you on the connections.

4. Today's Israel is very friendly with fascist governments in India, the U.S., Brazil, Hungary etc.
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By Oxymoron
skinster wrote:
4. Today's Israel is very friendly with fascist governments in India, the U.S., Brazil, Hungary etc.

:lol: :lol: Any government that defies Leftist Globalist slave agenda, is Fascist. Cool Story Bro :lol:

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