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By ness31
Is there one person on the planet who isn’t going to pay to watch this fight? :lol:

I tuned into the Rogan podcast with Tyson and he looks like he’s in mean condition. Don’t really know who Roy Jones Jr is, or how he looks presently.
I’m sure this fight is a metaphor for something but I’m not willing to speculate what :lol: :lol:
ness31 wrote:I’m sure this fight is a metaphor for something but I’m not willing to speculate what :lol: :lol:

Desperation for money? lol

This will be the worst fight of all-time. They're both in their 50's. I give Jones the edge based on being 3 years younger and probably in better shape.
Tyson doesn't need money dude has a TV show on adult swim, books, and TV/Movie gigs. Then again, no amount of money is ever enough.
By ness31
Desperation for money? lol

Someone told me Tyson was broke..

Either way, he’s putting in the work for this fight. Apparently he got chunky and couldn’t fit into his clothes :lol: :lol:

This will be the worst fight of all-time. They're both in their 50's. I give Jones the edge based on being 3 years younger and probably in better shape.

Aww, don’t be such a negative Nancy :| People in their fifties aren’t old anymore.
Obviously it won’t be a fight between two dudes in their prime, but it will still be interesting.

If the world has to endure watching two geriatrics go head to head for the title of leader the free world, this encounter will be a breath of fresh air :lol:
ness31 wrote:Aww, don’t be such a negative Nancy :| People in their fifties aren’t old anymore.
Obviously it won’t be a fight between two dudes in their prime, but it will still be interesting.

If the world has to endure watching two geriatrics go head to head for the title of leader the free world, this encounter will be a breath of fresh air :lol:

There's been no change in human genetics the last 100+ years, so yes 54 is old for an athlete.

Did you watch Tyson fight Lennox Lewis? He looked terrible then, and that was 18 years ago lol. Tyson's prime was also in his late teens and early 20's, which was really young and like 30 years ago lol.

Roy Jones meanwhile has defied age and last fought in 2018, where he won the WBU championship. And was still regularly fighting and winning before that. Jones will destroy Tyson.
By ness31
For professional athletes yes, 50+ is ‘old‘ but I sincerely doubt they’re approaching it in that fashion. It’s an Exhibition Fight...geez, I know nothing about boxing and even I grasped that :lol:

Anyway, I don’t know who will win. I wish both gents the best of luck in their midlife crises :lol:
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By Crantag
I would like to consider myself the resident boxing nerd.

I love boxing. And I was a boxer. I didn't make it to the pros, I did fight in the amateurs, and did some tough man type stuff.

Member Ness, how could you not know who Roy Jones Jr. is?

I don't blame you. Roy Jones was an absolute great. You should look him up. He was incredible, utterly.

Member Unthinking Majority and Member Rancid. Hard to say if Tyson needs money or not, I tend to agree with Member Rancid, I don't think it is about the money. Tyson did go bankrupt. And Don King fucked him hard, and stole his likeness rights and shit. Tyson made a shit ton of money, spent a shit ton of money, got fucked over, and went bankrupt. But he has sorta reinvented himself and figured out ways to make a little bit of coin, but he is by no means at all crazy rich these days. But I don't really think this is about the money, although the two of them are likely hoping to earn a little bit of coin.

I'm legitimately excited for it, can't help it.

Also, Member Unthinking Majority, you are right in the sense boxing is a tough sport and most boxers don't make it to 50, but Bernard Hopkins was light heavyweight champion at 50. George Foreman won the heavyweight championship, 20 years after losing his championship to Muhammad Ali, at the age of 46.

Archie Moore fought well into his 40s, in the olden days, when fighters had to fight often.

This is more of a sideshow, but as the attage goes, fighters fight.
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By Crantag
I don't know who will win. I love Roy Jones, but I hope Tyson wins. I don't really want to see Roy Jones knocked out again either, but I'll give you my honest expectation, it will be like a sparring match. But, I don't know, we will see. Roy Jones will maybe win, if he is still on his feet at the end of the match, unless he gets knocked down a couple of times. Roy Jones could stop Tyson, if Tyson is just not fit for the competition and Jones is.
By ness31
I don’t think either of them should be knocked out. No one wants to see that :hmm:

How to make something serious without removing all the risk? I guess that’s up to the fighters themselves aye?

Edit: it’s interesting you bring that up actually, because in the podcast Tyson was very explicit in stating he didn’t want to work with people who keep getting knocked out. A message maybe to his opponent?
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By Crantag
ness31 wrote:I don’t think either of them should be knocked out. No one wants to see that :hmm:

How to make something serious without removing all the risk? I guess that’s up to the fighters themselves aye?

Edit: it’s interesting you bring that up actually, because in the podcast Tyson was very explicit in stating he didn’t want to work with people who keep getting knocked out. A message maybe to his opponent?

It was probably a taunt. Roy Jones was absolutely great. When he was in his prime, he was considered the best fighter of any weight class. Pound for pound #1, as they say. Pound for pound is mythical of course, but Roy Jones was considered the best boxer in the world, in his day (and he had an unorthodox style, like a lot of greats do, including Ali).

Jones suffered a string of knockouts at the end of his career, and kept fighting, and Tyson was probably taunting him.

Knockouts are a part of boxing. No empathetic person likes to see people get hurt, but that is a part of the sport, just the way it is.

I've been knocked out, and when it happens to you, sometimes you want to complain, sometimes you want to take a break.

One time I sleep walked after a fight, when I got stopped.

I only got stopped like that a couple times. It's part of the sport. It's like getting pinned in wrestling, or like being a pitcher when a guy hits a homerun off you.
By ness31
It was probably a taunt.

I may be naive, but I don’t think it was that. He was in fact responding to a question...no I don’t think he was taunting Jones. If that was a taunt then top of the class for intelligent sledging..
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By Crantag
ness31 wrote:I may be naive, but I don’t think it was that. He was in fact responding to a question...no I don’t think he was taunting Jones. If that was a taunt then top of the class for intelligent sledging..

I didn't hear the audio, and I don't know. I was basing it off what you said. It would make sense as a taunt, because Roy Jones got knocked out a bunch of times at the end of his run at the top. He never really stopped fighting though. He even became a Russian citizen so he could go fight in Russia, and build a stable there, lol. Dude never wanted to stop. And there is something respectable in that.
By ness31
Sorry, I didn’t mean to mislead you. I meant maybe he was reassuring his opponent that he wasn’t comfortable with a fight where someone was knocked out.

The wiki write up said Jones was a dual US/Russian citizen. I found that fascinating.
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By Crantag
ness31 wrote:Sorry, I didn’t mean to mislead you. I meant maybe he was reassuring his opponent that he wasn’t comfortable with a fight where someone was knocked out.

The wiki write up said Jones was a dual US/Russian citizen. I found that fascinating.

Jones went and became a Russian citizen, so he could fight in Russia and try to build a stable of fighters there.

Not that he needed the citizenship to simply fight there, but he was trying to build a stable of fighters there, and Putin obliged him with a citizenship offer. Putin, for all his flaws, respects fighters.

Like I said, I expect it to be a sparring match. But, it is hard to say. And Tyson is still a puncher. Jones can punch. But I expect a sparring match.
By ness31
So you expect it to be a very tactical fight where it’s literally about the quality and placement of the taps?

Do they have any bad blood?
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By Crantag
ness31 wrote:So you expect it to be a very tactical fight where it’s literally about the quality and placement of the taps?

Do they have any bad blood?

It's hard to know what exactly to expect. Tyson had some exhibitions in the past, and they were just glorified sparring. I kinda expect the same. I don't know of any bad blood between them. They were actually in talks for a fight once upon a time, back in the day, though. The thing is, if it is to be a glorified sparring match, which I think it is probably meant to be, things can still get heated, and it is still a fight.
By ness31
Heated lol. Yes, there’s always the potential for egos to get in the way. Everyone is very much cognizant of that.
ness31 wrote:Heated lol. Yes, there’s always the potential for egos to get in the way. Everyone is very much cognizant of that.

I don't know what is going to happen, they are both professionals. I mentioned Tyson had some exhibitions in the past, or at least one (against Corey 'T-Rex' Sanders. Not the same Corey Sanders from South Africa who knocked out Wladimer Klitschko).

They both have egos, and reputations. I think I'm leaning toward Jones now. Jones is smaller, but also better, younger by a couple years, and has been active. There were those that thought he should have retired a long time ago, perhaps in 2005 after losing 3 straight (in world championship fights), or at least after he got knocked out in Australia in 1 round by Danny Green, and then lost his next two fights, but he never really did retire. He last fought in February of 2018. Tyson last fought in 2005. Roy Jones can punch, as well. He has 47 knockouts in 66 wins. Tyson has 44 knockouts in 50 wins, and obviously Tyson is a huge puncher, that was sorta his thing, obviously.
I might listen to that Rogan podcast episode today.

I think this thread needs video.

I tangentially mentioned Corey Sanders vs Wladimer Klitschko. This fight happened when Klitschko was full of hype, and Klitschko actually did go on to have a legendary championship run, but had a couple slip-ups on the way up, including this one, it's a short video, give it a watch, it was amazing, and I watched it live on HBO. Corey Sanders was actually a pro golfer as well as a pro boxer. He was good, he was probably considered more of a fringe contender, or even possibly a journeyman, going into this fight. He got shot and killed during a robbery at a restaurant, I don't know the full story, but he was maybe trying to turn the tables on the robbers, and it didn't work out. Or he was maybe trying to defend someone. In South Africa.

And, this thread also would not be complete without a Roy Jones Jr. highlight. This is the top highlight that comes to mind, because the music is actually Roy Jones himself, rapping about his boxing career, and the mashup is sort of in line with the lyrics, lol. Legend.

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By Crantag
That was a good highlight, and that was Roy Jones rapping, I'm glad I posted that one, but I was actually thinking of this, I conflated the two videos. A boxer who is great and who does the music for his own highlights, that's legendary, lol.

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