St. Malachy's Prophecy - Politics | PoFo

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By Odiseizam

I would position Paul 2 as flower of flowers, this is prolonging the times by two another pontiffs!? thus I see the current jezuit (sun symbol) pope Francis not as last as many suggest but as From The Labor From Then Sun ...

the fact that these prophecies were forgotten and rediscovered later from some skeptical perspective is giving me an notion that some pope used these prophecies in own benefit editing their true list, tho that would affect maybe the middle rows and like that could make problem to the authenticity but could not defect anyhow the last lines eg. labor of the sun i.e. the jesuit symbol (the loyolas illuminism)

this notion is not assumption but known practice in vatican throughout the centuries, which could be used for the list disbandment, but if there is lexical comparison of the source probably it would be easily demystified if there is any forgery in it ...

hm U want to say that U are skeptical about this one!? far from political mongering, for sure as Saint is not unusual to have a prophecy gift someone like Malachy!

were his visions from Divine Nature or simply effect of spiritual delusion that couldnt be argued thoroughly if one is not examining their withnessing with open spiritual eyes and angelic contemplation ...

on other hand we as humans can observe the theories that have arose on this topic earlier, in my case offereing my understanding on it, tho little simplified coz I can reconect other names in the list by other propositions who are they etc.
Odiseizam wrote:hm U want to say that U are skeptical about this one!? far from political mongering, for sure as Saint is not unusual to have a prophecy gift someone like Malachy!

were his visions from Divine Nature or simply effect of spiritual delusion that couldnt be argued thoroughly if one is not examining their withnessing with open spiritual eyes and angelic contemplation ...

on other hand we as humans can observe the theories that have arose on this topic earlier, in my case offereing my understanding on it, tho little simplified coz I can reconect other names in the list by other propositions who are they etc.

You can have a spiritual delusion from Satan, in which the contents are pretty much ''true'' but are put into circulation for a nefarious purpose.

And in any case, Malachy was not a saint, having been born in the generation after the West went into Schism, and thus that generation was thus (collectively speaking) graceless.
hm why and how U think he was graceless, generalization was never Christian Apologetic Stance, if the cardinals or the popes are in apostasy that dont means that all the Monks are too!

that would be first contra argument ... second would be, who can judge which prophecy is spiritual delusion or not, its one thing when anachorete is seeing things diametrically different when layman experience visions ...

... and third I would say as prophecy it is lining good along the current events in these end times i.e. the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ ...
@Odiseizam , you asked;

hm why and how U think he was graceless, generalization was never Christian Apologetic Stance, if the cardinals or the popes are in apostasy that dont means that all the Monks are too!

It's been the position of the Orthodox Christian faith, that it is the actual Catholic Church, and that the Bishops of Old Rome broke from the Church and went into Schism. And all who followed them in their errors.

that would be first contra argument ... second would be, who can judge which prophecy is spiritual delusion or not, its one thing when anachorete is seeing things diametrically different when layman experience visions ...

Scripture and Holy Tradition judge visions and the like, the Church judges. The true goal of the spiritual life is not the seeing of visions but acquiring the indwelling of God, eternal life.
... and third I would say as prophecy it is lining good along the current events in these end times i.e. the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ ...

We are warned about false prophesies and false prophets towards the end times as we get closer to them, for a reason.
@annatar1914 I am OC myself and I am very well inquired in the official stance, but that dont means that when the schism broke those Monks instantly became graceless, if U know the history of the conflict U would know that it was politics in question that was pushed from the 5-th century onward since the dispute about balkan jurisdiction among contantinople and vatican, that said errors wherent so profound in those times but later when Unam-Sanctum or the Antiquorum-habet-fida-relatioaddition to it ...

hm visions coudnt be judged, if so how would U comment about the Saint Paisios Prophecies, its judged the tendency to live life as prophet or believe in dreams in which are laying risks from delusions which is known as Prelest , as Saint John Chrysostom said those who believe in dreams are like those who are chasing their own shadow, but there are exceptions, and in case of Holy Men would be wise not to turn Ur ears instantly, especially in this case where the point of this thread is not to point to some lineage but to the fact that we are living in the very end of the last times ...

this is not prophecy that aroused near the end time, but in the middle, if this could be taken for granted then I''ll say then even more the Elder Paisos Prophesies or those from Saint Seraphim From Sarov are falser than this, but again I am not even stubborn or blind but want to see things from perspective of Soteriology i.e. if we really live in the eve right before the armagedon (now probably in the beginning of that last part of the apocalypse) then we should be all awaken that we are all at various risks even if we are loosen like this in analytical chit-chat, not to talk about the nonselsuficient habits or the eagerness for decadent lifestyle etc.
@Odiseizam , you replied;

I am OC myself and I am very well inquired in the official stance, but that dont means that when the schism broke those Monks instantly became graceless, if U know the history of the conflict U would know that it was politics in question that was pushed from the 5-th century onward since the dispute about balkan jurisdiction among contantinople and vatican, that said errors wherent so profound in those times but later when Unam-Sanctum or the Antiquorum-habet-fida-relatioaddition to it ...

The heresy of Papal Supremacy with the Pope also as a temporal ruler contrary to the Canons, and of the ''Filioque Procedit'' was already well advanced in the West before the formal Schism of 1054 AD, with the mutilation of the Divine Liturgy in the West with things like the removal of the Epeclesis and the Azymes, the unvalid matter of bread, mandatory celibacy, etc... It's far more than a political matter.

hm visions coudnt be judged, if so how would U comment about the Saint Paisios Prophecies, its judged the tendency to live life as prophet or believe in dreams in which are laying risks from delusions which is known as Prelest , as Saint John Chrysostom said those who believe in dreams are like those who are chasing their own shadow, but there are exceptions, and in case of Holy Men would be wise not to turn Ur ears instantly, especially in this case where the point of this thread is not to point to some lineage but to the fact that we are living in the very end of the last times ...

Those outside the faith have already been judged as graceless by the Church, but we also know that God is good and merciful and loves mankind. Nothing of God can come from formal Heretical and Schismatic structures, and this has been the teaching of the faith from the beginning.

this is not prophecy that aroused near the end time, but in the middle, if this could be taken for granted then I''ll say then even more the Elder Paisos Prophesies or those from Saint Seraphim From Sarov are falser than this, but again I am not even stubborn or blind but want to see things from perspective of Soteriology i.e. if we really live in the eve right before the armagedon (now probably in the beginning of that last part of the apocalypse) then we should be all awaken that we are all at various risks even if we are loosen like this in analytical chit-chat, not to talk about the nonselsuficient habits or the eagerness for decadent lifestyle etc.

It can be dangerous, these speculations. It is far safer to instead look after your own salvation, pray for and love others as yourself, and await the coming again of Our Lord with hope, instead of risking going too far into possible deceits of the enemy of the human race. I say this not to fault you, but I am a sinner, and I myself have spent too much time in that sort of speculation. Everything we need to know about the End Times right now in this time, comes from the Orthodox Fathers whose writings and scriptural commentaries on these and other matters are a sure and enlightening guide.
annatar1914 as reference to their court I am looking to this Prophecy as logical, especially when we are witnessing the end of the capitalistic era and the rush for globalism, process which is in swing for the whole last century altho was started after the culmination of the enlightenment era and the first phase with the introduction of the concept of nation with whom was started the dissolution of the Church as Authority among the people, seemingly giving to the people democracy but actually overtaking by the neopagan elites of the Christendome on back door if we are aware that all that electoral spinns are just that plutocracy in disguise with democracy, thus having the big picture in front and knowing that exactly we dont have much time but very little its beneficial for the Faithful to be wake, from this aspect we must dont have any other exact clue when will this happen but this prophecy ...

I will digress little to show that its really wrong to address this kind of prophecies from orthodox perspective, what if as trend begins would be almost like ecumenical tendency in the Laos, thus I am aware that there are risks, but for the sake of historical debate if not else I rushed subconsciously maybe with wrong excuses, So I will ask for Forgiveness by any Orthodox Christian that will find this thread as temptation ...

... U are right annatar1914 we dont need anything else than The Teaching From Our Saver Jesus Christ ... but living in times when people are loosen or wrongly anticipating the ongoing geopolitical processes I am taking the Time to examine whether we as Faithful are standing at the last crossroad to the era when the new world order is unwrapping as is Said in the Revelation, what also is happening on the spiritual level too when ecumenism is most beloved trend even by many Orthodox Christian Churches accepted almost also by the Constantinople Patriarchy, which as process is with 100 year ecumenical tradition that luckily isnt still finished ...

the New Calendar was introduced into the Orthodox Church not for the sake of astronomical correctness, but as the first step in achieving a forced, false union of the Orthodox Church with non-Orthodox New Calendarist Christian bodies [i.e., Roman Catholic, Protestant, etc.], for the sake of certain secular advantages which such a union was expected to have.
Odiseizam wrote:annatar1914 as reference to their court I am looking to this Prophecy as logical, especially when we are witnessing the end of the capitalistic era and the rush for globalism, process which is in swing for the whole last century altho was started after the culmination of the enlightenment era and the first phase with the introduction of the concept of nation with whom was started the dissolution of the Church as Authority among the people, seemingly giving to the people democracy but actually overtaking by the neopagan elites of the Christendome on back door if we are aware that all that electoral spinns are just that plutocracy in disguise with democracy, thus having the big picture in front and knowing that exactly we dont have much time but very little its beneficial for the Faithful to be wake, from this aspect we must dont have any other exact clue when will this happen but this prophecy ...

I will digress little to show that its really wrong to address this kind of prophecies from orthodox perspective, what if as trend begins would be almost like ecumenical tendency in the Laos, thus I am aware that there are risks, but for the sake of historical debate if not else I rushed subconsciously maybe with wrong excuses, So I will ask for Forgiveness by any Orthodox Christian that will find this thread as temptation ...

... U are right annatar1914 we dont need anything else than The Teaching From Our Saver Jesus Christ ... but living in times when people are loosen or wrongly anticipating the ongoing geopolitical processes I am taking the Time to examine whether we as Faithful are standing at the last crossroad to the era when the new world order is unwrapping as is Said in the Revelation, what also is happening on the spiritual level too when ecumenism is most beloved trend even by many Orthodox Christian Churches accepted almost also by the Constantinople Patriarchy, which as process is with 100 year ecumenical tradition that luckily isnt still finished ...

@Odiseizam ; consider too brother, that in the prophesy the popes have titles which (especially after 1054 AD) are totally uncalled for and inappropriate from a Orthodox perspective; ''Angelic Shepherd'' for example.
@annatar1914 ... what a typo, my spelling is mess, sorry if somehow like that this topic is loosen altho its important from few aspects ... Christ As Our Savior for sure is sawing us constantly even if we dont seek salvation, altho in the end its our Free Will whether we will focus on such must say highest ideal for our Souls ... in such feat we must be waken by all traps on that Road To Salvation eg. those that are suggested by You annatar1914 in this thread, Yes this kind of prophecy have many risks in it eg. the proposed risk of eventual editing by some later popes from vatican, but again I will say tempted by the fact that we have little more time for sobriety derived from my conclusion of the revisited timeline I have decided to share this info not just here but also elsewhere so I can obtain opinions of its validity as logical analysis ...

... somehow I see this catholic prophecy as support for my interpretation of the Earthly Rule Of Christ that is reveled by Saint John in the Bible Revelation where is stated that after one millennia will be loosen satan-anathema-to-him who will decieve the people for another millennium after what the Final Judgement will come, what I am interpreting as 1 millennia Byzantine Empire and another millennia vatican supremacy which was hostage of western european elites who were not rarely neopagan, actually inertion that lead to the enlightenment era and the ideal for new world order through the rosencrucian new atlantis and eventually ended in un constitution ideologically and still pushed to be enforced actually, something that should also be finished as globalization on spiritual level through ecumenism and later brought to the freemasonic universalism, which we know from the Revelation that is that antichrist new world order which will last for 7 years and after as such destroyed by Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ ...

this said only question that arises from my interpretation is when actually Byzantium as Orthodox Christian Faith started i.e. what could be taken for its actual founding date [1] and what for its actual end date [2] what if it is seen like this the end all this will happen after 300 years, but lets say that the reign of Jesus Christ started with His first coming to Earth and lasted till the great schism when started the next tempting 1000 years, something that is comparable to this malachys prophecy and eventual nwo after 2054 till when the nwo should happen seen as 1k years from the great schism onward, and if we can assume how long this pope will stay ahead vatican [3] and the next one after eventual ww3 will be humanitarian, its not heretical speculation to assume that we live exactly in the last times!

dont get me wrong I have no intention to say I am right somehow, just theoretisizing is it really posibble that we live in these times, and this notion is not derived as feeling by all the geopolitical or scientific circumstances that surrounds us, but theory based on interpretations of the proposed part of the Revelation and the malachys pope prophesy, after all maybe You are right and maybe the later is spinn or delusional reference as catholic prophecy, but why vatican is silent about i.e. dont have official stance on the subject in question!?
Odiseizam wrote:
dont get me wrong I have no intention to say I am right somehow, just theoretisizing is it really posibble that we live in these times, and this notion is not derived as feeling by all the geopolitical or scientific circumstances that surrounds us, but theory based on interpretations of the proposed part of the Revelation and the malachys pope prophesy, after all maybe You are right and maybe the later is spinn or delusional reference as catholic prophecy, but why vatican is silent about i.e. dont have official stance on the subject in question!?

@Odiseizam , don't get me wrong, everything I said earlier doesn't mean that a true Christian should not examine the ''signs of the times'' and watch, as Our Lord commanded us.

The Fathers seem to be unanimous that Antichrist comes after the fall of the Roman Empire, after it has basically disintegrated into 10 Kingdoms (which St. Hippolytus says of these 10 Kingdoms that the ''Iron mixed with clay'' St. Daniel the Prophet wrote of concerning them means Authority uneasily mixed with Democracy). They also say that Antichrist will seize 3 of the Kingdoms and then the rest of the former Roman Empire will submit to his rule. That much is pretty unanimous with the Fathers' biblical commentaries on the issue, and they begin to disagree a little about the rest somewhat, slightly less unanimous.

I do have a personal theory and speculations about these matters, but I usually keep it to myself for the most part.
if we know that the western realm nowadays is derived from the enlightment era which by all means is revival of the spirituality from the paganism and republican law from rome in antiquity, also if we take for granted their official symbols , but most of all if we understand the will from the medieval western strive for revival of the "holy" roman empire and the battle who will rule over vatican, for sure its not hard to predict to whom is addressed that notion for future western empire where that antichrist-anathema-to-him will appear!
Odiseizam wrote:if we know that the western realm nowadays is derived from the enlightment era which by all means is revival of the spirituality from the paganism and republican law from rome in antiquity, also if we take for granted their official symbols , but most of all if we understand the will from the medieval western strive for revival of the "holy" roman empire and the battle who will rule over vatican, for sure its not hard to predict to whom is addressed that notion for future western empire where that antichrist-anathema-to-him will appear!

I'll just say for now that the Germanic element reigning over these lands is important for an true understanding of what I believe about the end times.

Sources used are not entirely accurate in my opinion, but have a kernel of truth to them in important areas.
@annatar1914 I know that those theories in the proposed links are lets say interpretations without historical but logical support, and I am using them as such an logical direction what is that last roman empire , now if I want accurately to point to the current western realm as successors of the roman empire I would use sources that connects the enlightenment era with the american and french revolutions and after them the ww1 agenda for un then stil pushed as league of nations, and I'll freely say its two centuries nwo agenda, tho few earlier as new-atlantis ideological concept for ideal society and ideal humanity, which simply is impossible in world where rulz Free Will as after The Love is most highest Gift that we as Souls have had received from Our Almighty Lord ...

these western elites are called also determinists by many coz they constantly are pushing this nwo agenda by all means, even instigated the world wars so they would position themselves above others and finish their nwo plan, altho even their old world order (i.e. the capitalistic revolution) is also their project when is put in place the debt enslavement of the states and its citizens, must say this needs longer elaboration and sources so it would be stated as theory than now sounding like thesis, but makes the point that this next roman empire is not at all something that will pop up suddenly but is process that till now welcomed few failures as modern western imperialism!

wont speculate whether this would be called fourth reich or else, but for sure its western inertia!
Odiseizam wrote:@annatar1914 I know that those theories in the proposed links are lets say interpretations without historical but logical support, and I am using them as such an logical direction what is that last roman empire , now if I want accurately to point to the current western realm as successors of the roman empire I would use sources that connects the enlightenment era with the american and french revolutions and after them the ww1 agenda for un then stil pushed as league of nations, and I'll freely say its two centuries nwo agenda, tho few earlier as new-atlantis ideological concept for ideal society and ideal humanity, which simply is impossible in world where rulz Free Will as after The Love is most highest Gift that we as Souls have had received from Our Almighty Lord ...

these western elites are called also determinists by many coz they constantly are pushing this nwo agenda by all means, even instigated the world wars so they would position themselves above others and finish their nwo plan, altho even their old world order (i.e. the capitalistic revolution) is also their project when is put in place the debt enslavement of the states and its citizens, must say this needs longer elaboration and sources so it would be stated as theory than now sounding like thesis, but makes the point that this next roman empire is not at all something that will pop up suddenly but is process that till now welcomed few failures as modern western imperialism!

wont speculate whether this would be called fourth reich or else, but for sure its western inertia!

I think that it's been ongoing for a while, and has it's basis in the Germanic tribal rule after the collapse of the Roman Empire in it's Western provinces, which Germanic rule extended eastwards and involved the Papacy, later expressed as the party of the Guelphs, the Teutonic Knights and then later secret societies that were German and Aristocratic in origin.

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