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By late
annatar1914 wrote:
But anyone of color who disagrees with your politics is fair game for racist attacks...

Again, you're side-stepping your basically racist deduction that a black man can't run for president on a program you oppose without some ''evil'' white man there to guide him, when ''good white men'' like yourself should be doing all the guiding, of course...

Right, the ''pattern'' is in your head, and indicative of the paternalistic racial mindset that you know the truth and that persons of color need to be guided back into that ''truth'' when they go astray without the guidance of you and people like you-white liberals.

First Rule of Holes, when you're in one, stop digging.
By annatar1914
late wrote:First Rule of Holes, when you're in one, stop digging.

You refuse to apply that old saw to yourself. But you refuse in not doing so to see any badness in your desire to be like the fictional ''Atticus Finch'' in ''To kill a Mockingbird'', to lead and instruct all us inferiors in the light of your superior wisdom and goodness :excited: :roll:

It's racism pure and simple.
By late
annatar1914 wrote:
You refuse to apply that old saw to yourself. But you refuse in not doing so to see any badness in your desire to be like the fictional ''Atticus Finch'' in ''To kill a Mockingbird'', to lead and instruct all us inferiors in the light of your superior wisdom and goodness :excited: :roll:

It's racism pure and simple.

Actually, there have been a number of guys that have run for reasons that have nothing at all to do with being elected. All the other ones I know of have been White.

My fave was Patrick Buchanon, in the 80s, who ran as a stalking horse to keep Bush 1 from drifting to the middle.

Welcome to America, we're nuts...
ness31 wrote:Remarkable how you turn your nose up at such an individual. Says a lot about what you’ve come to expect from your elected officials.

What have you got to lose? Your country is disintegrating as we speak, but you would rather hold out for the next generation of career politicians to take their rightful place on the throne. Yuck.

Poor America.

I literally just called US elected officials "shit", so not sure what you're talking about. US politicians are total garbage, but Kanye isn't the answer. I don't want an uneducated person who suffers from bipolar disorder in the White House.
By annatar1914
Actually, there have been a number of guys that have run for reasons that have nothing at all to do with being elected. All the other ones I know of have been White.

Right, but this specific man, Mr. Kanye West, is black and the fear is that he will split off enough votes from the racist Biden to influence the larger election. Got it.

My fave was Patrick Buchanon, in the 80s, who ran as a stalking horse to keep Bush 1 from drifting to the middle.

No, he was in it to win the nomination, I know that for a fact.

Welcome to America, we're nuts...

We're saddled with broken political institutions and a spiritual and cultural wasteland. Trump and Biden exemplify these facts. Kanye West exemplifies the positive effort to pull out of this evil toxicity.
By late
annatar1914 wrote:
1) Right, but this specific man, Mr. Kanye West, is black and the fear is that he will split off enough votes from the racist Biden to influence the larger election. Got it.

2) No, he was in it to win the nomination, I know that for a fact.

3) We're saddled with broken political institutions and a spiritual and cultural wasteland. Trump and Biden exemplify these facts. Kanye West exemplifies the positive effort to pull out of this evil toxicity.

1) That's more of a worry than a concern. You have a pro-Russian posting history, Putin has numerous ways he's screwing us, and this looks like it might be one.

2) I know that's what he said, but he was a follower, not a leader. Look at his life, how many times before that did he run for any elective office?

3) Third party types are all goofballs, the only question is who is giving them money and why.
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By Chad
America's most Corrupt Career Criminal...AKA...China's Joe Biden is a bad politician and his choice for VP is a joke. Leftist US politicians are total garbage. Kanye is a better choice than Biden.

Unthinking Majority wrote:
I literally just called US elected officials "shit", so not sure what you're talking about. US politicians are total garbage, but Kanye isn't the answer. I don't want an uneducated person who suffers from bipolar disorder in the White House.

God Bless America's taxpaying, law abiding, legal citizens. Thank God the Hawaiian Muslim slumlord pimp's illegal mandates and tax penalties are gone forever. Crooked Hillary lost in 2016 and China's Joe Biden and his nasty VP are going to lose this November. Never vote for an Antifa Loving, BLM Supporting, Police Defunding, Leftist Commie Pinko Democrats this Century.
By annatar1914
1) That's more of a worry than a concern. You have a pro-Russian posting history, Putin has numerous ways he's screwing us, and this looks like it might be one.

a. No, it's a concern because black people aren't a robotic voting bloc.

b. More demonization and begging the question that lacks proof. In fact, Putin has come out against the attacks aimed at the Biden family's financal shenanigans. Which by the way I think are ''legal'' but highly unethical and immoral.

c. To obsessive Russophobes, it's a handy excuse for failure politically.

2) I know that's what he said, but he was a follower, not a leader. Look at his life, how many times before that did he run for any elective office?

I ran in circles of people like Buchanan, once upon a time. Buchanan was in the race to win because there were so many GOP conservatives put off by the actually-liberal Bush that he believed he had a chance in an honest nomination process. Well, I don't think it was very honest, I'll just say that.

3) Third party types are all goofballs, the only question is who is giving them money and why.

Bullshit. Most people that are ''Third party types'' you dismiss, they're political idealists who want to break the Two-Party monopoly on political power, and set up a system that better represents the actual political beliefs of the American people.

Typical establishment liberal capitalist :roll:
By ness31
Unthinking Majority wrote:I literally just called US elected officials "shit", so not sure what you're talking about. US politicians are total garbage, but Kanye isn't the answer. I don't want an uneducated person who suffers from bipolar disorder in the White House.

Actually, you likened West to vomit.

So, I guess this all means you won’t be voting at the election huh? Wouldn’t want you to compromise your principles on “voting for shit”.

Your last comment, that’s just mean.
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By Igor Antunov
I listened to his podcast with Joe Rogan. Kanye has a child-like savior complex. Fitting he meandered onto talking about Star Wars as he likewise spent most of the podcast firing off random stream of consciousness without much connection to what came before.

He has the mind of a 14 year old, he could be president of a record label at best. He knows very little about the world. I'm not hating on the guy, but he's clearly mentally ill in some way or at the very least suffering from stumped cognitive development. He made mention of his fixation for programming at an early age, which led to him hyper-fixating toward 'programming' music using computer synth suites. He's clearly autistic and thus knows music but the rest has suffered as a result.

I have also lost much respect for Rogan, the DMT is finally getting to his brain. In one of the prior podcasts he confirmed that 'yes, the 100lbs' dumbbell some talk-show wanker was sporting as if it were made of balloons 'was indeed real'. Man, Joe is developing a case of severe brain farts. Compromises his shtick as a clear and partial observer of the various guests he pays to join him for 2-3 hours. He should lay off the fucking drugs.
ness31 wrote:Actually, you likened West to vomit.

So, I guess this all means you won’t be voting at the election huh? Wouldn’t want you to compromise your principles on “voting for shit”.

Your last comment, that’s just mean.

So you would vote for a clearly mentally unstable person suffering from bipolar disorder and give them access to the launch codes? That's not an insult, i'm not making fun of his mental health issues.
By ness31
Unthinking Majority wrote:So you would vote for a clearly mentally unstable person suffering from bipolar disorder and give them access to the launch codes? That's not an insult, i'm not making fun of his mental health issues.


What behaviour does he exhibit that manifests as a disorder, I’m curious?
By skinster
I can't believe people are wasting time arguing over Kanye West's candidacy as if he has any real shot. :lol:

This election is between the two senile rapists.
By ness31
skinster wrote:I can't believe people are wasting time arguing over Kanye West's candidacy as if he has any real shot. :lol:

This election is between the two senile rapists.

You’re right. His real aim is 2024.
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By Godstud
Kanye might become President, but at the last moment, Taylor Swift would swoop in and steal his Presidency. :lol:

It's USA. I am surprised they don't have a poodle running for President. :knife:

See Idiocracy.
ness31 wrote:You’re basing your judgement on that article. I’m basing mine on what he’s achieved in his life, career and a three hour interview.

I win.

Uhh ok lol. I like the guy a lot, I just don't like him as POTUS. Put him in the cabinet, just not in the big chair.

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