Esotericism, Mysticism & Conspiracy - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Odiseizam wrote:prejudice can make You bald but not strong, have You disputed something from the presented logic, and if You can, my elaboration is mostly mosaic reasoning, and its matter of taste how those footnoted links are arranged to fell in my understanding of the western neopagan imperialism!

along the Alumni post, here is nice read that can forward further the picture, in which could be found different useful points also [1][1]

The 7 Liberal arts and sciences are the fundamental education needed to train thinking human beings capable of participating in civil society. This education has been required every time a nation has made the jump from the parochial to the civil. This education was standardised in ancient Athens, then adopted by Rome, it was carried forward by medieval Greece(Byzantium) and eventually adopted wholly across the west sometimes via catholicism sometimes via orthodoxy and sometimes via freemasonry, the latter being more prominent in the Anglo-Saxon world and France.

These organisations have been antagonistic to one another which is further testament to the similarity of their product than anything else.

In the Anglo-Saxon world, freemasonry has stood in the opposite side of Irish catholicism(.ie parochialism), because of identity politics rather than substance.
@noemon repeating proudly that there is continuity will not change the fact that orthodoxy didnt implement the same ancient roman model, as I've point it was filtered and not at all in full capacity as by rome or later as by humanism, in comparison You can say in theology after the Prophet Noah everybody succeeded Monotheism but everybody made own adjustments to the thruth and many went again in polytheism, that dont make them same at all!

in the end You can using all kind of analogies to support own bias, but its fact that Orthodoxy stood firmly against west even in theological arguments , something that was case as 7-th century but finally was formalized with the schism [1][1][1] essential difference that culminated in 11-th century [2][2] behavior that was later succeed by Russia too [3] after all if we were so similar why Constantine The Great have split the roman empire in the very beginning? why Justinian I codified new law? and only thing that west have in common with east is the heraldic twoheaded eagle, for what earlier I've suggest it was stamp to the fall of Byzantia [2]
Odiseizam wrote:@noemon repeating proudly that there is continuity will not change the fact that orthodoxy didnt implement the same ancient roman model, as I've point it was filtered and not at all in full capacity as by rome or later as by humanism, in comparison You can say in theology after the Prophet Noah everybody succeeded Monotheism but everybody made own adjustments to the thruth and many went again in polytheism, that dont make them same at all!

The Roman Empire used the same educational system both in the Western and in the Eastern part, the one inherited from ancient Athens. This educational system was passed from the Byzantines to the West via Italy and France and popularised by the Freemasons of the 18th & 19th centuries.

The Educational System of the Byzantine Empire wrote:Byzantium’s surprisingly advanced educational system

The educational system of the Byzantine Empire was in large part that inherited from the Hellenistic/Roman past. During primary schooling, students were initiated in reading and writing while secondary schooling deepened their knowledge. Higher education was to be found in large cities only and from the middle Byzantine period onward almost exclusively in Constantinople and with the initiative of Emperors or high ranking officials.
Despite some initial difficulties in synthesizing the Christian religion with the Pagan literature of antiquity, the Church accepted that the study of the intellectual tradition of the ancient world was to its benefit. Gregory of Nazianzos and Basil of Great both recommended the study of classics to Christians and pointed how their legacy was beneficial to Christian readers too.

Higher Education was always a matter of individual choice and not something mandated by the state. Schools were private and parents who wanted their children to receive a good (or even average) education had to pay tuition fees (misthos or siteresion). Fees were determined by the teacher’s reputation and learning. Fees were somewhat high and there are known cases where there were legal challenges about fees owed. In the middle Byzantine period an official named prokathemenos ton pedaiuterion supervised those private schools.

Although the number of pupils is not knowN, they must have represented a small, elite proportion of the young generation. The number of highly cultivated people was small. On the other hand, elementary education was far more widespread. Wealthy women in Byzantium could get educated at home but also in schools for girls. Michael Psellos’ daughter Styliane might have went to such a school as the philosopher makes reference to her ‘fellow schoolgirls’. There was no established schedule for when children would go to schools or specific dates for starting/ending the lessons.

The primary education was known as propaideia (beginning at 6–8 yo and lasting 3 -4 years) and the schoolteacher was known as paidagogos, paidotribes, paidodidaskalos or grammatistes. Secondary education was known as enkyklios paideia (beginning at 12–14 yo and lasting at least 4 years). Responsible for this education was the grammatikos/maistor while pupils were taught by ekkritoi tes scholes (‘prefects’). The grammatikoi monitored the general progress of pupils and supervised the ekkritoi. Primary education was usually conducted in courtyards of monasteries or churches (as many of the teachers were from the clergy) while secondary education was conducted in buildings in the city center.

Primary education focused on reading, writing and arithmetic. Pupils would write exercises on schedaria (wooden tablets) or ostraca using stylus. The Psalter was the key textbook. The secondary education included the trivium of grammar, philosophy and rhetoric and the quadrivium of music, arithmetic, astronomy and geometry( 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences).

Principal textbooks were the Iliad and nine tragedies: Persians, Prometheus Bound, and Seven Against Thebes by Aischylos, Ajax, Electra and Oedipus the King by Sophokles, and Hecuba, Orestes, and Phoenician Women by Euripides. Three comedies from Aristophanes (The Frogs, Wealth and The Clouds) and Pindar, Theokritos, Demosthenes, Aischines, Xenophon, Psalms of David and poems of Gregory Nazianzos were also part of the curriculum.

Regarding grammar, the Cannons of George Choiroboskos and Theodosios of Alexandria and the Techne Grammatike (Art of Grammar) of Dionysios Thrax were popular. Rhetoric was also important, with pupils having to compose small texts on themes drawn from ancient Greece (usually mythology). Mathematics were usually taught along with astronomy. Mathematical epigrams by Metrodoros (6th century), texts by Nikomachos of Gerasa (1st — 2nd century AD) and Euclid were the basis of mathematical education. With regards to music, ancient musical theory consisted in studying the mathematical ratios that represented musical intervals, and that study of harmonic ratios was extended to cosmology. The Byzantines continued with this tradition.

Astronomy was much cultivated by the Byzantines. Byzantine astronomy can be divided into two strands; the Ptolemean tradition and the adoption of various foreign astronomical tables (Arabic, Persian, Latin and Jewish). The Ptolemaic tradition was based on his work Almagest and on Theon of Alexandria, whose commentaries on Ptolemy were widely used. Theon’s book was, according to the author, ‘astronomy for dummies’ and with its clear explanations and examples allowed anyone to use Ptolemy’s tables without having to understand the difficult geometrical grounds of Ptolemy’s astronomy. The eleventh century was the most important for Byzantine astronomy. Aside from books based on the Ptolemaic tradition, one can find good knowledge of Islamic astronomy. In 1062, a Byzantine astrolabe was created for a man of Persian origins. The destruction brought upon by the Fourth Crusade caused a rapture in that scientific advance and the Islamic works disappeared from Byzantium until the late thirteenth century, when Constantinople had been recovered. Among the renewers of Ptoleamic astronomy in that new period was Theodore Metochites with his enormous work Astronomike Stoicheiosis (Astronomic Elements). Nikephoros Gregoras, pupil of Metochites, was able to use Ptolemaic astronomical tables to predict solar and lunar eclipses. Barlaam of Calabria was also skilled in astronomy and able to calculate the solar eclipses of 1333 and 1337. During this period, Persian astronomy was introduced in Byzantium.

Bonds could develop between students and teachers and pupils sometimes brought gifts to their teachers such as food (honey, fish, wine, etch). Teachers could also help their students after finishing school, helping them take positions in the Byzantine bureaucracy. Byzantium had a large administrative machinery that had to be staffed by educated men: in this regard, it somewhat resembled the dynastic empires of China. It is by no accident that the most important literati/scholars of Byzantium also were career bureaucrats.

The state did sometimes intervene in attempts to impose control on higher education. Theodosius II in 425 founded the Pandidakterion, which was meant to help equip young men with the knowledge necessary to enter the Byzantine bureaucracy. It had 31 professors, most of whom taught Latin and Greek. Higher education schools also existed in Berytus, Athens, Antioch, Alexandria and other major cities. Later on, in 855, Caesar Bardas established a higher school at Magnaura.
Constantine VII in the tenth century supported a series of schools: he himself was an accomplished scholar, among his works being De Ceremoniis (“On Ceremonies” — Περί τῆς Βασιλείου Τάξεως), describing court ceremonies, De Administrando Imperio (“On the Administration of the Empire” — Προς τον ίδιον υιόν Ρωμανόν), giving political advice to his son Romanos and Vita Basilii (“Life of Basil” — Βίος Βασιλείου), a biography of the founder of the Macedonian Dynasty, Basil I. He was a passionate collector of books and manuscripts.

Emperor Constantine IX (reigned 1042–1055) established two higher education schools, the Didaskaleion ton Nomon (legal school), under John Xiphilinos, and the School of Philosophy under Michael Psellus. Under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081–1185), higher education was reorganized by the central government. A Patriarchal Academy was established with series for rhetoric, philosophy, theology, and Scripture, with twelve teachers appointed by the Patriarch. After 1204, it was the Church that provided infrastructure for higher education.

Encyclopedia Britannica-Byzantine Education wrote:Stages of education

There were three stages of education. The basic skills of reading and writing were taught by the elementary-school master, or grammatistes, whose pupils generally ranged from 6 or 7 to 10 years of age. The secondary-school master, or grammatikos, supervised the study and appreciation of Classical literature and of literary Greek—from which the spoken Greek of everyday life differed more and more in the course of time—and Latin (until the 6th century). His pupils ranged in age from 10 to 15 or 16. Next, the rhetorician, or rhētor, taught pupils how to express themselves with clarity, elegance, and persuasiveness, in imitation of Classical models. Speaking style was deemed more important than content or original thinking. An optional fourth stage was provided by the teacher of philosophy, who introduced pupils to some of the topics of ancient philosophy, often by reading and discussing works of Plato or Aristotle. Rhetoric and philosophy formed the main content of higher education.

Elementary education was widely available throughout most of the empire’s existence, not only in towns but occasionally in the countryside as well. Literacy was therefore much more widespread than in western Europe, at least until the 12th century. Secondary education was confined to the larger cities. Pupils desiring higher education almost always had to go to Constantinople, which became the cultural centre of the empire after the loss to the Muslim Arabs of Syria, Palestine, and Egypt in the 7th century. Monasteries sometimes had schools in which young novices were educated, but they did not teach lay pupils. Girls did not normally attend schools, but the daughters of the upper classes were often educated by private tutors. Many women were literate, and some—such as the hymnographer Kasia (9th century) and the historian-princess Anna Comnena (1083–c. 1153)—were recognized as writers of distinction.

Elementary education
Elementary-school pupils were taught to read and write individual letters first, then syllables, and finally short texts, often passages from the Psalms. They probably also learned simple arithmetic at this stage. Teachers had a humble social status and depended on the fees paid by parents for their livelihood. They usually held classes in their own homes or on church porches but were sometimes employed as private tutors by wealthy households. They had no assistants and used no textbooks. Teaching methods emphasized memorization and copying exercises, reinforced by rewards and punishments.

Secondary education
The secondary-school teacher taught the grammar and vocabulary of Classical and ecclesiastical Greek literature from the Hellenistic and Roman periods and explained the elements of Classical mythology and history that were necessary for the study of a limited selection of ancient Greek texts, mainly poetry, beginning with Homer. The most commonly used textbook was the brief grammar by Dionysius Thrax; numerous and repetitive later commentaries on the book were also frequently used. From the 9th century on, these books were sometimes supplemented with the Canons of Theognostos, a collection of brief rules of orthography and grammar. The grammatikos might also make use of anonymous texts dating from late antiquity, which offered word-by-word grammatical explanations of Homer’s Iliad, or of similar texts on the Psalms by Georgius Choiroboscos (early 9th century). Pupils would not normally possess copies of these textbooks, since handwritten books were very expensive, but would learn the rules by rote from their teacher’s dictation. Beginning in the 11th century, much use was made in secondary education of schedē (literally, “sketches” or “improvisations”), short prose texts that often ended in a few lines of verse. These were specially written by a teacher to illustrate points of grammar or style. From the early 14th century on, much use was also made of erotemata, systematic collections of questions and answers on grammar that the pupil learned by heart.

Secondary schools often had more than one teacher, and the older pupils were often expected to help teach their juniors. Schools of this kind had little institutional continuity, however. The most lasting schools were those conducted in churches.

And the same is true for Roman law. The Church always lived under the control of a secular state.

The Roman Empire(both western & eastern) was always a Secular State under which the Christian Church was totally and entirely subsumed.

Ecclesia vivit lege Romana.

The Church lives under Roman Law.

The same is true for Roman education which was always secular, widespread at elementary level and focused on the Greco-Roman Classics & the 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences which is what the Freemasons worship.

So if this kind of eschatology were to be true, then you should know that this has already happened ever since Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Second, if the freemasons are the agents who put religions under Greco-Roman Secular authority then in Roman times they would have been called the Soldiers of Christ, which is something they call themselves anyway via the Knight's Templar Order and their use of the double-headed Eagle.

If anything, arguing against Roman Secular law, Education and Christianity is what would be 'heretical' as per the canon of the Roman Empire and the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Orthodox and Catholic schools take pride in being leaders at teaching students the 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences.

As do Protestant and Anglican schools and as do the British grammar schools that are considered the world's finest(Eton, Gresham, Aberdeen, Cambridge, Oxford, etcetera).

What do you want to teach the world instead of the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences?

How to jihad? :eh: Because your calls of "heresy" have that single purpose alone.

Lastly, I'm very interested to know how is the Russian church allegedly not totally subsumed under the Russian state?

Or how is it different than the rest of the West?

What is Liberal Arts Education at University Level wrote:Though the concept of the Liberal Arts originates in Europe, today it’s much less prevalent than in the US – though in recent years liberal arts degrees have become more widely available. At the moment less than half of European countries have liberal arts colleges or universities with a liberal arts degree program; namely Bulgaria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
@noemon lets be rational :) You repeat Yourself ... I dont mind, but insted quoting whole pages and choking who;e thread with them, Your can simply archive the link on and then underline the needed quote after whatt You'll get reference number in the address, and after just link it here in footnote, believe me save the day and space, on top of that the link is not just archived but any further changes avoided ...

    now, the education in Byzant wasnt so high polished except in the cities, and even there teachers were Priests and Monks, on west vatican imposed more theocratic approach but in universities prime patrons were european nobles, so antique phylosophy was merged with neopagan syncretic alcemic esoteria and this became some kind of aristocratic lust, which later was spilled to the masses through enlightenment era, SO there is big difference on pedagogical level in Byzant where arts and sciences were filtered through Christian magnifier ...

... while on the western plentiful universities this was almost loosen to extent that even christian thought went more in cataphatic direction and eventually this lead to scholastics, maybe wath was culprit western education in late antiquity to start to detiriorate in its Christian dominant trend was the multitude of states that as such would be hardly controlled even do vatican was imposing almost theocracy around, unlike Byzant were the centralized state couldnt allow itself easy reforming and more leaning to antiquity coz like that would risk destabilization by fears unrests or imperial fight ...

    ... also Byzant didnt pass its edu know-how to west, but if someone was the snake in the western nest that was Venice and its merchants who were bringing pagan literature from the arab world were as such was forbidden but it was good trade commodity, thus waves of sandy books were pouring in europe like that and laying path to the revival of paganism in the era of renaissance!
if so then why urge to reply me :) I intentionally didnt reply directly but indirectly to Your suggestions because once I have already answered i.e. that it looks like same edu-system but its different, then I've just tried to see it from different angle and throw logic how ancient science made revival in western europe!

now try to understand me, mostly I am replying to this edu-topic from politeness, maybe with little ego-trip from behind, altho it was You who offered this argument and I've bypassed it with promise that I will get later to it [1] then eventually I've use it as excuse for fremasonic bashing of their modern secular education, and now here we are arguing whether is word about continuity or separate reality, in my opinion separate enough so it would be labeled as western education system that nowadays is used for humanistic and neopgan brainwashing of the intellectual masses, sadly in whole world ...

    ... I dont mind tho we all have Free Will so in the end is personal choice for one what to follow, but the problem is that there is no academic critique skepticism or debate on the matter, even less as such popularized so it would be avoided any potential risk that comes through the current secular edu system, which as such could be later misused by some elites so they would institutionalized their freemasonic religion as impetus for survival, what if its not in time confronted continuously like this eventually in totalitarian nwo could become reality! I am not talking from some fear or hatrate but just warning that there are risks, as Christian its almost my duty, but because I am not academician this all looks indeed like conspiracy nut'ting, even more after You changed the thread name from Western Imperialism to esoteria ...

... although I couldnt object more because as such is truly esoterical utopianism, and depends from which perspective is observed so it would look as right or wrong strive, I'll say from Christian one supported by the warnings from the Revelation that 'that would mean luciferian nwo, and altho freemasonic religion is covert in its dogmas many exponents dont hide its true nature [1][1]
From all this barely intelligible stuff you have written or quoted I saw this:

Odiseizam wrote:Jesus cannot or will not return to earth until the dominionist until Christians co-opt all secular political and social institutions and thus Jesus's kingdom is reduced to a secular government established by and maintained through secular power. Now while secular progressive see dominionism as a violation of the separation of church and state it actually represents the subscription of the church under the state dominionism empowers temporal machinations socialpolitical and military powers attain ascendancy under the rubric of maintaining the move to the dominionist government and ultimately the state is apotheosis.

And I addressed it directly by informing you that if that were the case then this has already happened ever since the Christian Church became subsumed under the Secular authority of the Roman state.

I gave you a lot of evidence:

noemon wrote:The Church always lived under the control of a secular state.

The Roman Empire(both western & eastern) was always a Secular State under which the Christian Church was totally and entirely subsumed.

Ecclesia vivit lege Romana.

The Church lives under Roman Law.

The same is true for Roman education which was always secular, widespread at elementary level and focused on the Greco-Roman Classics & the 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences which is what the Freemasons worship.

So if this kind of eschatology were to be true, then you should know that this has already happened ever since Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Second, if the freemasons are the agents who put religions under Greco-Roman Secular authority then in Roman times they would have been called the Soldiers of Christ, which is something they call themselves anyway via the Knight's Templar Order and their use of the double-headed Eagle.

If anything, arguing against Roman Secular law, Education and Christianity is what would be 'heretical' as per the canon of the Roman Empire and the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Orthodox and Catholic schools take pride in being leaders at teaching students the 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences.

As do Protestant and Anglican schools and as do the British grammar schools that are considered the world's finest(Eton, Gresham, Aberdeen, Cambridge, Oxford, etcetera).

What do you want to teach the world instead of the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences?

How to jihad? :eh: Because your calls of "heresy" have that single purpose alone.

Lastly, I'm very interested to know how is the Russian church allegedly not totally subsumed under the Russian state?

Or how is it different than the rest of the West?

You are also trying to created a false dichotomy between the Orthodox world which you claim is different to the Masonic non-Orthodox western world.

I asked you to explain to me how is the Russian orthodox church not totally subject to the secular Russian state? You have not responded with anything other than more non-intelligible text.

It seems quite evident that the Russian orthodox church is more subject to the Russian state than any western church, orthodox, catholic or other.

You also fail to acknowledge that the educational system in both the West and Russia has a common origin, the Orthodox world of the Byzantine Empire and that the British grammar schools established by Catholics, Jesuits and Freemasons all share the exact same Byzantine curriculum and Byzantine terminology as well, (grammatikos=grammarian, even foot, pound, yard, cubit, ounce and mile are Byzantine units of measurement).
    noemon wrote:From all this barely intelligible stuff you have written or quoted I saw this:

    And I addressed this directly by informing you that if that were the case then this has already happened ever since the Christian Church became subsumed under the Secular authority of the Roman state

You saw what You like to see, that is protestant dominionist stance, not Orthodox! either You are intentionally misquoting me, or You are not following me ...

noemon wrote:I gave you a lot of evidence:

that evidence dont prove that there is word of continuity! in Byzant the previous roman system was reshaped on large extent!

and this next reasoning is right just because Byzant was streaching till Ravena in some point and influenced the west with its edu-know-how! but this is not prove that in renaissance western education got neopgan shape in universities!

    noemon wrote:You also fail to acknowledge that the educational system in both the West and Russia has a common origin, the Orthodox world of the Byzantine Empire and that the British grammar schools established by Catholics, Jesuits and Freemasons all share the exact same Byzantine curriculum and Byzantine terminology as well, (grammatikos=grammarian, even foot, pound, yard, cubit, ounce and mile are Byzantine units of measurement).

and I'll say trying to puzzle facts in shallow perspective definetly will not prove a point! also if others said so that is not final argument, they also oversimplified the events and influences, ALSO so they would prove roman continuation but probably later they would used such to claim right on Orthodoxy nowadays, fo sure there is western agenda that sees everything as their belonging!

noemon wrote:You are also trying to created a false dichotomy between the Orthodox world which you claim is different to the Masonic non-Orthodox western world.

I am not creating it, as such exists but corrupt "secular" politician see this just as cultural historical gap, and impose that notion through the eastern-european education, but not just they, even earlier this was case, and if Ottoman Empire didnt conserve ex-Byzant realm, now we would be again pagans for sure i.e. way faster that neopagan utopian nwo ideal had have been reality!

    noemon wrote:I asked you to explain to me how is the Russian Orthodox Church not totally subject to the secular Russian state? You have not responded with anything other than more non-intelligible text.

    It seems quite evident that the Russian orthodox church is more subject to the Russian state than any western church, orthodox, catholic or other.

this is oftopic question that derails the point of this thread, so I've started to ignore Your deliberate defocusing! but because its on second run, I'll say Catholic Church is expelled from every decision making in neopagan european union! while Russia ist becoming again Orthodox Empire altho in slow rebirth, and as such is starting to consult with the Orthodox Church yet still its not Diarchy as in Byzant and still by constitution secular, what hope it would chage as I stated earlier in navalny thread [1]
Odiseizam wrote:
    You saw what You like to see, that is protestant dominionist stance, not Orthodox! either You are intentionally misquoting me, or You are not following me ...

    Unlike you, I quoted the entire text. You don't even make any sense. Are you saying you disagree with the text I quoted you on?

    that evidence dont prove that there is word of continuity! in Byzant the previous roman system was reshaped on large extent!

    Saying "Byzant the previous roman system was reshaped on large extent" does not prove that the evidence of the Byzantine education system is wrong, nor does it prove that there is no continuity between the educational systems of Athens, Rome, Constantinople, Venice, Genoa, France, the UK and the US.

    this is oftopic question that derails the point of this thread, so I've started to ignore Your deliberate defocusing! but because its on second run, I'll say Catholic Church is expelled from every decision making in neopagan european union! while Russia ist becoming again Orthodox Empire altho in slow rebirth, and as such is starting to consult with the Orthodox Church yet still its not Diarchy as in Byzant and still by constitution secular, what hope it would chage as I stated earlier in navalny thread [1]

    What on earth are you talking about? Can you write intelligible english?

    Do you agree that the Russian church is totally subsumed under the Russian state?

    "secular" politician see this just as cultural historical gap

    Which is precisely what it is indeed. The distance between Russia and Estonia, or Russia & Greece or even Russia and France is not a civilisational one but a historical one, Russia's cultural and political development got retarded, it got slowed down because it refused to enfranchise its population.

    Pro-Russian trolls defending that particular retardation may prefer to call it a 'superior civilisation' instead but that is laughable and based on nothing at all. Even by your own logic this argument collapses and that is why you are so upset about it.
      noemon wrote:Unlike you, I quoted the entire text.

    I am quoting sources also but so we can have unburdened and easy to read thread as I suggested I am archiving it, and through particular address linking to the needed quote!

      You don't even make any sense. Are you saying you disagree with the text I quoted you on?

    yes I disagree! probably You didnt grasp my connotation that this is excerpt from Phil Collins ironshow guesting posted in the first post of this thread, in which western evangelical dominionism is ridiculed ...

      Saying "Byzant the previous roman system was reshaped on large extent" does not prove that the evidence of the Byzantine education system is wrong, nor does it prove that there is no continuity between the educational systems of Athens, Rome, Constantinople, Venice, Genoa, France, the UK and the US.

    definitely this no thread for byzantine education please open new one we will exmine all mine and Yours differences on this topic!

      What on earth or talking? Can you write intelligible english?

    You cant understand me because obviously You have western prejudice! what was addressed by others too lately!

      Do you agree that the Russian church is totally subsumed under the Russian state?

    if we banalize in your context, I'll say no its not, its vice-versa, but this is not the thread for soteirology and how the Russian State is saved by the Church and not vice-versa! most probably You have not clue how spiritual realm influence this material one, although for sure if Church Leaders are not devoted Christians but christian deviants like that they would ruin the Church, as was case earlier in vaticans history! suppose in byzantine too in the end!?

    btw I am not upset, just debating, even dont know why You are seeing me like this, I am just pointing to my perspective of the european neopgan mosaic, and whether or not as such is true I'll never say hey You must accept what I say, I can impose just links as footnotes nothing else, if suits You call the lines inbetween unintelligible or whatever You like but that simply will not disprove all the notion that the current western imperialism is neopgan per-se!!!
    1) I cannot understand you because you write so badly not because of any "prejudice"
    2) You disagree with something, but are apparently defending that something from the arguments posted against it. :roll:
    3) You 're now saying that the Russian state is controlled by the Russian Church and it may be possible that some priests may have influence with Putin, but that has nothing to do with whether Russia is a theocracy or a secular state which is what your argument actually is. Russia is a secular state not a theocracy. The Roman Empire was also a Secular state and not a Theocracy.
    1. 2. I dont see whats the point of these interpretations, probably this thread should go now in anarchism subforum as recepie Whats Not Debate ...

    3. about the Orthodox Church I am talking from spiritual aspect not political earthly one i.e. not like who holds who by hand, but who sways who with Prayer ...
    about the Orthodox Church I am talking from spiritual perspective not political earthly like who hold who by word, but who sways who with Prayer ...

    And your argument is that Orthodox prayers sway Russian politicians more than Catholic prayers sway Italian politicians, or Spanish or Brazilian ones, and if that were true(which is doubtful it even is) that means that....what? :eh:

    The hope is that if you are told enough that your writing do not make any sense(which they truly don't) then perhaps you will start writing proper english like in your PM's.

    It is not "idiomic" as you claimed, to write unintelligible English. :roll:

    And yes this kind of english prevents any kind of intelligible debate from taking place.
    surely Catholic Church also on large scale influence the events in this world from Christian perspective, but its completely different thing if nowadays some ruler is Inchurched Christian ...

    so it dont make sense to get me like some antiwestern troll! in this thread I am just laying claim about the neopagan inertia in the western euroatlantic realm, also I dont judge the western societies as neopagan but expose the goals and shape of their elites through the centuries!

    Please rationalize Your time, as I said You dont need to comment my filling between the foonotes, instead You can comment the proposed links and their content!
    Last edited by Odiseizam on 28 Jan 2021 21:48, edited 1 time in total.
    one way how freemasons put themselves above all, some say, was by financial means, in case of usA that was by central banking, what altho was opposed by the founding fathers still it was pulled by war indebting skims [1][1] in similar manner what apparently happened in uK earlier [1][1] simply if they wanted they'll squeeze it, what later happened to kennedy too [1][1]

      The most powerful way to enslave and steer a nation is to control her finances and, on that definition alone, America has been enslaved since 1913.

      The battle for a central bank has been waged from America’s inception and few in the Founding generation were for it, having witnessed the excesses and criminal activities of powerful bankers elsewhere in the world as well as throughout history.

      [1][1] Alexander Hamilton was a driving force behind both strong centralized government and a central bank. …

      The great “Panic of 1907” is said to have been the impetus for convincing Americans they needed the “stability” of a central bank. What they didn’t know was just how easy it was to start a panic when banks never have enough capital to cover all the people’s investments (because they spend it like it’s their own commodity). …

      Like foxes running the hen-house, the banker Elite planned on showing up to Congress pretending to be the saviors of the American people but, in reality, they were only finishing off the last battle in a meticulously choreographed war against the Middle Class. …

      The Republican “Aldrich Plan” was repackaged by Paul Warburg as the Democrat “Federal Reserve Act” and voted on a week before Christmas when many legislators had already gone home for the holidays. This tactic has been used often to screen the worst of Elite-sponsored poisonous legislation.

      Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr. stood on the near-empty floor of Congress and railed at the devil fruitlessly. …

      Woodrow Wilson put his signature to the bill on December 23rd, 1913.

      [url]=]Merry Christmas, America. ~ Illuminati Unmasked ~ Johnny Cirucci 2015[/url]

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