If illegal immigration does not halt Europe will become fascist - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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I think Europe needs the Australian type of immigration policy.

Due to low birthrate Europe needs immigration, but Europe needs high skilled immigrants. Today can everybody come who wants. High skilled people do not make the dangerous journey the Europe, they find also work at home.

IQ is inherited. With people who can barely read and write, this poses a problem for the next centuries.

Low skilled people can not find jobs in high-tech economies, so they need the wellfare state.
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:I think Europe needs the Australian type of immigration policy.

Due to low birthrate Europe needs immigration, but Europe needs high skilled immigrants. Today can everybody come who wants. High skilled people do not make the dangerous journey the Europe, they find also work at home.

IQ is inherited. With people who can barely read and write, this poses a problem for the next centuries.

Low skilled people can not find jobs in high-tech economies, so they need the wellfare state.

Europe NEEDS a low skilled labor force badly. The only secotrs that can still gorw there are services, and for that you need millions of low paid burger flippers and cleaners. Tech firms have an awful time in Europe due to over-regulation, the lack of a tech supply chain and a gargantuan bureaucracy. Us tech is stagnating badly due to lack of a supply chain also, despite the highly favorable laws for that especially in Texas and the west coast.

The only thing maintaining Australia is it's disproportionately large (per capita) raw resource export sector. Otherwise we're basically stagnating. Couldn't even build a proper high speed internet network to take advantage of the tech boom which is mostly contained within east Asia-which consequently has it all-themost complex supply chains, the most favourable legal environment for unabated technocratic entrepreneurs and an endless workforce of highly skilled, skilled, unskilled workers.

Which is why tesla is shifting its megafactories to China, which is why the only industrially adept nation and economic engine of europe (Germany) uis shifting all its auto production to China. Which is why Europe will keep importing millions of africans. Because all else being equal, it is services fed by east asian goods and East asian industrial designers that will feed that sector, and that cheap low skilled workforce will deliver it to the hands of increasingly stagnant consoooo00000oooomers. The old wealth (the west) will shift its entire industrial capacity (already done) and now it's entire wealth to the far east, in return for that easy life that will turn into complete stagnation and then finally, total collapse. Lazy consooooomers have sealed their sorry fate.

If you're lucky, enjoy you're gated community while it lasts. If you're unlucky, I don't know...get mugged and killed by a jogger while walking your adopted african kids to school lol. You voted for this. You voted for it by tolerating neoliberalism in all its forms by adopting an EU cucker-state. By importing the worst new liberalism post modernist elements from the mutt-pile that's the disunited states of muttmerica, up and coming brazil 2.0. By importing tens of millions of low IQ leeches. By not doing anything to stem any of the aforementioned. You own this. You enjoy it. Your fate is sealed lazy boi.

If your username is any indication, then you might be from the balkans or eastern europe. Detach yourself from the sickly rott pile that is the EU quick smart and embrace mother russia. Slavs can come out of this unscathed and on top. Let the anglo-saxons burn. As for me, all I need to do in cunt land (Australia) is wait. China is colonizing us as we speak, while our media squeals like a little piggy about imaginary weeegurs in imaginary camps. We will be freed from the sickly west very soon. Free yourself, slavivanovic. Root for Russia like I root for China or go down with the sinking ship.
@Igor Antunov You underestimate the west, China has stolen 5G

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features ... rom-nortel

Europe has a competetive industrial sector.

Nokia has the better solution for 5G. They simply upgrade the 4G antennas with software to 5G

Nokia announced today that it can upgrade its 4G LTE base stations to 5G using a software change.

The Finnish company says that this can be done for the radio access network (RAN) in a million base stations immediately, rising to 3.1 million by the end of 2020 and 5 million by the end of next year.

Tommi Uitto, president of mobile networks at Nokia, said: “We already provide market-leading LTE radios to hundreds of customers around the world. This is an important solution because it will help our customers, quickly and efficiently upgrade their existing LTE radios so that they are 5G-ready, saving them time and money.”

Nokia has timed its announcement well, picking a day when the UK, one of the markets for its major competitor, Huawei of China, is likely to be closed off.

The company said that, by upgrading existing radio elements via software, Nokia “is helping to streamline the process of refarming 4G/LTE spectrum into 5G/NR. The move will also support existing customers and the installed base by offering a seamless and cost-effective upgrade path to 5G/NR.”

Nokia said the upgrade can be applied to networks using frequency-division duplex (FDD) technology, the commoner technology for 4G. The alternative, time-division duplex (TDD), makes more efficient use of spectrum for some types of traffic.

Nokia said the ability to upgrade 4G/LTE radios via a software update will significantly smooth out the deployment of 5G/NR FDD, avoiding costly and disruptive site visits.

Nokia said it “has a vast customer base of 359 4G/LTE customers with deployed FDD RF units, most of which are possible to upgrade. This will provide a new and smoother way for operators to build 5G/NR coverage in lower bands via spectrum refarming. Nokia’s 4G/LTE radios are market leading and outperform all vendors according to independent testing.”

https://www.capacitymedia.com/articles/ ... are-change

But the stupid politicians prefere Huawei. :(
Igor Antunov wrote:Europe NEEDS a low skilled labor force badly. The only sectors that can still grow there are services, and for that you need millions of low paid burger flippers and cleaners.

and there are many from europe but even with them the culture clash is imminent, and that asks for more rural that urban allocation of migrant inflow i.e. after they drop out of job to have where to stay while in vacuum, for what rural selfsufficient communes raised by the european states would provide buffer, instead migrants becoming criminally prone while staying in city and rushing to survive ... on top already ghettoization is norm, but there are no means how to provide safety for the poor, so either inequality would be address like this or there will problems ...


Sandzak wrote: High skilled people do not make the dangerous journey the Europe, they find also work at home.

What nonsense.

The people who jump on a leaky boat after trekking through the middle of a war-zone to Turkey typically:
a) need a lot of cash to pay smugglers, bribe border guards etc
b) need a fair bit of street smarts and education to navigate the dangerous route

In other words, middle class, educated and reasonably rich.

These are the people with the most to lose by upheaval and dispossession in their homeland, and who have the means and motivation to escape to a first world country.

You mention Australia's system - well I can tell you that those asylum seekers we locked up on pacific Islands and threw away the key - are some of the smartest people from their country. Journalists, engineers, university lecturers... etc. Obviously they needed to be reasonably well off - how else could they have a) paid for their plane ticket to Indonesia and b) paid the people smugglers their extortionist fees to get on their leaky boats? These people are generally educated and highly intelligent - and would have contributed a great deal to our society.
Igor Antunov wrote:Europe NEEDS a low skilled labor force badly. The only secotrs that can still gorw there are services, and for that you need millions of low paid burger flippers and cleaners. Tech firms have an awful time in Europe due to over-regulation, the lack of a tech supply chain and a gargantuan bureaucracy. Us tech is stagnating badly due to lack of a supply chain also, despite the highly favorable laws for that especially in Texas and the west coast.

The only thing maintaining Australia is it's disproportionately large (per capita) raw resource export sector. Otherwise we're basically stagnating. Couldn't even build a proper high speed internet network to take advantage of the tech boom which is mostly contained within east Asia-which consequently has it all-themost complex supply chains, the most favourable legal environment for unabated technocratic entrepreneurs and an endless workforce of highly skilled, skilled, unskilled workers.

This is largely the case...for now. What will happen when automation takes off, and cheap labor is no longer a big comparative advantage for countries like China? Western countries will be able to move their manufacturing base back to their own countries because everything will be assembled by robots instead of cheap Asian laborers. It will be cheaper to have have things made closer to the consumer base to reduce shipping costs.

It will be a case of how far China has risen and how far the US/Europe has stagnated.

What will happen to Slavs when China becomes so rich and powerful it no longer needs "mother Russia". China will turn on Russia as quickly as Hitler did. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Putin is as dumb or dumber than the USA is moron, he's helping feed a growing dragon that sitting on Russia's doorstep.

It's been a century and the US and Russia still haven't learned to play nice together and reap the mutual rewards. The US and the EU have and they've made a lot of money since 1945. We all know it's inevitable that Russia and the West will be fighting fascists together again at some point, and I'm sure others like India will join in too. If China thinks they can rule the world by being a bunch of jerks to every other country they're mistaken. Everyone is turning on them and Russia will too.

China has become arrogant and foolish with it's rising power. They should have played nice until they had clear hegemon status.
I am not a fan of this "we should turn more facist in order to avoid facism" logic.

I can see this logic used by the neoliberal parties, especially the socalled christian democrats, in my country and guess what - its only helping the facists.

Why vote for the poor copy when you can vote for the original ?

The thing that needs fixing is or worker rights and social state, not our immigration policy. If people dont have to fear for their jobs and get good wages, more foreigners in their country isnt really a problem.

The thing that people want is a strong believable left and thats whats missing.
Sandzak wrote:IQ is inherited.

That is of course incorrect.

The human brain is an extremely complex organ that we dont really understand, but we know theres a myriad of factors that can form it.

The concept that you can shrink human intelligence into a single number is already completely absurd. Many forms of intelligence cant even be measured.

How exactly would you measure if somebody would come up with a nifty invention in a real situation ? There is no test for that.

Likewise many forms of intelligence are hard to measure. For example, regular intelligence tests dont test musical ability.

And the idea that intelligent people would always have intelligent children, and stupid people would always have stupid children is also riddiculous. Thats not what we actually witness in reality, and thats what anyone who understands the problem wouldnt expect in the first place.

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