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By noemon

This is by far one of the best, finest and most educational documentary you will watch in a while.

You can see the Fishing Industry and the Sustainable Certification Industry going insane already pumping out articles against him and his documentary.

He trashes the idea that plastic straws are to blame, he exposes the Sustainable Certifications as financed by big fishing industries to distract from the reality. He exposes the woke and ridicules them on camera.

Plastic Straws make up 0.03% of the garbage in the oceans.

From the 1.6 million square kilometres of waste in the oceans 46% of it are fishing nets.

He exposes the Blue Fin Tuna industry, the Shark fin industry, the whale industry, the dolphin industry.

He exposes Thailand's Slave-based fishing and the European Union's hypocrisy, he tells the truth about Somalia and Ebola. He exposes the truth about Scottish salmon, how it is actually painted red because all of it is actually sick, unhealthy & grey.

How European super trawlers have destroyed the living of Somalians pushing them to piracy and wild-life trade resulting to the outbreak of Ebola.

He risks his life, in Japan they try to beat him, in Thailand the police chase him down.

Watch it on Netflix. Your jaw will drop.
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By Tainari88
I saw it. He did an excellent job!

It made my son cry. I tried to explain the mentality of these greedy liars, and liberal sellouts and the right too.
It is seriously hard not to be depressed. How do they get all those nets out of the oceans. They need a lot more than that single law enforcement vessel. It made me emotional. I love the ocean I love dolphins. Imagine a world without them?
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By noemon
The connection was that the entire West coast of Africa is being overfished by European and global supertrawlers, negating fish stocks from the locals who in turn have turned to piracy and to wild-life trading and food. This wild-life trading and food then led to the Ebola pandemic.
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By Tainari88
noemon wrote:The connection was that the entire West coast of Africa is being overfished by European and global supertrawlers, negating fish stocks from the locals who in turn have turned to piracy and to wild-life trading and food. This wild-life trading and food then led to the Ebola pandemic.

Cooperation between nations to solve big issues like those brought up in Seaspiracy is the answer Noemon. People in the EU nations and in the PRC, Japan, etc need to have pressure put on to STOP doing what they are doing.

It was horrific what they did to that woman in Thailand that was an observer and she was reporting violations and the Indonesian mafia controlling the fishing industry there went to her house and in front of the two sons blew her away.

You are talking about organized, well armed and well funded criminal people Noemon.

That entire scene is BAD. I say the biggest issues are people eating seafood and meat from the sea. Don't consume till there is justice. Let the sea recuperate depleted sea stock. Then get mass fleets to go and pick up the nets that are doing so much harm. Ban trawlers and whaling ships.

Ban mass fishing in seas that are depleted. Ban bad fishing practices. Just get the garbage out of the sea, don't use fossil energy and don't eat seafood and do massive law enforcement. It is the only way. They let that carnage mass death even continue and the sea is going to be barren for hundreds of years. And no fish for us forever really.

It is one of the most powerful documentaries I have seen in years. @noemon I grew up a coastal person and so did you Noemon. This is something very important for all of humanity to pay attention to. Again, capitalist greed on both the liberal sellout side and the conservative greed side in denial about climate change are equally responsible. Got to stop the lying and act.
noemon wrote:The connection was that the entire West coast of Africa is being overfished by European and global supertrawlers, negating fish stocks from the locals who in turn have turned to piracy and to wild-life trading and food. This wild-life trading and food then led to the Ebola pandemic.

OK, but Somalia is on the east coast. It hasn't had any Ebola outbreak.
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By noemon
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:OK, but Somalia is on the east coast. It hasn't had any Ebola outbreak.

That's my fault. My mistake for confusing Somalia with a western African country.

The point is watch the documentary, it is extremely good and the point is made about west-Africa in particular, overfishing and the Ebola outbreak.
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By Tainari88
noemon wrote:That's my fault. My mistake for confusing Somalia with a western African country.

The point is watch the documentary, it is extremely good and the point is made about west-Africa in particular, overfishing and the Ebola outbreak.

A friend of mine wants to see it on Saturday on my Netflix. I said no, I can't see it twice. That documentary made my son cry and I had to explain things in a way a kid could understand. I don't want to take away their hope for a better future. He did beach clean ups with his school every year. He still picks up trash from the beach every time he goes. It is depressing.

To think that you got to cry with your son and get drained. You got to act. Get rid of those NETS. Send out the military fleets for years and the only thing they do is pick up those NETS. Ban large parts of the Pacific, Atlantic, Caribbean, Indian, North, etc seas for fishing and let the oceans bounce back.

Active restoration for all things.
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By jimjam
noemon wrote:

This is by far one of the best, finest and most educational documentary you will watch in a while.

You can see the Fishing Industry and the Sustainable Certification Industry going insane already pumping out articles against him and his documentary.

He trashes the idea that plastic straws are to blame, he exposes the Sustainable Certifications as financed by big fishing industries to distract from the reality. He exposes the woke and ridicules them on camera.

Plastic Straws make up 0.03% of the garbage in the oceans.

From the 1.6 million square kilometres of waste in the oceans 46% of it are fishing nets.

He exposes the Blue Fin Tuna industry, the Shark fin industry, the whale industry, the dolphin industry.

He exposes Thailand's Slave-based fishing and the European Union's hypocrisy, he tells the truth about Somalia and Ebola. He exposes the truth about Scottish salmon, how it is actually painted red because all of it is actually sick, unhealthy & grey.

How European super trawlers have destroyed the living of Somalians pushing them to piracy and wild-life trade resulting to the outbreak of Ebola.

He risks his life, in Japan they try to beat him, in Thailand the police chase him down.

Watch it on Netflix. Your jaw will drop.

Interesting that Seaspiracy should show up on POFO 2 days prior to today when my occupational therapist here in Florida brought it to my attention. She is a fine young lady and the subject came up in the context of her mentioning how she wanted to recycle her plastic soda cup. I did the research and it is on my must see list. I was raised by the ocean all of my life and become horribly depressed at seeing how the human race has turned it into their personal toilet bowel. During my life in the late 1940's my families' Summers were spent in a beach cottage and ocean debris at that time consisted of drift wood …… zero plastic. It would give me satisfaction to see those who are responsible for turning the ocean into a toilet executed.
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By Crantag
I watched the first half hour or so. I might watch more, it is not quite my taste though (I'm a little picky, not knocking it really).

There's just one comment I wanted to make, regarding the price of blue fin tuna in Japan, which is often repeated, and which is both deceptive and symptomatic of what seemed to me the sensationalist nature of this documentary, at least concerning this point.

Quoted was some astronomical figure for a single fish (a quick Google says one sold for $3.1 million, so I mean figures of that sort).

Here is the thing. There is an annual tradition at the first fish auction of the new year at the Tsukiji Fish Market. Winning the auction for the first blue fin tuna is really just a huge publicity stunt. It is not any indication of the going rate.

These type of sensationalist deceptions really turn me off, and cause me to pretty much discount everything else that someone says. In that way, using them is self harming, in my opinion.
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