WHO Approves Chinese Vaccines (Sinopharm and Sinovac) - Victory for Developing World - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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BBC wrote:The World Health Organization (WHO) has granted emergency approval for a Covid vaccine made by Chinese state-owned company Sinopharm.

It is the first vaccine developed by a non-Western country to get WHO backing.

The vaccine has already been given to millions of people in China and elsewhere.

The WHO had previously only approved the vaccines made by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna.

But individual health regulators in various countries - especially poorer ones in Africa, Latin America and Asia - have approved Chinese jabs for emergency use.

With little data released internationally early on, the effectiveness of the various Chinese vaccines has long been uncertain.

But the WHO on Friday said it had validated the "safety, efficacy and quality" of the Sinopharm jab developed by the Beijing Institute of Biological Products.

The WHO said the addition of the vaccine had "the potential to rapidly accelerate Covid-19 vaccine access for countries seeking to protect health workers and populations at risk".

It is recommending that the vaccine be administered in two doses to those aged 18 and over.

A decision is expected in the coming days on another Chinese vaccine developed by Sinovac, while Russia's Sputnik vaccine is under assessment.


One of the Chinese vaccines' main advantages is that they can be stored in a standard refrigerator at 2-8 degrees Celsius, like the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The WHO said these "easy storage requirements" made the Sinopharm vaccine "highly suitable for low-resource settings".


This approval is important to me personally as it is more likely to enable reciprocity in vaccine recognition between EU/US/China. The Chinese government has announced that it will likely start approving Western vaccines for domestic use in a few days - AstraZeneca and Moderna are the most likely to be offered. Globally, it is good news for Covax - hopefully this approval will do some good in Africa and especially in India.
CNBC wrote:The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it supports waiving intellectual property protections for Covid-19 vaccines, as countries struggle to manufacture the life-saving doses.

“This is a global health crisis, and the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic call for extraordinary measures. The Administration believes strongly in intellectual property protections, but in service of ending this pandemic, supports the waiver of those protections for COVID-19 vaccines,” United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai wrote in a statement.

https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/05/us-back ... dwide.html

Sidenote: Credit where credit is due. I was very critical of the West for refusing to negotiate patent protections for the Covid vaccines. This is a very good step, but companies like Moderna and AstraZeneca have stated that they will not share the technical specifications or 'recipe' for the vaccine, if there are no patent protections. Dropping patent protections are an important first step, and I hope Biden can force the sharing of these "trade secrets" for the good of global health. A covid vaccine should not be treated like a secret KFC blend of herbs and spices.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I just think it's monstrous it took this long to even declare that yes, America will share the vaccine.

Chinese didn't provide the data for a long time. Also clinical trials showed that Chinese vaccines are 51% efficient which is not much and by modern standards can't stop the UK, Indian or Brazilian variants. There is also a question of near 0 infections in China when their vaccine can't work but hey, its China so this is expected.
This is not exactly surprising or beneficial outside a specific community. It's basically like saying "KGB approves of Soviet-Era tactics in Afghanistan". The WHO has made itself all but obvious that they're in bed with the Chinese, so anything short of the vaccine showing that it melts the innards of its recipients, they were going to give it the green light.

But that's fine. Any port in a storm for these poor countries with no access to what we have. They can either roll the dice for the antidote given from the poisoner, or they can suck it up and let the chips fall where they may. Pretty much lose-lose for them, but small mitigation is better than none.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I just think it's monstrous it took this long to even declare that yes, America will share the vaccine.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Reminds me when the DPRK suddenly fucked its ecology and dived into starvation. The world sent food for free only for the freaks to start distribute to the Inner Party, with the rest going to strategical reserves (kept in the bunkers that were flooded next year, losing everything). They however were still sent help until it became clear DPRK has no problems with getting free food from Japan, kidnapping random Japanese citizens and doing some stupid shit like providing false remains when asked about it.

We all know what happens with this vaccine that was so monstrously delayed while innocent people die. The golden millions get the vaccine, innocent people continue to die with shitty Chinese placebo and the world is flooded with non-working knockoff that also kills innocent people in India and Africa. As it's difficult to Chinese to make a non-working knockoff by reverse engineering they also ask to drop the patents because it will give them a few more months to sell non-working knockoff.
JohnRawls wrote:UK, Indian or Brazilian variants

A question I've always had. I thought the WHO and other medical professionals are not supposed to use country names, or place names for diseases any more. Why are they still calling these the UK, Indian, Brazil, South Africa variants?
Rancid wrote:A question I've always had. I thought the WHO and other medical professionals are not supposed to use country names, or place names for diseases any more. Why are they still calling these the UK, Indian, Brazil, South Africa variants?

Historically, country names have been used all the time. It is American puritanism or SJWism that is trying to change that but those country names are technical terms by now.
JohnRawls wrote:Historically, country names have been used all the time. It is American puritanism or SJWism that is trying to change that but those country names are technical terms by now.

Historically this has been stupid. The Spanish Flu got its name because Spain was one of the few countries reporting flu deaths accurately. Also you have convention like Ebola, which is named after a river. Even if you were going by this convention, naming a disease after a country of 1 billion people is as stupid as calling it the North American or Indian flu.

There is also a difference between a virologist using or coining a name and a political pundit doing the same. They have different goals in mind.

This also assumes Trump supporters aren't so fantastically racist and stupid that they tried to paper over the Trump admin's disastrous handling of it by just calling it the "China virus" or Kung-Flu and not the Wuhan virus. As if America's right-wing cares about accurate terminology.

It was all bad faith bullshit to justify orange daddy's complete failure to even notice or care about Covid. There was never any attempt to accurately describe Covid or even understand it. Just deflection, racism, and outright rejection of reality. How else do you defend the guy who, as president of the most powerful nation on Earth, just randomly mused that injecting bleach or a UV lightbulb up your ass might cure it on live television? While actively holding plague spreader rallies because he is an emotionally crippled weirdo who can never admit that he's wrong?

This is why American morons continue to insist Covid-19 escaped from a Chinese lab: the only way to pretend Trump was in any way competent was to set him up as a tragic hero fighting against super powered Chinese bioweapons, an overpowering liberal media, a pedophile cabal, Jews, etc. In the absence of Trump's success, the enormity of his failure must be diminished by claiming the odds were against him.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Historically this has been stupid. The Spanish Flu got its name because Spain was one of the few countries reporting flu deaths accurately. Also you have convention like Ebola, which is named after a river. Even if you were going by this convention, naming a disease after a country of 1 billion people is as stupid as calling it the North American or Indian flu.

There is also a difference between a virologist using or coining a name and a political pundit doing the same. They have different goals in mind.

This also assumes Trump supporters aren't so fantastically racist and stupid that they tried to paper over the Trump admin's disastrous handling of it by just calling it the "China virus" or Kung-Flu and not the Wuhan virus. As if America's right-wing cares about accurate terminology.

It was all bad faith bullshit to justify orange daddy's complete failure to even notice or care about Covid. There was never any attempt to accurately describe Covid or even understand it. Just deflection, racism, and outright rejection of reality. How else do you defend the guy who, as president of the most powerful nation on Earth, just randomly mused that injecting bleach or a UV lightbulb up your ass might cure it on live television? While actively holding plague spreader rallies because he is an emotionally crippled weirdo who can never admit that he's wrong?

This is why American morons continue to insist Covid-19 escaped from a Chinese lab: the only way to pretend Trump was in any way competent was to set him up as a tragic hero fighting against super powered Chinese bioweapons, an overpowering liberal media, a pedophile cabal, Jews, etc. In the absence of Trump's success, the enormity of his failure must be diminished by claiming the odds were against him.

The global professional community doesn't really care about American politics. I am sure that you do but professionals who are doctors and whoever else are not. So political standards don't apply especially because the topic is so 1 country specific. Nobody is going to change the global classification system just because somebody is using it in 1 country for some political gain or misinformation. That is just stupid.
They did name it Wuhan virus at the very beginning. But the technical name will now have something like SARS-COV2 or something like that since in the end it's clearer to refer to it in those terms. If there is another virus coming from China or Wuhan specifically then would they name it for the place too? It is indeed confusing to do so in a technical context.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Historically this has been stupid. The Spanish Flu got its name because Spain was one of the few countries reporting flu deaths accurately. Also you have convention like Ebola, which is named after a river. Even if you were going by this convention, naming a disease after a country of 1 billion people is as stupid as calling it the North American or Indian flu.....

Which is exactly what the BBC are calling it :)
SpecialOlympian wrote:I think you're confusing news media and professional names because I really doubt a biologist just says "the China virus."

There is no China virus. Name is Cov2 SARS Loinc 94309-2. There are Brazilian, UK, South African etc mutations though.
Last edited by JohnRawls on 16 May 2021 14:12, edited 2 times in total.
As of the date of this post at least , neither Tanzania or Burundi have accepted vaccines for Covid-19 . https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/tanzania-burundi-not-to-get-covid-19-vaccine-doses/2135487 And even in such countries as the United States , for instance , there has been reluctance from a considerable segment of the population to receiving such vaccination . https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-in-the-united-states-puts-herd-14833000 I feel that such fears have been exasperated by reports such as these concerning seeming adverse effects upon the blood stream , coinciding with the administration of this vaccination . https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/did-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-cause-fatal-case-of-itp/ , https://www.ibtimes.com/possible-covid-19-vaccine-side-effect-could-be-mistaken-heart-attack-3189348 I feel therefore that oral vaccines will be better received by the public than vaccines that must be injected . https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/05/06/ceo-says-oral-vaccines-for-covid-will-help-cut-down-logistical-challenges-and-waste.html , https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ormp-company-advancing-oral-covid-154600141.html , https://finance.yahoo.com/news/data-vaxart-oral-covid-19-210600367.html I am hoping that my mother , upon who I rely for transportation , as I lack a driver's license , will authorize me to receive such an oral vaccine , as she has forbidden me to receive any injections . In the meantime , I shall have to depend upon such things as cross protection from a tetanus shot I received in 2015 , for acquired immunity from the ongoing pandemic . https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2020/11/02/tetanus-vaccine-could-be-the-solution-to-covid-19-spanish-researcher-reveals/

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