Colombia is Rising Up - Politics | PoFo

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By Tainari88
Colombia is getting mass protests and violent confrontations but since it is not from a Left government? The media and the USA are not plotting an overthrow. Poverty and inequality and police brutality and a corrupt gov't is the reason for the protests.

Colombians want a better life. If they were unhappy before? Now, it is worse.

Inequality is a big issue in Latin America? How long are the Latin Americans supposed to accept these inequality issues? Forever? How long will the USA only support Right Wing pro capitalist governments? Forever?
Tainari88 wrote:How long are the Latin Americans supposed to accept these inequality issues? How long will the USA only support Right Wing pro capitalist governments?

How long until the US becomes like one of these Latin American countries?

Yeah, flooding the country with impoverished people from the Third World doesn't mean anything to worry about...
Puffer Fish wrote:
How long until the US becomes like one of these Latin American countries?

Yeah, flooding the country with impoverished people from the Third World doesn't mean anything to worry about...

The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly known as the The School of the Americas,[2] is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia, renamed in the 2001 National Defense Authorization Act.

Latin American Training Center-Ground Division

In 1946, the United States Army founded the Latin American Training Center-Ground Division (Centro de Entrenamiento Latino Americano, Division Terrestre[3]) at Fort Amador in the Panama Canal Zone to centralize the "administrative tasks involved in training the increasing number of Latin Americans attending U.S. service schools in the canal zone."[3][4] The school trained Latin American military personnel to use artillery and advanced weapons purchased from the United States and provided instruction in nation-building. The army soon renamed the division the Latin American Ground School (Escuela Latino Americano Terrestre) and divided it into three departments: engineering, communications, and weapons and tactics. ... d_Division
Puffer Fish wrote:How long until the US becomes like one of these Latin American countries?

Yeah, flooding the country with impoverished people from the Third World doesn't mean anything to worry about...

Puffer Fish? The reality is that the USA doesn't help Latin America it just impedes progress. It needs to stop the repressive crap for short-term profits. It is driving illegal immigration. Colombia is not the only nation in crisis. Honduras, El Salvador, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, and many others are all in crisis. A basic income for people to eat while the pandemic drags on for months is a reasonable ask.

People need a change in Latin America. And trying to blame the problems in the USA on Latin American immigrants is an old lying tactic. It doesn't work. The ones causing the problems are the same Right Elistists with power and money forcing the vast majority to live in poverty and hopelessness. It can't go on like that forever.
Tainari88 wrote:The reality is that the USA doesn't help Latin America it just impedes progress. It needs to stop the repressive crap for short-term profits. It is driving illegal immigration. Colombia is not the only nation in crisis. Honduras, El Salvador, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, and many others are all in crisis. A basic income for people to eat while the pandemic drags on for months is a reasonable ask.

You want the United States to pay a basic income to all of Central and South America? Why do you think the US is responsible for the welfare of people outside of the US?

Tainari88 wrote:The ones causing the problems are the same Right Elistists with power and money forcing the vast majority to live in poverty and hopelessness.

Not in the US. The ones causing problems are Democrats forcing businesses to remain shuttered, schools closed, and lockdowns without end. It looks like the SARS CoV-2 probably originated in the Wuhan Lab. It remains to be seen if Fauci and EcoHealth alliance funded the pandemic. However, it's hard to blame the effects of coronavirus on the political right. It came from a communist country.
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By Rugoz
Tainari88 wrote:Colombia is getting mass protests and violent confrontations but since it is not from a Left government? The media and the USA are not plotting an overthrow.


Maybe it has something to do with the government in Columbia not attempting to install a right-wing dictatorship, at least so far.
blackjack21 wrote:You want the United States to pay a basic income to all of Central and South America? Why do you think the US is responsible for the welfare of people outside of the US?

Not in the US. The ones causing problems are Democrats forcing businesses to remain shuttered, schools closed, and lockdowns without end. It looks like the SARS CoV-2 probably originated in the Wuhan Lab. It remains to be seen if Fauci and EcoHealth alliance funded the pandemic. However, it's hard to blame the effects of coronavirus on the political right. It came from a communist country.

Blackjack, why do you LIE on me so much? I am getting tired of that BJ. Don't lie on me boldfacedly--if you do that? I will have to just ignore you from now on. I can't waste time with someone who knows what I really think but fails to have enough integrity to not lie on opponents in political philosophy.

I never said the USA has to provide an income for people in all of South America and Central America. Are you insane? The USA in fact LIVES off of all of Latin America. You yourself said if there is money being doled out to anyone in Latin America from the USA government or corporate organizations, there is an American getting paid and getting the money back and with interest too. What the hell do you think I have been talking about on POFO for 12+ years now? Have I ever said, "USA has to support all of Latin America, the poor Latin Americans who can't work, or think for themselves? Racist pendejos think that about these kinds of issues BJ. It has nothing to do with reality. Reality is that Latin America as a whole are set up to be extraction economies. Not independent and prosperous nations. It is neocolonialism based on the IMF and banks, and corporate greed and globalism. Something that the neoliberals in charge of the present paradigm have forged for years and years. For you to not mention that and then throw out some shit theory about I endorsing that the USA sustain with UBI payments all of the Latin AMerican republics is sheer nonsense. Don't you be putting words that I never uttered in my mouth. It pisses me off very badly. Stop distorting Blackjack. You can't seem to get it through your head that I am not some stupid wine sipping, two-faced, white woman liberal who is racist in her head, and pays lip service to equality and runs around doing immoral shit all damn day. That is not I! Get that through your brain you are the one who should start thinking about how Latin Americans are going to fit into the USA scenario. Because the young Latinos are the ones who are going to be paying all the taxes keeping those old white people in play and with a future in the USA. Stop thinking we are some useless people without any merit. Or some low IQ dummies whom the USA doesn't need. See how I did that? Painted you with that? Do you like it? Don't do it then! And I bet you think that for sure. You should stop your class conscious mierda. But you don't.

Me lo vuleves hacer Relampaguito y me voy a enojar!

Biological warfare is immoral. Anyone engaging in it is immoral. On many levels. The USA has been into biological warfare. Throwing bombs on Vieques with depleted uranium and knowing it causes mass cancer in humans. They have no fucking moral stance about what is ethical by throwing shit into the environment and causing death and destruction. The CCP if they covered up some mass secret shit about making biological warfare and don't want to own up to it? Need to be investigated and all their products boycotted completely. But again the neoliberals who are souless freaks with no loyalties to anyone but their own pockets won't do what is necessary. The Democrats suck. The Republicans are lying pieces of shit who are bought off. Everything is going to come to a head Blackjack. No one is going to care if it was the Communist state capitalist power Mandarins or the Washington Double Dose of Sellout Twins in the Hill. The only thing that counts is being a responsible and HUMANE government making decisions for the best interest of all people in their own nation and abroad.

Can they do so? It remains to be seen. I doubt it. Blood is the alternative. And that means really hard times. I am pleased with Mexico beyond words. They remained stable, did an excellent job in mass vaccinations so far and are helping other Central Americans. They got minimum wage hikes happening now in the Mexican Mexico City federal district and the usual suspects are against it. Let us see if Morena holds?

BJ, either you lie on purpose to discredit me or you are failing to understand where my point of view comes from. Either way? It is not good.

Maybe other posters are right. I don't think you can see a lot of angles to a culture, or a people. Maybe you are very closed minded. I am going to have to consider that possibility?
Tainari88 wrote:Blackjack, why do you LIE on me so much? I am getting tired of that BJ. Don't lie on me boldfacedly--if you do that? I will have to just ignore you from now on. I can't waste time with someone who knows what I really think but fails to have enough integrity to not lie on opponents in political philosophy.

Well, you need to be clear about who you are asking to pay a universal basic income. Your are not clear on this at all. You are fluent in multiple languages, so you should know the pitfalls of overusing pronouns. How is Columbia going to afford that? They can't raise taxes (as the protests show). So they have to adopt an inflationary monetary policy like the US has, which means the Columbian peso would take a big hit. So what would happen? The rich would move their money out of Columbia. You have to consider positive analysis, not just normative analysis.

Tainari88 wrote:The USA in fact LIVES off of all of Latin America. You yourself said if there is money being doled out to anyone in Latin America from the USA government or corporate organizations, there is an American getting paid and getting the money back and with interest too.

That's not the USA living off of Latin America. That's the political establishment and very narrow special interests getting American government money to help "develop" other countries. Do you think they are sending imperial royalty checks to poor people in the ghettos in the US? Not at all. It's corporations that get the USAID, export-import bank, etc. money.

Tainari88 wrote:Reality is that Latin America as a whole are set up to be extraction economies.

That's been the case since they were part of Spain and Portugal. It has little to do with the United States.

Tainari88 wrote:See how I did that? Painted you with that? Do you like it? Don't do it then!

I think its humorous, but that's because as a white male American, I get a lot worse all the time. It's pretty standard fare for us these days.

Tainari88 wrote:And I bet you think that for sure.

I actually worked with a guy from Peru, and we got along swimmingly. He has gone to another company, but had a fantastic sense of humor. I also work with some people with Cubano roots. They hate leftist ideology. I work with a Spaniard every single day. I work with people from all over the world every single day. International interaction is my way of life. This morning, I was on a call headed by a Greek lady who is presently living in Czechia. I just added an Israeli woman to my team.

Tainari88 wrote:But again the neoliberals who are souless freaks with no loyalties to anyone but their own pockets won't do what is necessary.

That's why they ended up with Trump, and why the Trump movement is not going to go away any more than they thought the Tea Party would go away. It may morph and change, but they will be in for a reckoning at some point I think.

Tainari88 wrote:BJ, either you lie on purpose to discredit me or you are failing to understand where my point of view comes from. Either way? It is not good.

Not all problems in Latin America are the fault of the US. Much of Latin America is not business friendly. Venezuela is the worst now, with 17 procedures just to start a business at an expense of 90% of the annual income per capita and nearly half a year to get it done. That makes it impossible for poor people to move up. Look at what is happening in the United States. The red states are doing far, far better economically than the blue states where they are unfriendly to business. It's production, trade and commerce that lift people out of poverty, not welfare.

Global Recovery May Not Be Enough for Latin America

The pandemic has also hit GDP and employment harder in the region (Latin America) than in all other developing regions. Poverty and inequality have spiked, potentially rolling back 20 years of hard-fought progress.

It's really China who should be paying for this, not the US. Although, I think Fauci and Danszak may be culpable as well.

Tainari88 wrote:Maybe other posters are right. I don't think you can see a lot of angles to a culture, or a people. Maybe you are very closed minded.

Geography plays a big role in economic development. It's very difficult to develop economies in mountainous and tropical regions. It always has been. You cannot seem to grapple with the fact that normative analysis and socialism won't likely save the day, and that someone like me is unlikely to believe that; yet, I can still get along just fine with people from all over the world. The political left does not have a monopoly on virtue.

I've posted many geopolitical analysts about stuff like this. You could have listened to Peter Zeihan, who more or less predicted what's happening in Central America right now. They are screwed by the covid pandemic, just like a lot of working class Americans are screwed. It's very difficult. I know. I was pretty well screwed after 2008, but as I noted I have totally skirted any negatives in this pandemic and am doing even better as a result. Life isn't particularly fair.
By ccdan
Tainari88 wrote:Inequality is a big issue in Latin America? How long are the Latin Americans supposed to accept these inequality issues?

Inequality is not an issue in general, and not something that's widespread in Latin American(most people are approximately equally poor)

Anti-capitalism(socialism) will never work, it's a self-defeating stupid ideology.
ccdan wrote:
Inequality is not an issue in general, and not something that's widespread in Latin American(most people are approximately equally poor)

Anti-capitalism(socialism) will never work, it's a self-defeating stupid ideology.

No need for *despair*....

While in Europe he was introduced to the ideas of the Enlightenment, which later motivated him to overthrow the reigning Spanish in colonial South America. Taking advantage of the disorder in Spain prompted by the Peninsular War, Bolívar began his campaign for independence in 1808.[5] The campaign for the independence of New Granada was consolidated with the victory at the Battle of Boyacá on 7 August 1819. He established an organized national congress within three years. Despite a number of hindrances, including the arrival of an unprecedentedly large Spanish expeditionary force, the revolutionaries eventually prevailed, culminating in the victory at the Battle of Carabobo in 1821, which effectively made Venezuela an independent country.

Following this triumph over the Spanish monarchy, Bolívar participated in the foundation of the first union of independent nations in Latin America, Gran Colombia, of which he was president from 1819 to 1830. Through further military campaigns, he ousted Spanish rulers from Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, the last of which was named after him. He was simultaneously president of Gran Colombia (present-day Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador), Peru, and Bolivia, but soon after, his second-in-command, Antonio José de Sucre, was appointed president of Bolivia. Bolívar aimed at a strong and united Spanish America able to cope not only with the threats emanating from Spain and the European Holy Alliance but also with the emerging power of the United States. At the peak of his power, Bolívar ruled over a vast territory from the Argentine border to the Caribbean Sea.

Bolívar is viewed as a national icon in much of modern South America, and is considered one of the great heroes of the Hispanic independence movements of the early 19th century, along with José de San Martín, Francisco de Miranda and others.
We don't even have to go as far back as Bolivar....

Chin up!


Even though the tax proposal was withdrawn, the anti-tax fire ignited deeper issues: Dissatisfaction with the peace plan that put an end to guerrilla violence, the economic impact of poverty which grew by 2.8 million people during 2020. The impact of Venezuelan immigrants fleeing their government and economic disaster, taking jobs away from already struggling Colombian workers. ... withdrawn/

Throughout the Colombian civil war and up to the present day, Washington has supplied firearms and other military equipment to the army and police, both under the control of the country’s Defence Ministry. Earlier this month, Amnesty International issued a statement noting that it has visual evidence of US-made weaponry being used to repress protesters.

“The United States’ role in fueling ceaseless cycles of violence committed against the people of Colombia is outrageous,” commented Philippe Nassif, the advocacy director for Amnesty USA. “The United States government has been an agonizing party to the killing, disappearances, sexual violence and other torture, and horrendous repression of dozens of mostly peaceful demonstrations.” ... a-j04.html
By late
Without constant support from the United States, our Drug War would have destroyed the country, leaving a failed state.

That's what lies behind all this.

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