Florida Bans CRT in Schools - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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wat0n wrote:
Is @Pants-of-dog really defending forcing kids stand up in front of everyone and apologize for the sins of others who happen to have the same skin pigmentation, religion or genitalia?

You're missing out on an amazing opportunity!!!

My blow out sale of bridges won't last, you know!!!

They all come with free pink unicorns and a Delorean filled with blow!!!
late wrote:You're missing out on an amazing opportunity!!!

My blow out sale of bridges won't last, you know!!!

They all come with free pink unicorns and a Delorean filled with blow!!!

So you think there's nothing wrong going on with a school where that kind of thing happens? :eh:
Florida has been becoming more conservative day by day due Hispanics turn to conservatism. This is also called integration. A true melting pot with American values. Donald Trump should thank to Sen. Marco Rubio for his efforts.
wat0n wrote:
So you think there's nothing wrong going on with a school where that kind of thing happens?

I think there's nothing right with just making shit up.

Do you guys shove ice picks up your nose now?
Critical race theory has become politicized in recent months, with opponents arguing the area of study is based on Marxism and is a threat to the American way of life. But critical race theory, according to scholars who study it, explores the ways in which a history of inequality and racism in the United States has continued to impact American society today.

"It's an approach to grappling with a history of White supremacy that rejects the belief that what's in the past is in the past and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it," Kimberlé Crenshaw, a founding critical race theorist and a law professor at UCLA and Columbia University, told CNN last year.

Kimberlé Crenshaw's theory is outdated now, who argues that the US laws grew from white supremacy in the past and white supremacy is still entrenched in the system. The very existence of diversity programs in America completely discredits the tenets of CRT which blame the system for being racist, while exonerating racist individuals. CRT is a one-sided theory which should not be taught in school nationally, unless it is a black college. The best approach to fight racism is going after racist individuals directly, rather than the entire system. If she is a teacher, you need to make sure that she will lose her job to stop her from disseminating her talking points in school. The Aussie case is more about sexism. There may be feminists on steroids in Australia, which is the first country where women were allowed to vote in 1902.

Parents of male students at a school in Victoria’s southwest are outraged after their sons were forced to stand up at an assembly and apologise to their female classmates.

Male students at Brauer College in Warrnambool were purportedly told to apologise to the girls for offensive behaviour on behalf of their gender on Wednesday.

Danielle Shephard told 7NEWS that her 12-year-old son, who is in Year 7 at the school, was left feeling confused following the exercise.

“He said that he was made to stand up and basically apologise... it wasn’t explained properly to the male students what they were doing or why they were doing it,” she said, as seen in the video above.

The state government on Sunday made consent education mandatory for students in state schools over concerns the issue wasn’t always being addressed head-on.

https://7news.com.au/news/education/out ... -c-2436295
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 16 Jun 2021 22:23, edited 2 times in total.
late wrote:I think there's nothing right with just making shit up.

Do you guys shove ice picks up your nose now?

Are you saying those Australians incidents were made up or that they were not inspired by CRT? Because it would seem neither is true.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The fact that white people can force teachers not to teach about racism shows that systemic racism is still a thing.

Quite a good point.

Also a few of the right wing reactionaries on this thread like colliric are just a few comments away from ranting about "white genocide" or some nonsense.

This bizarre "what about racism against white people" is text book white defensiveness and is pretty pathetic in terms of how distanced from reality it is.
I do not think that this law amounts to "white people can force teachers not to teach about racism shows that systemic racism is still a thing". Not at all. It is specific and targeted.

There is plenty of debate about this particular take on the subject and the 1619 project is facile nonsense.

There is a larger issue here that progressives will have to get their collective heads around or ignore it to their peril. We have state governments. We have local control of the schools and that control is in the hands of the local voters. Elections have consequences. Here we see a great example of the state taking away local control of schools. It is really no different from Florida passing laws that prohibited mayors from imposing mask rules.

The republican party is more than happy to nullify any election that causes consequences with which they do not agree and by any means possible. In this case the state legislature nullified the decisions made by duly elected local school boards. Since they do not actually believe in democracy, this is completely consistent with their current party policies.
Drlee wrote:I do not think that this law amounts to "white people can force teachers not to teach about racism shows that systemic racism is still a thing". Not at all. It is specific and targeted.

I think you are incorrect.

The law specifically states that teachers are not allowed to teach that “racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons”. It would now be illegal to say that in a Florida classroom.

Laws against CRT are vague and often encompass several progressive points. This is just one example.
The law specifically states that teachers are not allowed to teach that “racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons”. It would now be illegal to say that in a Florida classroom.

I support banning this. They should not be teaching something that is patently untrue.
Drlee wrote:I support banning this. They should not be teaching something that is patently untrue.

If you don't think racism is embedded in American society, then you have a very incorrect understanding of American history and even current structures.

You don't have to be a proponent of CRT to see or teach this. And that's the problem with these cancel culture/censorship laws that are being pushed by the GOP here. It's clearly just targeted at trying to sanitize and revise American history rather than based on any actual fact-based counter-argument.

I'm not always a huge fan of this publication but it's worth looking at this Jacobin article on the subject.
Drlee wrote:I support banning this. They should not be teaching something that is patently untrue.

How about having a debate on that claim in a civics class?

I don't think it should be taught as a fact, but don't see anything wrong with discussing its merits in a civics class.
There's absolutely no reason to ban it other than "what if the students discover that the US is actually racist!" There's a clear underlying acknowledgement that there's merit to the claim of systematic racism, and a fear that it will be learned by students.
KurtFF8 wrote:There's absolutely no reason to ban it other than "what if the students discover that the US is actually racist!" There's a clear underlying acknowledgement that there's merit to the claim of systematic racism, and a fear that it will be learned by students.

All sorts of extremists may say the same.

"There's absolutely no reason to ban teaching the Holocaust is a hoax other than "what if the students discover that Jews have been duping the White man!", and a fear that it will be learned by students"

"There's absolutely no reason to ban teaching the Earth is flat other than "what if the students discover that Earth is not round and the government has been lying to everyone!", and a fear that it will be learned by students"

"There's absolutely no reason to ban teaching God created the world in 7 days other than "what if the students discover that evolution is an atheist hoax designed to create a godless America!", and a fear that it will be learned by students"

"There's absolutely no reason to ban teaching our elites are formed by extraterrestrial shapeshifting lizard people other than "what if the students discover that aliens are already here and rule over us!", and a fear that it will be learned by students"

"There's absolutely no reason to ban teaching about how the working class will revolt and establish communism other than "what if the students discover that they can overthrow the capitalist system and implement workers' socialism!", and a fear that it will be learned by students"
Last edited by wat0n on 19 Jun 2021 16:55, edited 1 time in total.
Drlee wrote:I support banning this. They should not be teaching something that is patently untrue.

Please provide evidence for this claim.

Your support of censorship is noted.

The current voted ID laws in Florida are a good example of systemic racism being perpetrated right now against black people. And the people who put these racist laws together are also the ones banning discussion on them.
Pants-of-dog wrote:
Please provide evidence for this claim.

Your support of censorship is noted.

The current voted ID laws in Florida are a good example of systemic racism being perpetrated right now against black people. And the people who put these racist laws together are also the ones banning discussion on them.

Indeed, they are trying to bring back Jim Crow.

A guy on my other forum wrote this:

"It's important to realize that the so-called "anti-CRT" laws do not prohibit CRT or offer any definition thereof. They contain vague and general proscriptions on racial characterizations and on teachers offering opinions on a wide variety of issues, potentially having nothing to do with race or racism. They will do nothing but sow chaos and trigger a flood of complaints before being struck down in the courts as vague and unconstitutional. Just more performative legislation."
Please provide evidence for this claim.

Bite me.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I think you are incorrect.

The law specifically states that teachers are not allowed to teach that “racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons”. It would now be illegal to say that in a Florida classroom.

Laws against CRT are vague and often encompass several progressive points. This is just one example.


American history can be taught as is and to include all the damage done to black people. This can be done objectively without political indoctrination or brain washing.

The objections to CRT in schools is that it teaches POC students to be victims. This is demoralizing for young children that were not alive in Jim Crow. Children need to be uplifted. It is cruel to label them as victims of white people.

Obama was elected POTUS 53 years after the Rosa Parks incident. This is the year 2021. Racism still exists but has significantly diminished since the 1950s. Many believe that teaching CRT will bring MORE rather than less racism. Why do you think Trump won in 2016? Trump was elected by the left wing radicals that adopted race ID politics. For every action there is a reaction.
Pants-of-dog wrote:
The current voted ID laws in Florida are a good example of systemic racism being perpetrated right now against black people.

If you think black people are not smart enough to obtain ID then you are more racist than Donald Trump. :knife: :knife:
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