Did You Get Vaccinated? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Did You Get The Jab?

No, but I will.
No, but I will if required.
No, and I never will. Fuck off.
The Australian Government requires vaccination against influenza for employees working in residential aged care facilities (RACF).

https://www.health.qld.gov.au/employmen ... placements

Flu vaccinations
The annual influenza (flu) vaccine for 2020 is now available. It is most important this
year with the COVID-19 global pandemic. Cases of the flu can increase the burden
on the health system.
While the flu vaccine cannot protect against COVID-19, you can become ill with the
flu and COVID-19 together. This may cause severe outcomes, including

Will all visitors need to be vaccinated?
Yes. Entry to residential aged care facilities is restricted to people who have had a
current flu vaccination. This applies to:
 staff
 visitors
 health practitioners
 volunteers, and
 other people entering the facility (e.g. cleaners, tradesman, gardeners and
maintenance staff).

https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default ... lities.pdf
colliric wrote:No they're not. They are not allowed to ask you at all.

It's only for school children and it was introduced as a special health measure in 2016 to encourage child vaccinations and immunisations. And the institution is not required to check if things are up to date, only at enrolment. Adults are not at all covered by that legislation. At least here in Victoria.

In the States, they are definitely allowed to ask you all kinds of medical stuff, including asking you for a urine sample at random times.

t. Have worked for a living.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:@Igor Antunov , you're far too invested in the 'paranoid conspiracy theorist' meme. This is unsurprisingly not good for your health.

@JohnRawls , the per capita graph isn't that different from Canada, or Japan.


Your graph has a problem that it is very narrow on the x axis.

Here you go: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covi ... EU~USA~ARE

Steady growth or increase in uptick while china just shoots in to the sky after 31st of April untill today with no slowing down. All of the countries that we have legitimate information from, we know how the curve will look like and its properties.

Small start - this is present for Chinas curve.
Steady upwards trend that might increase over time - this is not something that we see on the Chinese graph. This is the process of increasing logistics, putting more cold storage online and so on. Production of vaccine etc. Basically this can't be a shot in to the stratosphere all of the sudden because there are clear logistical, manpower, storage and so on limitations here.
Decline when you reach around 50-60% of vaccinated - Chinese statistic is just shooting up and up as if there are no people who are scared of the vaccine or no anti-vaxxers and so on. (Or have other reasons for not taking it including babies or really young)
Pants-of-dog wrote:So schools are allowed to ask, and ask for evidence from the students.

So you were wrong and I was right.

Dummy it's the enrolling parents and guardians they ask, because at that age it's the parents responsibility. And it's only legal for school kids. So you're wrong.

They still get the choice to agree to it or not(home schooling is legal), and after Enrolment the school is not required to continue requesting, which they usually don't.

Also I'm not certain about interstate, this is only in Victoria.

In the States, they are definitely allowed to ask you all kinds of medical stuff, including asking you for a urine sample at random times.

t. Have worked for a living

Yes I've seen the poppy seed episode of Seinfeld. It is not legal in Australia, except for sports where random drug tests to stop cheating are necessary. The cops have the right to drug and alcohol test you, but no one else.
My hospital is seeing another surge of patients now. We have not seen this many patients since the thanksgiving surge last year. My rounding list currently has 40% covids, I have a total of 3 patients in the ICU and 2 of them are because of covid, one is an < 20 year-old guy that has been intubated for 2 weeks. Only one of my patients got the vaccine and that guy is doing well, I might discharge this patient in the next day or two. Of the 50+ patients in my hospital, only 4 got at least 1 dose of the vaccine, neither of them is in the ICU or in imminent danger of death at this time. Wrap your head on those real world numbers, less than 10% of our hospitalized COVID patients are vaccinated and none of them are severely ill/ICU candidates.

The irresponsible morons that spread vaccine fears/misinformation should all be sued to oblivion for endangering people's lives.
Did anybody else develop supreme 5G powers after getting the Pfizer vax?

If I concentrate really hard, I can read Hillary's e-mails.


"Huh... so that's what really happened to Epstein..."
XogGyux wrote:.The irresponsible morons that spread vaccine fears/misinformation should all be sued to oblivion for endangering people's lives.

Less than 13 deaths in Australia since 19th of October 2020 last year with 11 happening in the last 3 weeks. Mainly because NSW failed to lockdown quick.

But how dare I spread "misinformation".

Oh and excuse me for doubting that any of your patients will die, vaccinated or not. The treatment will most likely succeed. Keep us updated. I'm willing to put good money on it.
colliric wrote:
Oh and excuse me for doubting that any of your patients will die, vaccinated or not. The treatment will most likely succeed. Keep us updated. I'm willing to put good money on it.

And you think that makes it OK?
We have good antibiotics that are reasonably successful for bacterial infections, does that mean that we shouldn't strive to PREVENT an infection rather than to allow it to happen and then treat it? We have machines that can do the kidney's job, does that mean we should go around killing people's kidneys?
BS, prevention is always preferable. This is beyond ridiculous.
The covid "treatments" are not a massive miracle or anything like that either. The studies only point towards a rather modest benefit and my individual experience supports this.
Half of the patients I discharge, they leave my hospital after 5+ days of admission and they leave with supplemental oxigen. This is a huge burden on the healthcare system, this is also a huge burden financially either for the patient, the hospital or the insurance system. That is not to mention, long-term complications of this disease that we do not know yet... The amount of lung damage we see on CT scans is quite extensive oftentimes, I have a high degree of suspicion that a decent portion of those with severe and perhaps those with moderate disease will end up developing long-term chronic lung disease.
I don't think the "pandemic will be over" at this point in time, I think we can safely declare a total failure in terms of attempts of control, I think it is now an endemic disease similar to the flu, we will have to learn to live with it. Early on, Lockdowns might have made way more sense, they might still be important on areas with very high numbers that have the risk of having the hospital systems overwhelmed but the chances of eliminating it by controlling spreads is now zero as far as I am concerned.
I'm going to Serbia for 3 months. Gonna grab me two of these:

For the time being this is my temporary inoculation against the Virus:



Recall my poulty inoculation disaster example. You're the chicken now.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 29 Jul 2021 13:47, edited 2 times in total.
JohnRawls wrote:Your graph has a problem that it is very narrow on the x axis.

Here you go: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covi ... EU~USA~ARE

Steady growth or increase in uptick while china just shoots in to the sky after 31st of April untill today with no slowing down. All of the countries that we have legitimate information from, we know how the curve will look like and its properties.

Small start - this is present for Chinas curve.
Steady upwards trend that might increase over time - this is not something that we see on the Chinese graph. This is the process of increasing logistics, putting more cold storage online and so on. Production of vaccine etc. Basically this can't be a shot in to the stratosphere all of the sudden because there are clear logistical, manpower, storage and so on limitations here.
Decline when you reach around 50-60% of vaccinated - Chinese statistic is just shooting up and up as if there are no people who are scared of the vaccine or no anti-vaxxers and so on. (Or have other reasons for not taking it including babies or really young)

The problem with your graph (which has an identical X axis, by the way - mid Dec 2020 to end of July 2021) is that it doesn't show the countries that are similar to China, ie Canada and Japan. And let's add the UK too. If you prefer a cumulative graph:

https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covi ... AN~JPN~GBR

"Decline when you reach around 50-60% of vaccinated - Chinese statistic is just shooting up and up as if there are no people who are scared of the vaccine or no anti-vaxxers and so on."

Also seen in Canada. Shock horror - China's control of its internet has prevented the crazy idiots from persuaded others that the vaccine injects microchips, turns you into a 5G mast, stops you Owning The Libs, or Takes Away Yer Freedumb. But the Chinese rate did indeed slow down, around the end of June, as my 7 day average graph shows (the rate fell to about half its peak). That's more of a slowdown than Canada showed.

Your argument seems to be "China's rollout wasn't identical to the USA's, so there something dodgy about their data", even though exactly the same could be said about Canada's.
colliric wrote:it's the enrolling parents and guardians they ask, because at that age it's the parents responsibility. And it's only legal for school kids. So you're wrong.

No. I am still right and you are merely explaining the exact circumstances under which I am correct.

Yes I've seen the poppy seed episode of Seinfeld. It is not legal in Australia, except for sports where random drug tests to stop cheating are necessary. The cops have the right to drug and alcohol test you, but no one else.

Actually, businesses can require proof of vaccination from employees in Australia if there is a public health order to that effect. And the government could easily issue one right now since this is a global pandemic.
@Pants-of-dog, you're just debating the stupid. I think they have based their opinion that medical records can't be shared without consent due to data protection. But that doesn’t stop certain organisations (as you have pointed out) requesting that information in order for YOU to access their services. You can choose to not provide the information of course. But then you are excluded from the service. This is indeed legal (including Australia) if the government makes it legal as they do with HepB jabs for doctors. So if the government make vaccine passports legal then you have to provide the information or deal with the consequences.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Actually, businesses can require proof of vaccination from employees in Australia if there is a public health order to that effect. And the government could easily issue one right now since this is a global pandemic.

Liberal Party is in federal power mate. Ain't gonna happen. Be realistic mate. Any state government that does that is probably signing it's "out at next election because acting like communist dictators" fate.

The Travel Passport yes, that no.

You want to live in a communist dictatorship do you. Move to China then.

You don't want them to bring that in mate. Creates a dual class situation in a country that's meant to be a free country.

I'm already pretty fucking pissed off Andrews Government pulled that have to have "proof of essential worker" crap on me during lockdown. Nazi bullshit terminology literally taken straight from Schindler's List and the famous jammed gun scene. Fuck Dan Andrews.

You should NOT be supporting that shit and YOU KNOW IT!

So if the government make vaccine passports legal then you have to provide the information or deal with the consequences.

Scomo is in power idiot. The Party I support is in federal government. It's just plain not going to happen. Be realistic. Even under Labor it would be highly unlikely. This is the PM who goes to Hillsong church. And state Premier Dan Andrews is already in trouble at the next election as a result of his Dictator-like reputation.

You guys think a Liberal Party government is going to bring that in, you've got rocks in your brains. Labor isn't stupid enough to bring that in either.
Last edited by colliric on 29 Jul 2021 17:19, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:Liberal Party is in federal power mate. Ain't gonna happen. Be realistic mate. Any state government that does that is probably signing it's "out at next election because acting like communist dictators" fate.

Of course, you agree that businesses could demand proof of vaccination.

I ignored the rest since it was irrelevant.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Of course, you agree that businesses could demand proof of vaccination.

I ignored the rest since it was irrelevant.

No they don't have a right to. It's private personal information.

Liberal Party(MY PARTY) is in federal power and State Labor Party governments are already struggling with being viewed as dictators. That ain't going to happen and you should stop supporting it. That type of measure is a dictatorial measure.

Surefire way to lose government to the opposition and have even more Protestors.
By B0ycey
colliric wrote:You guys think a Liberal Party government is going to bring that in, you've got rocks in your brains. Labor isn't stupid enough to bring that in either.

Written like a user on panic mode.

The truth is YOUR government has enacted the strongest possible lockdown in the Western world with the exception of New Zealand... and Sydney is still in lockdown! Also I wouldn't rule out all you guys being in another one before the end of spring. Put in that BoJo, the PM who didn't even want to put us in lockdown given the revelations, seems keen on passports for Nightclubs and healthcare right now and you can see why I am skeptical with your analysis. So you are telling me that the panicky Liberal Party would rather lockdown all of Australia every other month when just a handful of cases appear rather than enforce prove of vaccinations in order to open up society if enough people refuse to get vaccinated? I beg to differ. Everything I read coming out of Australia right now is that you guys are getting fed up with Lockdowns as protests engulf your states and vaccine passports seem the obvious solution to coerce uptake.
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