How long does the USA have left as a unified entity? - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the USA and Canada.

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Based on the pulse of the country both from an inside out and outside perspective and geopolitical developments over the past decade I suspect maybe 1-2 elections left, maybe 5-10 years?

Clearly some of the Republican/Democrat political divides are insurmountable. The respective parties proponents become highly militant on issues of race, birth control, healthcare, etc. What's more there are very clear dividing lines, between the urban and rural areas spread almost uniformly across the entire union territories. This is recipe for total collapse.

And this is only growing in magnitude with each perceived crisis. See Covid and Afghanistan as the latest catalysts in a string of polarizing failures of the US establishment for reference.

I'm seeing dividing lines encompassing entire state boundaries too. Texas and California look to be in outright rebellion. Those are major constituent states with a great deal of inertia. I don't think there will be a civil war this time. There is no party strong enough to embark on a reconquest of dissident territories. There is too much unraveling all at once across the entire union. Motivations will tend toward localized regionalism and increasing decentralization until you're left with something resembling a holy american empire, it will be neither holy nor American nor an empire. Just a bunch of billionaire princes lording over various states and cities and doing their own thing. Just like now but without any federal weight whatsoever as the system comes crashing down.

I question even now whether the federal government can actually enact or enforce any kind of union-wide policy. And this extends to foreign policy as well which has been completely schizo and self defeating for over 20 years now-ranging from trade to military interventionism to sustaining existing alliance/satellite blocs.

RIP American pigs. :excited:
Well that only thing Dems and Republicans agree on is their patriotism for the United States. So I can't see the US breaking apart. What might happen is even more social unrest and a demand for reform which will progress specific agendas forward over time. Today we have a political divide given people can see a problem they don't understand. The answer is Socialism... or more specifically Social reform. I don't think America can ignore the elephant in the room forever I guess.
@Igor Antunov

Nobody really knows what will happen in the future. We could splinter apart peacefully or through a war like Yugoslavia or we could stay together peacefully or through a war like our last American Civil War. Nobody knows what will happen. Hopefully we stay together peacefully. If we splinter apart, we will be easy pickings for Russia and China who will be more than happy to fill the void we leave behind. Plus we will be more easier to be enslaved by the Russians and Chinese too if we splinter apart. But anything can happen. Nobody has a crystal ball to predict the future or really knows what will happen in the future. All one can do, is take it a day at a time and adapt and overcome.
Pretty long, but thanks for the wishful trolling. :lol:

As the Soviets and the Yugoslavians have been mentioned, there had never really been either a Soviet or a Yugoslavian identity, like there wasn't an Austro-Hungarian identity either, that could hold together those countries no matter what. However, there's a strong American identity that doesn't conflict with states identities even if they're strong too. It's also relatively easy to campaign for staying in the US anyway.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Igor Antunov

Nobody really knows what will happen in the future. We could splinter apart peacefully or through a war like Yugoslavia or we could stay together peacefully or through a war like our last American Civil War. Nobody knows what will happen. Hopefully we stay together peacefully. If we splinter apart, we will be easy pickings for Russia and China who will be more than happy to fill the void we leave behind. Plus we will be more easier to be enslaved by the Russians and Chinese too if we splinter apart. But anything can happen. Nobody has a crystal ball to predict the future or really knows what will happen in the future. All one can do, is take it a day at a time and adapt and overcome.

@Politics_Observer ;

Christ, it is so retarded to think America would ever be enslaved by China or Russia, or that those nations would ever want to. :roll:

America is a necessary part of the world order, of civilization, and China and Russia know it. If America were simply to have a more humble set of policies and not play at global Hegemon, things would be so much better. As it is, all America is doing is making the world safe for Militant Islam.

But again with America, which has long intervened and meddled in other's affairs... Yesterday marked the 103rd anniversary of the American occupation of the Russian Far East,with her former ''allies' having pronounced Russia's non-existence and started the process of carving her up, with 14 occupation military forces around the country. I bet few Americans even know America occupied part of Russia... Here's an article about it; ... er/ri24498
The Democrats are warmongers..... Since they couldn't get their "New Cold War" off the ground, they're straight up attempting to start a new modernised Civil War instead.

Once again the Republicans will have to stand up for the cause of freedom and the right to bodily autonomy again. This time by defending states rights and taking it all the way to the supreme court. And they'll win of course. Thanks to Trump defending democracy by installing a Republican Party majority as was his Presidential right to do. It will come into play now. Hopefully this is a "supreme court legal battle civil war" rather than a physical one.

This is the reason why the Democrats wanted to rig the Supreme Court in their favour. They wanted complete total control. And then bitched about the Republicans minor efforts at making the voluntary US elections more secure.

We're going to have to get Trump back in power Igor, if he runs again.
Last edited by colliric on 10 Sep 2021 03:30, edited 1 time in total.
They just used Biden's speech to form the link between the economy and the vaccine. Once the economy and the market crashes, and it will, unvaxxed will be the scapegoats. The ‘pandemic of the unvaxxed’ will become the "unvaxxed induced recession."

The economy has beeen propped up by stimulus these last 18 months. The unemployment benefits are ending and evictions are starting. The deflationary pressures are building, get ready.
Remember when the Democrats bitched and moaned about the Patriot Act??? And how it was an assault on individual privacy and freedoms?

At this stage Igor, I'd even support Dubya being reinstated, he wasn't this nuts.

And before he responds:
Justin Trudeau gave you the fucking Covid vote Godstud..... So shut up. He looks like paragon of Democracy standing next to Joe Biden at the moment. He has given you the freedom to vote over Canada's response to the pandemic. Americans are not going to get the same chance to vote over the pandemic response that you just got. Biden just made Trudeau look like a saint in comparison. He inadvertently helped you left-wing maple lovers out hey? Lol.

You should be grateful he made Justin look far better in comparison. An example of why the Westminster System is far superior to the US political system. Trudeau is forced to take his pandemic response to the vote and get a mandate since he is the leader of a minority/coalition government.
@Igor Antunov, @colliric,

It has been decided that the state govs. do have the ability to require vaccinations by public school students.
It has also been decided in the case of Typhoid Mary in NYC, over 100 years ago, that stats can lockup a person who knowingly spreads a serious disease.

In the US the govs. and the US Gov. do not have the right to close the borders between the states.
100 years ago there was less interstate travel, now there is a lot more.

Times change. IMO, the Pres. does have the power to do things like require big corps to do things. There are several things that they must do that small corps are not required to do. If the Pres. has had the law searched for authority and it was found for this, then he can do it.

Your right to swing your arms around ends just before it impacts the noses of others.
Therefore, your right to sneeze germs into the air ends just before another inhales them.
It is far better and safer if both people in a room wear masks and are vaccinated than if just one of them is doing these things. IMO.

IMHO, it is likely that the Repuds are thinking that if they can f*ck the economy enough then they will win in 2022. If they are doing this. it is unamerican, murder, unlawful, and it should be stopped by any lawful means necessary.

However, it seems like you 2 are Trumpers, and there is no reasoning with almost all such people. Therefore, I'm really talking to the lurkers who's mind has not been trapped in group-think.
Steve_American wrote:@Igor Antunov, @colliric, .
It has also been decided in the case of Typhoid Mary in NYC, over 100 years ago, that stats can lockup a person who knowingly spreads a serious disease.

She wasn't "locked up", that is a lie, she was legally gifted a free home, was allowed to go outside(Maskless I might add!) and roam the island, eventually offered a job and was also eventually allowed to take day trips to the mainland. You don't want unvaccinated people to leave their own home, neither do you believe in offering them a free home and a job, let alone day trips.

Typhoid Mary had far less restrictions on her life than the ones you are proposing become stranded.

Offer me a free home of my own, freedom to walk where ever I want to on the island whenever I want, no masks, a paying job, and free trips to the mainland so I can do basic things like go shopping, watch a movie or buy a coffee (so long as I'm back at the end of the day!) and I'll gladly go and live on the island. I've always dreamed of living like a monk anyway. You'll just be helping me achieve it.
Last edited by colliric on 10 Sep 2021 04:42, edited 1 time in total.
IMHO, the Army will not side with the states that leave.
This is because it will fracture the US into 3 parts.
1] The Repud center and SE states.
2] The NE coaltal states.
3] The West and west coast states.

There will be no rail connetion between them that doesn't go thru the Repud states.

IMHO, their military minds will see this as the end of their military. Also, they swore an oath to the Constutution and loyality to their home state is far less than it was in 1860/61.
I hope all such talk is just a bluff, because a civil war would be a disaster in several ways.
1] Needless deaths by combat.
2] Massive disruption of the economy.
3] The 2 coastal parts can import food.
4] Possible use of nuclear weapons.
5] The fight on ACC would be put on hold at this critical time and this has a 50-50 chance of causing a 5 deg. C temp increase that likely will kill every human by 2250. And in any case would start a new dark age that would last for 1000 years if not 1,000,000 years.
Respond to me dammit. Do you believe in gifting unvaccinated people a free home of their own so long as they agree to live there with only minor restrictions(like having to be back at home before 6pm) or not??

Because that's what Typhoid Mary was gifted. She had far less restrictions than the ones you're proposing be enforced as standard. She basically got bribed into quarantining herself, so she didn't repeat offend. She didn't even have to wear a mask to go outside!
Last edited by colliric on 10 Sep 2021 05:11, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:She wasn't "locked up", that is a lie, she was gifted a free home, was allowed to go outside(Maskless I might add!) and roam the island, eventually offered a job and was also eventually allowed to take day trips to the mainland. You don't want unvaccinated people to leave their own home, neither do you believe in offering them a free home and a job, let alone day trips.

You said it yourself.
She was locked up on an island under house arrest.
It doesn't matter if she was allowed later after she had groked that the state was serious about her not working as a nanny or cook to take a job that didn't expose others to the germs she carried.

No, I'm not intending to do the same to the unvaccinated. There was no vaccine for typhoid way back then.
I never said that the unvaccinated should be put under house arrest, or anything other than large corps be reqired to get their workers vaccinated.

I also am seeing reports that states are starting to triage patients in ICU and hospitals.
IMHO, the rule should be that if people come to the emergency room and they have better chance of living than an unvaccinated person with covid, then the covid patient should be moved out of the ICU room so another person with a better chance of living can use it. In fact, there should always be at least 1 ICU bed empty for the person who needs it (and the room treated to kill viruses) and didn't risk their own life and now the life of others by refusing to get vaccinated and wear a mask. But, this is just my opinion, YMMV.
Steve_American wrote:@Igor Antunov, @colliric,

It has been decided that the state govs. do have the ability to require vaccinations by public school students.

This is gene therapy though.
It has also been decided in the case of Typhoid Mary in NYC, over 100 years ago, that stats can lockup a person who knowingly spreads a serious disease.


Knowingly exposing others to HIV is no longer a felony in California ... x-workers/

A deadly disease that requires life-long highly expensive drug treatment - meh spread it lol

The flu: omg not the flu

Canada is showing America how an effective highly representative bipartisan two-party democracy actually works at the moment. "Let's take our pandemic response to a national debate and vote on it"....

But of certain Biden loving anti-republican nutcases will delibrately fail to see their own country giving a good example of democracy in action.

Oh and it looks like Canada's Republican affiliated party is going to win.
China and Russia taking over the US? States superceding and going independent? Jeez, we have some crazy wackos on here. Can't say I am a fan of the second amendment, but with the amount of guns they have, their entire population is a potential well equipt army that will destroy any offensive that managed to sail and land on US soil so the idea the US is ever in danger of invasion is so laughable it is unreal.

And if California was ever going to go independent, they would have broke away in the Trump years. And the Red States rely on Blue states for their tax receipts. So no state is going to break away and go rouge. The US might have a shit load of problems, but patriotism is not one of them. :roll:
B0ycey wrote:China and Russia taking over the US? States superceding and going independent? Jeez, we have some crazy wackos on here. Can't say I am a fan of the second amendment, but with the amount of guns they have, their entire population is a potential well equipt army that will destroy any offensive that managed to sail and land on US soil so the idea the US is ever in danger of invasion is so laughable it is unreal.

And if California was ever going to go independent, they would have broke away in the Trump years. And the Red States rely on Blue states for their tax receipts. So no state is going to break away and go rouge. The US might have a shit load of problems, but patriotism is not one of them. :roll:

Cope. China doesn't have to invade. It could so easily buy the separate states with trade and gibs.


The signs are everywhere. It began years ago. It is happening.

My prediction: Biden will get magic bulleted and they will blame anti-vaxxers. Mark me.

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