The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 142 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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boomerintown wrote:This is an interesting assumption. But what if you are wrong? What if less people choose to vaccinate the third time, in order to stop the spreading of the Delta-virus. Perhaps as a result of decreasing trust in the state due to meassures considering too far going and the means used to enforce these meassures.
Then they do it for a while and the anti-vax people decide that it's easier to get the vaccine than put up being socially and publicly ostracized for their selfish anti-social behavior.

As I already mentioned, they talked about instituting a vaccine passport in Alberta, Canada and right away the vaccination rates tripled.
You gotta fight for your right to die intubated in a hospital begging for the vaccine because some dipshit on AM radio played wacky sound effects while saying the vaccine was bullshit. Also, the AM radio host is dead too.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You gotta fight for your right to die intubated in a hospital begging for the vaccine because some dipshit on AM radio played wacky sound effects while saying the vaccine was bullshit. Also, the AM radio host is dead too.

Hey, the way I see it, it's Darwinism at work. The herd is being thinned. Or rather, the herd is thinning itself.... Lol.
It's just great how rightwing thought has achieved its final form: a scam fractal, wherein every thought leader is running their own scam which itself is part of a larger scam, and contains smaller scams within it.

Like all those dead AM radio hosts? All of them, to the man, too fucking stupid to realize their place in the scam. Railing against vaccines while not realizing everyone above them was on their 5th booster shot.

But yeah lets keep talking about this dumb bullshit as if it's some kind of actual principled political belief and not just a bunch of rubes repeating shit a conman told them while stealing their money. Lets absolutely engage an intellectually hollow political ideology composed entirely of scams with no good faith beliefs in good faith debate. Won't someone please think of the idiots who want to die and their political leaders who will gladly sacrifice their lives?
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 28 Sep 2021 17:00, edited 1 time in total.
Potemkin wrote:Hey, the way I see it, it's Darwinism at work. The herd is being thinned. Or rather, the herd is thinning itself.... Lol.

Except it is not. This is not the same as smoking your way to cancer or a heart attack, those things cannot be spread from person to person.
XogGyux wrote:Except it is not. This is not the same as smoking your way to cancer or a heart attack, those things cannot be spread from person to person.

Getting the vaccineTM doesn't stop you from getting or spreading this virus.

Which means that it isn't a vaccine at all. And it also means that there is no "end game" for this virus. Like the War in Afghanistan, it may turn out to be a major cash cow for Western oligarchs, this time selling drugs instead of weapons.

Zero Hedge wrote:Watch: Israelis Rise-Up Against Vaxx Passports
After Being Told More Shots Needed To Be Considered "Fully Vaccinated"

Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned on people there that the goalposts for vaccine passports keep being shifted by the government.


It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ and able to engage in society.

Over the weekend marches took place in the streets of Tel Aviv against the so called ‘Green Pass’: ...
Last edited by QatzelOk on 28 Sep 2021 17:20, edited 2 times in total.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Daman Qatz you have a strong understanding of how vaccines work.

Your Vaccine passport will be suspended until you've had your fourth dose.
QatzelOk wrote:Getting the vaccineTM doesn't stop you from getting or spreading this virus.

Which means that it isn't a vaccine at all. And it also means that there is no "end game" for this virus. Like the War in Afghanistan, it may turn out to be a major cash cow for Western oligarchs, this time selling drugs instead of weapons.

Well, you are wrong.
XogGyux wrote:Except it is not. This is not the same as smoking your way to cancer or a heart attack, those things cannot be spread from person to person.

Two words @XogGyux: sidestream smoking. If I'm smoking in your presence, then so are you. Lol.
Potemkin wrote:Two words @XogGyux: sidestream smoking. If I'm smoking in your presence, then so are you. Lol.

How many indoor public places can you site that this is an everyday situation? If you are outside, you can always move away if it bothers you.
Not to mention, you would have to be tied up to the smoking person for 20 years to have issues most of the time (some exception for asthmatics that can have a flare).
The comparison is not even remotely reasonable.
Last edited by XogGyux on 29 Sep 2021 02:43, edited 1 time in total.
XogGyux wrote:How many indoor public places can you site that this is an everyday situation? If you are outside, you can always move away if it bothers you.

Back in the 1980s and earlier, it was every indoor public place. Which is why smoking in public places was banned. And yes, people were yelling about "muh freedumb!" back then too. Lol.
Testing is murder and so are masks

OK lets try doing a bit of this so called science that you Liberals claim to be so keen on. Normally viruses tend to become less lethal, less sick making over time. The reason for this is that people who get sick tend to isolate, while those that have no symptoms or mild symptoms continue with their normal social interactions. This gives viral variants that cause mild or no sickness an evolutionary advantage. Mass testing undermines this evolutionary advantage as those with mild or non existent symptoms no longer get to spread their more benign (on average) variants of the virus. This is why the China virus is become worse over time not better.

Although of course from the pharmaceutical- sickness industrial complex's perspective the virus is becoming better not worse. Its payday today and its an even bigger pay day tomorrow. I have to say I find the Liberals, who are normally so sceptical of the motives of big business, child like faith in the motivations of the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex touching. :lol:

Masks are similar in their effect to testing. Masks, at least when they effective, mean that the virus requires a much higher viral load in order to spread. Masks give evolutionary advantage to variants that produce high viral loads, again these variants tend to make people sicker.
@Rich Where to start with your post.... Hmmm.

Rich wrote:Normally viruses tend to become less lethal, less sick making over time. The reason for this is that people who get sick tend to isolate, while those that have no symptoms or mild symptoms continue with their normal social interactions. This gives viral variants that cause mild or no sickness an evolutionary advantage.
False, of course. Given time and more infections they can mutate, becoming more dangerous. The more infections, and the more chance for the virus to mutate.

The virus has only become more dangerous in places where the infection rates were already high. That's scientific fact, incidentally.

Rich wrote:This is why the China virus is become worse over time not better.
False. The virus has gotten worse because of all the infections in Western nations, where they did not quarantine properly, social distance and have mask mandates. Where it has NOT been allowed to infect everyone, like in SE Asia, it's been less lethal. The Delta variant isn't common except in the places with the highest infection rates. Your argument is nonsense based on very non-medical information, and indeed, is very "made up". It's not the China virus, either, fool.

Testing doesn't make infections worse. :roll: You have made sure that everything you have said is wrong on every possible level. It's astonishing how unscientific you can make your rubbish. :knife:

Rich wrote:Masks are similar in their effect to testing. Masks, at least when they effective, mean that the virus requires a much higher viral load in order to spread. Masks give evolutionary advantage to variants that produce high viral loads, again these variants tend to make people sicker.
False. It means that the virus cannot travel easily to another person. In places where mask use was very high, the infection rates were lower. Scientific fact that shoots your bullshit out out of the air, like the pathetic weakass conspiracy theory balloon that it is. You're making up bullshit to push a really stupid narrative. :knife:

Your "theory" would only work in a preschool, @Rich, where children hadn't yet learned to critically think, and aren't smart enough to recognize abject stupidity.

An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19
Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use as source control to reduce community transmission: Nonmedical masks use materials that obstruct particles of the necessary size; people are most infectious in the initial period postinfection, where it is common to have few or no symptoms (45, 46, 141); nonmedical masks have been effective in reducing transmission of respiratory viruses; and places and time periods where mask usage is required or widespread have shown substantially lower community transmission.

The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of nonmedical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures, could successfully reduce Re to below 1, thereby reducing community spread if such measures are sustained. Economic analysis suggests that mask wearing mandates could add 1 trillion dollars to the US GDP (32, 34).

Models suggest that public mask wearing is most effective at reducing spread of the virus when compliance is high (39). We recommend that mask use requirements are implemented by governments, or, when governments do not, by organizations that provide public-facing services. Such mandates must be accompanied by measures to ensure access to masks, possibly including distribution and rationing mechanisms so that they do not become discriminatory. Given the value of the source control principle, especially for presymptomatic people, it is not sufficient for only employees to wear masks; customers must wear masks as well.

But hey, @Rich, don't let reality get in the way of your idiotic beliefs. :moron:
SpecialOlympian wrote:Like is anyone surprised by this? Of course everything they say on Fox News is garbage for idiots.

Well, you do realize FOX "news" is fake news, full of shady liberals. The real patriots are OAN and Newsmax, also facebook and Trump. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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