In 1967 at the end of "Cool Hand Luke" the villains kill the hero, Luke, how is this possible? - Politics | PoFo

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It is impossible to imagine a James Bond film in which the villains kill the hero, and drive away just fine.

You can't imagine how you could write such a screenplay, let alone get it made.

Yet, "Cool Hand Luke" was written, was filmed, and even was nominated for Best Picture. Why? How was this possible?

I have a theory.

"Stranger in a Strange Land" was a 1961 science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein.
In it the hero is killed and the evil doers are not punished. Why? How?
This was possible because there were scenes in the book in which we see God in heaven is sending the Archangel Michael to earth on a mission. There are also other scenes set in heaven. And the hero on earth is named Michael.

You may not know it, but "Cool Hand Luke" was funded by Christians.

My theory is that some Christians became aware of "Stranger in a Strange Land" and decided to make a movie with that same plot element.

My evidence is ---
1] There are several images or scenes in which Luke is compared to the Christ.
2] Luke has not done anything sinful.
3] Near the very end of the movie, ---
. . a] The warden has warned Luke that if he escapes again they will kill him. Luke has escaped the 3rd time and is in a church.
. . b] He looks up and says, 'I have never believed in you (God), what do I do now?' None of these are the exact words.
. . c] He hears a car's brakes outside, and goes to the window to see the prison car outside with people getting out. He looks up again and says, 'Is that your answer?'
. . d] Soon after he is shot and wounded. Soon after he is loaded into the car, and we learn they will drive past a hospital to take him back to the prison infirmary. We learn he bled to death on the way.
. . e] Luke's friend and fellow escapee tells us that Luke had his 'cool smirk' on his face as he died.
. . f] We never see the prison people suffer at all.

I think that from the Christian POV, Luke won in the game of life, and he knew (the smirk) that God had welcomed him into heaven and he also knew that all of the prison people would be sent elsewhere.

All it lacks to be is a slam dunk, is the 1st scene being set in heaven in which the Archangel Luke is sent to earth on a mission by God. Or, a flash back scene at the very end.
. . . In any case, Luke fulfilled God's plan in his life, and God took him to heaven at the only time in his life at which he believed in God and Christ. God could have let him live, but maybe God knew that Luke would backslide as he was punished again by the guards. It was better to take him then. He had done what God had planned for him to do, give hope to the prisoners so some of them would also believe.
The whole point of this film is that, you win the game of life by getting into heaven, nothing else matters.
What we have here, is a failure to communicate.

A lot of the best movies do not have the predictable "Happily ever after", ending. I do not find this to be a failure of the movie, but rather a success.
Godstud wrote:What we have here, is a failure to communicate.

A lot of the best movies do not have the predictable "Happily ever after", ending. I do not find this to be a failure of the movie, but rather a success.

I never said it was a failure.
I said that nobody understood the point of the movie.
They were trying to find a way to still see Luke as a normal hero. It can't be done.
No normal hero ever fails to make the bad guys pay and they almost never ever die either.
Steve_American wrote:I never said it was a failure.
I said that nobody understood the point of the movie.
They were trying to find a way to still see Luke as a normal hero. It can't be done.
No normal hero ever fails to make the bad guys pay and they almost never ever die either.

Leon, Road to Perdition, even the fucking Matrix. Sometimes the protagonist dies. The point of the movie was about prison life and the chain gang mentality. I guess life in prison isn't pretty so why expect a happy ending?
This is a crazy, crazy thread.

You see, I was recently arrested and jailed for cutting down no parking signs.

My neighbor, who is a marine who was in Vietnam, told me I should go watch Cool Hand Luke, and that he was basically arrested for what I was.

I watched the film, and found it entertaining.

Yeah, I got no more to say on it than that, though.
Last edited by Crantag on 01 Oct 2021 08:30, edited 1 time in total.
This is essentially how I looked, that night, about 2 months ago.

I did get to see the inside of a jail, but I didn't get sentenced to two years like Luke. Was some bullshit, but I be dealing with it.

Edit: yeah, my court date is tomorrow, but they agreed to drop the charges. I paid money, but this thread ain't about me, it is Cool Hand Look, and Cool Hand Crantag. I'm in the clear, for the most part, but watch the clip.
I really was arrested for the same sort of shit as Cool Hand Luke recently, though.

I don't know the point of this thread.

I think Steve is unfamiliar with the truism, that the Jews run Hollywood, so his accusations seem unfounded.

(Said by an Arabic Jew.)

I don't get the point, but maybe he can restate it in layman's terms for me.

But, a good film reference.
B0ycey wrote:Leon, Road to Perdition, even the fucking Matrix. Sometimes the protagonist dies. The point of the movie was about prison life and the chain gang mentality. I guess life in prison isn't pretty so why expect a happy ending?

I ask you, why would Christians want to fund a movie that was just about prison life?
I still like my reason why they funded it.
Godstud wrote:What we have here, is a failure to communicate.

That line is not in the original book and according to Donn Pearce is not something that would ever have been said by the guards.

What does this move mean to me? The conditions of the prison camp are certainly brutal, but we must remember the context of the early 1950s when so many young American men were going off to fight in the terrible conditions of the Korean war. So I just want to put in a personal thank-you to America and to the British and other western men who made such sacrifices in the cause of freedom against the Communist enemy. The device that I am writing this from has not one but two 970 EVO's in it.

Obviously from an orthodox Marxist perspective Luke would be considered lumpen proletariat and would probably face an even harsher fate in North Korean prison camp. But perhaps the most important message of the film is anti alcohol. Its only because Luke's under the influence that he ends up on the path of self destruction and the wasting of a life that clearly had great unrealised potential.
Steve_American wrote:I said that nobody understood the point of the movie.
:eh: The point was to tell a story to entertain, and it did.

Luke was an anti-hero. He was the rebel out to create chaos, but in an endearing way where you sort of liked him, despite it. He also didn't complain when he was held responsible for his actions. He just took it.
Steve_American wrote:I ask you, why would Christians want to fund a movie that was just about prison life?
I still like my reason why they funded it.

I don't really know why they funded it or whether they funded it but I assume they did give you are so sure. But what I do know is that the film was based on the book which was about prison life and the chain gang and the narrative had to end somehow. Was it about redemption? Maybe. But Luke was against the system when he walked in and basically died because he didn't cave in. Would Christians support that narrative? Perhaps not. So why would they put their money in? I guess because it was an investment in a Newman film that was guaranteed to make a profit.
Godstud wrote:
:eh: The point was to tell a story to entertain, and it did.

Luke was an anti-hero. He was the rebel out to create chaos, but in an endearing way where you sort of liked him, despite it. He also didn't complain when he was held responsible for his actions. He just took it.

There have been a bunch of movies where part of the message is 'the South sucks'.

But for the most part, I agree with you.

One of my favorite movies is Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou, and guess what..

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