A Great Time to be in Opposition! - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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So the Greens want to give me £320 for my gas and electricity. Not complaining and certainly would take it. It is similar to what France did with giving citizens €100 which was means tested I guess. But I would like to know why the opposition (mainly Labour, but SNP and Lib Dems too) think we hide a fucking money tree somewhere. If it isn't the £20 uplift, its extending furlough, international aide, instillation everyones home, better boiler subsidises, keeping the triple lock or some other form of bloody handout. I understand times are hard, but it isn't like inflation wasn't talked about when we went into lockdown and everyone was all for doing that then. We are where we are and there is no getting round we need to spend more sensible now. We managed to cope after the war and we managed it in the 70s. Nobody likes to tighten their belt but that is just how it is now. And I only hope the opposition doesn't have freebie fever if they ever do get into power. Brown couldn't spend his way out of debt and neither will the Greens.
Money used to keep corrupt bankers in their private jets- quantitative easing, sensible, responsible
Money used to keep working class people fed and warm- magic money tree, reckless, irresponsible
AFAIK wrote:Money used to keep corrupt bankers in their private jets- quantitative easing, sensible, responsible

Nobody has mentioned this.

Money used to keep working class people fed and warm- magic money tree, reckless, irresponsible

How about taxation to pay for things???

It is easy to demand and offer things. When it comes to ideas to pay for them, the opposition stumble on it. There is nothing wrong with the ideas being put forward but it does need to be paid for somehow. Which is why it is easy to be part of the opposition right now. A lot of things are wanted and needed. But we simply don't have the plan for it to be sustainable.
AFAIK wrote:Fiat money is created when gov't spends it. Money is destroyed when gov't taxes it. The only reason to balance the budget is to control inflation.

Given we are in a state of inflation and the BoE is talking about raising interest rates, what is your point?
B0ycey wrote:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59009366

So the Greens want to give me £320 for my gas and electricity. Not complaining and certainly would take it. It is similar to what France did with giving citizens €100 which was means tested I guess. But I would like to know why the opposition (mainly Labour, but SNP and Lib Dems too) think we hide a fucking money tree somewhere. If it isn't the £20 uplift, its extending furlough, international aide, instillation everyones home, better boiler subsidises, keeping the triple lock or some other form of bloody handout. I understand times are hard, but it isn't like inflation wasn't talked about when we went into lockdown and everyone was all for doing that then. We are where we are and there is no getting round we need to spend more sensible now. We managed to cope after the war and we managed it in the 70s. Nobody likes to tighten their belt but that is just how it is now. And I only hope the opposition doesn't have freebie fever if they ever do get into power. Brown couldn't spend his way out of debt and neither will the Greens.

- Yours sincerely, Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.
Inflation can reach 10% without harming an economy. BoE likes to keep it at 2% to preserve the wealth of the rich. Inflating your way out of debt is also a viable option.
AFAIK wrote:Inflation can reach 10% without harming an economy. BoE likes to keep it at 2% to preserve the wealth of the rich. Inflating your way out of debt is also a viable option.

Nobody is talking about paying off the national debt but to curb spending. The irony is inflation is why there is talk of needing to borrow more which is the consequence of uncontrolled borrowing. In other words it is a paradox and circular reasoning. But to help you out, during times of inflation, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer due to the rich having assets which as a consequence of inflation goes up in value. What you are saying is you want to have inflation to lower the national debt (in real terms) in order for the price of living for the poor to go up which then requires more borrowing, which then makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and then needs more borrowing and we then go round and round again.
Funny that I always get accused of being far right as I've long been supportive of national basic income. When we were in the EU I was supportive of European Basic Income. I also seem to one of first people to raise the idea of a real universal basic income, one that would be paid to every adult in the world. Note this is not some pie eyed utopian idea that needs international consensus to get started. No if you started at very modest level of income and started with getting distribution of money in some of the smaller poorest countries in Africa and Asia, this is something that could be done by individual governments or even individual governments.

I will also have it noted that I was one of the few people who took a principled moral stand on vaccines and said I would refuse to take the vaccine till every person in the poorer parts of the world had been offered it. The Liberal establishment in most western countries have gone with the National Socialist approach. The Nazis were obsessed by the health of nation. They thought the interests of the health of the nation, as decided by them of course, should override every consideration of personal Liberty, choice or autonomy, while the rest of the world could go die for all they cared. If Liberals had pushed for a world wide vaccine mandate, then at least they would have had an argument, but my response to anyone who supports national vaccine mandates is fuck off you Nazi.

Anyway on a national level I'm not against the principle of putting extra taxes on things that are considered socially undesirable, but if we are going to tax alcohol and tobacco, then the money should be redistributed in a national basic income because these sin taxes disproportionately hit the poorest whether working, unemployed or retired. The same goes for these taxes to subsidise the Green Energy industrial complex. I don't doubt that the Prince Andrew, Alec Baldwin and George Clooney's of this world have above average energy bills, especially as they often have to provide live in accommodation for their servants, but proportionality green energy rules and taxes hit the poorest hardest. So I think I'm in braod sympathy with @B0ycey 's point.

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