Cops Shoot 65 Year Old Man in Wheelchair in the Back - Politics | PoFo

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Igor Antunov wrote:
Maybe don't give uniforms and guns to brainlets? There should be more funding pumped into police to ensure they're trained over a number of years before being allowed to do autonomous duty. And entry requirements should be much stricter. For that the departments need more resources not less.

Uh-huh. If this was *any* other industry / area, like that of Big Tobacco, the global public would be going 'WTF!' -- here it's considered a perennial 'bad apples' sitch that pops up every so often. "Yawn."
I think US has more police per capita than any other country. This county/city-based policing scheme needs to end. It's rife with corruption and rampant waste. You should have each state fund and emphasize a proper elite state police force with jurisdiction over the entire state. Texas State Police for example should be expanded and policing all of Texas, not just the highways. Shut down all local departments. They're clearly shit. Have the federal government mandate this on the states like it's trying to mandate the meme vaccine.
Igor Antunov wrote:
I think US has more police per capita than any other country. This county/city-based policing scheme needs to end. It's rife with corruption and rampant waste. You should have each state fund and emphasize a proper elite state police force with jurisdiction over the entire state. Texas State Police for example should be expanded and policing all of Texas, not just the highways. Shut down all local departments. They're clearly shit. Have the federal government mandate this on the states like it's trying to mandate the meme vaccine.

Or just all-out *fascism*. Hey, where's your boy Trump *now* -- !
This officer was immediately fired of course. He will do the rest of his life in jail and then work at roofing for the rest of it.

For once I agree with Igor. Cops should be far better trained. One key part of that training is that the use of deadly force is not a question of what can be alibied or explained away. It is the most serious thing a policeman does. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for what this policeman did.

Since this is in my town I will tell you that the police sergeant acquaintance of mine that I spoke to right after it happened was sick to death about it. Visibly shaken. This happens in those racist cracker departments but not here.

Perhaps we should disarm all but a few police. But wait. Do that at a time when everyone and his sister are packing heat? There's a good idea.

The US has lost its soul. It is not worthy of its claim to exceptionalism anymore. I did not think "it" could happen here. I thought we were better at our core than this. No longer.
Saeko wrote:

Where do they go from here? Murdering crippled orphans in their sleep? :roll:

What the fuck is that.

What the FUCK?

This is not lack of training, this is lack of brains. How does an old guy on a wheelchair running away from you can possibly pose a threat to you as to shoot no less than 9 shots in the back?
Igor Antunov wrote: For that the departments need more resources not less.

The resources that they need is brains and compassion. You think it is a funding issue? They have all the cool toys, big fast cars, a bizzilion guns, half a dozen electronic guizmos, lasers, tasers, radios. They mistreat their equipment and damage our public assets by driving like lunatics. A large portion of what they do is harassing homeless, mentally ill people, traffic violations, etc. They don't need anymore funding, what the "police" force needs is to employ a few empathetic human beings and get rid of bullies with guns.
ckaihatsu wrote:Yet the statists carry on like nothing's wrong.

I just cannot believe how is this not the #1 story everywhere... This is just as outrageous as Ahmaud Arbery if not more. Why isn't the 2nd cop shooting the first cop? Isn't it that good people with guns are supposed to stop bad people with guns from committing this kind of atrocities?
XogGyux wrote:
I just cannot believe how is this not the #1 story everywhere... This is just as outrageous as Ahmaud Arbery if not more. Why isn't the 2nd cop shooting the first cop?

Cop buddies, as I recall. Probably the code-of-silence and all of that. 'Tradecraft' / industry secrets, if you like.

XogGyux wrote:
Isn't it that good people with guns are supposed to stop bad people with guns from committing this kind of atrocities?

The cops unions are more like medieval *guilds*, if I understand it correctly. They benefit from a *labor monopoly* of sorts through their professional union (and over the use of physical force), so it's the *organizational culture* -- virtually *hereditary* in composition -- that determines practice and outcomes, as with the pair's summary execution of Arbery.
XogGyux wrote:The resources that they need is brains and compassion. You think it is a funding issue? They have all the cool toys, big fast cars, a bizzilion guns, half a dozen electronic guizmos, lasers, tasers, radios. They mistreat their equipment and damage our public assets by driving like lunatics. A large portion of what they do is harassing homeless, mentally ill people, traffic violations, etc. They don't need anymore funding, what the "police" force needs is to employ a few empathetic human beings and get rid of bullies with guns.

Additional resources need to be put into the training and vetting. They get all the toys but they have inadequate training and clearly the only qualification you need to join up is a pulse. They need to attend at least 2-3 years of university level courses, it's how it's done in many countries. That weeds out the brainlets.

And no, excess empathy would be a whole can of worms. You would have a huge turnover rate because cops playing shrinks would be too mentally taxing on any cop. Police deal with the worst of the worst (1%) of the population 90% of the time. That's why they're so strung out. It is shown that the most ideal police share many characteristics with criminal mindsets. You want officers who are NOT emotionally invested at all. Who can detach themselves from the subject matter and just do the job.

They're just there to enforce established laws and the only way to do that properly is to not employ jumpy brainlets that thing shooting a disabled man in the back is necessary. This cop fucked up so bad BECAUSE he was emotional i.e in this case afraid. You need less emotion, not more. It's not day care it's policing.

Also fuck drug addicts. They need to be killed on sight. Long term drug addicts are not entirely human anymore. Same regard should be afforded them as to rabid dogs. I speak from extensive experience these are basically subhuman shells walking around shitting up the place, their brains are so fucked up they don't function. Thankfully even here the far better trained police treat them accordingly. They tried the whole community policing meme for a few years, even got more female officers in. Quickly did a 180 when they saw how idiotic that was.
Igor Antunov wrote:
Also fuck drug addicts. They need to be killed on sight. Long term drug addicts are not entirely human anymore. Same regard should be afforded them as to rabid dogs. I speak from extensive experience these are basically subhuman shells walking around shitting up the place, their brains are so fucked up they don't function. Thankfully even here the far better trained police treat them accordingly. They tried the whole community policing meme for a few years, even got more female officers in. Quickly did a 180 when they saw how idiotic that was.

Free Heroin, Cocaine & Meth Are Being Distributed to Stop Overdoses

Igor Antunov wrote:
Just prolonging and spreading the problem and costing society more than any number of pandemics could cost long term. Doesn't matter they tax it and profit from it, it's still going to destroy millions of lives every year like alcohol and cost the healthcare system inordinate amounts.

Probably *not* -- you're exaggerating and up-valuing for the War on Drugs.

United States

Based upon representative samples of the US youth population in 2011, the lifetime prevalence[note 10] of addictions to alcohol and illicit drugs has been estimated to be approximately 8% and 2–3% respectively.[24] Based upon representative samples of the US adult population in 2011, the 12 month prevalence of alcohol and illicit drug addictions were estimated at roughly 12% and 2–3% respectively.[24] The lifetime prevalence of prescription drug addictions is currently around 4.7%.[162]
Tolerance and normalization doesn't work bro. Neither does wack a mole prohibition.

The only solution is a zero tolerance policy. Little baggy of weed = hanging at the end of a rope.

Works wonders in East Asia I love not having to share public streets and services with the mentally ill. Then I come back to Australia, and it's a war zone.

Now back on topic, this old man was clearly executed. Where is the outrage?
Igor Antunov wrote:I love not having to share public streets and services with the mentally ill.

Does that include the simple?

Be careful what you wish for as many a time I've thought you a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.
Igor Antunov wrote:Tolerance and normalization doesn't work bro. Neither does wack a mole prohibition.

The only solution is a zero tolerance policy. Little baggy of weed = hanging at the end of a rope.

Bullshit. In Switzerland addicts get heroin from the state. That keeps them off the streets and enables them to have a half-way normal life. We had a large public drug scene in the 80s/early 90s which has completely disappeared as a consequence.
Igor Antunov wrote:
Tolerance and normalization doesn't work bro. Neither does wack a mole prohibition.

The only solution is a zero tolerance policy. Little baggy of weed = hanging at the end of a rope.

Works wonders in East Asia I love not having to share public streets and services with the mentally ill. Then I come back to Australia, and it's a war zone.

Duh -- 'zero tolerance' *is* whack-a-mole prohibition.

Look at who you're in bed with:

His political positions have been described as populist[23][24][25] and nationalist.[26][27][28] Duterte's political success has been aided by his vocal support for the extrajudicial killing of drug users and other criminals.[29] His career has sparked numerous protests and attracted controversy, particularly over human rights issues and his controversial comments. Duterte has repeatedly confirmed to have personally killed criminal suspects during his term as mayor of Davao.[30][31] Extrajudicial killings allegedly committed by the Davao Death Squad between 1998 and 2016 during Duterte's mayoralty have also been scrutinised by human rights groups and the Office of the Ombudsman;[32][33] the victims were mainly alleged drug users, alleged petty criminals, and street children.[34][35] The International Criminal Court also opened a preliminary investigation into Duterte's drug war in 2018,[36] prompting Duterte to withdraw the Philippines from the body in response.[37] He is the only president in the Philippines not to declare his assets and liabilities.[38]


Igor Antunov wrote:
Now back on topic, this old man was clearly executed. Where is the outrage?

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